This is what happened when I watched Bunny Drop, actually.
What is this from?
Is it Kurokami? I don't remember for sure since I only watched one episode of whatever it was, but I think it was that...
there's your answer. Kurokami the Animation.
I highly recommend against it. It starts out with promise as a weird battle anime with some pretty sweet animation/choreography. Reminded me a bit of Ben-To.
But then like 2 episodes later it just becomes standard battle anime with main character who can't do crap, the animation quality drops, and it just overall goes bad. In fact the most interesting part of the anime was the first episode when it was
"Everything I love dies" the anime. God I wish I could experience Another again. Those deaths.
It also cements Washuu's position as best character in the show.Tenchi Muyo! OVA 12
That whole exchange between Washu and Dr. Clay may very well have been the highlight of the show so far. Just so hilarious how much she was fucking with him and not taking him the least bit seriously for the most part despite being a fairly serious situation.
A favorite moment of mine from that ep was the look on Washuu's face after being asked if she's proud of Ryouko.Tenchi Muyo! OVA 13
"Meoooow Meoooow meow meow meow meow Meoooow Meoooow meow meow meow meow meoooooooooow meooooooooooow Meow Meow Meow"
Last episode was the best episode. Misaki's interactions with everybody were pretty hilarious, especially with Ryoko. And then the King chose that douche to be Ayeka's husband? What the hell did he see in him? He's a massive douchebag with horrible hair. Seriously how could you tell your own daughter to fuck that guy?
Mihoshi's entrance was great as usual. Was hilarious how Washu bet on her and then everybody else figured out what she meant and got their umbrellas ready.
What we need is an anime of Zero.
Yes we do.
You're confusing me.But I liked Rebellion.
I mean for anime fansubs.With the caveat that I have never actually looked for these things, I don't think there's an active subbing scene in Japan(?). They wait until Game of Thrones is dubbed before they watch, I think.
Here are the winners of the two posters!
1. Thoraxes
2. firehawk12
Congrats!!! I hope to do one for Toradora! down the line as well. Until then!
I mean for anime fansubs.
There's a reason why nerds can put out subs before CR does sometimes.
Toradora 19
Well, they certainly clean up nicely.
Oh my god, Kitamura. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but let'say thatTL is in play for a brief moment.
Aww, that was sweet of Ryuji. And now Taiga realizes her feelings.
Oh god, my heart. This show loves stomping on it.
What hype and praise?
Pretty sure Fate/Stay Night is universally loathed.
Any "hype and praise" you see for FSN is specifically for the VN. The anime is nearly universally hated.
You may be thinking of Fate/Zero.
You're watching the wrong show.
Fate Zero is the popular one. FSN in its time was fairly popular but has been effectively replaced by FZ.
Yep. Inaban is the best.
So I need to find a change-of-pace series to start because I have good/bad feelings about where Milky Holmes S2 is going.
Just give out suggestions and I'll pick whatever.
See people always say this and I always go, "really"?
Don't get me wrong, I love Toradora to death (well except the ending but that's for another day and discussion), but I didn't get sad or upset at that part. It didn't give me a whole lot of time to absorb that moment. I just went. I never got the feels during the show. No heart stomping moments. Just a few sweet moments and a few moments were characters do dumb stuff so sometimes you get a little sad."oh Taiga just realized that Ryuji is awesome. Cool."
But after what After Story did to me, it would take something pretty potent to get me bawl like that again. Toradora wasn't that anime and that's not what I expected it to be when I watched it. So I didn't expect it but when it did happen my face was like :/.
But I am always flabbergasted when people say that. And that's fine I guess. Shows affect people in different ways. I watched Angel Beats before Clannad. Had I not done that I probably wouldn't have been as emotionally attached to that show. I felt sad when the show (Toradora) wanted me to be sad and was laughing when it wanted me to laugh. But I never got the feels nor did I think for a second it was stepping on my heart. Because that's not the show it was. It was a lighthearted show and I took it in stride. The feels was never a part of the equation.
ButTaiga's scream.
you're a robot
I don't remember how or if i reacted
*yawn* Watch more shoujo.
lol. you said yourself that emotions differ from person to person so by definition you couldn't possibly have been lied to. but i do agree that expectations will colour how you feel about something so I try and avoid them as much as possible. (although i appear to spread them still, so, idk)
Wait, you got disappointed and dehyped in episode 1? Haha, that's a bit early to be making conclusions for a show.I did say that. Still feel like it was hyped a bit too much.
That's why I dropped that hype expectation by episode 2/3 and just enjoyed it for what it was, a great RomCom.
Watch Monster, that is certainly a change of pace.
Wait, you got disappointed and dehyped in episode 1? Haha, that's a bit early to be making conclusions for a show.
It's deep love.Im still amazed that you love Kurumi so much but havent watched the show (she shows up in episode 7 I think)
i think he expected it to be something else entirely.
i should give this clannad thing a watch someday
Haibane Renmei 6
Oh crap! Things are happening!
There was quite a bit of foreshadowing toin this episode. I knewKu's Day of Flight. But strangely I wasn't sad about it. I don't know. I wasn't enamoredshe was going away. Well at least I know that this is a thing. However, I feel like I was supposed to be sad about that ending but I'm really not.with Ku
So anyone looking for Hitsugi no Chaika?
Come on,look at those eyebrows
But I liked Rebellion.
See people always say this and I always go, "really"?
Don't get me wrong, I love Toradora to death (well except the ending but that's for another day and discussion), but I didn't get sad or upset at that part. It didn't give me a whole lot of time to absorb that moment. I just went. I never got the feels during the show. No heart stomping moments. Just a few sweet moments and a few moments were characters do dumb stuff so sometimes you get a little sad."oh Taiga just realized that Ryuji is awesome. Cool."
But after what After Story did to me, it would take something pretty potent to get me bawl like that again. Toradora wasn't that anime and that's not what I expected it to be when I watched it. So I didn't expect it but when it did happen my face was like :/.
I am always flabbergasted when people say that. And that's fine I guess. Shows affect people in different ways. I watched Angel Beats before Clannad. Had I not done that I probably wouldn't have been as emotionally attached to that show. I felt sad when the show (Toradora) wanted me to be sad and was laughing when it wanted me to laugh. But I never got the feels nor did I think for a second it was stepping on my heart. Because that's not the show it was. It was a lighthearted show and I took it in stride. The feels was never a part of the equation.
It's deep love.
First and last VA pun I'll ever make.
Yes we do.
Violinist of HamelnHmmm. If that didnt affect you I dunno what would.
Maybe Saikano.
Definitely Barefoot Gen.
More revelations and stuff to come no worries.
I liked Ku a lot. A happy and bouncy optimistic person like myself.
Makes me wonder which Haibane character animegaffers would be like lol.
Also this fansite:
Beware there is open discussion about every aspect of Haibane Renmei so visit this site after watching it.
Hmmm. If that didnt affect you I dunno what would.
Maybe Saikano.
Definitely Barefoot Gen.
Violinist of Hameln
Got this today:
Too bad 5 Centimeters Per Second hasn't been released on Blu-ray in English.
What is that Clannad AS box? Is it a special box or BD from Japan? I need that!
TV anime artbook. Got the Clannad one from before.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Act 2 1
We spend a minute or two rehashing jokes from the first season and then... we... suddenly Harvest.. Moon?
Wait what? What?
What even is this episode?!
Kuroneko's sister is the cutest thing ever.
Oh my fucking god, I think I'm in love now. Let's start a beautiful family together, Kiririn.
Mushishi 19
Aw, this was a really sweet episode. That's two in a row. Does that mean the next one is going to be double dark.![]()
It'll at least be something different.You recommend this? I'll be sure to hate on it.
No seriously, I'll give it a go if you think it will move me.
Avengers Disk Wars - Episode 1
That was pretty bad. Direction was totally erratic, nothing flowed naturally, scene transitions didn't exist, and most importantly the designs were SO BAD. Everyone looked like some weird uglyass thing out of a bad Digimon series. Hulk probably looked the best, along with the MODOK cameo. Anyone who's supposed to be remotely human looking was ass. It was dumb, it wasn't fun, and it was ugly. Dropped!