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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Nagi no Asukara 26 + Final Thoughts

I've never had a huge problem with Okada, though that could be because I've avoided some of her more infamous shows. I was attracted to this one because of the idea of a world beneath the sea. It's the same thing that hooked me on Umi Monogatari, and it worked just as well here. The sea is simple, the sea is primordial, and given as big of a place in folklore as the sun and moon.

While it had some of the Okadaisms I've come to expect (quirky episode titles, melodrama), I liked what it did. The time skip in particular was an interesting way to move the story forward, and the conclusion wrapped up a lot of ongoing plot points in a way that feels satisfactory.
Miuna's broken-heartedness is kind of sad, but as the story said, for someone to fall in love, someone must be hurt.
This was, in many, many ways, her story. Hikari changed too (he was much more sympathetic in the second half), but both of their growth was documented well. Everything looked beautiful, and the supernatural elements always felt like they were in on the story just the right amount. Driving it, but not overpowering it.

It was a fun experience, and while I don't have much strong feelings on romance in anime - since the romance is usually a supplement to at least one or two other stories going on, be they comedy or drama - this one mostly pulled off the balancing act of keeping people guessing while also laying hints for what the final pairings would eventually be. And of course, it looked beautiful. A surprisingly pleasant watch.


Selector Infected WIXOSS Episode 1:

Wow, that was really, really, really boring. Like I almost fell asleep in places it was so dull. It also made me admire the semblances of personality Majin Bone had in its first episode. Anyway, so this is what one would get if Madoka Magica and Yu-Go-Oh! has a kid as we have cute girls playing card games in order to get one wish and it is set to some very depressing and melancholy tonality. Yea, not going to lie I only watched this because nothing else has started and I have a hard time seeing myself coming back.


So when does the Spring 2014 thread get made? I always rely on the excellent summaries in the OT to determine what I want to watch. :p


Nagi no Asukara 26

That was a nice finale I guess. All the obvious pairing were obviously paired.
is a loveless loser and it was overall pretty sweet. Not having a single kiss was total bullshit though. You've got one totally together pair, one basically together pair and one could be together pair but you don't even have one of them kiss. That's bullshit. They had a perfect opportunity to have Chisaki and Tsumugu kiss when they get to the train station but they don't even show that! How do you not end a romance show with a kiss!?



Reki Kawahara's Sword Art Online light novels feature interesting explorations of of point of views, of relationships between people as well as between virtual and fictional and real worlds. Hirose Masahiro seems to think so, with the books now on their Japanese literature syllabus at the Aichi University of Education.

As outlined, the handling of different layers of worlds and perspectives featured in first two books of SAO will be discussed and compared to similar themes in the works of other writing.


Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 1

fhana OP is the best. And the ending contains a little bit of KanaHana quasi-rapping that reminds me of Ren'ai Circulation. Can't complain.

As for the show itself, this felt like very introductory stuff and I'm not quite sure what to expect from it going forward, but I see slice-of-life, I see comedy, and I see potential romance. I will say it caught my eye visually - there's a really distinctive quality to the use of colour and especially lighting. (If anything, it takes the lighting a bit too far, with "light ray" highlights over almost every shot, but it does look pretty nice.) And the animation looks pretty nice when it's not relying on those manga-frame style shots with abstract background and pop-up reaction faces.

The characters are very much anime-y stereotypes, but not excessively common ones. The MC is of course the most generic, with his whole schtick being a desire for a quiet, ordinary life, which of course means he's going to get nothing of the sort. The main girl is a short-haired girl of few words and muted expressions who's quick to attack people with a bamboo sword but evidently a sweet person underneath. Then there's the unlucky-in-love older woman with a drinking problem. And probably the most entertaining of the lot is the MC's roommate, an unashamed pervert with wild masochistic tendencies.

I certainly can't see this being a standout of the season, but it has the potential to be a high-tier-ish show depending on where it goes from here. I guess time will tell.

NagiAsu 26

EDIT:Wait you can't spoiler tag edits? Can someone teach me how.


Tis was not that satisfying of a conclusion for me. Once the 2nd half started I thought it would have been shit hitting the fan, it was a kitten grabbing the cord and then falling off like that one gif.


Full Metal Panic 24-fin


A tiny bit of ass-pull but its anime thats to be expected. Some great characters, even the side ones, and great pacing. Id say this is one of gonzo's better successes and I'd watch it again. Looking forward to Second Raid.

Overall Id rate this pretty highly 9/10. Thank you Corvy.


So you know how in Zeta Gundam Kamille achieves Ultimate Pimp of the Universe status by being a Newtype whose special psychic power is girlomancy and lets him make every girl he comes in contact want his dick?

Well you see, after Zeta Gundam Tomino went insane, and this was a good thing. Because in ZZ it let him have fun with that concept. So Judau Ashta is irresistible to women but he doesn't really want any action. This is Chara Soon trying to force herself on him because Judau's mere presence drives her into the same crazy aroused state that battle does. It's batshit crazy and it's totally Tomino.

I've only see bits of Zeta Gundam (which I no longer remember) and I've never seen ZZ Gundam so I can't say I get the references so my only response can be jeeeeeezzzzzzzz. Dude be cray cray and likes to write cray cray characters/scenarios O_O

I think those calling Space Dandy the worst anime of the season might be using the term 'worst' over 'biggest disappointment' depending on what you were expecting.

While the first half was generally lackluster with only 2-3 great episodes, the second half only has half an episode which I genuinely consider to be bad. The one with the flea people. I mean who puts that after a very touching first half with a space dog?

Frankly, even the "bad" episodes of Dandy are better than average/good episodes in a lot of other shows this season.

So is Aichi University of Education like Japan's equivalent of the University of Phoenix? Like I can almost, almost understand looking at the novels as examples of poor writing/pandering (i.e. showing fiction writers things they should NOT do) but taking the books even remotely seriously? Nah man, way too many, better authors have written about similar themes for these books to be worth a damn.



Full Metal Panic 24-fin


A tiny bit of ass-pull but its anime thats to be expected. Some great characters, even the side ones, and great pacing. Id say this is one of gonzo's better successes and I'd watch it again. Looking forward to Second Raid.

Overall Id rate this pretty highly 9/10. Thank you Corvy.

Are you going to watch Fumoffu in between? You don't have to, but it's pretty great.

I've only see bits of Zeta Gundam (which I no longer remember) and I've never seen ZZ Gundam so I can't say I get the references so my only response can be jeeeeeezzzzzzzz. Dude be cray cray and likes to write cray cray characters/scenarios O_O

The woman pinning Judau against the wall, Chara, is introduced as some kind of super soldier who suffocates in a mech cockpit. To resolve this issue she rips open/off the front of her flight-suit. Her grabbing Judau and strangling him in this way is pretty much her running gag. It's dumb, but it's appreciably dumb when you consider that the previous show had women lining up for the protagonist and he just rolled with it. It's a nice, if insane, contrast.


So is Aichi University of Education like Japan's equivalent of the University of Phoenix? Like I can almost, almost understand looking at the novels as examples of poor writing/pandering (i.e. showing fiction writers things they should NOT do) but taking the books even remotely seriously? Nah man, way too many, better authors have written about similar themes for these books to be worth a damn.

Well I could see its use as one of many, especially if you are looking at the themes in Japanese culture. I probably find it more interesting that light novels at all are used as anything beyond looking at ya fiction.


Are you going to watch Fumoffu in between? You don't have to, but it's pretty great.

The woman pinning Judau against the wall, Chara, is introduced as some kind of super soldier who suffocates in a mech cockpit. To resolve this issue she rips open/off the front of her flight-suit. Her grabbing Judau and strangling him in this way is pretty much her running gag. It's dumb, but it's appreciably dumb when you consider that the previous show had women lining up for the protagonist and he just rolled with it. It's a nice, if insane, contrast.

I actually watched Fumoffu quite a few times. It was the only FMP series I owned so I was already familiar with the characters and setting, but that was much more lighthearted than this series. Now I can finally watch TSR.


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 2

Haha, Misa is pretty good. Deciding to just sunbathe instead of going back to fight Sammy. I like how Rumiya is basically just Ramia's personal punching bag to beat the shit out of every time she gets angry.

Apparently running laps and doing pull-ups is all you need to be able to learn how to do your finishing move.

So is there a reason that Ramia targeted Misao in particular to be the host where Misa comes from? I feel like it should be because she's so close to Sasami, but I don't think that's been confirmed, at least not yet.
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