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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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I have now met the best character in Tatami Galaxy.


Because he's inside of all of us. Godspeed Johnny. Godspeed.
I've only see bits of Zeta Gundam (which I no longer remember) and I've never seen ZZ Gundam so I can't say I get the references so my only response can be jeeeeeezzzzzzzz. Dude be cray cray and likes to write cray cray characters/scenarios O_O

Frankly, even the "bad" episodes of Dandy are better than average/good episodes in a lot of other shows this season.

So is Aichi University of Education like Japan's equivalent of the University of Phoenix? Like I can almost, almost understand looking at the novels as examples of poor writing/pandering (i.e. showing fiction writers things they should NOT do) but taking the books even remotely seriously? Nah man, way too many, better authors have written about similar themes for these books to be worth a damn.

What shows would that be my fine sir.


Akuma no Riddle 1

Okay, I really like this. The concept is right up my alley. I love these kind of stories where they just gather a bunch of interesting characters and pit them against each other in a twisted "game". And for bonus points, in this one pretty much all the characters seem to be basically batshit psycho. Well, they are all assassins after all. And all female, which helps. It's basically yanderes as far as the eye can see, except without the dere.

Oh, but then there's the MC's roommate, who it seems obvious to both the viewer and the characters must be the "target" everyone is supposed to be assassinating. I have to wonder if something so obvious can actually be the truth, though if this is going the way I think it's going, her status as target seems pretty crucial to the whole idea of the story, so maybe it really is that simple. Target or not, though, she's definitely got dark issues beneath the surface.

At any rate, the dynamic between the MC and this roommate makes me feel like I'm watching one of those Precure heel-face-turn storylines from the perspective of the redeemable villain. The MC is an emotionless (if crazy badass) empty shell who shows no emotion and seems like she's just here to carry out her mission of murder as efficiently as possible. Her roommate, meanwhile, is (at least outwardly) the sweetest girl you could possibly meet, and already seems to be melting the MC's stony heart with her innocence and goodheartedness. It seems inevitable that the MC will turn against the whole concept of the game and wind up protecting this girl from all the other assassins trying to kill her. With all the delicious yuri implications that entails.

So yeah, so far this feels kind of like Crime Edge meets Danganronpa. You're not going to see me complaining about that combination. My only real worry is that, like Crime Edge, this is based on an ongoing manga - in this case, one with only two volumes released so far - and so it seems unlikely that we'll get anything even resembling actual plot resolution by the end of the series. And that makes me sad.

Oh, and the show contains Sugita as a psychotic teacher. I love deranged Sugita characters <3


Nagi no Asukara 26

That was a nice finale I guess. All the obvious pairing were obviously paired.
is a loveless loser and it was overall pretty sweet. Not having a single kiss was total bullshit though. You've got one totally together pair, one basically together pair and one could be together pair but you don't even have one of them kiss. That's bullshit. They had a perfect opportunity to have Chisaki and Tsumugu kiss when they get to the train station but they don't even show that! How do you not end a romance show with a kiss!?

This was my exact same feeling after finishing the show. Sometimes anime shows have a way of letting me down right at the very end. This was one of those times.

Andrew J.

FMP The Second Raid 02

It's Corvo's favorite thing, creepy incestuous twin yuri! I hope these two get more screentime than those catgirls from Escaflowne he's always going on about.

These transitions between wacky school hijinks and serious military conspiracies are a tad jarring.

Who's this douche bag?

That's some pretty sweet martial arts sakuga, even if it only lasted a couple seconds.

If this post is lacking in commentary about Gates, it is only because he leaves me at a loss for words.


Dang Space Bros is just so good

Episode 44 with the talk between the brothers at the end got me real good. Them feels.
Z/X Ignition 12 + Final Thoughts

It was an anime. There were dinosaurs, samurai, angels, creatures of all stripes, and while the characters were never fully defined (I wanted a lot more Chitose, for one), they still had something to them, and the action was never terrible. At times, it felt like the various factions were competing to see who could be the most dickish. Blue and White both made pretty strong cases. Even if there was nothing particularly standout about the show, it was more cohesive than Magical Warfare. That makes it less of a trainwreck and maybe it won't leave as big of an impression, but as far as something to watch goes, it's good for simple action, characters with understandable (if not particularly deep) motivations and a decent world premise. Wixoss will be taking up the "card game anime" mantle in the late night slot... and one can only wonder how that's going to go.

i haven't seen ep 12 yet but this post is exactly what i think .


Oreimo S2 Episode 5, first minute

Fuck this shit. You can't do this to me, Kirino.

Where's Kuroneko when I need her? BRING KURONEKO BACK
Z/X IGNITION Episode 12 [END]

EX:FUTURIZE fuller version sounded perfectly used in this. Great way to hype up the action scene and make it feel thrilling.

A part of me wishes the anime did have a continuation as the brother whoever weve always seen looked pretty epic and
I imagine must also be a Zillion of Enemy EX user
. Anime was excellent at teaching us about proper resource management skills as well as providing a really fun and hilarious time with the card aspects. Audium plot did last a bit longer than it needed too. I enjoyed it. 6/10.


FMP The Second Raid 02

It's Corvo's favorite thing, creepy incestuous twin yuri! I hope these two get more screentime than those catgirls from Escaflowne he's always going on about.

These transitions between wacky school hijinks and serious military conspiracies are a tad jarring.

Who's this douche bag?

That's some pretty sweet martial arts sakuga, even if it only lasted a couple seconds.

If this post is lacking in commentary about Gates, it is only because he leaves me at a loss for words.

When you put it that way.
Nagi no Asukara (Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea) Episode 26

Lull was perfectly used here, I just cant tire of hearing Ray's songs and it was so beautifully used and represented a nice change from how the anime started to their progress now.
such a happy sounding rendition of the song to go with how everyone is back, the sea is nice and colorful, more life with people in the water, unison between earth and sea, happy smiling swimming Akira, laughing Tsumugu being incredible, and everyone all friendly. Our 25 weeks of watching paid out a huge dividend here surprisingly me even. Only fault is a few of the romance fates, like Miuna being a hanging part of it, and Manaka still there.

I will definitely purchase when NISA releases it, I cant imagine how it looks in non sd cr resolution. Ebb and Flow and Lull will always be replayed. 9/10.

Andrew J.

FMP The Second Raid 03

Jidaigeki Spider-man? Never seen that one before.

Most of Gates's antics are a bit too off-putting to be genuinely funny, but I laughed when the shell casings fell on him.

Although I appreciate this show's lack of clunky exposition, sometimes I wish they'd devote a bit more time to world-building. Apparently there's a long-running civil war in China that hasn't come up until now?

Oh hi Otacon.

The way these robots behave is just a little too...human. I mean, a stab to the neck disables one without any sparks or explosions or anything?

Nice tension-building this episode. Even the characters were waiting for the other shoe to drop!


Vivred Operation 01


what the fuck is happening

Man, grandpa is awesome, but now he's a weasel. You can tell he's a mad scientist because he doesn't seem to regard this as a problem

Wow, they actually bothered to evacuate the civilian population before they authorised explosives usage. What is this? How could a show where the opening shot is of a young girl's arse be this decent?
Vivred Operation 01


what the fuck is happening

Man, grandpa is awesome, but now he's a weasel. You can tell he's a mad scientist because he doesn't seem to regard this as a problem

Wow, they actually bothered to evacuate the civilian population before they authorised explosives usage. What is this? How could a show where the opening shot is of a young girl's arse be this decent?
Vroom vroom!


FMP The Second Raid 03

Jidaigeki Spider-man? Never seen that one before.

Most of Gates's antics are a bit too off-putting to be genuinely funny, but I laughed when the shell casings fell on him.

Although I appreciate this show's lack of clunky exposition, sometimes I wish they'd devote a bit more time to world-building. Apparently there's a long-running civil war in China that hasn't come up until now?

Oh hi Otacon.

The way these robots behave is just a little too...human. I mean, a stab to the neck disables one without any sparks or explosions or anything?

Nice tension-building this episode. Even the characters were waiting for the other shoe to drop!

FMP takes place in an alt. history in which the Cold War didn't end, basically, and the US and USSR split China between themselves as it drug on. The robot got disabled because Arm Slaves have this weird muscle-package system thing where if you cut certain muscles or if the packages get too old then the mech can't move. But basically its the same logic behind only mounting the one main camera in a Gundam's head.


So I'm watching Tropa de Elite 2 (Elite Squad 2) for a class, and while I don't wish for this comment to really be taken as anything extreme, it's sort of dawned on me that the general shape of Honnouji City and specifically the area where Mako's family lived was fairly reminiscent of favelas. Which I felt was a fairly nifty thing.


Good Luck Girl 01

I'm surprised this got dubbed. I'm also surprised the dub is actually pretty good - I think (overtly) American-style dubbing just naturally lends itself to comedy.

Surprisingly entertaining.

oh my god a hitch-hiker's guide reference. Excellent.
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