Oh shit, that's right.Still not sure what I'll do with that given it was my number 2 last year. Of course with Season 2 in the spring I can vote for it again with a clear conscience![]()
Two of those can run into each other :x
MikeHattsu is the Ojou-Sama.
mikehattsu is the Loli.
The hell is a Seitokaichou?
AOTY is The Boondocks.
AOTY is The Boondocks.
I'll get started on the Strike Witches thread once more news arises.10. [butts] otaku show that will embarrass [bad people] by its presence in the list
Shard is in a tragedy yaoi manga.
Haha, indeed. The TV show doesn't employ the same art detail as the OVA, but it's stronger otherwise.Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 3
Okay, this show is really goddamn funny. Misa is quickly becoming one of my favorite mahou shoujo villains.
Log Horizon's pretty decent yeah but you could do a hell of a lot better.Good top five.
I thought Log Horizon was actually kinda decent though?
Haha, indeed.
By the way, there's a full version of Pixy Misa's song from that ep.
Guys... We still have 3 more seasons of anime. It's a little premature to be discussing AOTY don't you think?
Other than Space Dandy at #1 and everyone who disagrees sent to re-education camps, I concur.Guys... We still have 3 more seasons of anime. It's a little premature to be discussing AOTY don't you think?
It'd probably place well without TooonamiGAF because it's a great show.4. Space Dandy because ToonamiGAF
Guys... We still have 3 more seasons of anime. It's a little premature to be discussing AOTY don't you think?
psychoninja's list:
1. Clannad AS
2. Clannad AS
3. Clannad AS
4. Clannad AS
5. Clannad AS
6. Clannad AS
7. Clannad AS
8. Clannad AS
9. Clannad AS
10. Tatami Galaxy
A Dojikko Yandere Childhood Friend is probably really frightening. Like that chick from Mirai Nikki
I did a pass on it a while back. Still need to revise and edit it quite a bit, but I'll PM you what I have currently.Can I get a translation of this?
Angry Chitanda is appropriate for these situations.I left to go eat dinner for like twenty minutes; what the hell happened here in that short of a timeframe.
Guys... We still have 3 more seasons of anime. It's a little premature to be discussing AOTY don't you think?
psychoninja's list:
1. Clannad AS
2. Angel Beats
3. Clannad AS
4. Angel Beats
5. Clannad AS
6. Angel Beats
7. Clannad AS
8. Angel Beats
9. Clannad AS
10. Angel Beats
I left to go eat dinner for like twenty minutes; what the hell happened here in that short of a timeframe.
Just thought I'd fix that up.
I left to go eat dinner for like twenty minutes; what the hell happened here in that short of a timeframe.
it's never too early to talk about thingsGuys... We still have 3 more seasons of anime. It's a little premature to be discussing AOTY don't you think?
shindenmaker apparently thinks I'm also the best girl.
Does that make me the best girl?
astrogamer is the Vampire.
So I guess i'm a vampireAstrogamer is the Vampire.
Niches was right.Why does it have to end like this? There is no god after all.
RIP in pieces
AOTY is The Boondocks.
Now that I think about it, Hunter X Hunter Should be AOTY because even the most boring episode is better than the whole season of Kill La Kill.
Shots fired come at me.
Noragami definitely needs to make the Top 10 though.
true aoty will probs look like
1. mushishi
2. gbf
3. ping pong
4. space dandy
5. samumenco
6-10. anything not named log horizon
link to these posts pls
Now that I think about it, Hunter X Hunter Should be AOTY because even the most boring episode is better than the whole season of Kill La Kill.
Shots fired come at me.
Endless Shonen doesn't tend to vote well on the AOTY charts.
This kind of gets explained later, but Misa isn't really an implanted personality but an emergent one. It's basically Misao with all limits, cares, and inhibitions stripped bare, and then given a deliberate twist towards evil. Misao simply has a ton of stuff bottled up inside. In the end, Tsunami and Ramia picked girls very much like themselves.Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 2
So is there a reason that Ramia targeted Misao in particular to be the host where Misa comes from? I feel like it should be because she's so close to Sasami, but I don't think that's been confirmed, at least not yet.
tokyo ravens 24
fun show with some of the most fun magic showdowns ive seen in anime.
hope they adapt more of the ln.