We should ask firehawk12 what obscure monthly OVA he's watching now so we can find out what we'll all be watching in December.
NCIS New Orleans
We should ask firehawk12 what obscure monthly OVA he's watching now so we can find out what we'll all be watching in December.
Endless Shonen doesn't tend to vote well on the AOTY charts.
We should ask firehawk12 what obscure monthly OVA he's watching now so we can find out what we'll all be watching in December.
Because it's one thing to say that an anime that began in Winter 2013 was AOTY 2014. It's another thing to say a show that began in, I dunno, 1998 was AOTY 2014.
Because it's one thing to say that an anime that began in Winter 2013 was AOTY 2014. It's another thing to say a show that began in, I dunno, 1998 was AOTY 2014.
lolWe should ask firehawk12 what obscure monthly OVA he's watching now so we can find out what we'll all be watching in December.
Oh boy.NCIS New Orleans
It was already AOTC!I dono about you guys but I'm voting for Sazae-san this year.
seriously though, just lock this one up and we'll all come back for the summer thread. We could all use the break.
I wish some secret anime pops up, if only because we're one season and there really hasn't been anything particularly outstanding so far.
Not until I'm #1 in the hall of shame.
You're on several w/halls of shame already!Not until I'm #1 in the hall of shame.
Not until I'm #1 in the hall of shame.
tokyo ravens 24
fun show with some of the most fun magic showdowns ive seen in anime.
hope they adapt more of the ln.
If the AnimeGAF cabal doesn't make Mushishi number one I will be sorely disappointed.1. AnineGAF cabal choice
2. JoJo
3. well-directed, well-produced show with a few vocal detractors
4. Space Dandy because ToonamiGAF
5. a show that unexpectedly reaches several thousand posts in an OT thread, maybe Sailor Moon Crystal
6. something with broad entertainment appeal that's technically average
7. KLK
8. Hunter x Hunter
9. well-directed, well-produced show that wasn't watched by enough people
10. disgusting otaku show that will embarrass everyone by its presence in the list
You're already there in our collective heart.
You're on several w/halls of shame already!
Quite the lofty goal.
Is Happiness good, or is this some post ironic magical girl hipsterism??I'm waiting until December to begin pimping Happiness Charge as our severely underwatched savior from [x popular show]. It's a proven, effective tactic.
If it's licensed, it's too mainstream? lolBut we've already had Mushishi.
Really I made way more posts in this thread than I wanted to at the start. Was kinda set on not making the wall of shame, but I'm already there and then some.
Not until I'm #1 in the hall of shame.
Remember when Jex and I competed for #1? It's called a shame wall for a reason.Not until I'm #1 in the hall of shame.
Is Mushishi really that great, been hearing great things about it.
Which one?
Wait what's the wall of shame?
Because it's one thing to say that an anime that began in Winter 2013 was AOTY 2014. It's another thing to say a show that began in, I dunno, 1998 was AOTY 2014.
Is Mushishi really that great, been hearing great things about it.
Wait what's the wall of shame?
# of posts people have in a thread or specifcally, after a thread is complete, we go over the post totals per person and post the top (first 20) of the standings. If you make the wall, you're probably watching too much anime and should go outside #Kappa
Think it's actually everyone with over a 100 posts.
Can I get a translation of this?
I'm an amazing magical girl!
The one who'll do anything - a magical girl!
Called... called... PIXY MISA!!!! FUUUUN!!
If I wave the magical stick wildly
I'll show my rival Sammy who's boss
I'll shout "You Win!" through victory and guts!
I'm an amazing magical girl!
The one who'll do anything - a magical girl!
Called... called... PIXY MISA!!!! PIXY MISA!!!!!
Cute, lyrical, smiley and happy
From today they got a whole new refurb!
Playing jump-rope or doing whatever
I'll mark 'em all with a bad girl's badge!
Destroying Mt Fuji, swimming in a pool
Jack-knifing while I ride a bike!
Spinning a yo-yo or spinning the earth,
I'll make it a bad girl's world!
Time's restraints are worth absolutely nothing
People's problems are worth absolutely nothing
Leave all thoughts of the past behind
That is Misa's way of life!
I am a courageous magical girl!
Curry-just to go, too, a magical girl! (*bad attempt at pun translation, sorry!)
The delicious... delicious... PIXY MISA!!! FUUUUN!!!
Whack in some magical spice,
Now we're off to India - let's go, let's go!
I'll send Pretty Sammy flying with a kick
Then ask, mid-unfair fight, "How was your meal, ma'am???"
I am a courageous magical girl!
A wonderful and cutesy magical girl!
Trendy and with-it... PIXY MISA! PIXY MISA!
The orders on my cellphone are all okay
It's probably Mission: Impossible
I'll summon up a Love-Love Monster
And make a Sexy Space!
Tricking a politician, causing a revolution
I love "Japan Sinks"! (* famous disaster novel)
I'll glare sidelong at Sammy when she's worried
And dance the bad girl's dance!
Time's restraints are worth absolutely nothing
People's problems are worth absolutely nothing
Doing whatever I want is good
That is Misa's way of life!
I am a lovely magical girl!
I'll show you my belly button - a magical girl!
Burning, burning... PIXY MISA!!!!! FUUUUN! heywhatareyoulookingat
Pouring out the magical pheromones
It'll be a punch-drunk love KNOCKDOWN KNOCKDOWN
Since my rival, Sammy, is just a kid
She's totally flat chested, so "Come back later!"
I am a lovely magical girl!
The one who'll be a cover girl, a magical girl!
Burning, burning... PIXY MISA! PIXY MISA!
I'm an amazing magical girl!
I kept you waiting, but now - BLAMMO! - a magical girl!
Called... called...
I'm going to kill myself when I discover there's a proper translation elsewhere, but the only one I could find was only half-done, so...
At least, it's something ridiculous like that.
BluWacky: "Tsurupeta" is more akin to "pedobait" than "flat-chested".
BluWacky: "Tsurupeta" is more akin to "pedobait" than "flat-chested".
Is Happiness good, or is this some post ironic magical girl hipsterism??