Since we're on the topic (to an extent lol) of western vs. eastern animation style, I've recently finally finished watching all of Avatar/Legend of Korra (enjoyed it very much) and has the work Studio Pierrot did on Korra been discussed here?
The first season of Korra was animated by a Korean studio called Mir, and they did an amazing job, ti basically looks better than 99% of all anime, plus it's incredibly consistent, I was completely in awe the whole time. The second season (the first half of it, to be exact) was done by Japanese studio Pierrot, and it was really really bad and terribly inconsistent, so they had to turn to Studio Mir again for help, and they did a wonderful job again on the second half of the season. It seriously bummed me out, being a huge fan of anime and everything, that they couldn't bother to showcase what they can do (I presume the budget was the same for them as it was for Mir, that is to say, much larger than for the average anime show), and instead churned out garbage.
Has this been discussed already? Anyone here more informed on it?