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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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I forget. How much Gundam have you seen? I think GBF is probably great without knowing anything about Gundam, but I couldn't say for sure.

Is there anyone in the thread who is watching GBF who's never seen any Gundam who could comment?

I saw a little bit of Wing and some of the older stuff at the College anime club years back.
Not enough to know WTF was going on though.
Toradora 14

As always a great mix of sugar, spice and everything nice. I don't think I have watched a single episode without a smile or smirk on my face at the end.
Well, I wouldn't really recommend either of these shows. Not because they're bad (well Attack on Titan has a lot of problems so that is part of it) but because there are literally so many other, better choices for shows with a wide appeal that are of a much higher quality e.g. Cowboy Bebop. FMA is also far too long for a beginners series.

Well Dragon Ball Z/Bleach was my gateway anime. And both are exceptionally long series. I started on them but while still watching them move on to other great anime that's also shorter.

Edit: Dddaaaaaaammmmmnnnnn it all. Sorry again.


People who are new to anime will see:

- A kids show starting kids

- Robots

- Not even real robots, but toy robots

and will never watch it.

Sad, but true.

I saw a little bit of Wing and some of the older stuff at the College anime club years back.
Not enough to know WTF was going on though.

Ah, well you might not get some gags but there's enough cute to get you by.

Princess 22 20

People who are new to anime will see:

- A kids show starting kids

- Robots

- Not even real robots, but toy robots

and will never watch it.

Well truth to be told when they announced GBF I was like ''what is this shit, give me a proper gundam show''. Never would have guessed that it will be the best gundam anime in years...


People who are new to anime will see:

- A kids show starting kids

- Robots

- Not even real robots, but toy robots

and will never watch it.

Heck, I tried to get a self proclaimed Gundam fan to watch the show and she threw reasons one and three back in my face :p


Well Dragon Ball Z/Bleach was my gateway anime. And both are exceptionally long series. I started on them but while still watching them move on to other great anime that's also shorter.

Edit: Dddaaaaaaammmmmnnnnn it all. Sorry again.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine you may have watches those shows on TV when you were slightly younger than you are now? Getting older teens/adults into anime is different than getting pre-teens/early teens into anime. Also if it airs on TV on a Saturday morning or directly afterschool (when stuff used to air) that makes a HUGE difference for getting kids into it.
Love Live 9

More faceless dudes!

Your Favorite Idol is Shit Girl has no Character goods. I've been waiting a while, but I think it's time to dub Umi "Not-Mio". Honoka confesses her love to Not-Mio and Legendary Maid in hopes they'll be together forever, which makes sense because there's no real dudes in this universe, only members of the No-Face gang.

Can't help but feel there was a slight nudge in shipping servicing with that love drink with the straws between Your Favorite Idol is Shit Girl and Tsundere Idol.
Lovely Comple: Series Review

I think this might be one of my favorite romcoms out there. The whole premise of a mismatch maid in heaven was done wonderfully. Let's break it down.

The Premise
The show consists of two students in a group of friends who are the complete opposite in terms of height. We have Otani a really short but greatly skilled basketball player who is quick to anger, and Koizumi a very tall beauty with a non-feminine personality. Both of them have complexes about their heights and have their own specific issue with romance (mostly related to said height issue). The show is about the evolution of their relationship as they realize they're more alike than they thought, fall in love with each other, and the issues in their path.

As far as premises go it doesn't really break the box outside of the different heights aspect. In fact it falls victims to typical romance drama tropes that I feel would have made the show better if they didn't have it (multiple romantic rivals, misunderstanding drama, will they wont they drama, etc...).

But the premise is not where it stands out. The humor is great throughout the show, mainly revolving around our leads doing funny stuff or the group of friends teasing them/cheering them on to get together. The show has sweet moments as well, but not on the same scale as other shows. But the premise is not where it stands out. It stands out in the next section.

The Characters
This has got to be one of the better cast of characters in a shoujo romcom show. While the episodes largely deal with our leads and their development, each one of them (and a couple of scenes here and there) also deal with the side characters and their relationships. Basically it's a group of friends revolving around three couples.

First we have the leads. Otami is the bad boy clown with a heart of gold and a sad romantic past, and the Koizumi is the innocent girl who has never really fallen in love (besides initial attraction) and thinks her personality and height will make it where she'll never find somebody. I couldn't have asked for better characters as they were intricate and interesting. The face value of how they act in front of others is only because they click so well. In a previous post I mentioned that this is one of the more realistic portrayals of what is equivalent of two best friends dating. In other shows the lead usually ends up with the childhood friend who ends up being this moe girl of some sort. But in this case these guys are comedic partners to the max. They love the exact same music, get the same enjoyment out of everything, and argue like an old married couple. Exactly like how best friends would be. Their evolution and issues are done very well and I am happy to say it ends in a happy fashion so the show wasn't all wasted. Both of their issues with heights are fully explored. If there is one complaint I have is with Koizumi with a certain drama point later on in the show where
there's a guy who likes her at her job and not only does she get kissed when she's sleeping, she never really confronts the guy or keeps her distance. In fact she goes to a concert with him without telling Otami and is then surprised when he breaks up with her
. I know that feel because a similar situation happened with me. My interest at the time didn't realize how stressful this was and I broke it off with her. I guess that's the curse of having too many guy friends and being cute?

As to the friends and side characters, I liked them basically allwith the notable exception of Chiharu and Ryoji (male and female in the center image above). They were supposed to be the quiet cute couple, but all of their best scenes were when they were going along for the ride with others. When it was a one-on-one with either or both of them, they regressed to having the personality of a speed bump. Stand-out side charactera? Nobuko and Nakao. These two while together are the lovey dovey couple nobody can stand, but they are great. Nakao is Otami's partner in basketball and probably the closest thing to his best guy friend. He's basically one half of a couple, but his dedication to his girlfriend is amazing. Nobuko though is handsdown the best side character in the show. She is literally the epitome of a 'gurlfraaaaaaan'. Ultimate bro. She is always helping out Koizumi and being the bestest of friend and like I said matchmaking bro. She screams at her when she does something stupid as well which honestly Koizumi needs.

The Animation

Like others have mentioned, this show looks and screams One Piece. That's because a lot of the team behind it stems from it. The artstyle is really similar, the anime faces they make are straight from One Piece as well. Koizumi is voiced by the same VA as Nami. Even looks like her too. The anime itself looks like an early/mid 2000's in terms of quality. The animation or quality isn't out of this world. It's fairly standard. But then again they didn't really need to go all out with the budget when the characters carried the show (hey similar to Log Horizon).

Final Thoughts
I absolutely loved the show. While it decided to make use of some cliches I genuinely dislike such as misunderstandings and love rival drama, it made up for it by being just plain great. The main cast of characters wasn't gigantic but it had quality. The humor is great, the romcom is great, and the leads are great. There really isn't more I can say. If you haven't watched it and feel like watching a good romcom to give you the fuzzy feels, give it a try.

I give Lovely Complex a 100/Umibouzu


Most endearing rapper ever. Those skills YO. Almost as great as MC Shirokuma
Toradora 15

A Kitamora episode! Never thought it would happen. I think I know what's going on but I can be totally off. I don't think it's as simple as
the President denying him or anything. I think it has to do with what she expects of him and that scares him
. Or something to that effect. Anyways it's nice that we are expanding on other characters. And again this episode was gonna have me grinning at the end whether I liked it or not. :]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine you may have watches those shows on TV when you were slightly younger than you are now? Getting older teens/adults into anime is different than getting pre-teens/early teens into anime. Also if it airs on TV on a Saturday morning or directly afterschool (when stuff used to air) that makes a HUGE difference for getting kids into it.

That's true. You have a point.
Inari, Kon Kon, Koi Iroha - 10

Where am I going to get my Osaka-benKyoto-ben fix? This was perfect with the entire cast using it.

Where do I start with the manga?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine you may have watches those shows on TV when you were slightly younger than you are now? Getting older teens/adults into anime is different than getting pre-teens/early teens into anime. Also if it airs on TV on a Saturday morning or directly afterschool (when stuff used to air) that makes a HUGE difference for getting kids into it.

Actually getting college students into anime is pretty easy too if they aren't particularly picky. I've gotten close to 15 people who haven't watched anime since DBZ to start watching anime. Slowly they're asking for recommendations. All of them me and 3 of my best friends (who now watch anime thanks to me) have recommended Attack on Titan and it has yet to fail once. It's not a bad gateway anime. It has pretty good action, a damn good OST and really pretty visuals. It's also not perverted or have any real anime faces aside of Potato girl.

Cowboy Bebop and Baccano are great animes to recommend as well as they also fall in the spectrum of anime of western media similarities/appeal. But it entirely depends on the person. If I know them irl I can guess their taste from their movie and show preferences. If they're online, I usually recommend Attack on Titan or ask them to specify what they like. Considering how I've never had somebody say "Man AoT sucked, I don't ever want to watch anime again" it has yet to fail.


Actually getting college students into anime is pretty easy too if they aren't particularly picky. I've gotten close to 15 people who haven't watched anime since DBZ to start watching anime. Slowly they're asking for recommendations. All of them me and 3 of my best friends (who now watch anime thanks to me) have recommended Attack on Titan and it has yet to fail once. It's not a bad gateway anime. It has pretty good action, a damn good OST and really pretty visuals. It's also not perverted or have any real anime faces aside of Potato girl.

Cowboy Bebop and Baccano are great animes to recommend as well as they also fall in the spectrum of anime of western media similarities/appeal. But it entirely depends on the person. If I know them irl I can guess their taste from their movie and show preferences. If they're online, I usually recommend Attack on Titan or ask them to specify what they like. Considering how I've never had somebody say "Man AoT sucked, I don't ever want to watch anime again" it has yet to fail.

Knowing people in real life is cheating.

I can't, in good conscience recommend stuff like AoT to most of my friends because they are far too discerning. It just depends on what people you know happen to be into/can tolerate. I wouldn't blanket recommend it for those reasons when I have plenty of other stuff that I can recommend with literally no fear of them not being liked.

Which isn't to say that I don't know plenty of other people who like AoT, because I do.
Ah man Working 2 is so good so far, i dont know why i was so late watching the 2nd season considering i liked the 1st

Working for me was ruined because poor Kanji-look-alike is cock blocked throughout the whole show by the utter denseness of the love interest. And when he finally grows some balls and
tells her he's leaving because it's just giving him unnecessary stress
he eventually forgets about it and never mentions it again.

That guy is not in the friend zone. He's in the friend black hole.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 20


Just. All my feels. Nobody talk to me. Gotta think about life and stuff now.

Jojo brings manly tears like a boss at times.


Ah man Working 2 is so good so far, i dont know why i was so late watching the 2nd season considering i liked the 1st

Working for me was ruined because poor Kanji-look-alike is cock blocked throughout the whole show by the utter denseness of the love interest. And when he finally grows some balls and
tells her he's leaving because it's just giving him unnecessary stress
he eventually forgets about it and never mentions it again.

That guy is not in the friend zone. He's in the friend black hole.

Damn we really need season 3 soon.


I tried watching the first few episodes of Working!! a while back and while they were alright, it wasn't doing much for me so I stopped.

is this the part where I get to hate on Inami
Toradora 16

Wow! Things got real, real fast. The scene at the end was awesome!

But now it seems a multitude of characters are upset. Even ones that I didn't think would be upset are for some reason. The show just keeps delivering.
Feel really bad for Kitamura though
. :(

And I am glad I didn't skip ahead when the ED was done (I usually don't). There was was an additional scene there and it made me chuckle.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora 16

Wow! Things got real, real fast. The scene at the end was awesome!

But now it seems a multitude of characters are upset. Even ones that I didn't think would be upset are for some reason. The show just keeps delivering.
Feel really bad for Kitamura though
. :(

And I am glad I don't skip ahead when the ED was done (I usually don't). There was was an additional scene there and it made me chuckle.

Please keep going. You're so close...I can hear the feels train coming...
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