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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Subete no aware
Is this an actual functioning school? That blog post doesn't make it seem like the school is running.
As Chet mentioned, the school is basically abandoned and was scheduled for demolition before the anime made it a tourist spot.

Shouldn't that be Jamie? Perfect swordsman. Fucks his sister. Has to do stuff that "he doesn't want to but is wicked awesome" for his country.
Jamie loses
his hand though, so he can't be a winner!


Setec Astronomer
I will say, every iteration of the show I watched after I watched Smile just felt really bad. It's just that CCGs are extra terrible.
I wouldn't disagree with you. Again, the point of my long post is to show how it was doing so many things right, making it a fun and entertaining show, and even doing a better job at integrating such elements rather than taking time out from the show to do explicit marketing on them. The shows we both agree on quality work better when the marketing element are just taken as a given and the show builds onto it rather than breaking up its own thing to give it time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
As Chet mentioned, the school is basically abandoned and was scheduled for demolition before the anime made it a tourist spot.

Jamie loses
his hand though, so he can't be a winner!

lost a hand,
gained a heart.



Everyone that posts in this, the manga thread, or the toonami thread has shit taste. If you post in two or more of these threads your taste is double the shit.
Are we doomed even if we irregularly post in them?
If you are a dub-only guy, then your options are much more limited. You can never really keep up with Japan, for one.
I admittedly haven't poked too much into dubbed options, though it's why I brought up ones other than Crunchyroll... nevermind that places like Hulu seem to go way, way further back than Crunchyroll typically does. I guess I need to see what Toonami's actually offering now.
Geimu offu Stronsu is very anime. It's the SAO of live action TV.
Well, I guess it does have enough teenage characters for it including a 14 year old princess who has dragons. But then that got doubled down on by another poster anyway. Tyrion's even already chibi by nature.


Subete no aware
I wouldn't disagree with you. Again, the point of my long post is to show how it was doing so many things right, making it a fun and entertaining show, and even doing a better job at integrating such elements rather than taking time out from the show to do explicit marketing on them. The shows we both agree on quality work better when the marketing element are just taken as a given and the show builds onto it rather than breaking up its own thing to give it time.
I'll probably catch up with it. It'd have to be now or never anyway.

lost a hand,
gained a heart.
The opposite of an anime protag!

Are we doomed even if we irregularly post in them?
I admittedly haven't poked too much into dubbed options, though it's why I brought up ones other than Crunchyroll... nevermind that places like Hulu seem to go way, way further back than Crunchyroll typically does. I guess I need to see what Toonami's actually offering now.
Well, I guess it does have enough teenage characters for it including a 14 year old princess who has dragons. But then that got doubled down on by another poster anyway. Tyrion's even already chibi by nature.
I assume the only reason why you would watch Toonami is because of the dubs and nostalgia for the time block. Otherwise you'd be following simulcast anime?

Also, Arya is basically a shoujo princess. Sansa and Dragon Loli are terrible though.


Hyouka 9
Kinda get why this arc was so well received.

I mostly liked it for


but it also turned out to be a really good character arc for Oreki which was appreciated.


Well, I wasn't talking about Happiness Charge! (Which I can't judge.)

Great, if you don't like anything this season, maybe you can actually watch some older anime you haven't seen yet.

I usually mix some of both. Often a lot of revisiting favorite old series.

Madoka 10

Thoughts during episode:

- I never thought I would say this but Homura is..... ADORABLE!!!
- I want her around all the time. Also when Madoka is happy, I'm happy. ^_^
- Wow. Poor Homura. I want to cry for her.
- Uh Oh, SpaghettiOs!
- YEEEEEESSSSSS! This is awesome! This is what I wanted! So happy right now. Only took 10 episodes but better late then never.
- The cake looks amazing.
- Man...
Mami can not catch a break anywhere. Wherever we are (alternate timeline I am guessing since Homura's power is time, this must be where she came from and tried to warn Madoka) she just always dies. That is a sucky fate.
- Oh wow. So that's why Homura.... I see.
- Nope she's still adorable. I guess this is
another timeline
. I knew it would come to this.
- When she's first learning her powers. Lol. It's adorable.
Their fate keeps on repeating
- Wow...... I.....
- Got really depressed and sad there. I got close but no tears..... yet.
- I would become cold as steel too if I
had to do all that stuff over and over again


So yeah... this was a depressing episode. In this episode Homura goes through
multiple timelines to save Madoka who was her "only" friend before she became a magic girl
. Kind of brought everything together but at the same time made me
question why she was so uncaring for the other girls even though she knew them
. Also I would like to say I called this one too. Ever since they reveled Homura had
time magic I knew multiple timelines would be brought into the show
. I can see people crying during this episode and I almost did myself at one point. But I didn't, so that sucks because I kinda wanted to.

Anyways, I see the seeds are planted and see how this ends. At least it handles
time travel

Summary for those that haven't watch and are interested:

This episode puts everything into perspective. It is kind of a sad episode.

This episode is a doozy. Ties up a lot of loose ends and explains many things. It is the lynchpin of the series and the best episode I think. However theres still more revelations to come.

You could give an example of an "objectively bad" show and I can guarantee someone in here likes it and legit thinks it's good.

This is true in every medium. People simply have different opinions about whats good.
Even on an objective level.

Dance in the Vampire Bund.

Admittedly, Attack on Titan probably would have been better if it was full of loli moe.

Whaaat? no DITVB is fine. I can understand people not liking Mina Tepes or are uncomfortable with the idea of the show and thats fine. Its not a bad show.

No such thing.

I say Angel Beats is great but some on here would "objectively" say it's crap. That's like me saying I "objectively" think The Tatami Galaxy is terrible. We are all subjects to subjectivity here. Story is subjective, character is subjective, music is subjective. Hell even the art is subjective because some people like moe'd up art, while others like artsy/abstract art, while others like grotesque art. All of it is subjective.

Even my most hated anime, Excel Saga, has people on here who say it's amazing and "objectively" good.

It's all subjective to the person calling the shots. Who's to say what is objectively good and bad?

I agree to this. Although objectively you CAN tell if someone phoned in lazy writing or animation or story. Its immediately obvious.

Some fools made me believe that Gravity was a fantastic movie.

Its not a terrible movie, but on a visual level it really is unsurpassed.


Setec Astronomer
You could give an example of an "objectively bad" show and I can guarantee someone in here likes it and legit thinks it's good.
Can they defend their views when challenged, though? Or will they curl up into a defensive shell and lash out?

It's entirely possible to have a different perspective that others haven't cared to consider or think important, but not all views are made equally.
So what is even going on here now, something about a split?

I honestly have absolutley no idea what we are going on about in here and I am just waiting for Pshychoninja's impressions of Madoka 12.

I'm sure once the next episode of Captain Earth, Jojo, Mushihi or whatever comes out, everything will be fine.


Ah yes, I've done the stream-of-consciousness thing once or twice before (I recall doing it with Hoshi no Umi no Amuri episodes two and three, as well as the first episode of Yozakura Quartet a couple seasons back). I just feel the urge to do it occasionally when I'm watching something where there are so many random little things going on to react to that I don't feel like I'd be able to remember it all and make it into a coherent summary at the end. I do try to make my moment-to-moment impressions detailed enough that they're fairly easy to follow, though (hence why they seem to end up as monsterposts =p)

Love Live 7

Nozomi, I approve of your method of punishing Nico. Please continue.

Love Live 8

Aaaaaand it looks like μ's finally has its full cast of members! That song wasn't even bad.

I used this method talking about Sailor Moon. It works well with episodic shows where there is a lot of repetition otherwise and not much to discuss.
Plus when corvy does it its a work of art.

That's a nice platitude but in the actuality of reality there's only so much a single poster can do, especially if you focus on quality of posts over quantity.

Well, I mean, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But it sounds to me more like there are a few people who are scared that it might actually succeed. Who does it hurt to try?

I imagine the guidelines would be determined by the consensus of those who with to participate. I think something like the idea of a group watch and discussion of select shows that's been done before is a good idea. Maybe also allow people to post about and discuss other shows if they follow the guidelines.

I can see what youre getting at and its honestly a sensible idea to try to filter out less analytical posts, however thats not how a functional community operates. No matter what the intent is its still an exclusionary idea. A lot of people simply do not write or think that way and have a much more brief approach to reacting to something. It can still have weight but doesnt have to resemble a half page novel.

If I may just chime in on this debate, the 'hand-wringing' will naturally arise in a thread with so many people in it. The idea of an open, supportive and inclusive Anime Thread naturally means that you simply aren't going to cater to that section of people who only want to engage in more detailed criticism of anime. It just doesn't fit with the model that we are running over here in Community. That's not really a bad thing or a good thing, it's just how this thread operates. What it means in practice is that we get a really interesting variety of opinions on a diverse selection of anime and everyone has an equal opportunity to participate however they see fit. And that's a really good thing and a key strength of the thread.

That doesn't mean that it's pointless to try and engage in serious criticism of anime. As the thread is open to all that means that an analytic approach is just as viable as a stream-of-consicousness approach and if people want to see the thread focus in a certain area than they're free to work to make that happen. I'll happily read, and comment on your longer posts (and even make them myself when I'm not being lazy). You can lead by example! However, that takes a lot more work and so, really, if people want to see more of that they should comment and engage with posters who put out the extra effort. There's nothing more disheartening that working on a lengthy post and feeling like no-one has read it or taken it in.

Honestly I'd say things are actually better than they have been in awhile because each season doesn't have like 6 OT's and that's a good thing. The criticism to content ration is therefore better than before.

Finally, I would disagree that the idea of 'post quality' is nebulous. Heck, some people people already think that NeoGAF's level of moderation is fairly totalitarian and the rules of this site have created a certain atmosphere. You could (theoretically) enforce an even stricter level of moderation with the intent of creating a certain level of discourse, but this isn't the right place for it. You literally need different moderation standards.

Another thing people need to realize is that some of us are often on mobile. While its easy to read enormous analytical posts and even engaging (and I read every single one in here) its not always easy to respond to such posts in certain situations and environments, let alone having the time to issue a fitting response. but rest assured, every thoughtful post gets read and considered. Its just that when one comes across such a well written post, its hard to follow up with a suitable post to answer back, especially on a phone. Personally I have also tried to cut my posting down using multi quotes a LOT so I often do end up making posts containing a quantity of responses. Its the best I can do with my preferred style and my working situation.


I can see what youre getting at and its honestly a sensible idea to try to filter out less analytical posts, however thats not how a functional community operates. No matter what the intent is its still an exclusionary idea. A lot of people simply do not write or think that way and have a much more brief approach to reacting to something. It can still have weight but doesnt have to resemble a half page novel.

That's why it would be a separate thread and not new rules for this one. But apparently even the idea of a separate thread that you don't have to participate in is offensive to some people.


No Game No Life 1

Wow, this show is fucking HORRIBLE! I don't think I've ever seen a show list a girl's age(11) on screen and flash her panties at the same fucking time. I had a feeling of disgust for pretty much the entire episode. This is already worse than Sword Art Online.
Madoka 12 [END]
Thoughts during episode:

- It's about time!!! Poor Homura.
- Now that is a wish. Holy crap!
- That cake will forever look good. I really want cake now.
- Oh hey look at that. Madoka is so hopeful.
- Dang!!!
- Lol. Is this what it's come to? Basically Madoka can
create and destroy things. She's basically a god. Nice. And a fight on a universal scale
. Damn.
- :SDBurton. This anime is calling for you.
- So yeah
she is God. Basically verbatim recites what God says he is in the Bible. Okay.... I am rolling with this
- Wow. This is kind of tragic. Although it's jumping between things. I thought
Madoka saved all magic girls from falling into despair and becoming witches. So why did Sayaka still turn into one and what happened to her? The deuce. This is what happens when you mess with time. Logic goes out the door
- Awww
her brother remembers her
- "
Who is Madoka? Is that some anime character?" As tragic as this line actually is I busted out laughing way too hard
- "Tatsuya" and "Homura" talking
and are the only two who know of Madoka
. Change one letter in each name and you get Tetsuya Nomura. Lol...... sorry.
- Okay so that's been changed. Good to know.
- ......That's it?
- Oh there's something after the credits............. it's nothing.


Well it certainly...... ended. It wasn't bad just thrown off a bit about how they handled
and all that good stuff. So
Madoka is God huh? What is it with anime that turns underage girls into God

I will say the ending is very different then I thought it would actually turn out. The anime was also very different from what I thought it would be. So points for that. Still sorting how I feel about the whole thing. I'll give you guys my full thoughts on the entire show by tomorrow afternoon.

*I will be posting a nice long review on the show later today or tomorrow. Hoping to make it as long as my Toradora Series Review. :)


I have to say it's funny to talk about potential elitism when our thread doesn't even have writeups about any of the shows this season.

No new threads for the new season is the worst thing to happen to AnimeGAF in some time :(

I agree that something needs to be done a bit better to combine seasons. Its a WIP.

Noo lets not split up animegaf :(

I dont want to either. Weve had a great thing going. It will never be perfect.

Visited the Fushimi Inari shrine yesterday:

And Uka was there:

Well... A cardboard cutout at least :p

Niiiiice! Please keep us updated on places you go :)


So are people wanting to split because they caught one too many Light Novel adaptations of dubious morality or is it because not everybody is posting a two page essay on the inner workings of oh say No Game, No Life? Really lost here.


Yamato 2

Soooooooooooooooooo it's Macross minus the JPop and Valkyries? I can live with that.

Really hope these space ships actually stop moving like without any regard for physics or whatever, though. I'm no expert on future space ship technology or whatever but these ships seem, I dunno, floaty?


Yamato 2

Soooooooooooooooooo it's Macross minus the JPop and Valkyries? I can live with that.

Really hope these space ships actually stop moving like without any regard for physics or whatever, though. I'm no expert on future space ship technology or whatever but these ships seem, I dunno, floaty?

Yeah, the ship CG is very floaty early on. It gets better as the series continues.


So are people wanting to split because they caught one too many Light Novel adaptations of dubious morality or is it because not everybody is posting a two page essay on the inner workings of oh say No Game, No Life? Really lost here.

This is an old, old discussion that got reignited.
Madoka 12 [END]


Well it certainly...... ended. It wasn't bad just thrown off a bit about how they handled
and all that good stuff. So
Madoka is God huh? What is it with anime that turns underage girls into God

I will say the ending is very different then I thought it would actually turn out. The anime too was very different from what I thought it would be. So points for that. Still sorting how I feel about the whole thing. I'll give you guys my full thoughts on the entire show by tomorrow afternoon.

*I will be posting a nice long review on the show later today or tomorrow. Hoping to make it as long as my Toradora Series Review. :)

Glad you saw it through to the end! Now that you've gotten the sad anime out of the way, it's time for you to go to the anime that will do nothing but shove awesomeness in your face, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

Okay. Madoka is done. G Gundam and Monster are next on my list.

...In about two or three weeks, perhaps maybe after you finish these haha.
So are people wanting to split because they caught one too many Light Novel adaptations of dubious morality or is it because not everybody is posting a two page essay on the inner workings of oh say No Game, No Life? Really lost here.

In my ideal world people would not be discussing No Game No Life or any other LN-shit-of-the-month at all.
Madoka 12 [END]

Thoughts during episode:

- It's about time!!! Poor Homura.
- Now that is a wish. Holy crap!
- That cake will forever look good. I really want cake now.
- Oh hey look at that. Madoka is so hopeful.
- Dang!!!
- Lol. Is this what it's come to? Basically Madoka can
create and destroy things. She's basically a god. Nice. And a fight on a universal scale
. Damn.
- :SDBurton. This anime is calling for you.
- So yeah
she is God. Basically verbatim recites what God says he is in the Bible. Okay.... I am rolling with this
- Wow. This is kind of tragic. Although it's jumping between things. I thought
Madoka saved all magic girls from falling into despair and becoming witches. So why did Sayaka still turn into one and what happened to her? The deuce. This is what happens when you mess with time. Logic goes out the door
- Awww
her brother remembers her
- "
Who is Madoka? Is that some anime character?" As tragic as this line actually is I busted out laughing way too hard
- "Tatsuya" and "Homura" talking
and are the only two who know of Madoka
. Change one letter in each name and you get Tetsuya Nomura. Lol...... sorry.
- Okay so that's been changed. Good to know.
- ......That's it?
- Oh there's something after the credits............. it's nothing.


Well it certainly...... ended. It wasn't bad just thrown off a bit about how they handled
and all that good stuff. So
Madoka is God huh? What is it with anime that turns underage girls into God

I will say the ending is very different then I thought it would actually turn out. The anime was also very different from what I thought it would be. So points for that. Still sorting how I feel about the whole thing. I'll give you guys my full thoughts on the entire show by tomorrow afternoon.

*I will be posting a nice long review on the show later today or tomorrow. Hoping to make it as long as my Toradora Series Review. :)

Okay. Madoka is done. G Gundam and Monster are next on my list.

Congratz on finishing, but you're not done with Madoka yet. There are 3 films to the series, while the first two are recaps of the TV series with a couple new scenes, the third serves as a sequel/latest installment of the series.

Madoka Magika: Rebellion, go watch it.
Glad you saw it through to the end! Now that you've gotten the sad anime out of the way, it's time for you to go to the anime that will do nothing but shove awesomeness in your face, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

...In about two or three weeks, perhaps maybe after you finish these haha.

Oh that was supposed to make me sad and depressed? You'd be surprised how much my "feels" has been hardened since watching Kanon, Angel Beats, Clannad and After Story back to back. Don't know why I did that to myself but that would harden anyone. About a year later I picked up Little Busters. Key has utterly destroyed and nuked my feels center.

I am a monster now. But it was pretty awesome and surprised me a lot. It also kept my interest. So Madoka gets a lot of points for that.

And I will start it way sooner. Just you watch. :p
Congratz on finishing, but you're not done with Madoka yet. There are 3 films to the series, while the first two are recaps of the TV series with a couple new scenes, the third serves as a sequel/latest installment of the series.

Madoka Magika: Rebellion, go watch it.

Do not listen to this person. Don't do this to yourself man. No one who loved Madoka should have to watch Rebellion. Rebellion is just soul-crushing for the sake of acting as a continuation.

Trust me, just keep the good memories that you have of the show and leave it at that.
Congratz on finishing, but you're not done with Madoka yet. There are 3 films to the series, while the first two are recaps of the TV series with a couple new scenes, the third serves as a sequel/latest installment of the series.

Madoka Magika: Rebellion, go watch it.

Oh please no more. For the love of Madoka!

Plus I heard Rebellion ain't so hot of an entry.
Do not listen to this person. Don't do this to yourself man. No one who loved Madoka should have to watch Rebellion. Rebellion is just soul-crushing for the sake of acting as a continuation.

Trust me, just keep the good memories that you have of the show and leave it at that.

Oh please no more. For the love of Madoka!

Plus I heard Rebellion ain't so hot of an entry.

But don't you want to find out what happens to Sayaka and Kyoko? Haha.

Rebellion is an excellent movie through and through but its intense controversy surrounds its ending which you can only figure out yourself. I'll leave it at that and let you decide for yourself, however there are talks/inklings the series will get another installment (unknown whether a new series or film) and it will do good to watch Rebellion beforehand if it comes to fruition.

Edit: People who love Rebellion realize Madoka for what it prides itself on: a deconstructrion of a genre
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