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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Man, I almost missed this. Glad I went back and looked for it. :D

So I can completely understand why you didn't care for the ending. But let me at least try to explain what the ending was going for so maybe you won't think it's "philosophical crap". Maybe.

The whole theme of the show is "running away from your problems". We see it right at the beginning with Ryuji trying to change his appearance in order to "run away" from his father's legacy. Ami transfers to Ryuji's school and stops modeling in order to run away from a creepy stalker. Taiga lives on her own in a trashed (until Ryuji cleans it up, at least) apartment because she can't stand living with either of her parents. Kitamura runs away from home and drops out of the student council so he won't have to face his feelings for President whatever her name is. Everyone in Toradora is running away from something. And at the end of the show, Taiga finally realizes that she can't keep running from her problems with her parents. Her relationship with her father is already broken beyond repair, due to him being a horrible person and all. But she can at least salvage her relationship with her mother. Hence why she leaves Ryuji and the rest to go live with her.

Now, do I think the show handled this perfectly? Noooooo, not at all. Like I said before, the LN handled this much better, only having Taiga go away for three months instead of over a year. It's a little unrealistic to think that two people as in love as Ryuji and Taiga were would go an entire year apart without seeing each other once. Granted, the show didn't explicitly say this, but it's fair to assume that in that year, they didn't see each other or even talk very much. Which is kinda silly and makes less and less sense the more you think about it. But whatever, anime drama.

My point here is that while I can totally understand why someone wouldn't care for the ending, at least try to understand what the author was going for. A message about why you shouldn't run away from your problems.

Oh I totally get that. I mean that's what most anime sets out to do. Teach a lesson or send a message. And Toradora really puts a lot of effort in making sure it's audience understands it's message. Just like how From the New World sets out to be a reflection on our society. Or how Clannad's message of family, forgiveness and hope were it's message.

There's a way to do it where the viewership can be left satisfied or even walk away with a powerful feeling of having the message received. Toradora could've just done a better job with it at the end.

And thanks for reading the review. I was starting to worry that you missed it since you were one of the posters that really wanted to watch it. ;P
Still love the show to death and that's why I am so hard on that ending is because everything else was almost flawless.


I can't go around making exceptions!

Sure you can! :)

Also: Solune has quit GAF but can easily be reached on twitter. HOW CONVENIENT!


Honestly I wouldn't really post. I'm not someone who wants to talk just for the sake of talking. Twitters 40 character limit would just be a pain as well.

Do you remember Hitokage saying that him and I had talked through PM's where I was recommending Hyouka to him? I don't remember how the conversation initially started but we switched over to talking about video games and different titles we liked or some experiences we had.

The threads are more like a bunch of different conversations at once so I hadn't really talked to anyone here more one on one about games or anime other than with Chet and Uraizen briefly. Before we finished, our PM's had gotten to be a few paragraphs long.

It was kind of fun and with twitters 40 character limit or so, having those kinds of conversations would be impossible. Plus I already have a NeoGaf account anyway.

He'll return when I watch more F-Zero. He's just gotta!

Just getting around to playing Smash Brothers Brawl recently and I didn't even know it had demos of older Nintendo titles. I hadn't played something like the original F-Zero since probably the early to mid 90's using a friends copy. I just wish it was more of a demo and not just some really quick 60 second thing. :(

I might have to finally look at the Wii Virtual Console to see if some of these old games are there. I've been wanting to go back and play something like Super Metroid for example.

They all work!

Haha. Okay. :)

Nah, see, you DO use a database.

In your MIND.

Exactly, yeah. I'm not stalking anyone, I just remember reading different things in the thread.

How about Varion? Does anyone remember them? They were a fan of Heartcatch and had a Tsubomi and Erika avatar. While they've posted elsewhere on the forum they only posted here in the thread a few times around when Doki Doki started airing, so about a year ago.

Master Milk? Remember when he used to post in the anime threads? He had My Little Pony avatars where the girls tails were shaped more like making a heart and he would alternate between them. From what I can remember he was kind of like Chet before Chet.

Stuff like that I guess.

Haha, yeah, there are actually quite a few similar blind spots when it comes to fanart. Probably for the best, though.

All those talented fan artists out there in the world and I didn't find any pictures of Spoor dressed like Sailor Venus or Minako dressed in Spoor's Abh outfit. :(


Poet Centuriate
Nonon's nonons



JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 18

Poor SuzieQ

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 19


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 20

What's this, actual animation? Is that even allowed?
RIP Caesar. No one cares about the other guy.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Maybe it's just because all the Yuri I've seen has been either pandering or rape.

I wish I was joking, but that's what happens when your exposure to things is either mecha or The List.

Well, I mean its called yuri the opposite of yaoi but with the same objective.
Toradora 1

Well, this was certainly not what I expected. That said, Ryuji's Mom has got it going on!

Also, Taiga is probably
the most extreme form of tsundere I've encountered
, holy crap!

Oh good. More people watching Toradorable. Good for you. I enjoyed it.

Just... don't go in expecting major feels and you should be in for a good time. Clannad + After Story should be next on your list. ;)

As i recall, Taiga is one of the three pillars of tsundere

Lol. Though she becomes a likable tsundere like half way in.


I know better than to watch random anime you guys suggest.
There is nothing random about Yami.


Honestly I wouldn't really post. I'm not someone who wants to talk just for the sake of talking. Twitters 40 character limit would just be a pain as well.

Do you remember Hitokage saying that him and I had talked through PM's where I was recommending Hyouka to him? I don't remember how the conversation initially started but we switched over to talking about video games and different titles we liked or some experiences we had.

The threads are more like a bunch of different conversations at once so I hadn't really talked to anyone here more one on one about games or anime other than with Chet and Uraizen briefly. Before we finished, our PM's had gotten to be a few paragraphs long.

It was kind of fun and with twitters 40 character limit or so, having those kinds of conversations would be impossible. Plus I already have a NeoGaf account anyway.
140 characters actually. It's restrictive that's true. But it's about organising what you want to say in distinct packets with a set topic. You can and do get some good organic discussion out of it once you get used to it and there are tools to cheat the limit too.
Bakemonogatari, this anime is really amazing to me, I mean it may not have that much action in it but it does have splendid character interactions. Every character is like able and the animation is really stylistic that you rarely see it in other anime. The conversations between characters are well crafted and Senjougahara is such a Tsundere, but a great one unlike others.


Retraction of earlier statement. Vito wasn't banned for posting Nonon fanart, Vito was banned for posting a screenshot of Nonon from KLK 23. Everyone who wants to see Nonon's nonons should look there.

i do like Nonon..

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 5

Don't remember the fairies being that creepy.

FeMC (Does she have a name?) looks nice with twintails but I honestly think she looks better with her natural style.

And Pion is a robot.

Don't even try and deny it.

Call her Watashi. Thats what shes referred to.


Retraction of earlier statement. Vito wasn't banned for posting Nonon fanart, Vito was banned for posting a screenshot of Nonon from KLK 23. Everyone who wants to see Nonon's nonons should look there.

Yet more proof of the show's badness. Just posting images from it gets you banned.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Branduil, I feel as thought you troll KLK like I troll Space Dandy, except I watch every episode of Space Dandy I shit on.

KLK has been NSFW for a long time.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride - 02

So there's a scene in this episode that I really, really, really wanted to post but I know for a fact that if I did I would be banned to oblivion. But goddddd would it be worth it. :lol

Oh, looks like we got a new
samurai master, who is actually a monkey.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Bakemonogatari, this anime is really amazing to me, I mean it may not have that much action in it but it does have splendid character interactions. Every character is like able and the animation is really stylistic that you rarely see it in other anime. The conversations between characters are well crafted and Senjougahara is such a Tsundere, but a great one unlike others.

Another believer, welcome.


It only makes his isolation sadder!

I mean, in a universe where .1% of the population has chemistry, Amuro had it with Fraw Bow and somehow he still doesn't hook up with her. Instead Amuro has HORRIBLE GIRLFRIENDS until RAINBOW MAGIC METEOR SPACEDUST happens to him.

But on a side note: It was nice to see Rosammy in this episode, making her the earliest not-Lalah example of the Super Psychic Soldier in Gundam.

Likewise, while Katz was an incredible douchebag, I actually did enjoy Amuro and Char's encounter in this episode.

And of course Zeta Gundam continues to look amazing.


I mean, in a universe where .1% of the population has chemistry, Amuro had it with Fraw Bow and somehow he still doesn't hook up with her. Instead Amuro has HORRIBLE GIRLFRIENDS until RAINBOW MAGIC METEOR SPACEDUST happens to him.

But on a side note: It was nice to see Rosammy in this episode, making her the earliest not-Lalah example of the Super Psychic Soldier in Gundam.

Likewise, while Katz was an incredible douchebag, I actually did enjoy Amuro and Char's encounter in this episode.

And of course Zeta Gundam continues to look amazing.

Is that the one over the jungle with the Asshimar fight?


Is that the one over the jungle with the Asshimar fight?

Nah, allegedly this fight was over a residential area.

I'm not exactly sure what state America is supposed to be in though. On the one hand, Kennedy Airport exists just fine. On the other hand, I remember there being lots of devastated cities in the South West during the OYW.

Also, it bugs me that we're supposed to see the Earth Federation as apathetic because they're ignoring Spacenoids at the moment. Like, hello, we have a planet to rebuild?
Well, she is the worst Heartcatch Cure xp
lol wut .You should know that there aren't worse cures in heartcatch , just awesomeness
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride - 01

Alright so we have an evil squad of samurai girls looking to kick the asses of Jyuubei and the gang and it looks like worthless Muneakira has become even more worthless. Alright!
SDBurton , you should pay close attention to the Ed animation and yeah muneakira his more useless than useless in this season , but you should like it , OTP everywhere !!


I might have to finally look at the Wii Virtual Console to see if some of these old games are there. I've been wanting to go back and play something like Super Metroid for example.

Yeah, F-Zero and Super Metroid are both on the VC. That was one of the selling points of the Wii to me and it was disappointing to see how they botched the release schedule of stuff. Think it ended up mostly being my Actraiser / Shinobi III machine in the end.
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