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Wireless gaming in the future


One thing I hate with gaming is all the different cords. You really have to work hard in order to make the furnishing look good.

Wavebird is one small step in the right direction. I really want to see wireless controllers as a standard next-gen. Also wireless capabilities like the DS would be nice. LAN, online etc.

Hopefully we are going in the right direction with this stuff.


I still run cable whenever I can. Right now, there are 3000 different things using wireless around here, and everything is causing some interference.


snapty00 said:
Yep. The only thing that might be stretching it is wireless electricity. :D

duh :D

what interfere for you? I have wireless headphones, telephones, wavebirds, pc pads etc at home. Nothing has ever interfered...


I wish companies would give longer cords by defaul. I swear to god, my gamecube controller's cord is like 4 feet long. Dual Shock 2 is a bit longer. I play on a giant screen, and i dont want to be sitting 5 foot away from the action. I am ultra confortable with the regular xbox cord lenght, but for fucks sake, i have to move the couch when i want to play a ps2 game. I had to buy a extension cord for the gamecube, and god its ugly, damn those madcatz accesories from design hell


shuri said:
I wish companies would give longer cords by defaul. I swear to god, my gamecube controller's cord is like 4 feet long. Dual Shock 2 is a bit longer. I play on a giant screen, and i dont want to be sitting 5 foot away from the action. I am ultra confortable with the regular xbox cord lenght, but for fucks sake, i have to move the couch when i want to play a ps2 game. I had to buy a extension cord for the gamecube, and god its ugly, damn those madcatz accesories from design hell

all cords are ugly.


Console Market Analyst
A wireless standard for next gen would be awesome. Let's all demand that.

And I just realized next week I'm going to have to pull my Gamecube out of the entertainment center just so I can plug in the Donkey Konga drums. Ugh!


Chili Con Carnage!
a life without coords would be a great life indeed, does pose a few security issues though, and theres only so many wireless signals you can have before they all start overlapping.


av cords arent that big a deal because you can hide them anyway. controller cables are the biggest hassle which is why i own wavebirds.


SantaCruZer said:
duh :D

what interfere for you? I have wireless headphones, telephones, wavebirds, pc pads etc at home. Nothing has ever interfered...
Mostly lots of computers. Our router says "a maximum of wireless 254 devices," but I'll be damned if it'll ever get 1/4 of that. I'm guessing when they say that, they just mean that it can theoretically handle that many IP addresses in a C-block IP address scheme or something...either way, all I know is that with only about 20 or so computers, interference can already be a bitch. Even if they're not all broadcasting at the same time, it's not great like it used to be. We still run cords whenever it's possible and not a huge hassle.

And what's worse is that it may not necessarily always be your own computers or access points causing the interference. Channel switching worked for a while, until other people caught on to that, too. :\


(more a nerd than a geek)
snapty00 said:
Yep. The only thing that might be stretching it is wireless electricity. :D

Actually, one of Edison's plans for transmitting electricity to houses was by pulsing directly through the ground.


DavidDayton said:
Actually, one of Edison's plans for transmitting electricity to houses was by pulsing directly through the ground.
Really? Interesting. But I'm guessing that won't be for a while, if ever. :p
snapty00 said:
Really? Interesting. But I'm guessing that won't be for a while, if ever. :p

It's more related to the physics of electricity... take a florescent bulb out under high voltage wires sometime...


(more a nerd than a geek)
As far as I remember, the problems with the pulsing included loss of power and the fact that when AC became the standard, it just wasn't safe. Edison wanted direct current to be the standard, but the problem was that DC requires LOTS of substations -- it loses power rapidly over distance. He hated alternating current, which became the standard...
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