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Wkd BO 07•07-09•17 - Minions cede dominion over box office, Homecoming KING

What is with the doom and gloom surrounding Spider-Man here? It seems to be doing fine?

I will wait for the domestic + international take from the second week before claiming it is doomed.

How can it be doomed? Even if the legs aren't great, it's a solid hit.

Or is this one of those "if it doesn't make 3x its production budget, it lost money" things?

It's entirely people being upset that it doesn't look on pace to make a billion. Which nothing this summer has, and no comic film has post-Civil War. As I said earlier, people will have to rein in their "all comic films can, will, and must make a billion USD" fantasy expectations eventually, whether they want to or not


It's entirely people being upset that it doesn't look on pace to make a billion. Which nothing this summer has, and no comic film has post-Civil War. As I said earlier, people will have to rein in their "all comic films can, will, and must make a billion USD" fantasy expectations eventually, whether they want to or not
I am not upset. I am afraid what Sony is doing with sub 1 bn dollar. They are the fucking Square Enix of Movies
Spidey made $9.9M (Wednesday). The $15M is Tuesday's take.
Lol BOM dun goofed both on Twitter and Facebook.

As good as Apes looks anecdotally I've heard a few people say that, considering the state of the world at the moment, they don't want to go and see such a dark and 'full on' film at this time.

I think one of the negative reviews mentioned that. I could see it. Conversely part of why Wonder Woman is playing so well is having a sincere and optimistic superhero on screen.
As good as Apes looks anecdotally I've heard a few people say that, considering the state of the world at the moment, they don't want to go and see such a dark and 'full on' film at this time.
Don't know what their talking about. The tweets from our "full on" President have been pure entertainment.
I'm your exception.

I didn't hate Into Darkness, but the movie completely falls apart with even a moment's thought. It also commits the sin of having things that make no sense in-universe (transporter that works across light years) and a nonsensical plot.

I mean, it was a fun ride but a complete waste of a great character and not worth a rewatch.

TFA, on the other hand, I rather enjoyed and saw twice in the theater. I guess I expect more/better from Trek than Star Wars, which has always been more science fantasy than Trek.

EDIT: I'm hesitant to rank ST movies because I'm going to realize how many of them are garbage.

I'm not a Trekkie so I watch the new ST films like I would Fast n Furious, but I can see how the film might be annoying for someone well versed with the franchise.

I've been wanting to watch some Star Trek TV but opinions are fucking everywhere on where to begin.


I'm not a Trekkie so I watch the new ST films like I would Fast n Furious, but I can see how the film might be annoying for someone well versed with the franchise.

I've been wanting to watch some Star Trek TV but opinions are fucking everywhere on where to begin.
Just start with season 3 of TNG and if you don't like that, you're good.


I'm not a Trekkie so I watch the new ST films like I would Fast n Furious, but I can see how the film might be annoying for someone well versed with the franchise.

I've been wanting to watch some Star Trek TV but opinions are fucking everywhere on where to begin.
TOS is good but it is also very dated. Start with TNG and watch DS9. Only continue if you are still hungry for more Trek.


HBO Comedy had Batman Forever on last night...I watched the last 45 minutes and I think I'm scarred for life.

I can see this. A super hero movie with a near 4X multiplier is kind of crazy in this day and age of super hero movies.

To me though this just shows how badly WB screwed up Batman V Superman.

Also, I think it's Spidey 2 that's the break out. Spiderman movie brand has been rebuilt by Marvel and Spidey 2 is the first post Avengers 3/4 movie? It's gonna make bank.


sparkle this bitch
I thought TNG was boring as fuck when I gave it a try, but thoroughly enjoyed the OT. Give the best of episodes a try for OG.
I am not upset. I am afraid what Sony is doing with sub 1 bn dollar. They are the fucking Square Enix of Movies

There's a fundamental lack of understanding of the actual problems that Sony Pictures has. It's not that their losing money, because they aren't. Their two basic problems are that they don't have any blockbuster level franchises outside of Spider-Man, and that they've had a really hard time for the past few years both making blockbuster-level movies without the budgets getting too big, and making those movies any good. Sony won't fuck with the mainline Marvel movies because they actually solve both problems (SM:H budget is something like 60-80 million less than ASM2, and that's just production and not marketing, and already delivered a level of critical acclaim they haven't seen since the Raimi years). There are reasons to be worried about the spin-offs, but Sony isn't going to do anything to piss of Marvel right now, and if the spin-offs are bad Sony themselves will probably distance them themselves so as not to damage the brand.
Captain Underpants had like no legs at all. I'm really upset by that.

It was obviously a casualty of Dreamworks' sale to Comcast, but damn.

I brought this up in the last thread I think, what the fuck happened there? Boss Baby was in the Top 20 for months (in fact I think this is the first weekend it's NOT in the Top 20?), Captain Underpants sank like a rock to 17th place in a matter of weeks. Did they release them too close together? I'd imagine that, being based on a fairly popular book series, people KNOW about Captain Underpants VS the Boss Baby.

I still need to see CU by the way. Got a whole damn list of movies I'm behind on, yikes.
There's a fundamental lack of understanding of the actual problems that Sony Pictures has. It's not that their losing money, because they aren't. Their two basic problems are that they don't have any blockbuster level franchises outside of Spider-Man, and that they've had a really hard time for the past few years both making blockbuster-level movies without the budgets getting too big, and making those movies any good. Sony won't fuck with the mainline Marvel movies because they actually solve both problems (SM:H budget is something like 60-80 million less than ASM2, and that's just production and not marketing, and already delivered a level of critical acclaim they haven't seen since the Raimi years). There are reasons to be worried about the spin-offs, but Sony isn't going to do anything to piss of Marvel right now, and if the spin-offs are bad Sony themselves will probably distance them themselves so as not to damage the brand.

Also lol at the idea that they'd be upset at this not making a billion. No solo Spidey film has ever even made $900 mil, and this had the second-lowest budget of any of them


Its a shame Homecoming isnt going to do batshit numbers but I always suspected this was going to be a situation like Nolan's Batman where the first wins back some good will and the real hype is behind the sequel.

Last three Spidey films before it did the franchise no favors.

That and the marketing and trailers were surprisingly mediocre. Was actually worried until the reviews came out.


I saw Spider-Man Homecoming today. Well minus the first 10-15 minutes, because we were buying a car and the paperwork took longer than expected.

I think I liked it more than GOTG2. Definitely the best Spider-man film since Spider-Man 2. I liked that some of the tense scenes were allowed to proceed without a random joke making light of the whole thing.
It was also nice to see a few MCU villains not end up in body bags after their debut film


Great car. Deciding between the CRV and Rav 4 for our second car.

Both are fantastic. I had a Rav 4 for 6 months and loved it and then some dickhead pulled out in front of me and I totaled it. Bought the CR-V next and I will say the CR-V feels more weighty or better built. But both will last your forever if maintained properly. Can't go wrong with either of them.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I have an illogical dislike for the Rav4 based on late 90s models my friends had in university. It's a completely different car now, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to consider owning one.

You forgot a pretty notable kids movie that came out 2 weeks ago :p
I defintley got the dates mixed up for those two films lol
What are people expecting Apes legs to be given that Dunkirk is next week?

Anecdotally, I've never seen more disinterest from people watching a movie at the theater I go to then I did today at my Apes showing. People legitimately walking out in the final few scenes of the movie.


Beauty and the Beast came really close to topping Frozen to be Disney's biggest princess film worldwide. Frozen will stay ahead by a bit less than $15M.

Pretty impressive given the current exchange rates.

Baby Driver only loses 183 venues this weekend, keeping it over 3k for another week. Meanwhile, Transformers dropped another 918, giving it fewer venues in its fourth weekend than Wonder Woman has in its seventh.


Anecdotally, I've never seen more disinterest from people watching a movie at the theater I go to then I did today at my Apes showing. People legitimately walking out in the final few scenes of the movie.

I guess they switched over to a Transformers showing
Which studio is having the worst and best year so far?

BoxOfficeMojo has the breakdowns for domestic in a link on the frontpage.

Disney at the top, Paramount at the bottom. Unless you count the fact that Sony/Columbia isn't that far ahead of Paramount, but has... four more movies for 2017 so far?


BoxOfficeMojo has the breakdowns for domestic in a link on the frontpage.

Disney at the top, Paramount at the bottom. Unless you count the fact that Sony/Columbia isn't that far ahead of Paramount, but has... four more movies for 2017 so far?

Sony will be several hundred million ahead by the end of the summer. Spider-man will probably end up making $200M beyond the first weekend that is counted on that list so far. Add in $40M or so from Baby Driver, and whatever the Dark Tower and the Emoji movie do.
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