No argument whatsoever. I was reacting to the statement *now* that is was badly marketed, by Bobby. If I'm an exec, I want all my movies marketed that badly, if that's the result.
I said "not well at that point," not "
badly", which is splitting a hair, but I chose those words
specifically for the sake of that follicle getting bisected because
I saw this coming.
I mean, this whole line of conversation started because I'd already
admitted I was wrong about what I'd thought the movie was going to do at the box-office, and what its critical reception was going to be. Then Gamz rolls in like "hey, wrong boy, while you're volunteering precious memories of fucking shit up, remember when you were wrong and you wouldn't admit it with this wrong thing about the marketing wronggggg?"
And it's like - yeah, I remember the article, I remember posting it, I remember arguing with people who seemed super-concerned with setting the bar at Doctor Strange and then calling anyone who suggested it might maybe wanna be higher than that reactionaries and outrage machines or whatever.
Do I think they could have rolled out that campaign a little earlier? Yeah. Do I think it woulda led to a higher opening weekend? Yeah.
I'm not going to give full credit to the marketing campaign for a run that is obviously being fueled
largely by word of mouth. It's a summer juggernaut like we haven't seen in awhile. I'm
not saying the marketing was
bad. I'm saying
at the time the article dropped, it seemed weird that there wasn't more of it at the time. It got better, obviously. Good enough to score an opening weekend that was above expectations.
Without going into it, I don't think the marketing changed in reaction to internet articles about the marketing.
I don't think I've ever argued that it did.