imagine, people talking about the biggest box office success in years
in a box office thread
in a box office thread
imagine, people talking about the biggest box office success in years
in a box office thread
'record'Never watched Avatar.
Not really.
Personally, I never pay attention to region records. Its boring. "Number 1 in the entire world" is alot more news worthy in my opinion.
Well I agree.
Maybe its because im not from the U.S? For me its just another region. And what do you mean by scare quotes? I dont know what that means.
Personally, I never pay attention to region records. Its boring. "Number 1 in the entire world" is alot more news worthy in my opinion.
So what does china need to bring in, to make
2# ww a certainty?
250+So what does china need to bring in, to make
2# ww a certainty?
It will be a reimagining of the drawing scene in Titanic. Navi Sully doing a sketch of BB-8 on the couch while wearing the necklace.
So it looks like the Road Chip will end up grossing more than Pan and Jupiter Ascending combined domestically.
Cameron got some anger issues....WHY DOES THAT GIF EXIST
Cameron got some anger issues.
that's how it starts
The fever
the rage
Who cares? It's fucking awesome that someone convinced Cameron to do a wrestling spot....WHY DOES THAT GIF EXIST
Man I didn't realize just how badly Pan bombed. $35 million domestic is sad.
Warner had a really superb year.
not gonna lie, that was one of my favorite trailer moments of the year. jeremy irons can make reading the phonebook sound mean.
No lie, the first trailer had me hype for the spectacle of it all.
Then the second trailer came out...
Props for dedication.
So you're banking on Star Wars winning best picture?
Tomorrowland probably did the same for Disney.damn shame this will likely scare them away from taking risks. the blind faith they put into fury road more than makes up for basura like pan and jupiter ascending tbh.
but it's a business so yeah...
Tomorrowland probably did the same for Disney.
The real question is if it'll pass up Avatar.TFA will cross the 1 billion mark domestically. Worldwide, 2 billion.
damn shame this will likely scare them away from taking risks. the blind faith they put into fury road more than makes up for basura like pan and jupiter ascending tbh.
but it's a business so yeah...
The real question is if it'll pass up Avatar.
TFA will cross the 1 billion mark domestically. Worldwide, 2 billion.
Curious if anyone knows if this will be the most profitable film. Not % wise, but total gross. We know companies get more with domestic and more of the revenue split the first few weeks. Star Wars also seems to get special contractions with theaters since its a guaranteed box office hit. Wasn't PM the one getting nearly 100% of revenue?
So I'm wondering if anyone knows if this may take in more than Avatar? Where it the bulk of it was overseas, normally 40-25% is taken in. With its stronger domestic take, more front loaded, etc. Even when it ends up a few hundred million behind. Shouldn't they be getting a far greater % of the cut?
The still have The legend of Tarzan and its 180M budget.
Man I didn't realize just how badly Pan bombed. $35 million domestic is sad.
lmao, i take it back. they make too many stupid risks.
i think warcraft will be the biggest bomb of the year though.
lmao, i take it back. they make too many stupid risks.
i think warcraft will be the biggest bomb of the year though.
lmao, i take it back. they make too many stupid risks.
i think warcraft will be the biggest bomb of the year though.
I think those crazy 90%+ first weekend studio share deals stopped some time back when films began doing 70% of their LTD box office in the first two weeks. Exhibitors got hosed on Spider-man 3, Pirates 3, and Shrek 3 in the same month.
Average across all films since 2008 was 53% according to this Washington Post article:
The same article does mention that Disney is making theatres bend over with regards to Star Wars, taking a cut over 60%. Then IMAX takes up to 20% on top of that for their showings.
Hence why a bag of skittles is $3-4.
Duncan Jones won't get another big budget if that happens. Not that he needs it to be successful.
I think Warcraft will do better than everyone will predict. Maybe not a billion WW, but I think $600-700m is a good figure.Warcraft is going to be big in China.,2016-12-31&playtype=future&searchkey=
Currently the 6th most popular 2016 release on that site. The Most popular film if you discount things releasing in the next month (which obviously are going to have more awareness with ad campaigns running).
I expect $100M there at the low end.
Anything can happen in NeverlandWOW...that is almost unbelievable.