From upstream
Dont worry bro, we go on Wednesdays to avoid these whole fooders.
Why you gotta look down on me and mine
Stop smelling and looking like your lower half is made up of used toilet paper shoved into a strained pair of sweatpants and I won't judge.
And sit at least 4 rows away from me. Don't care which direction.
145M or 28.6% of its at that point gross. A same split for TFA would put it at 964M.What did JP make from here on out?
Fridays - you start your weeks on Friday or Monday?
Hopefully we dont run into any K-marters.Smart man. I usually go Wednesdays or Sunday mornings now.
145M or 28.6% of its at that point gross. A same split for TFA would put it at 964M.
Fridays -
Hopefully we dont run into any K-marters.
Dont be a ... Discount Debby!I will be seeing The Hateful Eight tonight. Can't pass on a discount on top of a discount for $2 tickets.
Don't judge me.
Looking at the past 5 years, I dont see any big release (>5M weekdays) having an increase greater than 10% on the first Tuesday. TFA can always surprise us.So how much does it need to beat Avatar now domestic? 10 Mil or so? Seems like it's possible it could beat it by the end of today then no?
Those are averaged out drops. If it has drops by a greater percentage in week 3, then it sustains better in 4.Realistic best case scenario this week (week ending Jan 7th) will be a 53.5% drop due to the loss of Holiday weekdays. What does your chart look like if you assume that for a week 3 drop and then project from Week 4 forward?
So how much does it need to beat Avatar now domestic? 10 Mil or so? Seems like it's possible it could beat it by the end of today then no?
And enjoy this bucket of fried chicken I cunningly snuck into the theater!
I will be seeing The Hateful Eight tonight. Can't pass on a discount on top of a discount for $2 tickets.
Don't judge me.
Those are averaged out drops. If it has drops by a greater percentage in week 3, then it sustains better in 4.
970-980 range pretty much guarantees a rerelease. I wonder when, im guessing May the 4th.
Avatar's average ticket price was around $10, so figure 75M admissions give or take. The Dark Knight admission estimate on BOM is 74.2M. IMAX was about 4% of the domestic gross, so that brings in slightly down to 73.5M. Both are probably within the same margin of error, considering these are rough estimates.
No, they won't compete with Captain America. It'll probably be in April.
I remember being at a sneak screening and a dude posted up about a row back on the aisle (at least he was on the aisle) and busted open a Safeway rotisserie chicken.
A whole fucking supermarket deli rotisserie chicken.
Greasy as hell. I could HEAR IT.
It does but then the projection models would become way more crazy for my napkin. I dont think TFA will have two 50% weekly drops in succession.Large early drops hurt the gross a lot more than better late drops help though.
A film with a $100M first week and consistent 40% drops will gross around $250M.
A film with a $100M first week, two 50% drops, and then consistent 30% drops will gross less than $235M, despite a much better average drop (33% through the first 12 weeks).
I remember watching Gravity one time there, and when something notable happened, a row of people just burst out laughing and would not shut up. PHILLY!
Taking my Uncle and my Mother to see TFA tomorrow. Uncle has not been to the movie theater in almost 20 years.
Man, what's the last movie he saw? Jurassic Park?
The rumor that's already come out regarding a potential re-release (or re-expansion, as it will more likely be) was around Easter, actually.
But yeah, if this thing crosses 950, they'll limp this motherfucker as long as they have to in order to get that billion.
I'm assuming a rerelease would mean no new footage? I thought I remember seeing a J.J. quote where he was pretty firm on the film remaining the way it is while including some deleted scenes for the video release.
Last month I pointed out that I felt Star Wars fever was really huge here locally despite the lower than expected boxoffice results throughout Asia. Turns out I was pretty wrong, and it was just anecdotal bias. Ip Man 3 has been trashing TFA in the last two weeks, and there's even an editorial about it now from a local film critic.
Last week:
This week:
John Lui on "Universe fatigue":
So... could Rogue One do better there because of Donnie Yen? >_>
They could throw dinosaurs and race cars in there with Darth Vader as well, and we might finally see something that makes Cameron nervous.That's more than likely the main damn reason they cast him
Boy OWNS China
They could throw dinosaurs and race cars in there with Darth Vader as well, and we might finally see something that makes Cameron nervous.
So... could Rogue One do better there because of Donnie Yen? >_>
I'm going to have to live up to my Junior status for this next comment.Worked for X-Men.
Last Stand made $2.6M in China (probably the equivalent of $40-50M there now). First Class didn't even release. The Wolverine made $40M. Days of Future Past made $116M.
Donnie Yen is not the only famous Chinese person in the movie industry...
Probably tomorrow.So is it going to top Avatar today or tomorrow?
Domestic, obvs.
I did cover that. >_>Donnie Yen is not the only famous Chinese person in the movie industry...
I'm going to have to live up to my Junior status for this next comment.
Donnie was in the X-Men movies? If he was, I don't recall ever seeing him. I'm assuming you must mean another famous Asian actor that I'm not aware of.
The only American movie I remember Donnie in was Blade 2, which I greatly enjoyed, by the way. He should have had a much larger role.
Yeah, I remember now. Very pretty actress.He means
Is she coming back for Apocalypse? I have to imagine they'd try to finagle her in there someway, somehow
She would be a baby