Weird how much presales have picked up. Could this be another case of us underestimating just how well the movie can do?
Weird how much presales have picked up. Could this be another case of us underestimating just how well the movie can do?
Do you think the recent very low exchange rate yuan can impact the The Force Awaken's grosses in China ?
Cannot guarantee that I will post updates at 9, 10, 11.
Minions (final gross - $68,490,000)
12.09.2015 Beijing time 00:01 -- Minions - 57328 (Premier)
Jurassic World (final gross - $228,740,000)
09.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 73115 (1 day before premier)
10.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 184599 (Premier)
Furious 7 (final gross - $390,910,000)
2015-04-11 23:36 - 472,900 (24 minutes before premier)
2015-04-12 (Premier)
Age of Ultron (final gross - $240,110,000)
05-10 22:31 250,953 (1.5 hours before premier)
05-11 (Premier)
1 pm ~336k (11 hours before premier)
2 pm 370,094 (10 hours before premier)
3 pm 405,750 (9 hours before premier)
4 pm 450,775 (8 hours before premier)
5 pm 470,130 (7 hours before premier)
6 pm 492,937 (6 hours before premier)
7 pm 512,596 (5 hours before premier)
8 pm 534,979 (4 hours before premier)
Cannot guarantee that I will post updates at 9, 10, 11.
Minions (final gross - $68,490,000)
12.09.2015 Beijing time 00:01 -- Minions - 57328 (Premier)
Jurassic World (final gross - $228,740,000)
09.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 73115 (1 day before premier)
10.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 184599 (Premier)
Furious 7 (final gross - $390,910,000)
2015-04-11 23:36 - 472,900 (24 minutes before premier)
2015-04-12 (Premier)
Age of Ultron (final gross - $240,110,000)
05-10 22:31 250,953 (1.5 hours before premier)
05-11 (Premier)
1 pm ~336k (11 hours before premier)
2 pm 370,094 (10 hours before premier)
3 pm 405,750 (9 hours before premier)
4 pm 450,775 (8 hours before premier)
5 pm 470,130 (7 hours before premier)
6 pm 492,937 (6 hours before premier)
7 pm 512,596 (5 hours before premier)
8 pm 534,979 (4 hours before premier)
9 pm 602,363 (3 hours before premier)
Come on China, old buddy, don't let me down.
Don't let 'you down'?
Elaborate please.
Don't let 'you down'?
Elaborate please.
It's a line from RotJ when Han and the gang are supposed to be destroying the shield generator so the fleet can attack the Death Star but it hasn't happened yet and people are getting impatient. Except he doesn't say 'China' he says 'Han' because China wouldn't make sense in the context of that particular space battle.
It's a line by Lando in RotJ.
you can ask this question about anything, its a pointless question just as much as the questions themselves can be. you realize this? What difference does it make if we post on neogaf?I got the reference, I was wondering what it had to do with China? What difference does it make to you how much money The Force Awakens makes in China?
Don't let 'you down'?
Elaborate please.
I got the reference, I was wondering what it had to do with China? What difference does it make to you how much money The Force Awakens makes in China?
I got the reference, I was wondering what it had to do with China? What difference does it make to you how much money The Force Awakens makes in China?
How the hell did Avatar have legs like that? I remember the hype disappeared almost immediately after people saw the movie.
1st point I agree, I was never interested in seeing it but did so after a few weeks after the positive word of mouth about the 3D. People were definitely talking about how cool it looked.Then you remembered wrong; I had a huge applause in NA's biggest IMAX theatre opening night. The hype was real. I saw it 5 times because everyone in my network wanted to watch it.
And despite the vitriol against Avatar, I'd much rather champion an original film than a franchise movie.
Could be all the difference in the world. If I'm in my computer chair waiting for the numbers to come in I'm not out in the street getting hit by a car or in an alleyway getting mugged or being sacrificed by a doomsday cult. If it makes too little I get bored, stand up, and take those fateful steps into a great unknowable future. How much money Star Wars makes in China could be the moment that decides whether I am cruelly ripped from this mortal plane or gently fall into eternal slumber 60 years from now. It could be the biggest, most decisive moment of my life and you're just going to dismiss it, dismiss ME, like that? How dare you.
So why would you champion a bad movie though? It's fine if you don't champion star wars but Avatar? wow that's not one I would want to hold my hat on.Then you remembered wrong; I had a huge applause in NA's biggest IMAX theatre opening night. The hype was real. I saw it 5 times because everyone in my network wanted to watch it.
And despite the vitriol against Avatar, I'd much rather champion an original film than a franchise movie.
The main reason it made the money it did was it looked really good and launching the 3D craze. It is a very poor movie though but people wanted to see it because how it looked with the 3D.Avatar is not a bad movie. Bad movies don't destroy box office records like that with legs like Avatar had. Yes, I'd argue that tech and it coming out at the right place and right time was the main factor in its earnings but if it was really as bad as some haters make it out to be all those points would still not have it at 2.7 billion worldwide.
JW was mediocre but not truly bad either. Most people seemed to enjoy it. And ultimately that's what makes both movies so successful.
The main reason it made the money it did was it looked really good and launching the 3D craze. It is a very poor movie though but people wanted to see it because how it looked with the 3D.
JW is not a bad movie, mediocre maybe but I thought it was enjoyable.
That part is true but JW is a better movie than Avatar.JW is a bad film absolutely. I don't have that much love for avatar but it is a very competently made and written blockbuster
So it has a lot more going for it already. Plus you can always count on cameron really handling setpieces
The main reason it made the money it did was it looked really good and launching the 3D craze. It is a very poor movie though but people wanted to see it because how it looked with the 3D.
JW is not a bad movie, mediocre maybe but I thought it was enjoyable.
Probably my last post as I will be away. Someone else can take up the mantle if they want.
Minions (final gross - $68,490,000)
12.09.2015 Beijing time 00:01 -- Minions - 57328 (Premier)
Jurassic World (final gross - $228,740,000)
09.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 73115 (1 day before premier)
10.06.2015 Beijing time 00:00 -- JW - 184599 (Premier)
Furious 7 (final gross - $390,910,000)
2015-04-11 23:36 - 472,900 (24 minutes before premier)
2015-04-12 (Premier)
Age of Ultron (final gross - $240,110,000)
05-10 22:31 250,953 (1.5 hours before premier)
05-11 (Premier)
1 pm ~336k (11 hours before premier)
2 pm 370,094 (10 hours before premier)
3 pm 405,750 (9 hours before premier)
4 pm 450,775 (8 hours before premier)
5 pm 470,130 (7 hours before premier)
6 pm 492,937 (6 hours before premier)
7 pm 512,596 (5 hours before premier)
8 pm 534,979 (4 hours before premier)
9 pm 602,363 (3 hours before premier)
10 pm 648,285 (2 hours before premier)
That part is true but JW is a better movie than Avatar.
That part is true but JW is a better movie than Avatar.