Thank you for this, haha.
I think that's why a lot of people expect Ep VIII to do better than VII overseas.
Thank you for this, haha.
sadly I tried asking people about it today, felt like I was annoying them
Hey anyone at work talk about star wars today? (stares at me) eh, well anyone? continue to stare at me (take that as a no)
friend 2
hey you want to see star wars (yes, baby) did you see the old ones? (no)
Did you see any advertising for it at all (no) ok.
friend 3
Hey you know star wars? (yes, my husband is a manager at a plan that makes toys) oh great, so he saw the movie? (yes) are you going to go see it (no) ah, ok.
Hey did you know the new star wars will be here next week (nope) ok
student 2
hey you going to go see star wars next weke (no) do you know what star wars is? (no) ok back to talking about soccer
This is how it always goes for me, might as well stick to neogaf.
All of those movies had recent entries to help build an audience. The last Star Wars movie was over a decade ago and it wasn't that good. I think that's why a lot of people expect Ep VIII to do better than VII overseas.
Even still, it had the 4th biggest midnight showing ever and people are shook. Some perspective would help.
Hell, I think it's very possible Rogue One will do better than The Force Awakens overseas.
1/4 ain't bad.sadly I tried asking people about it today, felt like I was annoying them
Hey anyone at work talk about star wars today? (stares at me) eh, well anyone? continue to stare at me (take that as a no)
friend 2
hey you want to see star wars (yes, baby) did you see the old ones? (no)
Did you see any advertising for it at all (no) ok.
friend 3
Hey you know star wars? (yes, my husband is a manager at a plan that makes toys) oh great, so he saw the movie? (yes) are you going to go see it (no) ah, ok.
Hey did you know the new star wars will be here next week (nope) ok
student 2
hey you going to go see star wars next weke (no) do you know what star wars is? (no) ok back to talking about soccer
This is how it always goes for me, might as well stick to neogaf.
You live in China?
1/4 ain't bad.
Because of the success of TFA?
Huh. That's more optimistic than we'd been thinking. Then again, they're theater owners, so maybe they have reason to be a little more [/URL]
Donnie Yen stars in Rogue One
Especially when that 1 comes with a "yes baby"
That prediction by distributors was from a month ago.
Because of the success of TFA?
Because of the success of TFA?
LA china town, just kidding. yes china.
But if you never been here you really dont get it until you have been here... you won't even see kids until very specific times lol
It's on our list of places to go. My Chinese colleague told me I should visit the South, specifically Guangzhou. He works there and said it's not where most tourists (most go North for the Wall) go but a good place to experience China.
Honestly, she really does get on my nerves when she is at my home. Wont stop laughing.
I knew there was a catch
Partially, and also the fact Rogue One will feature Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen as stars. Those two factors, primarily, although I think maybe the possibility of Vader being in it could also help. Basically, Disney/Lucasfilm's marketing push for this film, and the reception of this film, would raise awareness, if nothing else, making something like Rogue One a lot more appealing.
No. Because the spinoffs are going to be very focused on getting Star Wars to the domesic level in the international markets.
They're very clearly skewed and cast for that fact.
It can be rough depending on where you go. Largers cities are ok but expect heavy traffic a bit of rudeness and non caring to an extent. Some people can like it but I can see a lot of people being turned off. Make sure you locate nice western toilets unless you are quite good at squatting.
Man that airport in guanzhou was seriously like a sona the first time I came through. Everyone was dripping sweat. Other than that, it seems fairly safe here but the air really can be rough. As long as your not living here dealing with cleaning the furniture and floors though it's probably better to just visit
I have no interest to go to the wall but I am mostly relaxed here when my internet or something isn't annoying me.
I can see the pull in China because of those two stars, but wouldn't the international market still just view Rogue One as another SW movie (even if it's a different kind)? What's the true selling point or difference between the films, from a marketing perspective?
Ahhh ok that's good to know. He seems to like living there well enough and is really excited about playing tour guide for us in his city.
Would you agree it's a good taste of China though?
That's kinda up to the marketing, isn't it?
I'm unsure as to what question it is you're actually asking. If you're asking why I think the movie might play better internationally? That's because it's flat-out more international. Just look at the cast. It's also apparently not very "Star Wars" in that there are no Jedi, and there might not even be any dogfights, from what I understand.
So if they sell the movie as an action-fest set in a sci-fi ground war combined with espionage aspects, featuring without a doubt the single best cast ever assembled for a Star Wars movie, period? I think that'll reach people who are already primed and semi-familiar with Star Wars, even just from The Force Awakens (which is a great intro to what Star Wars is and how it works).
Maybe my question wasn't phrased the best, but your answer is what I was looking for. I just wonder if the mere fact that it will have "Star Wars" attached to its title would be enough for many in the international market to turn away, regardless of what sort of trailers/footage is released or marketing attempted. I guess that is what I'm asking. Do you guys think the film merely being labeled "Star Wars" is enough to deter the international market (those who already did not have interest it seeing TFA)?
I just wonder if the mere fact that it will have "Star Wars" attached to its title would be enough for many in the international market to turn away, regardless of what sort of trailers/footage is released or marketing attempted. I guess that is what I'm asking. Do you guys think the film merely being labeled "Star Wars" is enough to deter the international market (those who already did not have interest it seeing TFA)?
You've activated the BAYSIGNAL.
This fool doesn't even know how to pull off a proper Bay shot. You need to spin the camera and have things in the background for perspective.
I think most places in china are similar. I would not suggest Shanghai or Bj honestly. Your not getting the best experiences there and more people speak english and it's a bit more western. I'd sa GZ should be fine (they are culturally united more than most places.. maybe because the vast density of people)
Id suggest being a bit careful and understanding that you need to always be prepared. keep water with you, bottled water only because must places you go may serve you hot drinks. Hot water and may not provide simple drinks for you. That is common for chinese people not to drink much while eating and a lot of the food can be spicy in certain parts. Also keep in mind they don't do boneless food much so your fish or meats such as chicken will be whe whole chicken cut up with the bone into a pot. Just a few simple things that people may not realize when going around here
Don't be afraid to take taxis, they are super cheap here. I take one to work cause the subway is too far to walk to and the bus stop is a bit far away too. Only costs me like a 1.50 for a 5 minute ride. Expect them to drive fast and crazy, I am on the wrong side of the road more than the right side sometimes.
Globally, the movie has already made $2.31 billion worldwide and this week became the biggest release at the U.S. box office, overtaking “Avatar.”
Star Wars is a lot more than pointing out the lowest grossing film in the franchise. In toy sales and merchandise sales Star Wars always consistently dwarfed Marvel. It's second only to Disney Princess in terms of toys and merchandise sales.
Interesting post; thanks for your explanation. Makes more sense to me. I can't wait to see how this thing turns out in China.I think you might be confusing a general sense of apathy or uninterest in Star Wars generally with the idea that the words Star Wars are an active audience deterrent in international markets. I don't think the branding/logo is scaring people off, it's just that it doesn't mean much by itself in a lot of markets.
People may not be really interested in Star Wars to the level they are in America and Europe, but I don't think Star Wars is actively disliked in those other regions, either. It's just ... there. It's a thing. The size of that thing can still grow, and should, if it's marketed correctly, and the films being sold are appealing beyond that initial marketing push.
It's basically the difference between blending into a crowd, and being the asshole you wanna throw out. I don't think Star Wars is the latter, and it's a question as to whether the series can break out of the former without becoming the latter.
Star Wars is a lot more than pointing out the lowest grossing film in the franchise. In toy sales and merchandise sales Star Wars always consistently dwarfed Marvel. It's second only to Disney Princess in terms of toys and merchandise sales.
It does relate. In that as an overall franchise Star Wars is MUCH bigger than Marvel and thus the potential pool for an audience for a new Star Wars film is far larger than Avengers. Meaning if the right Star Wars film had the potential to oitgross anything Marvel could release.Yo, this is a BO sales thread, not a toys and merchandise sales thread.
Lol, I like this guy's style.
It can be rough depending on where you go. Largers cities are ok but expect heavy traffic a bit of rudeness and non caring to an extent. Some people can like it but I can see a lot of people being turned off. Make sure you locate nice western toilets unless you are quite good at squatting.
Man that airport in guanzhou was seriously like a sona the first time I came through. Everyone was dripping sweat. Other than that, it seems fairly safe here but the air really can be rough. As long as your not living here dealing with cleaning the furniture and floors though it's probably better to just visit
I have no interest to go to the wall but I am mostly relaxed here when my internet or something isn't annoying me.
just for fun (this is the yes baby girl) she will go see star wars I am sure (and she is so crazy, stop eating my damn chips!) lol
Sorry guys, its getting late and I am a little bored sitting here (for the record Id never marry her crazy ass)
Honestly, she really does get on my nerves when she is at my home. Wont stop laughing.
It does relate. In that as an overall franchise Star Wars is MUCH bigger than Marvel and thus the potential pool for an audience for a new Star Wars film is far larger than Avengers. Meaning if the right Star Wars film had the potential to oitgross anything Marvel could release.
And TFA was that film.
who is "yes baby girl"?
sadly I tried asking people about it today, felt like I was annoying them
friend 2
hey you want to see star wars (yes, baby) did you see the old ones? (no)
who is "yes baby girl"?