BvS: My gut tells me that this is doing sub-$400M, but I may be letting my feelings towards the latest trailer clouding my thoughts. Everything about the way WB is handling this film and the JL universe is just wrong, IMO. I do believe, though, that this a film that can be easily be sold to millions with a few money shots in TV spots, and that's a place WB is often very adept at. Just for the love of God, don't put more focus on Lex than you have to you.
Civil War: Again, TV spots will be essential here. If the material is there to market this as a huge superhero vs superhero mash, then it could outgross Ultron. For now, I'll go with $375M
Dory: If Pixar can bring the quality here, I don't think there's anything stopping this from becoming the highest grossing film of the year, at least domestically. At revered as Toy Story is, Nemo is even moreso and to more people. I'd say it's easily the most popular Pixar film, even 12 years later, and so the potential for over $500M is easily there.
Rogue One: Darth Vader in the teaser and I'll be predicting a $150+M opening, easy.
Independence Day: If this had Will Smith, I'd probably predict $500M here too. ID4 is probably the definitive summer blockbuster of the 90s, along with Jurassic Park. Even without Smith, the nostalgia is going to be really significant here. I see $400+M.
Alice 2: I'll be shocked if this done more than $150M. It's currently scheduled to go head to head with a possible $100+M opener, and the first one is pretty much the definitive "in the moment" blockbuster. It benefitted so much from the post-Avatar 3D hype, and there's not a single person I know that actually liked it.
Edit: Forgot about Suicide Squad. I think the potential here is absolutely massive. The concept is unique and the trailer blew up the internet even more than the BvS trailer. I wouldn't be surprised if it destroys the records Guardians of the Galaxy set for an August release.