Wouldn't one say the usage gained momentum after Transformers since those were the first two to use it pre-Inception? I know GAF loves Nolan and Co. but it's not like his movie pioneered the most over-used and downright annoying sound affect in trailers. That damn horn has become the dubstep of movie trailers.
Also, it's important to note that when it gets copied it often isn't a horn. Prometheus is using a deep note on a cello or a bass. A lot of other movies use a sort of electronic buzz.
Also, it's important to note that when it gets copied it often isn't a horn. Prometheus is using a deep note on a cello or a bass. A lot of other movies use a sort of electronic buzz.
i would bet most people don't even realize (or care) who is actually responsible for the movie threads. as long as they have a place to shit on whatever is popular, they're good.
i would bet most people don't even realize (or care) who is actually responsible for the movie threads. as long as they have a place to shit on whatever is popular, they're good.
One guy was suggesting that the movie studio exec should be taken out to the parking lot and be shot as an example to others .. really really awkward and messed up.
Colin Farrell starred in In Bruges, Miami Vice and New World. Some of the most awesome films last decade.
His career may not be successful but some of his films were fucking great. Also he worked with Woody Allen and Peter Weir in not so great films but at least it was them. I think he has a pretty interesting career when he avoids the blockbusters.
If Taylor Kitsch is a decent actor (I haven't seen evidence though and I love FNL and Riggins) he could maybe go the same way picking interesting directors to work with rather than just go the flopped up blockbuster route.
I don't know though, oh well can't wait to buy the John Carter bluray (and cringe in embarrassment due to the cover)
So, when do we hear the news that Taylor Kitsch has fired his agent, and is looking solely at small indie parts in an effort to resuscitate his career?
So, when do we hear the news that Taylor Kitsch has fired his agent, and is looking solely at small indie parts in an effort to resuscitate his career?
I've always felt that Kitsch had a b-movie actor face. When I saw the trailer for John Carter, I actually felt that he made the movie look cheap. I'm not blaming him solely for that disaster, but I'm not surprised that things haven't gone well for him.
Colin Farrell starred in In Bruges, Miami Vice and New World. Some of the most awesome films last decade.
His career may not be successful but some of his films were fucking great. Also he worked with Woody Allen and Peter Weir in not so great films but at least it was them. I think he has a pretty interesting career when he avoids the blockbusters.
If Taylor Kitsch is a decent actor (I haven't seen evidence though and I love FNL and Riggins) he could maybe go the same way picking interesting directors to work with rather than just go the flopped up blockbuster route.
I don't know though, oh well can't wait to buy the John Carter bluray (and cringe in embarrassment due to the cover)
If anyone wants to take a leap from TV to movies, I'd think they'd try to follow in the footsteps of DiCaprio. Of course, they'll need to know how to act, but aligning themselves with reputable directors will do wonders -- Cameron, Spielberg, Scorsese for DiCaprio.
Looking back at the Avengers. I'd probably like it more than the Nolan Batman films if:
A) They cut out a good half hour from the movie
B) Got rid of Hawkeye and Scarlett Johannson
C) Coulson's death wasn't important, because he isn't anyways
D) They got a better villain
Otherwise it was pretty damn enjoyable and knew what it was doing.
The only human beings on this planet that want to spend money on Battleship are those in a financial position to throw entire bills out their car window at their leisure.
There aren't too many of those people around right now.
Iron Man (and Iron Man 2) have the worst scores of the Marvel canon. Incredible Hulk's was also forgettable. However, Thor's, CA's, and The Avengers' scores have been pretty good.
Looking back at the Avengers. I'd probably like it more than the Nolan Batman films if:
A) They cut out a good half hour from the movie
B) Got rid of Hawkeye and Scarlett Johannson
C) Coulson's death wasn't important, because he isn't anyways
D) They got a better villain
Otherwise it was pretty damn enjoyable and knew what it was doing.
There were definetaly a stretch of scenes that should have been cut from the movie (
right before the attack on the Helicarrier
), but Hawkeye and Black Widow were some of the best members of the team. Also, Coulson's death got a huge response from people and Loki was definitely one of the best parts of the movie.
Deathly Hallows 2 actually extends its foreign lead over The Avengers this weekend (up to $69m from $61m). Japan's still missing for TA, though. EDIT: Reason is DH2 opened in China on its 4th weekend.
Nevertheless, domestic more than made up to it and TA is now worldwide $69m ahead up from $38m from last weekend.
Iron Man (and Iron Man 2) have the worst scores of the Marvel canon. Incredible Hulk's was also forgettable. However, Thor's, CA's, and The Avengers' scores have been pretty good.
There were definetaly a stretch of scenes that should have been cut from the movie (
right before the attack on the Helicarrier
), but Hawkeye and Black Widow were some of the best members of the team. Also, Coulson's death got a huge response from people and Loki was definitely one of the best parts of the movie.
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
"some of the best members on the team" doesn't sound so impressive when you realize they're dead last in this group in terms of interest. And the pacing of the film crawled so...damn...slowly once they were on screen together. Would have just preferred more Banner and Stark tbh.
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
"some of the best members on the team" doesn't sound so impressive when you realize they're dead last in this group in terms of interest. And the pacing of the film crawled so...damn...slowly once they were on screen together. Would have just preferred more Banner and Stark tbh.