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Woman sues zoo for not stopping her when she put her hand inside a Lion cage

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The Adder

How about, hypothetically of course, a staff memeber were to tell a member of the general public "No, you can't pet this lion." That enough?

No, because the member of the general public should not be in the position to pet a lion in the first place.

To phrase this differently:

She doesn't deserve money, but the zoo deserves to be sued.


Well you could put up a glass wall. But then the government would need to put up glass walls everywhere, like on the side of a bridge so you don't accidentally fall over. Cause hey, there's nothing preventing the general public from gaining access to areas which they can be harmed by falling off a bridge.



No, because the member of the general public should not be in the position to pet a lion in the first place.
Well, they wouldn't be if they could read, hear or had an ounce of common sense.

This attitude of zero personal accountability in America really is a sight to behold.
In no other country an adult woman would have to be physically restrained just so she wouldn't touch a lion. Or would have the audacity to sue afterwards.

Natural selection at work.

only if he sticks his genitals through the fence
(someone did that at some point right?)

(also I wouldn't blame too much on the kid, I mean, what kind of parent is filming his son "playing" with a tiger like that?!). It's like a super worse version of that baby vs. cat gif


Well, they wouldn't be if they could read, hear or had an ounce of common sense.

This attitude of zero personal accountability in America really is a sight to behold.
In no other country an adult woman would have to be physically restrained just so she wouldn't touch a lion. Or would have the audacity to sue afterwards.

The number of personal injury lawsuits in the US has been declining for years and years.

The Adder

Well, they wouldn't be if they could read, hear or had an ounce of common sense.

This attitude of zero personal accountability in America really is a sight to behold.
In no other country an adult woman would have to be physically restrained just so she wouldn't touch a lion. Or would have the audacity to sue afterwards.

It's called a lock. Most institutions with areas that can endanger the general public keep those areas locked down. The ones that fail to are generally punished for failing to do so. Especially if someone is injured. They are liable for it. Because, again, I'm pretty sure if it were a mentally handicapped person or a child you'd be throwing a shit fit about American zoos' lack of security.


No, because the member of the general public should not be in the position to pet a lion in the first place.

To phrase this differently:

She doesn't deserve money, but the zoo deserves to be sued.

You can literally sue a zoo(hell any business) for literally anything then and they would deserved to be sued by your logic even though they have taken steps to ensure that dumbasses like herself dont bend over backwards to try and harm themselves.

I could attend an Orca show, run past the seats and jump into the Orca pool. If the Orca then bites my arm off the aquarium deserves to be sued?

Many Zoo's/park's have bears/Lions Dens or shows, If I was a dumbass and decided to jump in the Den and get my extremities chewed off does the Zoo/park then deserve to be sued?

The Adder

You can literally sue a zoo(hell any business) for literally anything then and they would deserved to be sued by your logic even though they have taken steps to ensure that dumbasses like herself dont bend over backwards to try and harm themselves.

I could attend an Orca show, run past the seats and jump into the Orca pool. If the Orca then bites my arm off the aquarium deserves to be sued?

Many Zoo's/park's have bears/Lions Dens or shows, If I was a dumbass and decided to jump in the Den and get my extremities chewed off does the Zoo/park then deserve to be sued?

A barrier that requires significant physical effort to overcome is a reasonable level of precaution. Anything further could prevent the exhibit from serving its purpose. A sign and an unlocked door are not a reasonable level of precaution. If all someone has to do is wander in and do something stupid then you've failed to provide an appropriate level of security.

For example, the exits to the roof where I work are locked from the outside because if someone went up to the roof and jumped off, we would be liable for their injuries or death.
I just realized that screen cap is from my local area news, surprised I didn't see a Facebook post about it. Maybe glad because most of the time the comments they get are mind numbing in their racism, ignorance and general stupidity. Though perhaps this one would finally be something for people agree upon.
A barrier that requires significant physical effort to overcome is a reasonable level of precaution. Anything further could prevent the exhibit from serving its purpose. A sign and an unlocked door are not a reasonable level of precaution. If all someone has to do is wander in and do something stupid then you've failed to provide an appropriate level of security.

For example, the exits to the roof where I work are locked from the outside because if someone went up to the roof and jumped off, we would be liable for their injuries or death.

Actually they are. She when into a secured area after she was told not to pet a wild and dangerous animal. The Zoo did nothing wrong and she's a idiot.

The Adder

Actually they are. She when into a secured area after she was told not to pet a wild and dangerous animal. The Zoo did nothing wrong and she's a idiot.

Actually they aren't. Because again, anyone can wander back there and shove their hand into a liom's den. That is not a reasonable level of precaution.
Actually they are. She when into a secured area after she was told not to pet a wild and dangerous animal. The Zoo did nothing wrong and she's a idiot.

The policies should be strong enough to protect both visitors and animals. If the headline had been: "Crazy woman walks through unlocked door into staff-only area of zoo, poisons lion" it becomes much easier to ignore the silly woman and judge zoo security as inadequate. Maybe they did what they could to help the woman understand the danger she was in, but the animal deserved better than to get harassed by an untrained yokel.


The policies should be strong enough to protect both visitors and animals. If the headline had been: "Crazy woman walks through unlocked door into staff-only area of zoo, poisons lion" it becomes much easier to ignore the silly woman and judge zoo security as inadequate. Maybe they did what they could to help the woman understand the danger she was in, but the animal deserved better than to get harassed by an untrained yokel.
I imagine nothing could really prevent a visitor from throwing some poisoned food in considering how most zoos are outdoors.
I imagine nothing could really prevent a visitor from throwing some poisoned food in considering how most zoos are outdoors.

True you only make it harder and not impossible for visitors to harm animals by putting a locked gate between staff-only areas and visitor walkways. But it doesn't sound like a locked, physical barrier was even present at the Phoenix Zoo, and it's not unreasonable to re-examine at least that level of protection for the animals. The article doesn't make mention of a lot of details (like, was there a gate but they didn't lock it? Is there nothing but a sign to 'secure' the area?), but at the bare minimum it was way too easy for this woman to pester a wild animal. The zoo may not be liable for the woman's injury, but it would be liable for anything bad happening to its animals.


A barrier that requires significant physical effort to overcome is a reasonable level of precaution. Anything further could prevent the exhibit from serving its purpose. A sign and an unlocked door are not a reasonable level of precaution. If all someone has to do is wander in and do something stupid then you've failed to provide an appropriate level of security.

For example, the exits to the roof where I work are locked from the outside because if someone went up to the roof and jumped off, we would be liable for their injuries or death.

Last time I checked most Lions Den's dont require significant effort to get in. Usually theres a small handrail guard about chest high, but that's about it, since the Den itself is pretty deep. Orca/dolphin shows have need no physical effort to get in other than to run and jump into the water. I guess being enough of a dumbass to actually go through with it would be a barrier.

JC Lately

The hell of it is, had someone grabbed her hand or pulled her back or in any way physical restrained from putting her hand in the cage, the article we’d be reading would be: “Zoo Employee Assaults Guest” and the employee in question would be fired, and brought up on assault charges, quite probably ruining their life. And the zoo would still be sued.


She is incredibly fortunate she only lost part of her finger if she did indeed stick her whole hand in the cage.

Not as fortunate as this guy though, who actually jumped into the cage with four lions at Melbourne zoo (while holding a Bible) and got away unscathed (in his case, the zoo staff were able to lure the lions away from him):


25 years ago there was another guy who got into the cage with the lions at Melbourne zoo, and was found dead by the zoo staff the next morning (a martial arts costume was found on the ground nearby):



Probably rushes to the polls to happily vote against her own interests. whatup AZGOP!

I'd be so mad if I was the judge assigned to this case.

Except this happened in Michigan! Woohoo, way to spout irrelevant bullshit.

OT: If a woman is stupid enough to be trying to pet lions, I think most people and a judge will have a hard time believing her story about the park telling her to lie.


The father of that 11 year old boy was charged with negligence, and released on bail.

The boy's three year old brother actually saw the mauling happen, apparently. I can't imagine how scarring that would be...let's just hope he doesn't remember it. /


That is the worst photoshop ever. What a sloppy job.

Also serves the woman right, what the fuck was she thinking.
I seem to remember there was some Spanish woman some years back who got her arm torn off by a lion when she tried to stroke it through the bars.

For me, these idiots have themselves to blame but it shouldn't really be possible for a visitor to physically get part of their body into an enclosure like that.


Does she look like a caveman to anyone else?

You mean normally, or when someone photoshops the two pictures to make her look like a well-stacked female Popeye?

I wish she stuck her face in the cage instead, she would have done us all a favor.

Why? Do you see this woman every single day of your life and you find her face that repulsive? Does her face pop up every time you are about to climax? Or are you just wishing disfigurement/death upon this woman because she did something stupid and you couldn't masturbate to her face?
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