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Working Designs hates you. (Yes, Growlanser: Generations delayed...again)

Kumiko Nikaido


And you thought you'll finally be playing this on Sept. 1st. Guess what? Not so.

New date: Sept. 29th.

Lets place wagers that it'll be be pushed back again as the end of September approaches.

Working Designs = a bunch of posers.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. People still trust in Working Designs.

After Lunar 2 was incrementally delayed for well over a year, that's when I gave up.
I think Working Designs always hated us. Delays...kooky translations...grossly designed manuals and box art...and supreme arrogance.


Well, it's not exactly my most wanted game ever, so I can wait another month and just play other games. Problem solved!
Uh, I thought it was pretty clear Sept. 1st was a placeholder date, being on a Wednesday and all. Their website says "September", no specific date given, and has been that way for a while now.

Not that this excuses the length of time this has taken, but WD has enough issues with getting products to market...no need to invent extra delays.

Edit: Ah, I read that as the 28th for some reason, thanks Link316. My apologies. I still think a date on the first day of a month is likely to be placeholder, but maybe not.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. People still trust in Working Designs.

After Lunar 2 was incrementally delayed for well over a year, that's when I gave up.
I gave up after LSSC.


Ugh, people have been fabricating delays for these titles for the last two years. Here's the deal:

The first delay was due to Growlanser II being rejected by SCEA, sometime in Summer '03, and being shoehorned in with it's sequel to form "Generations." This forced WD to wait until Growlanser III was done, and so the date for the package was set for "Spring 2004." Obviously, that didn't happen, and nobody really knows the reasoning why (a few journalists hint at "more troubles with SCEA," but there's nothing concrete).

2 delays.

This right now isn't a delay. The only date they have given is "September," with RPGCritic saying (just today, actually) that he was told "mid-to-late September." Despite what online retailers are saying (EBGames said the 1st, GameStop the 14th, & now the 29th), there probably isn't a concrete date for the release yet.


Oh well, it was either that or Star Ocean, so Star Ocean it is.
Scott said:
Ugh, people have been fabricating delays for these titles for the last two years. Here's the deal:

The first delay was due to Growlanser II being rejected by SCEA, sometime in Summer '03, and being shoehorned in with it's sequel to form "Generations." This forced WD to wait until Growlanser III was done, and so the date for the package was set for "Spring 2004." Obviously, that didn't happen, and nobody really knows the reasoning why (a few journalists hint at "more troubles with SCEA," but there's nothing concrete).

2 delays.

This right now isn't a delay. The only date they have given is "September," with RPGCritic saying (just today, actually) that he was told "mid-to-late September." Despite what online retailers are saying (EBGames said the 1st, GameStop the 14th, & now the 29th), there probably isn't a concrete date for the release yet.

I'm glad someone said it. I mean Working Designs own website has never said an exact date, just September 2004.


PanopticBlue said:
vireland was just posting on the GAF tonight, maybe you could get him in here to fess up..
Really? Hmm. Hopefully he'll pop in sometime and give some more backstory to the delays and/or situation. Concrete date wouldn't hurt either, or at least a ballpark.

And with him around, I'm now hoping I had all the facts correct in my previous post. ;)
Kumiko Nikaido said:
It'll never come out. :p
Don't say that. Some of us are actually interested in playing these games.

And besides, I'm quite happy with the late September date, if that's what it ends up being. If it comes out within the first 2 weeks of the month, I'd have to choose between it & Phantom Brave, which I'd rather not do -- I want both LEs, thanks. :p
ferricide said:
wow, did they really come out that close together?
Yeah, used the same game engine & resources I believe.


Good, I might actually get it then. 8/31 is also Phantom Brave and SFAC, and Phantom Brave/SFAC > GG, so I would have had to pass on it.

Kumiko Nikaido

Scott said:
Don't say that. Some of us are actually interested in playing these games.

Hey, I'm interested in getting my mittens on this game, too.....but having no concrete date after all this time is just ridiculous now.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Aren't they getting ready to release Growlanser V in Japan?

This is a relief, it'll give me some time to finish SO3...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Thats only one day before Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne...I want Growlanser Generations and all, but thats a little close for me. SMT:N is a must buy for me, so I hope Growlanser Generations get delayed again. :D


SaitoH said:
Wow, I thought WD was gone.


Shit, if only, dude

Edit: And I still think WD has ties to the Mafia or something. I can't see how someone who sells two 50,000 selling games a year has enough cash to operate, unless they have like 5 people working for them or their palms are being greased


Grizzlyjin said:
Thats only one day before Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne...I want Growlanser Generations and all, but thats a little close for me. SMT:N is a must buy for me, so I hope Growlanser Generations get delayed again. :D

IAWTP SMT is the must have. I'll have to wait a little longer to pick Growlanser up, so any delays at this point are welcome to me. ;)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
FortNinety said:
How are they still in business?

This is something I've been wondering for several years now... I think it's just that WD puts forth such little advertising, and has a very small workforce, and a loyal fanbase that would pay $70 for a bunch of cardboard stand-up figures and book-bound manuals and other useless junk :p They appeal to those obsessive-compulsive collector types, such as myself (I don't regret spending $70 on ATL Collection... I LOVED ATL2. Their RPGs pull in fairly decent numbers, from what I remember... but their shooters and action games haven't done very well at all, so from now on, I think they'll just focus more on RPGs.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Well, there's only going to be like a handful of people who pick this up, so I guess they're taking their sweet little time :/


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I preordered the deluxe version for $59 yesterday, expecting to get some Growlanser action soon, and it's now a month away? Looks like it will just go on ebay at this rate; I'll never have the time to play them this winter...


I just hope they don't fuck up the gameplay in this one. Longer battles and higher HP enemies aren't more challenging, they're just boring.


DJ Brannon said:
I just hope they don't fuck up the gameplay in this one. Longer battles and higher HP enemies aren't more challenging, they're just boring.
they didn't muck about with ATLC much, which bodes well. i hope.

IIRC shouta said they're pretty hard in the original format. makes sense, as this is a total otaku series in japan.
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