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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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lordmrw said:
Thank christ. When I first started playing I remember having to wait to buy my skills. Then I was inhumanly lucky to get a drop that sold for 50 gold in time to buy my mount back when you needed to be level 30 and it cost 30 gold for the training + 8 gold for the mount.
When I first started, I played for 3 long weeks until a real life buddy of mine finally logged on and gave me a bunch of 18 slot bags and 100 gold. I was ready to hug the guy :lol

I can't imagine what my experience would have been like had he not been so gracious to my noob self. I didn't even know about the Auction House at that point and was selling every single thing to NPC vendors.


mclem said:
Didn't they explicitly say at Blizzcon that Deathwing was *not* Metzen?
Yes, they did say that.

EDIT: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2039-Blizzcon-2010-Open-Q-A?&page=4
In terms of voice acting, I noticed that I Metzen is missing from the panel. Every new major character sounds like Thrall, are you guys willing to open auditions for players?
Deathwing is actually not Metzen. We have a process (believe it or not), we've had a lot of talented actors, not just Chris (he has a lovely voice), and we'll keep adhering to that process in the future.


Really Really Exciting Member!
It was funny seeing all the reactions when the first revealed the intro and everyone went "OMG, WHY DOES DEATHWING HAVE THRALL/METZEN VOICE? HIRE SOME ACTORS BLIZZ FFS". Then Blizz and said "Its not Metzen, so STFU."
Apologies in advance, this is a long rambly post about healing since I’m trying to figure out which healer to run with. Anybody who can give me 80+ insight would be appreciated. I’ll bold my questions since the whole thing is pretty TLDR. Keep in mind I’m not a raider. Most I’ll be doing is heroics.

I ran a few instances at 71 with my druid and my priest last night. Specced the druid resto and the priest disc. I just want to get a feel for the new healing specs and I know that 71 isn’t representative at all, but you can play with the tools.

I’m finding that it’s a mixed bag between the two of them. I went with smite heals on the discipline priest and I really enjoyed being on the damage meters, despite being last place. I used a macro that would cast smite on my target’s target so that I didn’t have to deselect the tank in order to do damage. This worked pretty effectively. For the most part, shield plus smite was fine, but I found some difficulty when the damage started spreading around or spiking. Penance is pretty fun as well, even though I was doing a lot of overheal with it—I’d cast it when I was panicked, and I’d end up wasting the last charge or two. This probably has to do with the fact that I had Paladin tanks healing themselves though.

The thing that has always been hard for me about discipline healing is the cooldowns. Power Infusion, Pain Suppression, Inner Focus. I’m simply no good at using them. I usually forget about them and I certainly don’t have know when it’s optimal to use them. Now I have Archangel to add to this and I’m just forgetting another one. I know I should pop it whenever I’m at 5 charges, but I forget... Or I remember, but the fight is almost over and I feel like it’s a waste at the end of a fight. Any advice on this?

But overall, I liked upkeep using Smite, but found that I would get behind on the group and was relying a lot, probably too much, on Flash Heal to top off groups. I think I’m approaching this wrong so I felt almost overwhelmed. A few deaths, but no wipes.

The druid, on the other hand, felt like I was never behind on healing. Keeping lifebloom rolling on the tank is actually fun, and when the tank takes a spike and there’s a bit of damage on the whole party, just pop Rejuvenation on the tank, Swiftmend, then Wild Growth, and everybody is fine. The cooldowns are so manageable and I never got in a spot where I needed Healing Touch—much less Natures’ Swiftness. Regrowth is great now! I’ve always liked the spell, but now it feels like a sort of separate “Flash Heal” for group members, while Rejuvenation plus Swiftmend is “Flash Heal” for your tank. So much fun! But the one thing that I missed from the Priest is Smite! What do Druid’s do while they’re healing during times of less activity? Cast Wrath? Moonfire? Insect Swarm? Smite Spam is a really fun tool and I feel like I’m in danger of getting addicted to healing via damage.

Lastly, my Paladin is close to 67 now. Consistently running instances as a tank and having a ball. Originally I intended to level this character as a healer, but I’m enjoying tanking just too much—such a difference from Warrior tanking, not necessarily better, but quite a bit different. So how is Paladin healing? Are there a lot of tools? Super cooldown focused? Can you DPS to heal? :lol


Blizz should just hire back Bill Roper to do voices. :D

EDIT: I don't know a ton about Paladin healing (I'm a Prot/Ret guy myself) but I do know that you have to use Judgement every cooldown to regen mana.


With how fast heroics go now, I usually just spam moonfire while healing. Wrath and the like take too long to cast for how quickly the mobs go down, and it's annoying having to interrupt your cast in case you need to actually spot heal (as opposed to keeping your lifeblooms/rejuvs rolling).

Druid healing is in a really good place now, overall. Priest is underpowered at 85, but they just buffed them across the board, so they're probably decent now. Disc sucks at 85 though according to my priest friends...they were all disc players, and they're all holy now.

edit: I will say though, healing is much more difficult in Cataclysm, to the point where it's going to be an acquired taste like tanking (I say that because there are so many shitty healers out there who just get by). The amount of damage throughput in some of these dungeons and heroics is pretty amazing, and while you have the toolbox to deal with it, it's stressful. You have to get used to people not being topped off, which isn't something that really existed in wrath. Also, a lot of the burden shifts onto the dps. There are a lot of enemy abilities that will just automatically kill them if they are playing sloppily, and there is nothing the healer can do about it.
Well, I'm glad to hear healing will be more difficult in Cataclysm. Especially considering that if people die it will be their fault.

I think my first love is tanking, and the instant dungeon queues don't hurt. The big disconnect for me happens when I leave a dungeon. If healers had instant queues (which they don't on my server, it's a few minutes), then I would probably have an 80 healer. But I really dislike leaving a dungeon to work on quests as a healer. I don't like feral or balance; I don't like Shadow. When I leave a group with my tanks, I know that I can instantly queue another one, or go and quest in prot--which is super fun to solo with in my opinion.

Maybe in Cataclysm this will change since healing is more difficult. There should be less healers, so more instant queues...so I won't have to muck about in an off-spec to get questing done.


I'll field the Disc questions as best I can. Managing the cooldowns is a matter of prioritizing, which is the case for healing overall. I try to keep in mind the kinds of heals I'll need to cast in the next 5 to 10 seconds... Is there a likely damage spike on the tank incoming, which will require Penance + more? Is there group-wide AoE incoming that might make Prayer of Healing desirable? Am I about to be feared or silenced making shields, PoM, and renews my #1 priority? Taking the cooldowns in the reverse order you listed them:

- Archangel is a great healing buff and the cooldown itself is quite short, so you shouldn't feel any regret for using it whenever things get a little chaotic. I usually cast it whenever multiple people have (or soon will) take damage. Topping off an entire group (as opposed to simply bubbling them beforehand) is always the most time-consuming chore for a Disc priest, and Archangel helps by making your quickest tools more effective, i.e. your renews will heal them up faster, your PoM bounces will be bigger, and your PoH will get the job done in the fewest possible casts.

However, if you don't find a good place to use Archangel in a particular encounter, don't feel bad about popping it at the end. In addition to a great healing buff it's a FANTASTIC efficiency tool. Letting stacks of Evangelism expire while you're at less than full mana is never a good idea. I'm popping Archangel after most trash pulls just to get that mana back.

- Inner Focus has always been my most difficult cooldown to manage. It used to be fairly long (three minutes), and involved sacrificing a global cooldown for a bit of efficiency, and the efficiency you gained depended entirely on the spell you followed up with. Typically you only want to use Inner Focus on a spell with a huge mana cost, but those spells (PoH and GH, for example) are are long casts already and making the wait time for the heal even longer by hitting IF rarely seemed a good idea. Before 4.0.1 the best use for IF was to precede Divine Hymn, which was a big mana-cost channel and benefited greatly from IF's guaranteed crit.

The new IF is better for three reasons. First, it has a much shorter cooldown, so you don't have to save it for ohshit moments. Second, we're casting the big heals more frequently now, people will have longer health bars at 85, meaning "prepping" a PoH with IF makes more sense. Third, and this one seems counter-intuitive, the fact that it only works on a handful of heals now can work to your advantage. You don't need to cast IF immediately prior to the spell you intend to cast for free. If you know you might PoH soon just cast Inner Focus in any free moment you get, then continue casting shields, Penance, renew, whatever. The IF buff will persist through those little mana uses until you get around to needing that big heal.

- Power Infusion is a buff that I've tended to cast on DPS casters, not myself. Since so much of Disc's bread-and-butter healing was done through instant casts, and since mana wasn't an issue in Wrath, it made sense to give the big throughput buff to the arcane mage just to speed things up (though remembering to bubble him, too...) For Cata healing this will be a cooldown normally reserved for myself. Again, if you're just shielding and renewing don't concern yourself with it. If you know you're going to be chain-casting single-target heals on the tank through a damage spike or recovering the group for AoE or adds damage it makes sense to pop this. Another IDEAL time for this is as the new prequel to casting Divine Hymn (though I haven't tested it myself, I assume it will reduce the time of the channel).

- Pain Suppression is our ultimate panic button. Use it when the tank will die if you don't. There's little advice I can give to help you on this one. As you gain experience with healing you'll start to recognize the standard damage spike moments from the real and imminent danger of wiping. Pain Suppression is reserved for the second case. Don't worry about the aggro cost: dead tanks have no aggro at all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's only like one or two voice actors in WoW because Metzen hires himself and that one girl that does every female voice.


haha ok, so I am walking through some new zones and I happen to go to the Cape of Stranglethorn. I see about 10 scattered bodies outside the arena right when I enter from Northern Stranglethorn. When I walk into the Arena, I see at least 80 bodies in the pit/stands/entrance... lol. Looks like 2 raids met in the arena and just wrecked hell. I have some pics of the corpses. Wish I was there during the fight.


SnakeswithLasers said:
Well, I'm glad to hear healing will be more difficult in Cataclysm. Especially considering that if people die it will be their fault.

I think my first love is tanking, and the instant dungeon queues don't hurt. The big disconnect for me happens when I leave a dungeon. If healers had instant queues (which they don't on my server, it's a few minutes), then I would probably have an 80 healer. But I really dislike leaving a dungeon to work on quests as a healer. I don't like feral or balance; I don't like Shadow. When I leave a group with my tanks, I know that I can instantly queue another one, or go and quest in prot--which is super fun to solo with in my opinion.

Maybe in Cataclysm this will change since healing is more difficult. There should be less healers, so more instant queues...so I won't have to muck about in an off-spec to get questing done.

Feral bear questing is great though. I'm Bear/Resto, it's nice to jump back and forth depending on if I get bored with one role (plus I have my hunter and DK if I need any more variety).
Flib said:
Feral bear questing is great though. I'm Bear/Resto, it's nice to jump back and forth depending on if I get bored with one role (plus I have my hunter and DK if I need any more variety).
My druid was my main for a while in BC. I loved bear questing after they made feral useful and you could just round up a bunch of enemies and swipe spam them to death. Those were the days. But this swipe cooldown has made me sad. And I don't like cat leveling for some reason.


SnakeswithLasers said:
My druid was my main for a while in BC. I loved bear questing after they made feral useful and you could just round up a bunch of enemies and swipe spam them to death. Those were the days. But this swipe cooldown has made me sad. And I don't like cat leveling for some reason.

You will have thrash now though. What level is your druid? Thrash/pulverize etc. break up the monotony. They're really useful in the 82-85 zones due to their survivability.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The best way I can describe the "Shattered" world, based on looks at least, is that it's basically WoW-2.

I obviously haven't had much time with the quests, so I can't say for certain if all the quests are different (although all the zone seem so different it would be hard to have all the same ones)


It seriously is like WoW 2. Although Elwynn has some of the same quests, especially with the Mines, but I love that there's a quest from your trainer to actually use your second ability to get a feel for it for rogues. The flight path in Goldshire is a godsend, and especially the fact that the quest armor actually matches finally is great.
Flib said:
You will have thrash now though. What level is your druid? Thrash/pulverize etc. break up the monotony. They're really useful in the 82-85 zones due to their survivability.
He's only 72. I picked up my warrior once WotLK came out and mained him until I quit about 6 months in. Anything fun at that range? Or to look forward to soon?

Edit: I should point out, I'm not very familiar with feral at 4.0, so I may be just not getting how bears are supposed to play anymore.


SnakeswithLasers said:
He's only 72. I picked up my warrior once WotLK came out and mained him until I quit about 6 months in. Anything fun at that range? Or to look forward to soon?

Edit: I should point out, I'm not very familiar with feral at 4.0, so I may be just not getting how bears are supposed to play anymore.

Have you played your bear recently? I enjoy skull bash and the lacerate/pulverize mechanic, faerie fire is now sunder armor basically, and thrash at 81 gives you a second aoe with a bleed mechanic. I like our toolbox alot, and the rotation is fun, even if we are even closer to warriors now. Also, Wild Mushrooms at 85 are really fun to mess around with, and can be useful even in feral spec.

So bear is fun, plus I can heal when I feel like it, and I have swift flight form. I just like all the variation.


On any class I've ever played, I ALWAYS ... ALWAYS struggle to kill shadowpriests in PvP.

Don't know why, but they are really the only class I have major problems with. I've PvP'ed on a Rogue, Warrior and Elemental Shaman.

Most recently been playing on my Ele Shaman who sits around 800 resilience now after painstakingly grinding out honor for several Wrathful pieces. I get insta-dotted with SW:p and Vampiric Touch. Then Mind Flay pops up and suddenly I get feared and disarmed from 20 miles away??? Then comes the SW:D spam when my health drops low enough.

Even on my warrior who could break fear SPriests were still always bitches ... though I haven't played a PvP Warrior at 80.

At least with mages I can get grounding totem to eat some shots and have a fighting chance against them since I can also burst so damn high sometimes.

What class dominates Shadow Priests. Think I need to make 2 seperate Elemental Specs ... one with Elemental Warding and one without.

I also find it upsetting that Priests can survive much longer than me when I'm Resto in PvP.
Flib said:
Have you played your bear recently? I enjoy skull bash and the lacerate/pulverize mechanic, faerie fire is now sunder armor basically, and thrash at 81 gives you a second aoe with a bleed mechanic. I like our toolbox alot, and the rotation is fun, even if we are even closer to warriors now. Also, Wild Mushrooms at 85 are really fun to mess around with, and can be useful even in feral spec.

So bear is fun, plus I can heal when I feel like it, and I have swift flight form. I just like all the variation.
Alright I think you got me :lol, I'll choo-choo-choose him instead of my priest for my healer. It'll be fun to split time between druid and Paladin to 80. Especially since I'm going to be turning my Pally into a female Tauren as soon as I can... She'll go well with my male Tauren druid.


Evlar said:
- Pain Suppression is our ultimate panic button. Use it when the tank will die if you don't. There's little advice I can give to help you on this one. As you gain experience with healing you'll start to recognize the standard damage spike moments from the real and imminent danger of wiping. Pain Suppression is reserved for the second case. Don't worry about the aggro cost: dead tanks have no aggro at all.

I might be wrong, but it looks like PS and GS are both on the GCD now in 4.0 when they used to be off of it.


SnakeswithLasers said:
Alright I think you got me :lol, I'll choo-choo-choose him instead of my priest for my healer. It'll be fun to split time between druid and Paladin to 80. Especially since I'm going to be turning my Pally into a female Tauren as soon as I can... She'll go well with my male Tauren druid.

I also completely geared up my healer by tanking. This is a good thing.


Glad to see everyone is enjoying the old world, what they've done to it is truly astonishing and is definitely wow 2.0. I remember when they first announced this and everyone in this thread was like "oh, they'll probably just change some zones a bit." I admit I was skeptical until I got on to the beta, and then the changes really sink in. Wait till you guys are flying around the old world, that's the best part. You can waste so much time just exploring.

It's cool that even the quests which haven't changed (i.e. kill 10 diseased wolves) have been rewritten and given new contexts. I don't think I've encountered one quest yet which hasn't been at least altered in some way.

And the new zones are spectacular, as you will see.


SnakeswithLasers said:
Alright I think you got me :lol, I'll choo-choo-choose him instead of my priest for my healer. It'll be fun to split time between druid and Paladin to 80. Especially since I'm going to be turning my Pally into a female Tauren as soon as I can... She'll go well with my male Tauren druid.

I have been a disc priest since beta and will be dropping him in cata for a Paladin. I still really enjoy the priest and feel like I can heal anything on him it's just that playing as a Paladin or Druid and being able to fill any roll well is too good to pass up.


Macattk15 said:
On any class I've ever played, I ALWAYS ... ALWAYS struggle to kill shadowpriests in PvP.

Don't know why, but they are really the only class I have major problems with. I've PvP'ed on a Rogue, Warrior and Elemental Shaman.

Most recently been playing on my Ele Shaman who sits around 800 resilience now after painstakingly grinding out honor for several Wrathful pieces. I get insta-dotted with SW:p and Vampiric Touch. Then Mind Flay pops up and suddenly I get feared and disarmed from 20 miles away??? Then comes the SW:D spam when my health drops low enough.

Even on my warrior who could break fear SPriests were still always bitches ... though I haven't played a PvP Warrior at 80.

At least with mages I can get grounding totem to eat some shots and have a fighting chance against them since I can also burst so damn high sometimes.

What class dominates Shadow Priests. Think I need to make 2 seperate Elemental Specs ... one with Elemental Warding and one without.

I also find it upsetting that Priests can survive much longer than me when I'm Resto in PvP.
No one exactly dominates Shadow right now. Frost mages give us trouble as they match CC for CC, survival cooldown for survival cooldown, and can outburst us. Feral druids can be quite dangerous when they make good use of stealth and stuns to stack up DoTs. My priest is a Dwarf, so he can remove bleeds from himself, but other races will struggle a bit.
Evlar said:
I'll field the Disc questions as best I can. Managing the cooldowns is a matter of prioritizing, which is the case for healing overall. I try to keep in mind the kinds of heals I'll need to cast in the next 5 to 10 seconds... Is there a likely damage spike on the tank incoming, which will require Penance + more? Is there group-wide AoE incoming that might make Prayer of Healing desirable? Am I about to be feared or silenced making shields, PoM, and renews my #1 priority? Taking the cooldowns in the reverse order you listed them:

- Archangel is a great healing buff and the cooldown itself is quite short, so you shouldn't feel any regret for using it whenever things get a little chaotic. I usually cast it whenever multiple people have (or soon will) take damage. Topping off an entire group (as opposed to simply bubbling them beforehand) is always the most time-consuming chore for a Disc priest, and Archangel helps by making your quickest tools more effective, i.e. your renews will heal them up faster, your PoM bounces will be bigger, and your PoH will get the job done in the fewest possible casts.

However, if you don't find a good place to use Archangel in a particular encounter, don't feel bad about popping it at the end. In addition to a great healing buff it's a FANTASTIC efficiency tool. Letting stacks of Evangelism expire while you're at less than full mana is never a good idea. I'm popping Archangel after most trash pulls just to get that mana back.

- Inner Focus has always been my most difficult cooldown to manage. It used to be fairly long (three minutes), and involved sacrificing a global cooldown for a bit of efficiency, and the efficiency you gained depended entirely on the spell you followed up with. Typically you only want to use Inner Focus on a spell with a huge mana cost, but those spells (PoH and GH, for example) are are long casts already and making the wait time for the heal even longer by hitting IF rarely seemed a good idea. Before 4.0.1 the best use for IF was to precede Divine Hymn, which was a big mana-cost channel and benefited greatly from IF's guaranteed crit.

The new IF is better for three reasons. First, it has a much shorter cooldown, so you don't have to save it for ohshit moments. Second, we're casting the big heals more frequently now, people will have longer health bars at 85, meaning "prepping" a PoH with IF makes more sense. Third, and this one seems counter-intuitive, the fact that it only works on a handful of heals now can work to your advantage. You don't need to cast IF immediately prior to the spell you intend to cast for free. If you know you might PoH soon just cast Inner Focus in any free moment you get, then continue casting shields, Penance, renew, whatever. The IF buff will persist through those little mana uses until you get around to needing that big heal.

- Power Infusion is a buff that I've tended to cast on DPS casters, not myself. Since so much of Disc's bread-and-butter healing was done through instant casts, and since mana wasn't an issue in Wrath, it made sense to give the big throughput buff to the arcane mage just to speed things up (though remembering to bubble him, too...) For Cata healing this will be a cooldown normally reserved for myself. Again, if you're just shielding and renewing don't concern yourself with it. If you know you're going to be chain-casting single-target heals on the tank through a damage spike or recovering the group for AoE or adds damage it makes sense to pop this. Another IDEAL time for this is as the new prequel to casting Divine Hymn (though I haven't tested it myself, I assume it will reduce the time of the channel).

- Pain Suppression is our ultimate panic button. Use it when the tank will die if you don't. There's little advice I can give to help you on this one. As you gain experience with healing you'll start to recognize the standard damage spike moments from the real and imminent danger of wiping. Pain Suppression is reserved for the second case. Don't worry about the aggro cost: dead tanks have no aggro at all.
Holy sh--I missed this post. Thanks so much for all the explanation.

Dammit though, now I'm super conflicted again about what to do!


I think I'm going to focus on the Pally for now since tanking is my favorite role. Then once Cata hits, I'll see how the healer queues are and just steadily roll the druid and priest to max level and I'm sure one will feel more fun.

I think tonight I'll heal a couple more instances as disc and as resto and just get that xp boost and the free random dungeon gold on both characters. I'm excited again to use disc and actually use my cooldowns. I have a feeling power infusion and pain suppression I'll still neglect (just because I'm bad with 'oh shit' buttons), but the Archangel and IF explanations were great and will really help me out.


Really Really Exciting Member!
webrunner said:
Man.. 60-70's going to be hurtin' once you get out of the new old world into the old new world.

Yeah, i feel like im going to make dozen of alts, and once they hit Outlands, i will stop touching them for weeks. :lol


My experiences with Disc Smite Healing (PVE):

- Smite heal is critical. Smite healing, with the right gear, can both heal for as much or more then a flash heal, and stack evangelism. 5 stacks increase mana by 15% and healing. Great for longer bosses and raids.

- PW:B can be very useful to take the damage off the casters temporarily. Throw it their way, and they should be safe for casting for a bit, and it can save you if someone gets too much threat.

- Glyphs are very important. Look for the PS:S and PW:B uffs, they help a lot. As does inner fire and fade buffs.

This is my current skillset. I lose some buffs, but gain maximum smite damage/healing with pw:s as a backup. Its mostly DPS gear and PVP gear, but with Disc, DPS gear can heal very well with smite healing.


What instances that aren't Scholomance or Halls of Reflection have areas where you hit a loading screen and fall into the real world?


I don't know why I'm downloading the PTR....I need to use this time between now and Cata to level my alts to 80. On the other hand, I am curious to see how rogues are in PvP post-Cata. I'm tired of all the /laugh emotes I get when attacking someone, even in full wrathful/relentless gear.


Rapstah said:
What instances that aren't Scholomance or Halls of Reflection have areas where you hit a loading screen and fall into the real world?
Technically Caverns of Time, with old Hillsbrad, otherwise Stratholme did, but you are blocked.


So I am going to be starting WoW back up this week, and since all of the old content is going away soon (some of it is already gone), I wanted to know if there is a place I can read a fairly detailed recap of the storyline.

When I played vanilla WoW I never really payed any attention to the story. I just quested and ignored most of the quest text, just looked at the objectives. For BC I was power-leveled through the content so didn't have a chance to pay any attention to the storyline there.

In WotLC I started actually following the story a bit more, but I quit before our guild was ready to take down Arthas so I didn't get to see everything.


kodt said:
So I am going to be starting WoW back up this week, and since all of the old content is going away soon (some of it is already gone), I wanted to know if there is a place I can read a fairly detailed recap of the storyline.

When I played vanilla WoW I never really payed any attention to the story. I just quested and ignored most of the quest text, just looked at the objectives. For BC I was power-leveled through the content so didn't have a chance to pay any attention to the storyline there.

In WotLC I started actually following the story a bit more, but I quit before our guild was ready to take down Arthas so I didn't get to see everything.

or WowWiki


Played through the new Echo Isles troll starting zone. It's pretty awesome, they really built that place up. Plus the final battle is great!:D
So I'm level 74 now with a warrior. Wanna reach level 80 before Cataclysm arrives. If I play about 2 hours a day how long will it take me to reach level 80?


Sniper McBlaze said:
So I'm level 74 now with a warrior. Wanna reach level 80 before Cataclysm arrives. If I play about 2 hours a day how long will it take me to reach level 80?
I'm always bad at hour estimates... My gut feeling is you don't have much time to spare.
Sniper McBlaze said:
So I'm level 74 now with a warrior. Wanna reach level 80 before Cataclysm arrives. If I play about 2 hours a day how long will it take me to reach level 80?

What spec are you? If you have a prot spec you can get to 80 super fast just using the looking-for-group option for instances.


Sniper McBlaze said:
So I'm level 74 now with a warrior. Wanna reach level 80 before Cataclysm arrives. If I play about 2 hours a day how long will it take me to reach level 80?
Took me 6 days, 4 hrs a day, to level from 74 to 80. Quest grind or dungeon grind.
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