This is pretty damn cool, so far I've gotten a Goblin Mage in Arena gear, a random robed goblin and a blood elf.
Persists through combat, last 30 min with a 30 min cooldown.
Works even if you take the hat off, what a shame I'm a druid and alliance on live.
There are many prerequisite quests before you can get the hat.
1.Azshara Blues
2.Friends Come In All Colors
Helping Ergll
3.A Little Pick-me-up
---5.Full of Hot Water
6.That's Just Rude!
Finding Archmage Xylem
7.The Way to a Mage's Heart
8.Wash Out
9.Dressed to Impress
Helping Xylem and his Apprentices
10.Shear Will
11.Waste of Thyme
12. Renewable Resource
13.Manual Labor
14.Trouble Under Foot
Getting to Xylem's Trials
15.The Pinnacle of Learning
16.Watch Your Setp
Xylem's Trials
17.The Trial of Fire
---Achievement Glutton for Fiery Punishment
18.The Trial of Frost
---Achievement Glutton for Icy Punishment
19.The Trial of Shadow
---Achievement Glutton for Shadowy Punishment
Finding Azuregos
20.Xylem's Asylum
21.Wasn't It Obvious?
22.Easy is Boring
23.Turning the Tables
The Epic Battle
24.Fade to Black
The Bitter Reaches Goblins
26.Ice Cold
Finally Azuregos gives the quest
27.Farewell, Minnow
THIS! I must have this mount OMG!Sciz said::O
Where did you guys farm the rep?
why to BRD dwarfs grant goblin rep?Tacitus_ said:It's a secret!
You can go to BRD and do the 7 dwarfs boss an unlimited amount of times since you can reset the fight before killing the final dwarf, thus netting you 6 x 60 rep per fight. You reset the fight by hiding behind the tomb of the 6th dwarf after killing him, the final dwarf won't aggro if you're max level.
Just don't advertise it too much.
With the faction tabard, everything in instances grants rep.DeathNote said:why to BRD dwarfs grant goblin rep?
how long would it take? from 0 rep to exalted?
i couldn't find the org tabard for the life of me. i searched every inch of the place just to familiarize myself.Rapstah said:With the faction tabard, everything in instances grants rep.
The Gilneas one worked for me in Stocks last night, but nowhere else that I tried.AFKevin said:Has anyone gotten the new City Tabards from quartermasters to actually... you know... give you rep in dungeons? I bought almost all the alliance ones, used the SW one in a dungeon earlier and got no rep. Same thing happened with another guy in my group.
You are a scholar and a gentleman.You can go to BRD and do the 7 dwarfs boss an unlimited amount of times since you can reset the fight before killing the final dwarf, thus netting you 6 x 60 rep per fight. You reset the fight by hiding behind the tomb of the 6th dwarf after killing him, the final dwarf won't aggro if you're max level.
The Frostmane Front questline was a lot of fun.Loxley said:For those who haven't done it yet, Kharanos (the Dwarf/Gnome 1-10 zone) is another vastly improved zone. It's ironic, the quests are a lot more linear (meaning they lead you directly from one area of the zone to the next) but the story comes across at a much better pace. They make it very clear that Kharanos is all about the Dwarves/Gnomes vs. Troggs. It's awesome.
Loch Modan is next....
On a side note, it's cool to see so many new people jumping into WoWHope all of you are enjoying it.
Drkirby said:Yay, game is crashing. Now to try and figure out why.
what?Tacitus_ said:In the Valley of the Spirits, behind the oil spill.
Oh and the grind takes 2,5-3 hours. Take the +10% rep from the bountiful tables at least for the first hour.
Drkirby said:Looks like my School's network does not like the WoW Update server, is there an alternitive way to download the newer patches at the moment?
DeathNote said:out both windows is a lower level with a fie boss i beleive
DeathNote said:shadowforge lock in east garrsion. so simple to say. yet no one will in game.
in gameFlib said:I said east garrison!
What?! Goddamnit Blizzard. Way to ruin my favorite instance. :\ First you drop the troll minibosses, now this. I bet Atal'alarion doesn't even require you to activate the statues anymore.speedpop said:I'm expecting another bullshit 5-7mins "summoning" where you put the fires out and wait for the 4 spawns so you can extinguish them (was getting 5 runs of the instance down to 40mins). Kill the two serpents and begin the summon with the egg, and you fight Hakkar instantly.
When the game first started GAF was mostly rolling on Mal'Ganis, but I don't know if any of those guys are still playing.Niblet said:So which PVP servers have the most GAF presence (horde side)? I want to experience both sides of WoW.
When I looked in game yesterday I'm almost positive that the tooltip still had the overheal ward. I didn't bother checking whether I was still receiving the buff though...Garryk said:So did they stealth nerf Guarded by the Light? The tooltip no longer mentions the ward from overhealing, but I haven't tried it yet. I don't think it was in the patch notes.
Garryk said:So did they stealth nerf Guarded by the Light? The tooltip no longer mentions the ward from overhealing, but I haven't tried it yet. I don't think it was in the patch notes.
HixxSAFC said:Still has it, 2/2 points.
Nolimit_SS said:Also another one, every time I launch game launcher gets on and stands at Applying non critical updates for few minutes. This happened before but only when I had show launcher, now it loads itself every time....