they stack.Firebrand said:Do heirloom XP bonuses stack, should I spend my JP on that instead of upgrades for my main that'll be obsolete in a few weeks?
they stack.Firebrand said:Do heirloom XP bonuses stack, should I spend my JP on that instead of upgrades for my main that'll be obsolete in a few weeks?
notworksafe said:Yep. DK, Paladin, Hunter is the way to go.
DK in Blood Spec is very good. Lots of self-heals and good damage. Prot Paladin is also pretty good. Doesn't take much damage, and has a mana-free self heal but doesn't put out as much damage as the other two. Hunter in 2pc T5 (iirc) and a Turtle pet is good enough to do plenty as well. Don't take much damage and put plenty out. However if your pet dies, you're kinda screwed.
Out of all of those three, I'd choose Paladin...but just because I think DK is kinda boring. There's less leveling to be done with DK but with the new world changes you'll want to level up through it imo.
CarbonatedFalcon said:The XP nerf in Northrend is definitely noticeable as I'm finishing up my warrior there. Went from 74-76 last night in 2-3 hours, though I was rested. Also got his JC past 425, so he's ready for Cataclysm there (just a waste of money trying to push it further at this point). Mining is past 400, but he'll hit cap before he hits 80 at the rate I've been mining while leveling.
Also started my Tauren paladin - got him to level 4 I think before quitting for the night. He literally has one-shot everything so far wearing every heirloom available to him :lol
But leveling him up will be fun. Any recommendations for the 10-20 range? I'm thinking Silverpine with all the new lore and quests there, though Azshara may be a good choice as well.
CarbonatedFalcon said:However, going into Cataclysm with some changes that recently went into effect, I'd say Prot Paladins will be the better soloing class, at least for awhile. They recently nerfed all the DK self heals by anywhere between 30%-40% or so. Honestly, it probably won't make a huge difference since I haven't had a chance to test out the changes much, but paladins having more reliable heals is an advantage.
zero margin said:EDIT - btw what's wrong with the wow forums? Pages haven't updated in days.
Retro said:I agree with this; because Holy Power is a separate energy resource from mana, Paladins can pretty much pull of Word of Glory out of nowhere. The only other thing you'll be using it on is Shield of the Righteous, and in a nasty situation you're better off healing up than trying to burst something down. A mana-less, instant heal is amazingly useful for soloing.
There's also a few talents in the Prot Tree that improve WoG to great effect.
Ridli said:Yeah, Guarded by the Light + glyphing WoG is pretty strong. Especially with Divine Plea giving a free 3 HP makes for some very nice emergency heals. Or getting to pop WoG twice within 3 GCDs will allow you to get through a lot of nasty situations.
Man, I completely forgot that that was a new combo. I was healing some belf warriors last night and thought it seemed weird.J-Rzez said:Uh oh, saw two Belf warriors now, it begins, again. (though I'm making my War a Goblin)
Ridli said:I feel foolish mentioning it, but I just want to make certain you're looking at the new, fancy forums right? Not the old, locked, and no longer updating forums. -- Old and busted -- New hotness
The ending was hilarious. :lolVigilant Walrus said:Not bad, Tobuscus.. Not bad at all:
:lol :lolSUPARSTARX said:
Cindres said:Just finished up Westfall, i loved.the vision into deadmines, looking forward to running it when i get up a couple more levels
Dipindots said:Jeeze, it's insane how quick leveling goes by now.
Just wait until heroic. The last boss is only in heroic and an amazing experience.Dipindots said:The new deadmines is amazing, I was really impressed.
Don't forget that the self-heals were nerfed because percentage based heals become absurd at 85 when you have 120K HP. You will easily be able to solo that content at 85 in like 3 or 4 weeks.CarbonatedFalcon said:Blood DKs are very good at soloing, I can tell you from experience since that's what I main. I've soloed all the Outland Heroics (honestly I could probably solo at least some of the Northrend Heroics at this point as well, though it'd be an exercise in patience more than anything) as well as Molten Core. Soloed a few bosses in AQ 40 - some are impossible or nigh impossible solo. Could do all of ZG (now gone). Never tried AQ 20 solo, but I'm sure I could do it. Probably could do at least most of BWL solo as well, but I've always done it with at least a few people, since you can't solo Razorgore. Never tried Outland raids solo, but I just saw a video of a blood DK, possibly the world first of any class, soloing Kael'Thas in Tempest Keep.
However, going into Cataclysm with some changes that recently went into effect, I'd say Prot Paladins will be the better soloing class, at least for awhile. They recently nerfed all the DK self heals by anywhere between 30%-40% or so. Honestly, it probably won't make a huge difference since I haven't had a chance to test out the changes much, but paladins having more reliable heals is an advantage.
You must have some setting off because I've never had it do that at all. I usually have /petattack macro'd to Steady Shot though to keep my pet on my target rather than whatever target he feels like.sykoex said:I've been playing a hunter, (lvl 15 so far) and there's something I don't get about the class. If I don't have anything targeted and I press an attack button, it'll automatically target+shoot any random enemy in range. So I end up pulling the next pack of mobs in a random because I happened to press an attack button the moment the pack we were killing died. Is there a way I can make so no new mobs get targeted until I manually tab to one? (sort of the way a caster works)
Edit: I checked "Stop Auto Attack" in the options but that didn't do what I'm looking for.
You may want to start charging into a pack once you figure out if your group can handle it.Thnikkaman said:Managed to do my first dungeon finder run with my protection warrior today, first time tanking in a group too. Made it through new Deadmines without a single death but I didn't get any input from my teammates other than "over here."
1. Fire gun at single enemy (or close distance with a mage) to pull,
2. auto-attack and shield bash with reckless abandon,
3. use thunder clap on groups to keep them on me and taunt adds/breakaways.
4. Did we win?
I couldn't help but feel that pulling each mob made my team impatient but it's more fun than rushing in and getting massacred like in the trips with my rogue.
Thnikkaman said:Managed to do my first dungeon finder run with my protection warrior today, first time tanking in a group too. Made it through new Deadmines without a single death but I didn't get any input from my teammates other than "over here."
1. Fire gun at single enemy (or close distance with a mage) to pull,
2. auto-attack and shield bash with reckless abandon,
3. use thunder clap on groups to keep them on me and taunt adds/breakaways.
4. Did we win?
I couldn't help but feel that pulling each mob made my team impatient but it's more fun than rushing in and getting massacred like in the trips with my rogue.
Thanks. Because of my inexperience I was hesitant to charge in except when Defias Mages were throwing spells at me from afar. With enough practice in each dungeon I'll be able to run through them quickly and the enemies all seem to be in logical places. Is this good enemy placement common in WoW dungeons? I come from EQ2 partying and leading my team into a sudden ganking by elite mobs behind corners was no fun as a tank.SnakeswithLasers said:You may want to start charging into a pack once you figure out if your group can handle it.
But in general, sounds like you're doing fine.
Yeah, it all comes with repetition.Infinity said:You could have been running with folks that constantly farm heroics with their 80's. Now, with the gear the way it is, heroics are blisteringly fast.
notworksafe said:
markot said:Outland doesnt work, I think cause each dungeon already gives specific rep for outland factions.
But Vanilla/Northrend does!
Um >.< im not sure bout that...J-Rzez said:Huh... so you can just grind out SM runs then? Is it the same amount of rep in Vanilla runs and Wrath?
Brd gives 4rep a mob 60 a voss. Northrend 15, 300ish a boss.J-Rzez said:Huh... so you can just grind out SM runs then? Is it the same amount of rep in Vanilla runs and Wrath?
I think the amount of rep you get it dependant on your level. I'm getting 15 a mob and 300 a boss in Stratholme at 45.DeathNote said:Brd gives 4rep a mob 60 a voss. Northrend 15, 300ish a boss.
Rep grind party + gold + jp might be best.
That's good news for leveling.Angry Grimace said:I think the amount of rep you get it dependant on your level. I'm getting 15 a mob and 300 a boss in Stratholme at 45.
It really depends. Most stuff is out in the open in WoW dungeons; you most likely won't get snuck up on going around corners. However, you'll get patrol aggro a lot--and that can set off a chain of pulls with the next group. In general though, charging into a pack, thunderclap, then back pedaling a few steps toward your group isn't a terrible idea. The backpedal to clump them in front of you is a good idea no matter what (I don't think you block attacks from behind and once you get Shockwave, you'll want to keep enemies clumped ahead of you).Thnikkaman said:Thanks. Because of my inexperience I was hesitant to charge in except when Defias Mages were throwing spells at me from afar. With enough practice in each dungeon I'll be able to run through them quickly and the enemies all seem to be in logical places. Is this good enemy placement common in WoW dungeons? I come from EQ2 partying and leading my team into a sudden ganking by elite mobs behind corners was no fun as a tank.
Yeah, it all comes with repetition.
I definitely think you should be a Wolfgren DDzlatko said:I was all set on a Wolfgren Rogue, but after a ton of youtube videos I'm not sure what I want to be at all anymore once I start up on the 7th.
I'm between:
Death Knight
Wolfgren can play 3 of those 4. I'd like to be a DD, and not much else to be honest. Otherwise I'd probably play a Warlock since they seem to always be given the best looking sets of armor, which if I stick with the game long enough to hit 80 I may roll a new character who is a Warlock just to spice things up.
Anyone got suggestions? A few YT vids of Wolfgren warriors look cool, but I get the feeling they get asked to tank more than they get to DD. I'm also unaware entirely of how DK plays out.
SnakeswithLasers said:I loved that though. Have a rogue walk up and sap, then have your hunter shoot one, drawing it into an ice trap, then have the group focus on the one that made it.
Isn't that how Cataclysm is supposed to work?
Wrath heroics is the way to do it. No idea on Outland; I just never tried them. I also did quests in Azshara, which is also highly recommended. The quests there are just too awesome.J-Rzez said:Nice! Is grinding Wrath heroics the way to go with the tabbard for rep? Does outlands stuff work now too? I'm going to have to do this, I didn't get a chance due to overtime at work, and GT5.
Do they make the same noises as the motorcycle? Or are they different?