Retro said:MMO-champion just ran a little article today on upgrading your PC, that might be decent info... not sure, I'm not technical at all.
zero margin said:Ah you think you can tank over-eager dps? by all means, enjoy. Hope your teammate share the same zeal.
Unfortunately, it is 2 weeks before Cata. I still hate when people (even guildies) decide to just run in or pull before me. Hell, I've seen some ret pallies or DKs turn on their tank modes and do it themselves. At this point in the game, any plate dps in even 251 gear is not threatened by dungeon trash as long as a healer is margin said:Ah you think you can tank over-eager dps? by all means, enjoy. Hope your teammate share the same zeal.
Honestly, the only solution is to just wear crappier (or dps) gear to get vengeance anywhere past 300 bonus ap. Worked on my lesser geared DK and Druid tanks. If anything, lesser gear tanks with a geared healer are better since there won't be threat problems with them actually stacking vengeance. Vengeance unfortunately isn't intended for 5-mans (which is probably why they nerfed the shield slams to scale less with ap) and really should only factor in on a raid boss. Luckily they can tweak it, but I'm still expecting DPS to quickly overtake tank threat in the last tier pretty much, or business as usual.JoeMartin said:Threat is literally a non-issue atm, and unless they play on tweaking vengeance it's probably going to stay that way. All I'm concerned about while tanking is how to best make it easier for the healers - paying attention to blood shield, timing death strikes, making the most of rune tap/vamp.
JoeMartin said:Threat is literally a non-issue atm, and unless they play on tweaking vengeance it's probably going to stay that way. All I'm concerned about while tanking is how to best make it easier for the healers - paying attention to blood shield, timing death strikes, making the most of rune tap/vamp.
Sober said:Unfortunately, it is 2 weeks before Cata. I still hate when people (even guildies) decide to just run in or pull before me. Hell, I've seen some ret pallies or DKs turn on their tank modes and do it themselves. At this point in the game, any plate dps in even 251 gear is not threatened by dungeon trash as long as a healer is around.
Honestly, the only solution is to just wear crappier (or dps) gear to get vengeance anywhere past 300 bonus ap. Worked on my lesser geared DK and Druid tanks. If anything, lesser gear tanks with a geared healer are better since there won't be threat problems with them actually stacking vengeance. Vengeance unfortunately isn't intended for 5-mans (which is probably why they nerfed the shield slams to scale less with ap) and really should only factor in on a raid boss. Luckily they can tweak it, but I'm still expecting DPS to quickly overtake tank threat in the last tier pretty much, or business as usual.
I'm excited for Cata though, it seems like they brought back the CC heavy pulls ala MgT and hopefully they have mobs that destroy non-tanks, like Heroic Blood Furnace trash. Wouldn't even mind if I had to do Shadow Labs again.
Oni Link 666 said:I'm in Western Plaguelands now and it's a lot better. It looks like it's mostly new quests.
Nothing has topped Silverpine Forest for me yet.
Niblet said:So I need clarification before I go out in the daytime and waste money. If I go to gamestop and buy the vanilla wow box, does it include a 1 month game card that is not tied to new account activation? A no strings attached 1 month card. Or does it only work on a brand new account?
Pay attention to the notice boards in the capital cities. They tend to offer a quest to meet someone at a certain destination depending on the level. So level 10-12 might offer the quest to head to Silverpine if you wanted to - though I believe these notice boards will only show quest destinations depending on the continent you are on.Garryk said:For those that are leveling up new toons, is there a point where you have to choose to go to EK or Kalimdor to continue leveling up? My sister is rolling an undead and I'm doing a troll. I want to know when I can bail on Kalimdor and meet up with her for Silverpine.
SUPARSTARX said:Someone explain to me why this kid is flying above my head in Ironforge already?
Cindres said:What chat and tooltip addons are you using there?
kodt said:So I missed BC when it came out.
Played WOTLK but quit before the final ICC raids were ready (Arthas)
Now I started back up but what sucks is that I'll probably never get the chance to run:
Black Temple and kill Illidan
ICC and clear Arthas
Also I don't think I fully cleared Uldar.
What sucks is that I won't be able to see this content, who is going to spend time running these instances when you can get better gear so easily. Illidan and Arthas are two major Warcraft characters and it sucks that these will now be instances that are never run...
kodt said:What sucks is that I won't be able to see this content, who is going to spend time running these instances when you can get better gear so easily. Illidan and Arthas are two major Warcraft characters and it sucks that these will now be instances that are never run...
Flib said:i've done every classic raid, BT and sunwell over the last few weeks. they're easy, just watch for people forming groups in trade or ask for more to join you.
Silverpine is level 10, right? Just go there at 10 and you'll be fine.Garryk said:For those that are leveling up new toons, is there a point where you have to choose to go to EK or Kalimdor to continue leveling up? My sister is rolling an undead and I'm doing a troll. I want to know when I can bail on Kalimdor and meet up with her for Silverpine.
Cindres said:What chat and tooltip addons are you using there?
thanks!notworksafe said:Sent
mikespit1200 said:thanks!
also what's the best place to farm gold for a mount as an alliance mage 80?
Chavelo said:Work on the argent tournament dailies. 230G for just dailies if you choose the bag of gold items instead of the argent marks.
mikespit1200 said:Thanks, but where exactly are those? I havent played in a few years.