I "discussed" this months ago, and people said I was being too hard on poor Blizzard. I can understand them trying to force World PVP to happen, but to "save dev time" is insane. Like you said, I've been saying, they make easily an epic fuckton of money a year off this game after expenses as it was shown in their earning reports. As the game gets more popular, as the userbase grows, so should the amount of content. Now we have less "leveling zones" from 80-85 already, which doesn't bode well.
"Spending more time enjoying the zones" is something that Blizzard themselves would say. Naw, all it's going to do is make questing a massive pita battling for mobs, which is going to inspire a lot of ganking on PVP servers in their hopes to side track players, distract them from noticing the lack of new zones to explore.
Now, my concerns will be end game. The amount of dungeons, the quality of them, the amount of raids, and of course the quality of said raids AT LAUNCH. And I don't want to see numbers (which I believe they said they couldn't get as much of it ready in time) total of them alone, I need to experience them. So I guess it's off to the waiting game, in which there's not much time to go yet.
But there better be a real balance between new 80-endgame content and 1-60 content. If they riped us off on 80-endgame content and throw out an excuse, "we redid the whole 1-60 though guyz", that won't sit well at all to many people as it's bullshit. I say this because I've now read numerous posts by Blues that said you should basically "reroll and enjoy the vanilla experience again"!
Like I said, time will tell. I have my PTO days off scheduled, I'm ready to see what they put the time and effort into and leave Northrend behind.