Good luck!Aesthet1c said:Thanks guys, Thorim it is. Hopefully I'll be posting a pic of my sweet new mount tomorrow night![]()
Good luck!Aesthet1c said:Thanks guys, Thorim it is. Hopefully I'll be posting a pic of my sweet new mount tomorrow night![]()
Trojita said:Hey GAF,
I was thinking about returning to World of Warcraft because of Cataclysm coming out. I haven't played since before Burning Crusade when Nax was the new instance. I'll most likely be playing on Illidan on the Horde side.
There's reports that people in pre-made raid gear having problems on the beta dying to instakill mechanics in heroics. During the next tier, people will still need to think and be awake because they wont be able to eat all that damage.Angry Grimace said:You couldn't faceroll U-Pinnacle on heroic when Wrath came out. People that signed up in ToC and beyond era just believe that you could. They weren't a ballbusting cockblock like TBC heroics, and certainly weren't HARD, but it was certainly possible to die or fail at them.
It just cracks me up seeing people just announcing, "you will have to sheep and trap mobs in Cataclsym." Bullshit you will. Maybe when everyone has heroic blues you do.
But call me up when the 2nd raid tier comes out and everyone has full justice pt. purples and show me all the people sheeping mobs. Sheeping things is really boring and tedious after the 3rd pull of having to do it. said:Are there items which port a player to anywhere in Outland? Similar to the argent tournament tabard or Dalarn ring?
Let me reiterate how much you will hate CCing shit. The people who claim to like CCing crap either a) weren't around for TBC/Vanilla or b) are poopsockers who probably liked grinding out resist gear.DeathNote said:There's reports that people in pre-made raid gear having problems on the beta dying to instakill mechanics in heroics. During the next tier, people will still need to think and be awake because they wont be able to eat all that damage.
You may not need to CC, but you surely wont be able to pull large groups. Assuming your group has a lot of raiders in it.
"you will have to sheep and trap mobs in Cataclsym" is vague. Assuming your group has a lot of raiders in it, you may not need to CC, but you surely wont be able to pull large groups. Also, assuming they release new 5 mans, they will need CC.
The new default location for the pet commands is actually on the right, replacing the hovering customizable commands bar.Banzaiaap said:Hey y'all, how come the pet-action-bar is now above this 'aspect-bar'?
I don't like it this way at all..
Like Lolligag points out, try deleted the Cache folder and maybe try to rename the WTF folder? To something like WTF_OLD ?glaurung said:Except 4.0.3 broke my game and I cannot pay at all, getting the ambiguous #132 error ten seconds to three minutes after logging in and crashing the game. If Blizzard does not fix that with Cataclysm, I will cancel my subscription.
I use to like CCing. Especially as a hunter because it showed some skill. Having to grab aggro on a specific mob and dragging it over the trap, sometimes setting a 2nd trap for it(before the stupid nerf).Angry Grimace said:Let me reiterate how much you will hate CCing shit. The people who claim to like CCing crap either a) weren't around for TBC/Vanilla or b) are poopsockers who probably liked grinding out resist gear.
It's neat the first 3 pulls and then quickly becomes tedious as fuck, especially when you realize you hate all those dungeons anyways regardless of layout, mobs, etc.
Entropia said:Taking a break from my Troll Warlock to do quests on my Shaman. The Redridge questline is so damn awesome.
Dipindots said:Redridge was pretty nice![]()
Just hit 55 on my new druid alt... kinda not looking forward to outlands/northrend :lol
You guys are stressing too much on Outlands. =)Dipindots said:Redridge was pretty nice![]()
Just hit 55 on my new druid alt... kinda not looking forward to outlands/northrend :lol
SnakeswithLasers said:You guys are stressing too much on Outlands. =)
It took me very little time, and by just doing dungeons (which was amazingly efficient), I got through to 68 and didn't do a quest outside of Hellfire Peninsula.
Northrend, on the other hand, is a bit more tedious. However, I just hit 77 and have only done Howling Fjord.
HildyB said:Northrend will be reduced soon enough though.
Infinitemadness said:I have all the collectors editions and am now screwed. What are the odds I can walk into Best Buy or Fry's and picking one up?
Northrend has already been hit by the 20% xp nerf. But it still takes a while when compared to Outland or 1-60 content. (In the grand scheme of MMO levels grinds it's really nothing of course.)HildyB said:Northrend will be reduced soon enough though.
SnakeswithLasers said:Northrend has already been hit by the 20% xp nerf. But it still takes a while when compared to Outland or 1-60 content. (In the grand scheme of MMO levels grinds it's really nothing of course.)
For people wondering about Northrend now, I tend to get about 2 bubbles of xp for a dungeon run. The runs usually only take around 15 minutes, so that's pretty quick leveling. I'm just impatient to get some heroics in at 80 prior to Cataclysm to practice healing.
Infinitemadness said:Wow, just WOW. I requested an address change for my collectors ed. of Cataclysm because Amazon kept generating errors anytime I tried. I hit them up and asked them to change my address for me. I guess they received the same error I was getting AND CANCELED MY ORDER, suggesting I re-order my collectors edition I had preordered since it was announced. I can't re order something that has been sold out for months. What the fuck! FUCK those guys.
I have all the collectors editions and am now screwed. What are the odds I can walk into Best Buy or Fry's and picking one up?
I agree that there is a lot of truth to that, but I have close to zero experience healing now, so I feel that any practice will be better than none. I also really need to learn the proper use of the tools that paladins have, and the only way to do that is through using them. I really don't want to jump into Cata healing after doing nothing but WotLK tanking.Bisnic said:I wouldnt waste too much time "praticing" healing in the current heroics. Tanks are so overgeared, they barely need any serious healing. Whatever healing you'll do, it won't prepare you for harder 5 mans that require CC, cleansing and other kind of stuff people dont even bother to do right now.
SnakeswithLasers said:I agree that there is a lot of truth to that, but I have close to zero experience healing now, so I feel that any practice will be better than none. I also really need to learn the proper use of the tools that paladins have, and the only way to do that is through using them. I really don't want to jump into Cata healing after doing nothing but WotLK tanking.
nataku said:So, I leveled past the level range for Deadmines and now it doesn't show in my dungeon finder list. Is there any way to queue up through that still, or do I need to shout that I'm LFG for it now and hope someone takes pity on a Hunter and invites me?
I completely forgot about the dungeon and before I knew it I hit 22 and it disappeared my the list of dungeons I could do.
EDIT: Maybe I missed it because I haven't got a single quest for the dungeon. I did get one when I went into it, but other than that I haven't come across any, which is surprising.
Ya, I've been healing a lot more lately and have been trying to heal exclusively for the last level. I just want to get to 80 and get to the ICC 5 man Heroics. I'm so bad at pally healing that I'm sure the practice, even with an op group, will do me good.Bisnic said:Well, you don't need to wait to be lvl 80 and do heroics to practice healing. If anything, it's harder to heal the regular ones while lvling. :lol
Except maybe the heroic ICC 5 mans i guess. Mostly HOR.
Yeah, quests inside of dungeons is cool. But last night I queued up and ran several instances with the same group. Eventually we were thrown into Mauradon and we never received a single quest for the dungeon. It was weird, we just ran through the whole place and killed everything, not a single quest popped up.Flib said:You can't queue for it, or queue with lower levels for it. All quests are inside of the dungeons now.
Melhisedek said:Guys I only have caters (mage and lock) and wanted to try out a melee class. I tend to play instances and a few pvp matches here and there.
Now I wonder what class is less gear dependant in order to perform well, warr or rogue? I wont be raiding so no high lvl gear
Reluctant-Hero said:Yeah, quests inside of dungeons is cool. But last night I queued up and ran several instances with the same group. Eventually we were thrown into Mauradon and we never received a single quest for the dungeon. It was weird, we just ran through the whole place and killed everything, not a single quest popped up.
Anyone ever run into something like that? I guess it was a glitch...
Reluctant-Hero said:Yeah, quests inside of dungeons is cool. But last night I queued up and ran several instances with the same group. Eventually we were thrown into Mauradon and we never received a single quest for the dungeon. It was weird, we just ran through the whole place and killed everything, not a single quest popped up.
Anyone ever run into something like that? I guess it was a glitch...
I'm actually suspect that you could even get the gear for the LFG to let you into the ICC 5 mans in a reasonable time. Cataclysm is 8 days away.SnakeswithLasers said:Ya, I've been healing a lot more lately and have been trying to heal exclusively for the last level. I just want to get to 80 and get to the ICC 5 man Heroics. I'm so bad at pally healing that I'm sure the practice, even with an op group, will do me good.
Anyone know if it's completely nuts to generate holy power in melee using crusader strike on my healer? I'm loving this, but have a feeling it isn't a good long term strategy.
nataku said:So, I leveled past the level range for Deadmines and now it doesn't show in my dungeon finder list. Is there any way to queue up through that still, or do I need to shout that I'm LFG for it now and hope someone takes pity on a Hunter and invites me?
I completely forgot about the dungeon and before I knew it I hit 22 and it disappeared my the list of dungeons I could do.
EDIT: Maybe I missed it because I haven't got a single quest for the dungeon. I did get one when I went into it, but other than that I haven't come across any, which is surprising.
Not sure which wing as it was my first time in there. But we fought a huge golem/elemental boss named Landslide and he dropped a great 1H mace for my pally.Flib said:Which wing did it put you in?
SnakeswithLasers said:Ya, I've been healing a lot more lately and have been trying to heal exclusively for the last level. I just want to get to 80 and get to the ICC 5 man Heroics. I'm so bad at pally healing that I'm sure the practice, even with an op group, will do me good.
Anyone know if it's completely nuts to generate holy power in melee using crusader strike on my healer? I'm loving this, but have a feeling it isn't a good long term strategy.
HildyB said:The Westfall Quest line is cool, takes you up to the Deadmines but never tells you to go in. Once inside, it has it's own quests with a handy teleporter to take you back to the top after every boss to hand in and get the next quest. I never got the last quest finished because I out leveled the dungeon on my last run. Very annoying.
Redridge (your next stop) doesn't have a dungeon, but has some epic encounters along it's quest line![]()
nataku said:It's disappointing I can't queue for Deadmines, but oh well I guess. I doubt I'll find anyone randomly accepting people shouting for a group so I guess I'll just skip it then solo it when I'm high enough, just to see how it was redone. I'll just have to make sure to keep an eye on level ranges for any future dungeons.
If I don't, I don't... Like I said, it's just what I'd like to do. I've never done HoR in Heroic (I quit before the ICC 5 mans were in the game and started on my alt a bit after returning in October) and want to play it.Angry Grimace said:I'm actually suspect that you could even get the gear for the LFG to let you into the ICC 5 mans in a reasonable time. Cataclysm is 8 days away.
notworksafe said:VC, Stocks, and SFK got the biggest upgrades. I believe they all got some minor tweaking to make them easier...for better or worse. RFC got a level upgrade and they moved some bosses around, I know.