Did heroic Lost City last night by mistake. I just wanted to go for the quest that gave the nice mail healing bracers, but I accidentally selected the heroic version. We ended up wiping on every boss (this was a pug group by the way), but still managed to clear it. The trash wasn't that bad. Had a rogue sap and hunter frost trap for CC. I know blizzard said they wanted fairly consistent damage, but there were points where the tank goes down to 30% real quick. I had to constantly use my cheap healing wave, and when he went too far down put out a couple of greater healing waves. Sometimes it was very close. I think this might be because we were under geared, especially me at 329. And when AoE happens, it basically does become a triage. During the fights I have said screw it and let the rogue or the hunter sit at 40% for a while. I will say that this is much better than Wrath because I had to actually use my cooldowns/slash abilities, ie mana tide and nature's swiftness. For heroics, I think I would shoot for around an average item level of 340, which still makes it hard.
After that I did a normal Grim Batol with no wipes. The only death was to the retadin by the Forge masters mace. Lesson learn: kite in that mode. Trash normally took out 30% of my mana. If it was real hard, then lower than 50%. I lucked out in that both groups knew how to work together. They CC targets and focus fire on one mob at a time. Also, Grim Batol had some pretty easy fights: Forgemaster with his weapon switching and the Faceless One with his stand in his AoE. Now I would say normal mode is just right if everyone works together correctly. When it comes to heroic, just one idiot can ruin the whole thing. There is a very big jump in gear check as well. The one suggestion I would make would be to lower the power that AoE damage does. This way you aren't punish so harshly for mistakes. I mean what does Blizzard want to achieve with the fight? To teach the player the mechanics and have a good time. Lower AoE allows for a shallower learning curve. It would also help me not have a panic attack.