getting the same thing. apparently it's a common issue atm.bloodforge said:Can anyone else not get logged in? I keep getting "server is too busy".
getting the same thing. apparently it's a common issue atm.bloodforge said:Can anyone else not get logged in? I keep getting "server is too busy".
Oni Link 666 said:I hit 85 on Thursday and now I'm trying to level my professions on 4 toons. Two of my toons hit 81 just gathering.
Alchemy seems like the easiest to level. I'm at 519. I'm trying to level it to get the Truegold for my Engineer.
Engineering is a real pain in the ass. I need Truegold and and ton of hardened elementium which is a whole stack of ore and some earth motes. And most of what I have to make is total crap. 36 slot fishing bags? Who the fuck needs 36 slots for fishing and ONLY fishing? :lol Who would use such a thing? And who the hell would buy it off the AH? 'Cause I sure as hell am not using it.
Leatherworking is also a PITA because you need a ridiculous amount of leather. And then you have to buy the epic patterns with more leather. >_> I got it to 501 and I got the 130 agility bracer enchant which is real nice.
Jewelcrafting is just plain slow as hell. I got it to 510 and I think I have to take it to 525 by making blue gems which are green to me now. And I have to do the daily to get new patterns.
I do like that at least with LW, you can make rare versions of green patterns sort of like with the perfect gems in JC. And getting multiple points off 1 items is also pretty cool.
colinp said:I'm a lvl 30 warlock with enchanting and tailoring and I'm thinking of switching to herb/alchemy as e/t feels like a lot more of a pain in the ass and is slow slow slow to level. Is that crazy? I don't mind seeing the sights of starter zones to pick up herbs and the like and I am fairly certain I would advance further than the lvl 100 I am at in e/t in a short time.
CarbonatedFalcon said:If that's your first/only toon, then yes, herb/alchemy will definitely be cheaper and easier to level. Even herb/mining now if you want to go for 2 gathering profs for awhile at least to make some money and gain XP - it's not a bad combination anymore since you can track multiple things on the mini-map now.
Meteorain said:Only 1200g?
That stuff is like 5k on our server. You may want to check the AH and hike up the price.
ultron87 said:I love how even to this day, getting an Illusionary Rod off Doan in SM: Library is still awesome. It's just a great looking item.
Door2Dawn said:Agreed. I think you should take a break on the ret paladin for a while if its really bothering you. It's clear that the spec has a lot of problems, so they should be fixed "soon".
Dunlop said:My priest can hit level 150 and I will still have benediction/anethema in my bank, I've sold/DE pretty much everything else at this point
Macattk15 said:Same reason I have Cataclysm's Edge sword and the OG Ashkandi on my Warrior just chilling in my bank.
Dunlop said:My priest can hit level 150 and I will still have benediction/anethema in my bank, I've sold/DE pretty much everything else at this point
Scrow said:i was talking to a friend about this the other day. blizzard should provide the ability to transfer stats from one item to another, so that you can keep the look that you like.
so, you could get a nice healer staff from a heroic and transfer all of its stats to the benediction (overwriting benediction's stats) and destroying the heroic staff in the process. and you could just endlessly do this as you get new upgrades. get an epic healer staff that's an upgrade from the heroic staff? no worries, just transfer its stats to the benediction too.
that'll actually give some value to legendary items too. it's kinda sad to see things like warglaives, thunderfury, sulfurus, shadowmourne, atiesh etc. all become worth little more than vendor trash once an major patch or xpac comes out.
there's just one problem i see with a feature like that. in pvp it would be difficult to judge how dangerous your opponent is. they could just equip basic grey items, transfer epic stats to them, and they'd appear completely undergeared and pose no threat.... until you walk up to them and get your face torn off. perhaps in battlegrounds, arenas and world PvP zones the item model defaults to the original that the stats came from?
I agree but I still want a 2h sword or axe on clothies.ultron87 said:Also, cosmetic gear appearance using another item's model could lead to such unpleasantness as a Hunter taking a cool looking +strength two-hander that they think looks cool. No one wants that.
DeathNote said:is leveling arch is outlands noticeably faster? the trade off would be losing fossil dig sites.
I'm 356. I guess ill go there after i craft this fossil common to see if it the mount pops. My plan once i get 450 is to farm Eastern Kingdoms for the troll 2h and mount. I have the DK Death Gate to instantly put me North and the STV Zep. Might should change my Hearth to New Kargath.CarbonatedFalcon said:YES! I haven't gotten to that stage myself yet, but in Outland there are only orc and draenei artifacts, so you'll be finishing projects quicker. The continent is also smaller, so less travel time, which is what takes the most amount of time anyway.
SnakeswithLasers said:About 5 bars from 84. Jesus, these levels are taking forever! :lol
Almost done with Deepholm--can't decide if I want to go to Uldum or Twilight Highlands next. Which one has the better instances (since that's mainly how I've been leveling)?
Hadoken said:I'd go with Twilight Highlands. It starts off with a bang (I'm a horde). Go to Uldum to unlock Vortex Pinnacle then go quest at TH.
Speaking of dungeons is it wrong if I queue as tank just to get in dungeons faster and roll of dps gear since that's my main spec? Or what's the rule here? Because I've had dps melee roll on tanking gear when I tank and I've seen other tanks roll on dps gear. Is it just need for anything you can use?
The rule is that 'Need' is reserved for the role you are currently filling in the group, thus preventing Paladins, for instance, from justifying rolling 'Need' on every damn piece of plate that drops.Hadoken said:It's getting really annoying how impatient people are in in dungeons. I got into a random group for Vortex Pinnacle (normal). We down two bosses out of three. We wiped twice after that because of communication problem and tank did a bad pull. The healer said "This is a fucked up group" and left. Then someone else leaves. This game is out less than a week and people are expecting perfect runs.
Speaking of dungeons is it wrong if I queue as tank just to get in dungeons faster and roll of dps gear since that's my main spec? Or what's the rule here? Because I've had dps melee roll on tanking gear when I tank and I've seen other tanks roll on dps gear. Is it just need for anything you can use?
Hadoken said:It's getting really annoying how impatient people are in in dungeons. I got into a random group for Vortex Pinnacle (normal). We down two bosses out of three. We wiped twice after that because of communication problem and tank did a bad pull. The healer said "This is a fucked up group" and left. Then someone else leaves. This game is out less than a week and people are expecting perfect runs.
DeathNote said:I'm 356. I guess ill go there after i craft this fossil common to see if it the mount pops. My plan once i get 450 is to farm Eastern Kingdoms for the troll 2h and mount. I have the DK Death Gate to instantly put me North and the STV Zep. Might should change my Hearth to New Kargath.
Edit: Northrend would be slower than Outland right?
Evil Benius said:If people are just doing the dungeon for quest xp while leveling up then I can see that mindset. Constant wiping is just eating up time they could spend doing quests alone so if things are looking rough it might be in their best interest to leave.
I am guilty of leaving a few runs (at 85) when it is really obvious the group is going to continue to have trouble. Thankfully enough of my guild is getting to the point where we can run heroics together so this will not be an issue.
Don't roll on items you don't need for the role you're filling unless the group says it's ok. Nothing is more annoying than seeing that great tanking weapon or trinket and having the damned fury warrior rolling on them.Hadoken said:Speaking of dungeons is it wrong if I queue as tank just to get in dungeons faster and roll of dps gear since that's my main spec? Or what's the rule here? Because I've had dps melee roll on tanking gear when I tank and I've seen other tanks roll on dps gear. Is it just need for anything you can use?
That attitude sucks, and I play tank almost exclusively, unless I'm healing. It's a cooperative experience and tank entitlement is bullshit.Fularu said:Roll on anything you need. Without the tank there's no run, roll and let them cry
Rested Exp effects profession exp gainsDeathNote said:is it just me or did the digsite exp double?
So, basically, a tank can do whatever he wants? If DPS insist on rolling on his tank only gear he just leaves them hanging and uses his nice instant queue for another group?Fularu said:Roll on anything you need. Without the tank there's no run, roll and let them cry
Most of the DPS pieces can be used for tanking regulars now anyway, you only really need tanking gear for heroics, and that's about it.
that's it. it's been so long. :lolYaweee said:Rested Exp effects profession exp gains
There are dailies in org/sw and recipes you can buy with chef's tokens or whatever they award along with a skill point.SnakeswithLasers said:How do I level beyond 400 cooking? The guide I'm reading says you need to do dailies in Dalaran? That can't be right anymore.
Fularu said:Roll on anything you need. Without the tank there's no run, roll and let them cry
DeathNote said:So, basically, a tank can do whatever he wants? If DPS insist on rolling on his tank only gear he just leaves them hanging and uses his nice instant queue for another group?
Fuck that. You need a healer,dps, and everyone's time to down the boss as well.l