i dunno, isn't an arms warrior considered the PvP spec? it'd be like a subtlety rogue trying to raid. if you want to be a raiding DPS warrior i think Fury is a given.Twig said:Anyone have any tips for warrior DPS? Arms specifically. I am consistently the worst on the damage meters. ):
I don't plan to stick to DPS for PvE for long (I much prefer tanking), but I'd still like to be better in the meantime.
edit: I just remembered Elitist Jerks exists, so I'm gonna go check that. U:
Is it? I don't know. I went to EJ and it sounded like they were saying "hey it's finally viable for PvE again" but then I read more and it was like "calculus IN YOUR FACE" and utterly nonhelpful.Scrow said:i dunno, isn't an arms warrior considered the PvP spec? it'd be like a subtlety rogue trying to raid. if you want to be a raiding DPS warrior i think Fury is a given.
Jazzy Network said:Ugh how are dps doing 6-7k dps queuing up for heroics? So frustrating when the warrior tank is doing more dps than your dps.
From patch 4 for like 2 weeks after or so >.< it was cool now its crap.DeathNote said:How long did the old animation exist? I have my particle effects on low up until the shattering.
i think if i ever have to do heroic pugs i will make a new rule that whenever the group is formed i give them this disclaimer,Cyrillus said:I just spent an hour and 45 minutes in H GB, and we only got 2/4 down...ugh. Yes I know, my fault for not leaving sooner, but it was my first time in the dungeon, and I figured I didn't mind wiping to learn the fights. Long story short, the healer was awful. in almost every wipe, either he or the tank would be the first to die. I figured maybe he was undergeared, but he had almost full heroic gear on, must've been at least average ilvl340. I couldn't vote-kick him either, because it was 4 guildies and me.
Anyway, that's my rant. I just want to add bring back the 4.0.1 Blood Boil animation! People saying it was obstructive or annoying make no sense, it's a 1 second animation and it's not (exactly) spammable. This new weird yellow shockwave just makes no sense, the previous animation was perfect for a spell called "Blood Boil."
wasles papillons sexuels said:It's taken me a very very long time to realize this, but I just now figured out that alterac valley is wow dota.
NameGenerated said:I miss the old AV that took hours upon hours upon hours.
Exactly, it was epic as shit, rescuing your wing commanders, and upgrading troops, and summoning the elementals. I stayed in one game for 11 hours straight at my friend's lan party. I wish Blizz would just put it back to normal, I miss it so much.notworksafe said:Heck, AV often took multiple days on my server! That was just crazy.
Arms was reasonably viable for PvE in Wrath. It wasn't doing Fury damage, but wasn't doing Frost mage damage either. If you like it, nothing wrong with speccing it.Twig said:Is it? I don't know. I went to EJ and it sounded like they were saying "hey it's finally viable for PvE again" but then I read more and it was like "calculus IN YOUR FACE" and utterly nonhelpful.
The plan IS to eventually dual spec prot/arms for raiding/PvP, but just for now I'd like to do a little better in raids. Not a huge deal if I don't, but I'm almost always only doing HALF the DPS of the otherwise lowest DPSer.
Twig said:Is it? I don't know. I went to EJ and it sounded like they were saying "hey it's finally viable for PvE again" but then I read more and it was like "calculus IN YOUR FACE" and utterly nonhelpful.
The plan IS to eventually dual spec prot/arms for raiding/PvP, but just for now I'd like to do a little better in raids. Not a huge deal if I don't, but I'm almost always only doing HALF the DPS of the otherwise lowest DPSer.
les papillons sexuels said:It's taken me a very very long time to realize this, but I just now figured out that alterac valley is wow dota.
mind blownIt's taken me a very very long time to realize this, but I just now figured out that alterac valley is wow dota.
i gotta be honest, i'm guilty of standing in death auras too. there's so much shit flying around the screen it's sometimes difficult to discern if you're standing on something you shouldn't be. sometimes i'm not sure if i'm standing on a player's aura or an NPC one. i see numbers ticking off me in scrolling combat text, but i'm not always sure if that's because of some other AoE. this is especially true on fights i haven't done before or have only seldom done. by the time i realise it's because of where i'm standing i've taken a massive chunk of damage.markot said:When the ground is glowing death, why dont people move >_<?
Trying to heal 3 dps all standing in the damn crap, and a tank who doesnt mind standing in it too >.>
RE: Why people are quitting healing!
1min cooldown on leap of faith too >.< cant save morans fast enough...
I have no clue why I said raids here when I really meant dungeons. I'm not even 85 yet! Thanks for the responses, though.Twig said:I'd like to do a little better in raids.
Scrow said:i gotta be honest, i'm guilty of standing in death auras too. there's so much shit flying around the screen it's sometimes difficult to discern if you're standing on something you shouldn't be. sometimes i'm not sure if i'm standing on a player's aura or an NPC one. i see numbers ticking off me in scrolling combat text, but i'm not always sure if that's because of some other AoE. this is especially true on fights i haven't done before or have only seldom done. by the time i realise it's because of where i'm standing i've taken a massive chunk of damage.
after a few attempts on the same fight, there's no excuse however. it should only take 2-3 attempts before you know what the expect; how and when you need to react.
DeathNote said:EJ seems very inactive for warriors. 119 Arms and 203 Fury replies are pathetic. I thought, "oh looks like everyone is in the Spreadsheet thread" . Nope, the last page has replies from October and November only.
Is there some other theorycrafting community that's kept on the down low or something?
Milpool said:Leveling archaeology not going bad, so far I've found:
[Fossilized Hatchling]
[Druid and Priest Statue Set]
[Clockwork Gnome]
[Fossilized Raptor]
And these in the making:
[Highborne Soul Mirror]
[Chalice of the Mountain Kings]
funkmastergeneral said:The highborne soul mirror is what turned me off of archaeology. It projects an image of yourself. Woopee.
Bisnic said:When do you get the rare rewards with Archaeology? Im only a 70 points, and i hope i dont have to grind until 400 points before i see anything else than shitty grey rewards worth a few silvers and some lore.
I thought there wasn't battlegroups anymore for random bg's?NameGenerated said:Ugh, Horde never fucking wins pug BGs in my battlegroup. Maybe like 1 out of 6. It's so frustrating.
I thought that was a TBC relic?cuevas said:BG9 or bust.
Dresden said:I thought that was a TBC relic?