You guys must be new to the game:
In Wrath, Tanks became pricks. ESPECIALLY around the LFG Random Dungeon time. Now they're out of control. It's fun because they like to act all tough a few times when I ran randoms with my guild healer and they get in their mood so we just kick them, I or the Pally healer go tank spec, profit.
As far as people helping others, it rarely happens in the game as long as I've been playing it when it comes to strangers helping. It's always been that way. Mentalities flow over to here though at times with some people throwing official WoW forum-esque posts around, and calling you and your guild bad though they never played with you.
Now don't get me wrong, fights like raids especially with more complex fights you should go to tankspot or where ever and read up/watch a vid on the fight as there's many mechanics involved. But many times with Heroic boss battles, you can just throw out a line or two and put it all in a nutshell.
SquirrelNuckle said:
Heroics aren't even a challenge anymore. Maybe it's because I'm always with guildies and we know all the fights.
They were tough off the bat, but it's amazing how just even 333 and especially 346 gear trivializes nearly every heroic.