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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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can't wait until we start raiding next week, I'm really at a point where it is almost obligation to login to play which is kinda sad considering the expansion has not been out for a month yet.

My biggest gripe atm would have to be that if they want to keep heroics in the current state (read: many fucking hours to run) they really need to make the rewards more worth it. I am running them to help guildies gear up but the drops are just shit...I am pretty sure it would be easier and faster to just grind normal dungeons and use JP/rep to buy the gear instead.

ironically because of this boredom I was going to venture into PVP (I havent really done any since I came back...from Warhammer) but reading the forums on the state of Priests in PVP has kept me away


cdyhybrid said:
Well after some reforging and some questing/rep grinding I'm up to 119k+ HP and Expertise soft-capped. I guess I can venture into a dungeon and start tanking normals now :lol I'm almost at the required ilvl for Heroics but I think I'll grind out some rep while I learn the ropes in normals. Reading WoWpedia, the fights don't seem too hard to tank. Just don't stand in the fire, etc.

On normal ya. Heroic for the most part too, only difference is one fuck up usually means a wipe.
Dunlop said:
My biggest gripe atm would have to be that if they want to keep heroics in the current state (read: many fucking hours to run) they really need to make the rewards more worth it. I am running them to help guildies gear up but the drops are just shit...I am pretty sure it would be easier and faster to just grind normal dungeons and use JP/rep to buy the gear instead.
nail on the head.

I don't have time for a part time job, I just want to have fun. In Cata so far it means I don't get to have nice gear if I don't spend 20 hours a week running 5mans.
The Lamonster said:
I don't have time for a part time job, I just want to have fun. In Cata so far it means I don't get to have nice gear if I don't spend 20 hours a week running 5mans.

Incredibly untrue. It means you don't get nice gear immediately, but you will get it.


The Lamonster said:
nail on the head.

I don't have time for a part time job, I just want to have fun. In Cata so far it means I don't get to have nice gear if I don't spend 20 hours a week running 5mans.

Umm.. how do heroics take many hours to run? Most take like 30-45 mins. You get at least 210 JP, from a 3 boss dungeon, and most have more. Plus you get 70 Valor for your first random and another 70 JP after that. Im done with JP rewards and am just spending them on off spec because im capped, and have nothing more to spend them on.


pix said:
Umm.. how do heroics take many hours to run? Most take like 30-45 mins.

this could be true, once you know the mechanics and the people running are geared enough...which defeats the purpose as you are now just grinding JP's again..which you no longer need. There is no carrot at the end of these runs to make it worth it.

My item level is 345 I believe and I have one or 2 drops from these heroic dungeons and have invested at least 40 - 50 hours ( a huge chunk of that pugs..before I gave up on ever pugging a heroic in it's current state), it is all through rep,crafting and JP purchase.

I know I am not the most geared person on the server by far but am easily raid ready and could have done it a lot faster without the miser that running a heroic currently is


Grandma's Chippy
Once you learn Heroics, they are easy. Especially if you have good enough gear. Blizzard is trying to force you to gear up in regulars, rep, and JP BEFORE you grind Heroics.

Most people jump right in Heroics as soon as they have the ability to Q for them, which doesn't always mean they are ready for it gear wise and that really makes it harder.

I ran Grim Batol with a pug and it took 2-3 hours and we did not even finish it (was fun though ;P). I ran it again last night with some guildies and we burned through it in 45 minutes because two of us had seen all the way to last boss so knew what to expect.

99% of pugs I am in for Heroics are either people who don't share their experience to newcomers and bitch after wipes, or people who have never been there and zerg like it is WOYLK.

It will get better and turn into easy mode, trust me.


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mcrae said:
so i finally bound my abilities to keys. combined with a spec shift (havent played destro in oh, 4 years) this is gonna take some getting used to. on the off chance that there are some destro warlocks posting here, im gonna post my binds and see where i've probably gone wrong in case anyone have better advice.

Q: soulburn
E: incinerate
4:chaos bolt
5: shadowflame
mwheelup: fel flame

so the only spells i use that arent bound are
demon soul (2mincd)
bane of doom (1min)
curse of elements (5min)
drain soul
shadowbolt (30 second debuff)

any advice? my mouse only has 3 buttons

Use shift+1-5, shift+q, shift+e, maybe ctrl+q and ctrl+e and so on. < is good as well (it's the button left to Z for me on my euro keyboard). And the one left to 1 (§)

Also, i'd bind lifetap and death coil somewhere. I can understand some people are clickers with "big cooldown spells" (I'm not, i got everything I use in a fight keybound), but having especially Life Tap somewhere easily reachable is important to me as you want do to it easily and as soon as you need it.

Doomguard and Infernal binds, as well! Macro it with modifiers. Also a soulburn+summon imp macro!


Mr Pockets said:
Once you learn Heroics, they are easy. Especially if you have good enough gear. Blizzard is trying to force you to gear up in regulars, rep, and JP BEFORE you grind Heroics.

What I am saying is that one you have grinded JP and rep you have almost no reason to need to run a heroic. The JP gear is the equivilant to heroic drops and the exhaulted rep gear is better

I don't think heroics are hard, like anything when you learn the strategy it becomes easier. What they are is tedious as shit for what you could possibly get out of it and beyond the scope of 90% of pugs out there.


Dunlop said:
What I am saying is that one you have grinded JP and rep you have almost no reason to need to run a heroic. The JP gear is the equivilant to heroic drops and the exhaulted rep gear is better

I don't think heroics are hard, like anything when you learn the strategy it becomes easier. What they are is tedious as shit for what you could possibly get out of it and beyond the scope of 90% of pugs out there.

If I can I still run the random daily for Valor Points. 70 per day adds up pretty fast. So there is still a need for at least one heroic.


pix said:
If I can I still run the random daily for Valor Points. 70 per day adds up pretty fast. So there is still a need for at least one heroic.

Yes, but I imagine you run it with guildies. The incentive is supposed to encourage people to run randam pugs to allow all people to run these dungeons regarless of guild size...many people (myself included) have long since given up trying to pug any heroic thus defeating the whole system in place


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think there should be a penalty for leaving in the middle of the run should be higher. Or at least the LFD cooldown should be triggered after you leave instead of the moment you enter the instance.


Halycon said:
I think there should be a penalty for leaving in the middle of the run should be higher. Or at least the LFD cooldown should be triggered after you leave instead of the moment you enter the instance.
Because forcing someone to stick with a terrible group that has no chance of clearing anything is a good idea.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You can tank notworksafe, you don't have to deal with overbearing tanks. DPS replacements are near instant for you, ditto for healer.

Of course there should also be an option to just "disband" on a vote of 3-4 players so the cooldown won't trigger.

Whatever it is some assholes will figure out a way to make other people's lives miserable.

I've only had experience with normal runs but I've never had a group leave because we stalled on a boss. It's usually just healers or tanks who ragequit on the first wipe. And then everyone else follows after that. For a DPS class that's another 20 minute wait. Might as well be a de facto penalty for doing what, being tossed in with idiots?
SquirrelNuckle said:
I only do heroics now for rep and my daily VP. Don't need anymore heroic gear.
My guildie did 4 heroics and only has 4 slots without a heroic piece. I get a plate healing piece every 4 heroics if I'm lucky. :(


lordmrw said:
I've been lazy about joining another guild but at this point I really do need to. My current 1 man guild was made so I would have a place to put all the BOE's I found for whatever alts I make, I just don't have any friends who still play that I trust enough to pass the guild to so that I can log on to one of my alts and get it back. But its no big loss if I just drop it, most of it was Burning Crusade level stuff and crafting mats I got while rep farming.

why dont you pass it to your alt? or am i missing something here


mcrae said:
why dont you pass it to your alt? or am i missing something here
I don't think you can, like how you can't bid on your own auctions with an alt. I remember having to do this for a friend.

Also, took my alt shadow priest into some BG's... lulz. Love it. So simple, so effective. Can't wait to grab dispersion to deal with the melee train.


Twig said:
I've only gotten in once since the win-trading started. That was the first day. Sad. ):

(It's boring, but it's also 1800 fucking honor, so of course I want in!)

You can stand on the bridge and still get honor. I went from 3 pieces of armor to 10 in three days.


Guys, if someone was going to do a one month thing for this game, what would be the best way of doing it?

Who would be the most interesting to play as?

Where would be the most interesting place to go?

What are some key phrases I should use to get people to accompany me on some interesting stuff I don't know about?
Dunlop said:
What I am saying is that one you have grinded JP and rep you have almost no reason to need to run a heroic. The JP gear is the equivilant to heroic drops and the exhaulted rep gear is better

I don't think heroics are hard, like anything when you learn the strategy it becomes easier. What they are is tedious as shit for what you could possibly get out of it and beyond the scope of 90% of pugs out there.

Most of the JP gear for my class in lots of slots is not the preferred piece to wear as the secondary stats aren't preferred. JP gear isn't always the best. That's why I run heroics.


Einbroch said:

You can stand on the bridge and still get honor. I went from 3 pieces of armor to 10 in three days.
Wait, what? What bridge? In Tol Barad? Explain because I'd like to know. :lol I can never get into one, I need a way to get in on the action.

Okay, I actually into one. Jesus Christ. 1800 honor. Fuck BGs and their eleven minutes queues. :lol


What I don't understand about the Tol Barad bridge trick is how exactly you can manage perfect timing now that the matches don't last the full 15 minutes--they seem to be over in three to five minutes, depending on how many people want to be manly and put up a fight!!!! But that's a wide window to avoid getting teleported out.


Water is not wet!
iammeiam said:
What I don't understand about the Tol Barad bridge trick is how exactly you can manage perfect timing now that the matches don't last the full 15 minutes--they seem to be over in three to five minutes, depending on how many people want to be manly and put up a fight!!!! But that's a wide window to avoid getting teleported out.
Basically you just run back and forth once the last tower is being taken. You are correct in that its hard to judge perfectly, unlike say a Defense win when you can just hop on bridge the final 5 seconds. In the three times ive done the bridge trick since win trading started ive made it in the zone twice. Thats almost honor cap for 30 min work.

Dresden said:
Wait, what? What bridge? In Tol Barad? Explain because I'd like to know. :lol I can never get into one, I need a way to get in on the action.
This bridge..

If you are in Tol Barad when the game ends you get credit win or lose regardless of whether or not you were called for the game.


Except that you gotta be on a bridge in time, stay too long you get ported, don't stay on it you don't get 1800 honor.

Haven't gotten it twice today. It's also one item, which is kinda sucky :/


water_wendi said:
If you are in Tol Barad when the game ends you get credit win or lose regardless of whether or not you were called for the game.
Figured it out in the game when I headed there and saw about fifty Horde waiting at the bridge. :lol


Water is not wet!
Dina said:
Except that you gotta be on a bridge in time, stay too long you get ported, don't stay on it you don't get 1800 honor.

Haven't gotten it twice today. It's also one item, which is kinda sucky :/
It is a total bummer when you dont get it... especially when you see like 10 people get achieves for winning :lol What i do now is just constantly strafe back and forth the whole 3-4 min. As soon as i hit the very first part of the bridge where it says Tol Barad Peninsula i strafe back on. That means im on the bridge for 6 seconds out of 7 which is pretty good odds. GL for future tries!


water_wendi said:
It is a total bummer when you dont get it... especially when you see like 10 people get achieves for winning :lol What i do now is just constantly strafe back and forth the whole 3-4 min. As soon as i hit the very first part of the bridge where it says Tol Barad Peninsula i strafe back on. That means im on the bridge for 6 seconds out of 7 which is pretty good odds. GL for future tries!
Exactly. I've gotten it 7/8 times so far. Battlegrounds are awful honor, glad this little "fix" came along.


What, 1800h? I only got like 100 for a win I thought?

edit: just won a legit battle and got the 1800. om nom nom. hope i can gear myself out before anything changes.


Yeah, I hope they don't revert it for a bit, I've yet to get in on one of those 1800 games yet, I'll start today. It takes WAY, WAY too long to get honor through BGs at the moment, and that as Alliance with instant queues. 90 for a random win when the average piece is between 1650-2200 is insane.

The entire honor system needs another revamp, PvP gear shouldn't be treated like PvE gear anyway, I've been whining about this since BC. It should be very specifically built for PvP and fairly easy to get. It's supposed to be competition, not loot ladders.


Also the water under the bridge >.< thats where Alliance go cause Horde swarm the bridge and have like 100000000000000 man advantage >.>

And yeah, pvp honour shouldnt be a grind, its just a tool to pvp with, but it gives such an advantage that its kinda silly. Should be about skill not gear in pvp. Who pvps for gear >.<?


markot said:
Also the water under the bridge >.< thats where Alliance go cause Horde swarm the bridge and have like 100000000000000 man advantage >.>

im excited to see what the factions on my server do. been level 85 for two weeks but i dont even know where tol barad is. it starts in 20 minutes... here i come wowhead


Water is not wet!
DeathNote said:
What, 1800h? I only got like 100 for a win I thought?

edit: just won a legit battle and got the 1800. om nom nom. hope i can gear myself out before anything changes.
Yea.. its still low honor for a Defense win. Only 1800 for an Offense win.


Alex said:
Yeah, I hope they don't revert it for a bit, I've yet to get in on one of those 1800 games yet, I'll start today. It takes WAY, WAY too long to get honor through BGs at the moment, and that as Alliance with instant queues. 90 for a random win when the average piece is between 1650-2200 is insane.

The entire honor system needs another revamp, PvP gear shouldn't be treated like PvE gear anyway, I've been whining about this since BC. It should be very specifically built for PvP and fairly easy to get. It's supposed to be competition, not loot ladders.

I definitely wouldn't mind faster honor grind I suppose, but how is 90 per random for 2200 piece of gear that much different than in Wrath with ~1600 per random for 50-60k piece of gear? Seems like this is even faster than the old system just looking at the numbers (granted we were getting EPIX for that 50-65k!!!)
funkmastergeneral said:
Incredibly untrue. It means you don't get nice gear immediately, but you will get it.

He's still weaning off the Wrath: "A good instance is one in your rearview mirror"

The Lamonster, those instances ain't going nowhere, there is much less of a hurry now, enjoy it. Take your time, let yourself enjoy the journey again. I know I am (now that I'm allowed to and still be progressive...)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like how people are starting to feel the strain of 2 hour heroics, which everyone swore up and down they wouldn't when I brought that up earlier. Just sayin' :lol

They need to make an LFG Heroic dungeon addon that basically will when you press a button before a boss, it will do a canned party chat explanation of each fight and what each role has to do in the simplest terms possible.

SatelliteOfLove said:
The Lamonster, those instances ain't going nowhere, there is much less of a hurry now, enjoy it. Take your time, let yourself enjoy the journey again. I know I am (now that I'm allowed to and still be progressive...)
This sentence broke the entire English language. [/grammarcop] :lol


Still Tagged Accordingly
markot said:
Should be about skill not gear in pvp. Who pvps for gear >.<?
i actually wouldn't mind if blizz implemented a feature where your gear is automatically replaced with PvP specific gear that only works in arenas and battlegrounds. that way everyone is on the same level and the only thing that determines the outcome is skill, coordination and a little luck. when you zone out the gear disappears and you're back in your regular gear.

this of course would probably never work and would be fraught with problems. the only incentive to PvP would be for the fun of it and we all know that most people don't play WoW for fun... they play for the dangling carrot.
Tol Barad bridge running is the greatest thing ever. Grats on having your broken and shitty zone be even more broken and shitty Blizz. I'll take the 1800 honor though!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Sax Russel said:
Tol Barad bridge running is the greatest thing ever. Grats on having your broken and shitty zone be even more broken and shitty Blizz. I'll take the 1800 honor though!

I just got to do my first bridge run (successful!), and it's kind of more fun than the actual BG now. Everyone outlining their personal strategy for success, random horde showing up to kill runners, actual suspense as to the outcome...

At this point I'm almost totally outfitted in PVP gear for my main spec (most of it's so much better than the quest greens I've been running around in that I'm taking the PVP gear to dungeons), and am looking forward to picking up pieces for off-spec. If TB still isn't fixed, I don't know what I'll do with the excess points.


Should've brought back the classic honor system (and not just lame ass titles for rated), but in a friendly, fun way, like the new guild system.

Make more PvP stats so it doesn't get used for PvE, and give everyone a starter set. 333 set at 1, 346 at 5, 359 at 10. Reset ranks and up them every season (ie; 346 would become the new rank 1 in the next season) with new gear and rewards

Scatter in a few fun items, trinkets, pets, mounts each time so people feel compelled to keep climbing and have fun with it.

Keep honor but let it be used for little perks, like PvP enchants and gems, pvp water and potions, etc.

It's so easy to solve these problems, but they stick with this old tired ass system. People in my guild were interested in PvP, then go into a BG, get reamed due to no resil, see that the options are to timesink a zillion fucking hours or spend 15 thousand gold on 5 of the 18 slots needed gold and then bail off and ignore it.

They have fun content and a super fun combat system for it, it's fun just to go in and play in a BG period, they just need to ladder this stuff in a much better way.


Honestly I was able to get geared up faster for PvP than for PvE (not counting crappy questing greens).

Still don't have every slot filled with resil pieces, but I definitely have much better PvP gear than PvE (and, in fact, find it more beneficial to wear PvP gear in instances than PvE gear!)
DeathNote said:
how many TB daily quests are there? I got like 13.
There are a lot.

I think... 7 or so on the questing island. Twelve on the actualy PvP island if you win, but only six are available at any given time (three stay the same every win, the other three change it up, for twelve total). Grant total of 19-ish.

That was confusing, but hopefully you understand it or someone else can explain it better. I'm sort of braindead right now. U:


Twig said:
There are a lot.

I think... 7 or so on the questing island. Twelve on the actualy PvP island if you win, but only six are available at any given time (three stay the same every win, the other three change it up, for twelve total). Grant total of 19-ish.

That was confusing, but hopefully you understand it or someone else can explain it better. I'm sort of braindead right now. U:
I think I understand. You have to win and come back 3 times to do them all?
Alex said:
Should've brought back the classic honor system (and not just lame ass titles for rated), but in a friendly, fun way, like the new guild system.

The thing is they don't care about unrated BGs anymore. Ever since arena came out they have been the grind required to play in arena. People who are good in rated will get shit faster, they make it "even" by having everyone start with no resil and you go from there.
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