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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Gahh I want to level my new Goblin, but I know my comp is going to crash like it always does :(

There's no fix for the issue so getting a replacement would only leave me without a laptop for a month :'(


Haha, a group on the alliance actually tried to defend Tol Barad properly. The Horde chat was like

"Damn Alliance tards"
"Do they not know the agreement!?"
"What are they doing?"


DeathNote said:
I think I understand. You have to win and come back 3 times to do them all?
Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's random or a specific order. Each time one of those little "prisons" opens up (demons, ghosts, or actual prisoners), and you get three quests for each of 'em.


hamchan said:
Haha, a group on the alliance actually tried to defend Tol Barad properly. The Horde chat was like

"Damn Alliance tards"
"Do they not know the agreement!?"
"What are they doing?"
hee, Gilneas has the agreement down pat.


hamchan said:
Haha, a group on the alliance actually tried to defend Tol Barad properly. The Horde chat was like

"Damn Alliance tards"
"Do they not know the agreement!?"
"What are they doing?"
Trade defeating wars. Art reflects life, news at 11. :lol
water_wendi said:
Basically you just run back and forth once the last tower is being taken. You are correct in that its hard to judge perfectly, unlike say a Defense win when you can just hop on bridge the final 5 seconds. In the three times ive done the bridge trick since win trading started ive made it in the zone twice. Thats almost honor cap for 30 min work.

This bridge..
If you are in Tol Barad when the game ends you get credit win or lose regardless of whether or not you were called for the game.

It's a mess when we're all inside!!! People crying about not being able to right click :lol :lol


I get on my bear to do my part


Still Tagged Accordingly
Einbroch said:
Trust me. I get on my drake and intentionally stand on the guy.

It's tradition!
at least in my case it's for naught :p

/target NPCName

and bind the interact function

disaster averted


Wow, the bridge trick works. O:

Yay new belt!

Scrow said:
at least in my case it's for naught :p

/target NPCName

and bind the interact function

disaster averted
This is how the pros do it. :3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
About the bridge thing. Do you stand on the end leading to the quest zone or the end leading into the pvp zone.


Water is not wet!
Halycon said:
About the bridge thing. Do you stand on the end leading to the quest zone or the end leading into the pvp zone.
You have to be in Tol Barad proper. You dont stand but move into the zone. The thing is, if you are in there too long you will be ported out. So its constantly moving back and forth between Tol Barad and Tol Barad Peninsula.


Still Tagged Accordingly
water_wendi said:
i just shift+V and click the nameplate.
when cata launched and you had to talk to that NPC in orgrimmar i tried that and it didn't help. there were so many nameplates all shuffling around it was impossible to even find the nameplate you had to click, let alone right-click it.

targeting the npc with a macro and binding interact is douche proof.

Dresden said:
I no longer have to choose between building a resto set and an enhance set.

Fuck yes.
huh? something changing with enhancement shaman?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
20 minutes prior to the battle and there are already people here. Waiting.
water_wendi said:
You have to be in Tol Barad proper. You dont stand but move into the zone. The thing is, if you are in there too long you will be ported out. So its constantly moving back and forth between Tol Barad and Tol Barad Peninsula.

Hmm...wonder if I can stay in Swift Flight Form or do I have to phsyically land on the bridge?


Place is packed, seven minutes before kickoff.

Amazing how glitching for honor is when the server community actually gets together for once.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
We lost the battle, measly
75 points.

Also immediately afterwards everyone rushed in and commence slaughter of all the alliance there.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i wish blizz implemented a once a week or once a month event where a race's leader is picked at random on both factions and the opposing faction must storm the city and kill the leader. anyone who damages the boss or heals someone who damages the boss gets credit for the kill. there should also be rewards for defending your leader, so it doesn't devolve into a mutual trade of killing each other's leaders.

or it could just be a town in any contested zone. have a faction boss randomly spawn (not necessarily a race leader), one in an alliance town and one in a horde town. players must find where the boss is, coordinate enough people to storm the town, and kill the boss. would be great for epic lulz.

rewards can scale with level, so lowbies aren't getting stupid amounts of honor/valor/conquest points.

that's the best way to revitalise world PvP imo.


Well thanks to this 1800 honor trading. I have a full set of PvP Blues within 2 days.

Hooray. Thanks Blizzard for making honor irrelevant!


Scrow said:
i wish blizz implemented a once a week or once a month event where a race's leader is picked at random on both factions and the opposing faction must storm the city and kill the leader. anyone who damages the boss or heals someone who damages the boss gets credit for the kill. there should also be rewards for defending your leader, so it doesn't devolve into a mutual trade of killing each other's leaders.

or it could just be a town in any contested zone. have a faction boss randomly spawn (not necessarily a race leader), one in an alliance town and one in a horde town. players must find where the boss is, coordinate enough people to storm the town, and kill the boss. would be great for epic lulz.

rewards can scale with level, so lowbies aren't getting stupid amounts of honor/valor/conquest points.

that's the best way to revitalise world PvP imo.

I'd like something like needing to "rescue" faction leaders after they're defeated but that'd make for some laughs on unbalanced servers.


So is the pvp gear awesome enough to make heroics not hard? Because I'm on my way to getting this full set of pvp gear really fast :lol


hamchan said:
So is the pvp gear awesome enough to make heroics not hard? Because I'm on my way to getting this full set of pvp gear really fast :lol
Hopefully the lack of hit rating on most bloodthirsty gear prevents this.
The Atromedes exploit is when the raid group stands in the little door/hallway when you enter his room.

It nullifies most of the mechanics of the fight. Such as all the AoE damage.


Is it just me or did they drastically lower the difference between blue and epic. It mostly just seems like the ilvl cap for them is the difference now.


Alex said:
Is it just me or did they drastically lower the difference between blue and epic. It mostly just seems like the ilvl cap for them is the difference now.
It's not just you. Epics are barely better than blues. Of course there are exceptions (the new Ashkandi I believe has way better stats than items of the same ilevel) but for the most part it's all just minor upgrades.

Kind of lame that Blizzard took this route. It's like they have 1824 points to distribute for chestpieces and never stray from it. 360 stamina here, 212 agility there, etc etc. I'd like there to be those great items that are signature drops from a boss like the good old days.


Still Tagged Accordingly
krypt0nian said:
Not every class values hit anymore. ;)
if blizz stay true to their word and shift a bunch of feral damage from their bleeds to their direct damage abilities, hit will become more important to feral druids again.


Wow, Enhancement is like... quality stuff in PvP now. It's like I'm in some time warp back to classic. I like how my PvP set looks, despite bitching about it at first. It looks nice with the Earthen Ring tabard too.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Alex said:
Wow, Enhancement is like... quality stuff in PvP now. It's like I'm in some time warp back to classic.
I need to try that, but I've already spent like 10k honor on my Ele gear (about 7k pre-honor exploit) + I got the epic pants off of Argaloth. I feel like I'm in to deep with it. Also I don't really have a clue how to play enhance.


I've never touched Enhance until Cata, but it is really, really fun now at least. Very well balanced and tuned at the moment, too. Middle of the road in all the right ways.


Alex said:
Wow, Enhancement is like... quality stuff in PvP now. It's like I'm in some time warp back to classic. I like how my PvP set looks, despite bitching about it at first. It looks nice with the Earthen Ring tabard too.
We rape priests so, so hard. Purge their buffs, maintain tremor for scream, pop wolves, wipe dots with glyphed SR, wind shear their flash heals... it's almost sad. Really liking where enhance pvp is at right now, although it'll no doubt go down when they nerf Purge. Although they do need to buff priests.

Add any other melee in as a partner and priests are meat. Hell, even mages aren't that bad. SR deep freeze, earthbind dispel their snares, ground sheep, wind shear, purge buffs... if I catch them with ice block on CD, with wolves up, it's GG. Love it. I hope they don't "balance" enhance any time soon, because it's at just the right place, I think.

I need to try that, but I've already spent like 10k honor on my Ele gear (about 7k pre-honor exploit)
I tried ele with my resto stuff, and it was so painful to play. Although thunderstorming people off the flag in EotS or Lumber Mill is always fun.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Dresden said:
I tried ele with my resto stuff, and it was so painful to play. Although thunderstorming people off the flag in EotS or Lumber Mill is always fun.
Yes. So much. Never ever ever ever gets old. :lol

But other than that it's usually "You can't do that while stunned", "You can't do that while silenced" spam. :(


Alex said:
I've never touched Enhance until Cata, but it is really, really fun now at least. Very well balanced and tuned at the moment, too. Middle of the road in all the right ways.

Expect nerfs bro. It's the best shaman class atm, hands down.


They'll nerf Purge, along with Dispel Magic and Spellsteal, because they are kind of bullshit in the new environment but I don't think they'll nerf much of it on the whole. It's still not some top tier player like Frost, Arms, Feral, etc. I'm hardly worried. (that and I'll hardly do any competitive PvP any way, it seems)

However, Enhance being good now is an odd feeling considering it's been a whipping boy since the days of Sulfuras and old school Windfury Totem left us.

My only concern for nerfs is I don't want them to fuck up any numbers when they retune us to not use Spell Power weapons, because PvE DPS is in a really good spot at the moment. Very middle of the road from what I've seen.

We rape priests so, so hard. Purge their buffs, maintain tremor for scream, pop wolves, wipe dots with glyphed SR, wind shear their flash heals... it's almost sad. Really liking where enhance pvp is at right now, although it'll no doubt go down when they nerf Purge. Although they do need to buff priests.

Add any other melee in as a partner and priests are meat. Hell, even mages aren't that bad. SR deep freeze, earthbind dispel their snares, ground sheep, wind shear, purge buffs... if I catch them with ice block on CD, with wolves up, it's GG. Love it. I hope they don't "balance" enhance any time soon, because it's at just the right place, I think.

Yeah, I'm playing with an Arms friend at the moment, and it's really fun, drop some good control and utility while he gets on shit, Collosus Smashes and Bladestorms... oh my god the damage Bladestorm can do on some targets.

We do totally mangle Priests but... I think everyone mangles Priests at the moment, heh. Paladins though, I have an impossible time doing much to good Paladins. Ugh.


This PvP gear is stupid, I have over 500 more AP in blue PvP gear than I do in heroic PvE gear. I also gain 1% mastery and haste. I lose 2.5% hit and 1% crit, but come on.


Maxrpg said:
Tol Barad works :lol :lol :lol

I got shoulders and gloves tonight. SICK NASTY
I got five pieces of gear today.

Only things left are back, two rings, and one trinket.

<-- One happy motherfucker.


I suck at bridge dancing. I actually got into TB twice, so netted 3200 honor, but otherwise I've missed out on every other bridge glitch.

edit: and man, I suck at math as well.

I don't think the blue pvp gear being so... easy to get is a bad thing. Everyone is going to move onto vicious glad stuff, anyways. So all the people who like to bg on the side no longer gets three-shot, the serious business people go on to their purplez, and everything works out well.

Wishful thinking, I know.

We do totally mangle Priests but... I think everyone mangles Priests at the moment, heh.
:lol True, but we just counter everything they have, crushingly so.

By the way, using a caster main-hand with FT/FT is amazing. Too bad they're going to balance it out.
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