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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DeathNote said:
I've been leveling is fury from 69-79 any reason to go Arms?
Not really, other than you take less damage from battle stance vs. zerker (and you don't have to get two weapons, of course)

You have access to Victory Rush in either case, so its not a particularly big deal. Arms is pretty fun though, lot of 20K crits and you get to use Colossus Smash a lot more than you do in Fury since it procs a lot more than the proc rate implies.
CarbonatedFalcon said:
Well it's basically the Anub'arak mechanic again, except the fight is harder.

Make them all configure their addons (I know you can do it with Grid) to give the low health warning at 10k HP. If they aren't doing that they're doing it wrong.

Otherwise, elaborate.

No way. Chimaeron gives you 4 seconds, at minimum, to heal someone over 10K. Heroic Anub'arak (25, on 10 man you could keep everyone at 10K in p3 and still kill him) gave you 3, max. A second doesn't sound like a lot but considering latency and reaction time it's a big deal.

There are 3 potential healing problems on the fight. Tank gibs because of double attacks (you're probably tanking it wrong), not enough healing during or running out of mana because of AoE during Fueds (it's bad DPS if you're getting too many and bad healers if you aren't), and keeping people over 10K during the rest of the fight (how is raid healing handled?).


So last night I went into the Dungeon Finder and pissed off everyone in my group and I have no idea why. I've only been at WoW for about 3 weeks now so when I go into Dungeon Finder I always do the random dungeon and just follow everyone else. Anyways as we were playing we came across a quest that I accepted that was worth a good amount of gold and a kick ass ring (kick ass compared to what I currently had). We had to fight a bunch of things in Waves and as soon as the waves of enemies ended a quest complete question marker popped up right where we were at so I went over to it to claim the gold and get the ring. As soon as I did that everyone flipped the fuck out on me. Mind you this was the first time anyone in the party said anything the whole fucking time we were playing. So what did I do wrong to piss everyone off? The person that signs up as the dungeon guide in the que should do their fucking job and be a guide and realize that people that are around level 40 like myself may be new to the game.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
downed halfus last night. this week's config is storm, time and nether. on tuesday we we attempted to do it without engaging nether..... it went alright.. think he was down to 6M before enrage... but didn't do it.

last night we engaged nether but then switched to halfus with nether down to 10-15% and figured we'd take care of him with splash damage. end result was halfus went down 6 seconds after enrage. obviously not the pretties fight and I think we thankfully had one healer up for PLENTY of rezzes after, but we did it.

Conversely we also one shotted Omnotron council right after and then "basically" one-shotted conclave. it was actually three attempts, but the first the tank an Anshel DC'ed, the second attempt we are now at the point where we had too much DPS on rohash (two weeks ago it was just enough) so rohash went down and we probably were about 10 seconds away from getting Nezir down before rohash came back up.. So we permanently took a DPS off of rohash now and the last time went perfectly. then on tuesday was a one-shot to magmaw. yay!

So sunday we're starting on chimaeron in 10 man. if either of the three groups nears killing him on sunday we'll kill the 10 mans and go to 25 man, otherwise we'll probably kill him in 25 man on monday.

and I missed my damn guild argaloth kill on tuseday......... so now I lose 20VP by pugging 10 man probably tonight or tomorrow. but hey... at least he IS easily puggable. two of my kills on him have been one shot pugs so far.

beyond that.. umm.. I'm done with the game aside from raiding. got all of my reps and rep loot.. 525 on tailoring and Enchanting.. actually I am going to give a casual effort towards arch.. want the doll and the staff. REALLY want the staff as low man on the totem pole it's going to be forever til I get one out of raiding. beyond that it's just keeping money coming in for flasks and pots, spending them time to farm volatiles for cloth, and fishing for +90 int food. kind of pissed that blizz made our +90 food not count towards the guild fishing achievement needed for the +90 feast.

Wizman23 said:
So last night I went into the Dungeon Finder and pissed off everyone in my group and I have no idea why. I've only been at WoW for about 3 weeks now so when I go into Dungeon Finder I always do the random dungeon and just follow everyone else. Anyways as we were playing we came across a quest that I accepted that was worth a good amount of gold and a kick ass ring (kick ass compared to what I currently had). We had to fight a bunch of things in Waves and as soon as the waves of enemies ended a quest complete question marker popped up right where we were at so I went over to it to claim the gold and get the ring. As soon as I did that everyone flipped the fuck out on me. Mind you this was the first time anyone in the party said anything the whole fucking time we were playing. So what did I do wrong to piss everyone off? The person that signs up as the dungeon guide in the que should do their fucking job and be a guide and realize that people that are around level 40 like myself may be new to the game.
RFD I presume? If so, I am guessing that it went a LITTLE differently than you are describing (which you might have not realized or they might have not said anything about til after). There are two quests here. The first where you free him. You then take a second quest where he hauls off like a train and you have to follow him, fight back the waves, and get the ring. The problem lies in accepting the second quest, not completing it. If you accept the second quest before everyone has turned in the first part, they can no longer turn in the first part OR get the second part. I can certainly appreciate you being new and not knowing this. The problem from other players' points of view is that they've done this quest for 6 years, and so have most people, so it's well known not to talk to the dude until everyone has turned in the quest. Just not well known to people who are new to the game.

blizz seriously just needs to drop that first quest. have the exclamation with him in the cage, and then have a talking to portion for "are you ready?".

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
That's really weird. Maybe they were mad you didn't share the quest?


Raiding last night was annoying as shit. We just started raiding on Thursdays, as people were having trouble on Tuesday, but last night we had just enough on for a 10-man. Go to BWD, first pull on Omnotron and the other tank DC's, so we wipe/reset it. Go in again and beat the encounter. We go to Magmaw, do one pull and get him to 30% before people just get sloppy and we wipe. Then two of our healers, who are brothers, say they have to go and just randomly bounce.

It's especially frustrating because our healers are what's holding us back on some encounters. Poor mana management, massive overhealing and low throughput overall, not to mention attendance issues like this one. Luckily, after calling the raid early, we randomly had two really promising healers app (along with their dps friend). Hopefully these guys are good and we can rotate them in.

edit: oh, and having healed heroics a bit, I do understand how hard healers have it, and I have a lot of respect for the role and its challenges. But when we go through the logs after bad raids, there really is something going wrong with our healing crew (aside from our healing lead, who is a bit of a beast).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Rez said:
That's really weird. Maybe they were mad you didn't share the quest?
no, see above. it's the way the quest is handled. usually someone (new to the game) activates the second part of the quest chain before everyone has a chance to hand in the first part. this means no one can hand in the first part any longer OR GET the second part. So the nice ring he was going for is no longer available to anyone who missed turning it in.

Though I do agree. If someone knew this (presumably they did) they should have said so from the start. I STILL say "roll need on orb" in heroic randoms despite that everyone in the known world at this point should know that you roll need on the chaos orb at the end, becuase sure enough, the one time I didn't say "roll need on orb" the poor guy rolled greed on it and lost to one of the two guys (me included) who rolled need on it (didn't end up me.. grr)


MattPeters said:
She was regening health when DkS hit. It nearly killed her. Blizz was also watching them and hotfixing between pulls. Must be frustrating knowing that a strat may not work an hour later.

So paragon spent 5 days theory crafting and planning for her. Wonder how many attempts and hours they spent fighting her.

At any rate, pretty impressive. A little surprised al'akir is the last boss left, and that nobody has killed him on heroic.

Al'akir seems....interesting, from what we saw of heroic. Really curious what kind of whacked out strats'll be necessary for it. Sinestra was definitely impressive, but I mean it seems a given when you figure it's some of the best players in the world raiding like 15+ hours a day.


borghe said:
downed halfus last night. this week's config is storm, time and nether. on tuesday we we attempted to do it without engaging nether..... it went alright.. think he was down to 6M before enrage... but didn't do it.

Any good vids for 10 man out there? I could only find a tankspot for 25,we are attempting this on tuesday

We downed conlave last night as well, it was almost anticlimatical for me. I was the "tank"for Rohash due to my heals and levitate. It took about 6 attempts (we had 2 OS healers), the only time I get hit by the damn whirlwind is right before all DPS are about to converge on him for the kill. It nocked me to the center platform and I could not get back (bridges would not work).

So lonely....


Dunlop said:
Any good vids for 10 man out there? I could only find a tankspot for 25,we are attempting this on tuesday

We downed conlave last night as well, it was almost anticlimatical for me. I was the "tank"for Rohash due to my heals and levitate. It took about 6 attempts (we had 2 OS healers), the only time I get hit by the damn whirlwind is right before all DPS are about to converge on him for the kill. It nocked me to the center platform and I could not get back (bridges would not work).

So lonely....

The key to Halfus on either difficulty is releasing more drakes than you're going to kill. If you've got 2 tanks on 10 man for instance, Killing 2 and then offtanking the third, or one and offtanking the second, is a huge boost to your dps (they apply the 50% damage debuff to halfus as soon as they're released, along with debuffing whatever ability they do, at the only 'cost' being that your tank needs to live for the rest of the fight).
Beyond that it's simply figuring out what order of drakes you need to release. In general Storm Rider always has to be first if he's up, beyond that it can vary, strong arguments for time or nether both, probably just depending on what areas you're weak in.


TheYanger said:
Al'akir seems....interesting, from what we saw of heroic. Really curious what kind of whacked out strats'll be necessary for it. Sinestra was definitely impressive, but I mean it seems a given when you figure it's some of the best players in the world raiding like 15+ hours a day.

Anyone else think it's interesting we're going to be raiding two of the elemental lords but we're helping the other two? Why the hell were the Old Gods helping the Naga against Neptulon anyway? The elemental lords, Neptulon and Therazane included, are servants of the Old Gods.


Bisnic said:
Did you do south STV? i thought that part was barely anything like what it was before. All the quests that ask us to infiltrate the pirate enemy ships leading to the invasion of Booty Bay were awesome.

Both Plaguelands changed quite a lot, especially Western, which should be your zone to do around 34 i believe.

After Eastern plaguelands, they send you to Badlands, which again changed a lot(dont miss the funny Deathwing quests near the southwest). Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes still looks the same, but the quests are nothing like what they were before, except for a few exceptions. Then that will leave Swamp of Sorrows & Blasted Lands. Blasted Lands is another zone that changed as much as WPL, Redridge or Badlands.

I think Arathi, Hinterlands & Silithus are the only zones that looks almost the same as their old versions. Oh and by the way, that random pirate ship to the south was also there before Cataclysm, just hard to find if you didn't know it existed.
Okay, so the hit list looks like this then?

1. Plaguelands
2. Badlands
3.Searing Gorge
4. Burning Steppes
5. Swamp of Sorrows
6. Blasted Lands

Fugu said:
Late-ass response but I literally just did this (I was level 34 yesterday, 48 today) so...

I would avoid STV altogether, as it's no longer the glorious zone that it once was. Because for the longest time it was essentially the only area that was streamlined (hunting quests, Green Hills of Stranglethorn, various related troll quests) it was quite popular; the introduction of other options has just made it a boring jungle zone. There's a weird raptor stealth segment that you might enjoy (I didn't). Southern Barrens and Desolace cover the same level area, and both are quite different. WPL and EPL cover 35-45 (I do green quests so I was there from 40-47) and are almost unrecognisable. You are at the absolute bottom end of the Thousand Needles level range and that zone has been transformed entirely, so it's worth checking out (Shimmering Flats has been transformed completely). Badlands was boring and annoying; now it's just boring.
Late responses are better then no responses! So in light of this, it's looking like:

1. Western Plaguelands (35-40)
2A. Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
2B. Thousand Needles (40-45)
3. Badlands (45-48)
4. Searing Gorge (48-50)
5. Burning Steppes (50-52)
6. Swamp of Sorrows (52-54)
7. Blasted Lands (54-58)

[Level ranges courtesy of WoWwiki]

So which is better between the EPL and Thousand Needles? I'm questing with another person (I'm a priest, he's a warrior) so I don't know if that matters or not.

Thanks for the help everyone!


webrunner said:
Seriously, someone considers the original "Green Hills of Stranglethorn" streamlined? Did I read that right?
I liked the original. You collected while doing quests and bought/sold at the BB auction house.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Dunlop said:
Any good vids for 10 man out there? I could only find a tankspot for 25,we are attempting this on tuesday

We downed conlave last night as well, it was almost anticlimatical for me. I was the "tank"for Rohash due to my heals and levitate. It took about 6 attempts (we had 2 OS healers), the only time I get hit by the damn whirlwind is right before all DPS are about to converge on him for the kill. It nocked me to the center platform and I could not get back (bridges would not work).

So lonely....
videos for halfus are kind of sort of useless. not useless, but it entirely depends on your configuration of drakes. honestly there is no difference between 10man and 25 man halfus. either way you get three drakes, the only difference being hit points and damage.

storm drake - absolutely the first "must engage" drake of any configuration. with him locked up halfus' shadow nova is almost instant and uninterruptible. this means 10-25K (10/25man) damage and knockback for the entire raid every few seconds. engaging the drake makes the shadow nova interruptible. in 25man you need either two interrupters, or I think a shaman has a 6s interrupt and with school lock shadow nova is on an 8s CD. storm drake hits like a freaking truck, so basically whoever is tanking him is going to only be able to tank him.

time drake - usually second most vital drake. while he's locked up, halfus' dragon's fireballs are instant cast and you can't dodge them taking 20/40K damage. typically you will want at minimum three tanks at this point. afaik you CAN tank both time and halfus together (see below though). if so, you really want to get time up as soon as possible. once he's up, the dragon's fireballs show a ring on the ground that gives you about 3s to move out of.

slate - slate poses in a problem in that he needs a tank rotation on halfus. slate gives halfus a malevolent strike on his tank. you'll either need a pally that can survive and bubble out of MS stacks before this drake is engaged, or you'll need a tank rotation. typically not as critical as the first two, this is more of a mechanic than an actual DPS reduction or healer stress. releasing him kills the MS and stuns halfus occasionally for 12s.

nether scion - depending on your DPS output, nether scion might not be a big deal. he gives halfus a 100% attack speed increase, and when released halfus sometimes misses attacks at a slower speed and with less damage. if your healers can handle the load and your DPS is fine you're better off with spending the time on halfus instead (it's all a countdown to that 6m enrage). it's basically can your healers handle the 100% attack speed increase, and does your DPS benefit more from the extra time on halfus or the 50% damage increase from killing nether scion.

whelps - save the best for last. whelps are pitiful in damage and can easily be picked up by any tank as a second aggro. general idea is to pick up the whelps immediately and kill them with splash damage over the course of the fight.

at 50% damage (presuming all drakes are down) halfus starts casting a 3times stun on CD. he will also cast shadow nova immediately after the third stun. general strategy here is to have a mage blink out of the third stun and cast counterspell on shadow nova. shadow nova has a 25s CD and counterspell is a 24s CD, so with even just one mage there should always be an interrupt up for that one shadow nova.

that's about it. halfus is on a six minute enrage timer, so the general goal is to get the three drakes and halfus dead in less than 6m (or as little over as possible). general thoughts are to BL and burn cooldowns immediately before or just after the third drake goes down to take advantage of the 150% damage increase.

most of the problems we had are honestly the same problems we have on any DPS race.. about half of the raid DPS are not fury, survival, lock, DK, assassin or fire and in 340-345 ilevel. until that half of the DPS is geared up more our DPS will never be through the roof. the guild is mostly fine with that, which honestly I think it very cool of it.. let people play the characters they are having fun with, even if it's a shadow priest. it just means on these DPS races we're going to have to handle it taking a few wipes (and a few kills) to get people geared up to where their less efficient spec is strong enough to out-DPS the enrage timer.

TheYanger said:
The key to Halfus on either difficulty is releasing more drakes than you're going to kill. If you've got 2 tanks on 10 man for instance, Killing 2 and then offtanking the third, or one and offtanking the second, is a huge boost to your dps (they apply the 50% damage debuff to halfus as soon as they're released, along with debuffing whatever ability they do, at the only 'cost' being that your tank needs to live for the rest of the fight).
Beyond that it's simply figuring out what order of drakes you need to release. In general Storm Rider always has to be first if he's up, beyond that it can vary, strong arguments for time or nether both, probably just depending on what areas you're weak in.
this is incorrect. they don't apply the 50% debuff until after they die. I forget what the debuff is, but it happens during their dying animation and actually takes a second or two to apply. so if you are counting every possible second of the burn phase, you want to wait on trinkets, timers and BL until the last drake you plan on killing goes down AND his debuff is applied.

however you are correct in the rest. basically you never outright move to kill the third drake. get him released and damage him enough that splash can finish the rest (25%?) but the big priorities in this fight are the order the drakes are released in (depending on which drakes you have) and getting two drakes downed completely giving 100% damage increase to halfus, and preferably getting the third one down enough that eventually in the fight you will get a final 50% extra on halfus as well. the rest of the fight depends on which drakes you have and which abilities halfus and his dragon have as a result.


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
1k Needles is a must, but there's no way you're going to need to do all 7 of those zones.

I did all those zones while questing and i reached 58 in Blasted Lands.

BUT, i ignored instances, didn't used heirlooms, and didnt log off in an inn everytime.

I didnt do 1k needles, but i think it would be better for him to go with Eastern plaguelands. He's already doing all of Eastern Kingdom, might as well stay in there. He could do Thousand needles and the rest of Kalimdor with a night elf, worgen or draenei alt.
The funny thing about Al'Akir being last is that he's the boss (in addition to Conclave) that you'd probably need to farm the most to get the ideal random enchant gear.

The current very BiS weapons for DW Frost DKs, for example, is a random enchant sword from him with a certain combination of stats, since there is no heroic version of Soul Blade, the next BiS (and BiS w/o hard modes) because it's a BoE trash drop.


Owensboro said:
1. Western Plaguelands (35-40)
2A. Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
2B. Thousand Needles (40-45)
3. Badlands (45-48)
4. Searing Gorge (48-50)
5. Burning Steppes (50-52)
6. Swamp of Sorrows (52-54)
7. Blasted Lands (54-58)

[Level ranges courtesy of WoWwiki]

So which is better between the EPL and Thousand Needles? I'm questing with another person (I'm a priest, he's a warrior) so I don't know if that matters or not.

Thanks for the help everyone!
If you're questing as a group the exp cut may make it so that you have room to do both. If not, EPL is different but not overwhelmingly interesting; I would do it if you've done the old EPL and want to see how it's changed but otherwise do Thousand Needles.
On the flipside, you may end up like me and be substantially ahead of the curve, which may require you to skip a zone (I left Badlands at level 50).


Not a huge deal, but dropped for me in RFD and by golly do I ever love world epics.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
HOLY SHIT was that a harrowing experience.

My wife REALLY wanted Arcturis, so I camped that shit with npcscan on for SEVEN HOURS yesterday. Shit didn't go off once. Finally went to bed around 2 a.m.

Woke up this morning about five minutes ago, and alarm goes off as soon as I walk outo f Amberpine Lodge.

Not normally playing a hunter, I'm freaking out to even remember where the damn "Tame" button is on her character (even though I had set it up, I hadn't actually use it much). Then I figure, "why not check it out?" since people had told me that Gondria and Arcturis has the same spawn timer...HOLY SHIT it's there too. I land and tag it (which was really really dumb) with an arcane shot, but OH FUCK I forgot I had the glowbear and I DON'T HAVE FEIGN on her bars in BM (She plays a surv. spec.), so I'm looking through the damn spellbook, but OH SHIT damn Arcturis is out and KILLING Gondria, so fuck fuck fuck, I dismiss him, but DAMN IT I have no slots avaialble. Making an executive decision, I decide to just axe her poor Wasp, Ms. Huhuran right there.

It was intense.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Damn, I've only done half of Ashenvale and I'm already over half way to level 29. My quests were green throughout + some mobs were gray and now I have a gray quest I just got. Blizz made this shit fast. Kind of want to skip ahead, but then it feels incomplete. :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
Fugu said:
If you're questing as a group the exp cut may make it so that you have room to do both. If not, EPL is different but not overwhelmingly interesting; I would do it if you've done the old EPL and want to see how it's changed but otherwise do Thousand Needles.
On the flipside, you may end up like me and be substantially ahead of the curve, which may require you to skip a zone (I left Badlands at level 50).


Not a huge deal, but dropped for me in RFD and by golly do I ever love world epics.

I thought EPL was interesting with the storyline surrounding the blood elf & dwarf(what a strange mix of races for the two of them to be friends). Sure beats the old, boring, shitty EPL full of grinding quests(HEY LETS KILL 30 BATS, 30 HOUNDS, 15 WORMS THEN REPEAT THAT 2 MORE TIMES).


Bisnic said:
I thought EPL was interesting with the storyline surrounding the blood elf & dwarf(what a strange mix of races for the two of them to be friends). Sure beats the old, boring, grinding quests, shitty EPL.
Personally I really don't like the pseudo group quests and because they're so common now (there's at least a line of them in every zone I've played in so far) I don't consider any of them particularly notable.

EDIT: If you're comparing it to the old EPL (which was one of the worst zones that needed the most changing) then my god it's a dream come true.


I've been reading the last few pages and I have absolutely no clue what you guys are talking about. But whatever, I just finished my first auction house sale, sold a bunch of dead flowers and I made 6 gold. 6!!!!!!!!! I'm super rich!!!!!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Dizzy-4U said:
I've been reading the last few pages and I have absolutely no clue what you guys are talking about. But whatever, I just finished my first auction house sale, sold a bunch of dead flowers and I made 6 gold. 6!!!!!!!!! I'm super rich!!!!!
wow has been around for 6 years. in that time it has seen three major expansions, and dozens of lesser content patches, featuring everything from game balancing to new dungeons and gameplay modes. trying to understand all of WoW in your first few months of playing to a degree that many of us do after 6 years is simply pointless. what you're doing is the way to go about it. Keep playing, have fun, and when you come across something you have a question about, hit wowhead, wowpedia, or ask on here.

the two main discussions going on these last pages are about the adventures of leveling around the 40-50ish range, and about raiding at 85. raiding (in case you didn't know) is where you get 10 (or 25) people together and take on larger scale boss fights that are a bit more difficult than the heroic instances you first run at 85. and heroic instances (in case you didn't know that) are basically just like the normal versions of the dungeon usually except that the trash and bosses have more hit points and the bosses usually have additional mechanics making the fight significantly harder than it was in the regular dungeon. (hopefully you know what a regular dungeon is)


Dueling a 78 priest as a 79 warrior sucks. His shield is like 33% of his health, he can do it again shortly, and one dot takes away half of my health. The shield is only 6-10k at 85 right?
Dizzy-4U said:
I've been reading the last few pages and I have absolutely no clue what you guys are talking about. But whatever, I just finished my first auction house sale, sold a bunch of dead flowers and I made 6 gold. 6!!!!!!!!! I'm super rich!!!!!
I remember when I first started playing. Give it about 2 years and you'll finally be able to talk about everything with us. Just understanding the lingo on Trade Chat was a difficult task when I first started. DPS LFG BREWBOSS PST ...I would be like wtf is that??


borghe said:
wow has been around for 6 years. in that time it has seen three major expansions, and dozens of lesser content patches, featuring everything from game balancing to new dungeons and gameplay modes. trying to understand all of WoW in your first few months of playing to a degree that many of us do after 6 years is simply pointless. what you're doing is the way to go about it. Keep playing, have fun, and when you come across something you have a question about, hit wowhead, wowpedia, or ask on here.

the two main discussions going on these last pages are about the adventures of leveling around the 40-50ish range, and about raiding at 85. raiding (in case you didn't know) is where you get 10 (or 25) people together and take on larger scale boss fights that are a bit more difficult than the heroic instances you first run at 85. and heroic instances (in case you didn't know that) are basically just like the normal versions of the dungeon usually except that the trash and bosses have more hit points and the bosses usually have additional mechanics making the fight significantly harder than it was in the regular dungeon. (hopefully you know what a regular dungeon is)
Yeah. It's not my intention to absorb that much too soon. I have wowwiki opened in case I see something I dont understand (like soulbound or very basic stuff like that).

I'm taking it very slowly, just doing the quest I find and learning about the places I visit. I'm not concerned about raids and things like that yet because I'm having fun discovering stuff on my own.

The Lamonster said:
I remember when I first started playing. Give it about 2 years and you'll finally be able to talk about everything with us. Just understanding the lingo on Trade Chat was a difficult task when I first started. DPS LFG BREWBOSS PST ...I would be like wtf is that??
That's pretty much my case.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Owensboro said:
1. Western Plaguelands (35-40)
2A. Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
2B. Thousand Needles (40-45)
3. Badlands (45-48)
4. Searing Gorge (48-50)
5. Burning Steppes (50-52)
6. Swamp of Sorrows (52-54)
7. Blasted Lands (54-58)
Maybe you already finished this, but I don't think much of Badlands, Burning Steppes, or Swamp of Sorrows.

Badlands in particular is a zone I really dislike, particularly because of how ugly it is and how unfriendly and bizarre the terrain is in terms of navigation/getting around.

Although slow to start, Felwood is much better than Badlands.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lol... funny that we are the exact opposite in this. I freaking HATE felwood. Hated it in classic and hate it after the shattering. Worst damn zone in the game by far (ok, not worst, but maybe only beat by silithus in classic wow). Badlands is fun as hell, and post shattering badlands has some pretty cool stuff in it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
For me everything that could go wrong in the Badlands did go wrong, so the zone just seemed like a rush job of gimmicks to me.

Mob density is very punishing throughout most of the zone because of the tag-along NPC quests, so I wound up dying more than I should of. When I did die getting back to my corpse would take maybe 2 or 3 minutes just because the terrain wouldn't let me get back to my body without go way around. During the world enlarged sections I saw other gnomes walking around. During the NPC group quests the opposite faction camped me with their NPC group, and were invisible the entire time because they were a rogue. The sliding puzzle was awful because it didn't tell me I could move pieces diagonally.

Really just a very unintuitive zone to me, and the highs don't come close to touching the zones I really enjoy like the new Hillsbrad.


Badlands sucked for me. I went to New Kargath and there was only 2 quests. Found another someone where else. Found the The Day Deathwing Came chain. Then I left.

You can do the Deathwing quest without doing anything else btw.


DeathNote said:
Badlands sucked for me. I went to New Kargath and there was only 2 quests. Found another someone where else. Found the The Day Deathwing Came chain. Then I left.

You can do the Deathwing quest without doing anything else btw.

There is a quite substantial lore quest chain in the Badlands regarding the Black Dragonflight. You start it from Fuselight or Fuselight-by-the-sea.
Acidote said:
There is a quite substantial lore quest chain in the Badlands regarding the Black Dragonflight. You start it from Fuselight or Fuselight-by-the-sea.

Yes, Kargath is really the end of the zone, and it's not much of a hub anymore like it was.


So I need some help. I keep reading conflicting things for the 2nd boss in Heroic VP. I just started tanking and some say the tank should be rotating the boss according to the wind, but correct me if I'm wrong that really doesn't matter unless it's a melee heavy group so they can get the buff without having to move. Or am I doing it wrong? I've had no problems with the boss, but actually knowing it works would be great.
Rokam said:
So I need some help. I keep reading conflicting things for the 2nd boss in Heroic VP. I just started tanking and some say the tank should be rotating the boss according to the wind, but correct me if I'm wrong that really doesn't matter unless it's a melee heavy group so they can get the buff without having to move. Or am I doing it wrong? I've had no problems with the boss, but actually knowing it works would be great.

The buff is depending on the location of the boss, not which way he is facing. You can see the direction the air is flowing from (and they're making it more visible I believe in the next patch).

>>(wind direction)>>>> 1 (Boss) 2

Very poor "diagram", but if you're standing in position 1 you receive the buff. If you are at 2, then you receive the debuff. Basically you want the windstream to hit you before it hits the dragon. Now dealing with melee, who typically dps from behind, you would want to turn him so you have the debuff while the melee dps receive the buff.


Rokam said:
So I need some help. I keep reading conflicting things for the 2nd boss in Heroic VP. I just started tanking and some say the tank should be rotating the boss according to the wind, but correct me if I'm wrong that really doesn't matter unless it's a melee heavy group so they can get the buff without having to move. Or am I doing it wrong? I've had no problems with the boss, but actually knowing it works would be great.
He does a frontal breath. If he's aiming downwind, no one except you should be standing in front of him. Two problems, one solution.


Rapstah said:
He does a frontal breath. If he's aiming downwind, no one except you should be standing in front of him. Two problems, one solution.

Yeah but that's a random target not solely cast on tank. Thanks for the help.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Owensboro said:
Okay, so the hit list looks like this then?

1. Plaguelands
2. Badlands
3.Searing Gorge
4. Burning Steppes
5. Swamp of Sorrows
6. Blasted Lands

Late responses are better then no responses! So in light of this, it's looking like:

1. Western Plaguelands (35-40)
2A. Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
2B. Thousand Needles (40-45)
3. Badlands (45-48)
4. Searing Gorge (48-50)
5. Burning Steppes (50-52)
6. Swamp of Sorrows (52-54)
7. Blasted Lands (54-58)

[Level ranges courtesy of WoWwiki]

So which is better between the EPL and Thousand Needles? I'm questing with another person (I'm a priest, he's a warrior) so I don't know if that matters or not.

Thanks for the help everyone!
I followed the Eastern Kingdom track like this and had a total blast, as a new WoW player. I highly recommend every one of those zones. But then my only experience on Kalimdor was Silithus, so it might have slightly made my love for the Eastern Kingdoms that much stronger.
TheYanger said:
The key to Halfus on either difficulty is releasing more drakes than you're going to kill. If you've got 2 tanks on 10 man for instance, Killing 2 and then offtanking the third, or one and offtanking the second, is a huge boost to your dps (they apply the 50% damage debuff to halfus as soon as they're released, along with debuffing whatever ability they do, at the only 'cost' being that your tank needs to live for the rest of the fight).
Beyond that it's simply figuring out what order of drakes you need to release. In general Storm Rider always has to be first if he's up, beyond that it can vary, strong arguments for time or nether both, probably just depending on what areas you're weak in.

We just release all three at the start and zerg it down. I think we'll have to rethink it for heroic. We have one of the drakes we don't even release on normal because it doesn't make any difference.

Or so they tell me, I just DPS and blink/interrupt when required.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rez said:
I followed the Eastern Kingdom track like this and had a total blast, as a new WoW player. I highly recommend every one of those zones. But then my only experience on Kalimdor was Silithus, so it might have slightly made my love for the Eastern Kingdoms that much stronger.
You played like the only unupdated zone. : /

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Dance In My Blood said:
You played like the only unupdated zone. : /
I know, I know. I've since been told that here, but the wound is deep and unhealing


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rez said:
I know, I know. I've since been told that here, but the wound is deep and unhealing
It's not even that. The zone was designed as a PvP/rep grind/group zone for level capped 60 characters.
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