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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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DeathNote said:
Yeah most of the work went into making it flyable. It's neat to look behind the scenes. If you use shaman far sight in WSG it's just floating around in the midldle of no where with floating trees.
And as some Youtube video pointed out, Ruins of Lordaeron Arena is floating right in the middle of The Battle For Gilneas. Patch 2.1 to patch 4.0.3, really early test version but at least two of the points are essentially there.


scoobs said:
Really really big chunks... I hope theyve tested it. Theyve overnerfed DKs before, I wouldnt put it passes them to do it again.

DKs are still ahead of all other melee classes, since they're the only melee class that can compete with ranged in 80% of the fights.


Lolligag said:
They added 7 more digsites in Uldum for Tol'vir and 2 Nerubian in Eastern Plaguelands.

Too lazy to find post about it.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - Maybe I'll get the bug mount afterall.


So.. when it says a ticket has a 1 day wait time.. what happens. It usually says the demand is high or whatever but I always get a reply in an hour or two. If I log off the ticket goes away and you'd re-start the queue the next time you logged on wouldn't you?


DeathNote said:
So.. when it says a ticket has a 1 day wait time.. what happens. It usually says the demand is high or whatever but I always get a reply in an hour or two. If I log off the ticket goes away and you'd re-start the queue the next time you logged on wouldn't you?

A GM will just in-game mail you a response if you aren't logged on when they get to it.


PatzCU said:
A GM will just in-game mail you a response if you aren't logged on when they get to it.
Haven't had it happen in a a year or so, but I remember that being a auto-generated reply without a specific answer it seems.


Outland is no Northrend, but it's far ahead of what classic was. Outland just needs a tuneup, they don't even have to redesign much. Just put the dungeon quests inside the dungeons, cull the gather/kill requirements by maybe half for those types, move a bit around to cluster and reduce travel ala Cataclysm.

I wouldn't mind them reducing XP to level further though at 60+, especially in Northrend which is simply too long when you're trying to power through. For those of us who have done it several times, it's not the kind of game design that holds up on umpteen playthroughs considering leveling is basically an adventure game and cap is the ARPG.

Another appealing thing would be to let players with two characters above, say, level 30 create a new character within 10 levels of that. So if you had two level 85s you could create 75's. That'd NEVER happen, of course, but I can dream.

Also, improve RAF in the meantime to go further into the game for those of us who stored codes to cheese it :p


force push the doodoo rock
I think I've done "Defending the Rift" 20 times or so now and it keeps bugging out when the Tidehunter is supposed to show up.

I just want to clear this quest and finish vashjir :/

Tamanon said:
Outlands isn't bad, it's once you hit 68 and think, ALRIGHT TO NORTHREND! And you get there.....and it's such an annoying slog. That's the death of alts to me. Got a 73 Pally sitting there that I keep meaning to get back to, blah.

Especially since you have to be 80 for the new zones, I've only done maybe 5 quests in the 80-85 zones total since I've hit altitis and keep getting stopped around Northrend.

Really need to push the Pally through this week, I swear!

I agree with this. I enjoy outlands and you can get through it really quick even if you dislike it.

Northrend is a massive grind for me. I'm having trouble getting any of my alts through it. I didn't like it much the first time and im struggling to get through it again. The fact that it takes a long time doesn't help.

I'm also not looking forward to doing cata zones again. I enjoy leveling from 1-70 but the trip to 85 is turning me off raising more alts even though i would like some more at 85.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah they really did put more tolvir digsites. I was able to complete THREE common Tolvir artifacts in a short amount of time, when only completing one before could take me 5x more time
Killed Al'Akir tonight! 11/12! Got about 45 minutes of 9-man attempts on Nefarian. What is the strat for adds in 10-man? All the guides say "simply CC the adds". Anyone care to give some more detail and a few tips?
Alex said:
Outland is no Northrend, but it's far ahead of what classic was. Outland just needs a tuneup, they don't even have to redesign much. Just put the dungeon quests inside the dungeons, cull the gather/kill requirements by maybe half for those types, move a bit around to cluster and reduce travel ala Cataclysm.

Right, exactly. That's why I find Grimace's absolute statement so silly. I'm not saying it would be easy, exactly, but 80% of the quest material would only need relatively minor brush-ups. It's a significantly smaller job than what happened with Cataclysm.

Another appealing thing would be to let players with two characters above, say, level 30 create a new character within 10 levels of that.

There are a ton of level-related mechanics Blizzard should implement, IMO. Beyond stealing level-shifting mechanics from CoH (Blizzard has great reasons not to let people up-level for grouping but there's no reason not to let them down-level) I think they should really add something like this, and probably a second hero class that can heal to boot.
ToyMachine228 said:
Killed Al'Akir tonight! 11/12! Got about 45 minutes of 9-man attempts on Nefarian. What is the strat for adds in 10-man? All the guides say "simply CC the adds". Anyone care to give some more detail and a few tips?

Our hunter kites them until they're all grouped up, or close, right behind Nefarian. Then we go into a CC chain with frost nova, warrior fear, and paladin stun. It takes practice is all.

In phase 3 they're kited. That also takes a lot of practice.

It took us a number of attempts before we figured out the best healing strategy and positioning for the adds and kiting phase 3. With all that figured out we 1 or 2 shot it every week now.


cuevas said:

Sorry if you don't want to play the best spec for your class I don't want to hear your tears.
Lol what? People should be able to play the spec they most like, without having to sacrifice a huge amount of dps. Freaking game is from 2004, how the fuck have they not yet balanced this?


Any hunters finding Marks to be vastly superior to SV now? I tried Marks last night for our raid, but was getting beat consistently in pretty much every fight on the charts, switched back to SV and was on the top or number 2 on every fight. It could be that I'm simply not used to playing Marks correctly yet, but I felt that I was doing pretty much everything the way I was supposed to. =\


Ramirez said:
Any hunters finding Marks to be vastly superior to SV now? I tried Marks last night for our raid, but was getting beat consistently in pretty much every fight on the charts, switched back to SV and was on the top or number 2 on every fight. It could be that I'm simply not used to playing Marks correctly yet, but I felt that I was doing pretty much everything the way I was supposed to. =\
Its interesting, our hunters all switched to MM and are doing better dps. Some are reporting otherwise.


Ramirez said:
Any hunters finding Marks to be vastly superior to SV now? I tried Marks last night for our raid, but was getting beat consistently in pretty much every fight on the charts, switched back to SV and was on the top or number 2 on every fight. It could be that I'm simply not used to playing Marks correctly yet, but I felt that I was doing pretty much everything the way I was supposed to. =\

Are you using Arcane Shot or Aimed Shot as your focus dump?
ToyMachine228 said:
Killed Al'Akir tonight! 11/12! Got about 45 minutes of 9-man attempts on Nefarian. What is the strat for adds in 10-man? All the guides say "simply CC the adds". Anyone care to give some more detail and a few tips?

Some people CC them (this is probably a lot harder now as I think they nerfed some of the CC on the adds, hunters in particular), some people tank them, some people use a frost mage to control them and then maybe a DPS to tank them very briefly. We use a frost mage in Phase 1 and then the Ony tank in phase 3.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Alex said:
Outland is no Northrend, but it's far ahead of what classic was. Outland just needs a tuneup
hmmm.. Outland is far ahead of what classic was... but is way behind vanilla now (obviously). And it's much less of a tune up. Zangarmarsh for example still has "collect 30 drops" or "collect 5 10% drops", and a lot. They also have (and I HATE this) basically minimum dungeon quests needed to complete the achievements (dungeon quests should be a separate achievement, which they are now. not counted in the zone, especially for older content where dungeon queues can be like 5-10 minutes for a tank and 40+ minutes for DPS)

I do like some things in outland though that's changed... I think quest hubs are mandatory, without question. and having one quest out in the middle of nowhere is bullshit. BUT, I do like those micro-quest hubs where it's like one NPC who has like 2-3 quests with a small toryline behind them. leave the starting quest unlocked and it just returns to that sense of exploration when you find something that needs doing in the middle of nowhere. However stuff like this should be far in between, and if THAT were to end in a dungeon, that would be fine.

So we started Twilight Council last night. got like 3-4 pulls on it. by the end we had the second two down to about 40%, which wasn't bad I think. basically three quarters of the way through P2 before it just turns into a tank and spank. biggest problems (as always) are unresponsive members in the raid. one guy practically wiped us on Valiona because he didn't get out of ranged with engulfing magic and thus took out 80% of the DPS. then one of a handful of usual suspects didn't get the concept of "if you have lightning rod, move the fuck out of everyone, get to a wall, don't dps, don't run for the tornado/gravity well, just get away from everyone". I swear to god some of these folks don't have DBM? Is there a way that can be audited? Anyway, next raid night is Sunday and I heavily expect the raid to be stacked and Ascendent Council to go down. after that we will be 8/12 with multiple kills on everyone except ascendent council.


The good news is they made disc viable in PVE again...
The bad news is they made disc viable in PVE again...

I swapped out my shadow OS for disc and bubble spamming made our first run at Atramedes trivial (1 wipe and then boss down)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Naeblish said:
Lol what? People should be able to play the spec they most like, without having to sacrifice a huge amount of dps. Freaking game is from 2004, how the fuck have they not yet balanced this?
meh, I would argue that BM Hunters, Subtlety Rogues, Arms Warriors and non-Fire Mages are the only ones who have a right to complain right now (judging from stateofdps). Everyone else is within 20% of the top and thus completely viable for raid DPS.

a big untalked about problem with statefodps is also that the best of the best players probably won't be playing the lower specs, and many people playing the lower specs are probably relatively uninformed about the game to not know they are not playing their class optimally. There might be guys capable of doing 21-22K with a non-Fire mage, but have no interest in it because they'd rather be doing 24K as fire. also it's an average. for instance take arcane mage and do a search and you see arcane fights at like 22K, 24K, etc. likewise subtlety fights at 20K+ (non-halfus). about the only thing the front page of stateofdps tells you is "with which spec do I have the highest likelihood of pressing buttons and doing high dps". If you search the results for specific specs you'll see plenty of examples of "bad" specs doing completely respectable DPS.

edit - stateofdps' front page really is the new gearscore. a fairly meaningless score taken with absolutely no context. if you are looking for any use out of stateofdps whatsoever, go to the search and filter on the class/spec you are curious about.


So, let's check out blizzard's list of to-do's for today:

1. Fix the haste bug: ______
2. Stealth nerf DK's Death's Advance: _Check_
3. Don't hot-fix other OP classes: _Check_

This class has been the most ridiculous situation I've ever experienced in a MMO now. It's just relentless, OP, mini-nerf, nerf, mini buff, nerf to the ground and break, OP again, nerf, nerf, stealth nerf again, mechanic broken don't fix, sit there do nothing...

It's clearly evident that as long as PVE and PVP are both existent in a game, it'll never-ever be balanced.


When I was going to switch alts to pally (thankfully dont think I need to now) I was going to do a race change/rename.

I put a GM request in for 2 names that I used before I moved to this server and after a year neither is on the armory.

The GM freed one up..but I needed to make the alt quickly to secure the name. It has to be less than to hours since he responded and I logged up and the name was already snagged.

Is there an addon the checks for name availability? I find it unlikely that this name qould have been scooped up so fast.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
charlequin said:
That's one of the worst ideas I've ever seen suggested in this thread.

I honestly can't see any reason you'd be so confident about this. Redoing old quests once makes this more, not less, likely in the future because now Outland sticks out like a sore thumb between good quests on either side. Outland wouldn't require any geography changes like Cataclysm had (and it's significantly fewer total quests as well) so it'd be a significantly smaller project overall.

Any revamp like this that happened would probably be released alongside an expansion, like the new 1-60 came out with Cataclysm, but it wouldn't really be "reusing" it the way I assume you mean.
Because the "problems" with Outland's quests have absolutely nothing on the original vanilla quests's problems. They aren't even comparable.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Dunlop said:
Is there an addon the checks for name availability? I find it unlikely that this name qould have been scooped up so fast.
if it's unavailable and it's not showing up on the armory either a) the GM hasn't released the name yet or b) someone else snagged the name with a <level 10 character. Remember, you have to be level 10 to show up on the armory, and if someone JUST snagged it today, good chance they aren't 10 yet.


Dunlop said:
When I was going to switch alts to pally (thankfully dont think I need to now) I was going to do a race change/rename.

I put a GM request in for 2 names that I used before I moved to this server and after a year neither is on the armory.

The GM freed one up..but I needed to make the alt quickly to secure the name. It has to be less than to hours since he responded and I logged up and the name was already snagged.

Is there an addon the checks for name availability? I find it unlikely that this name qould have been scooped up so fast.
It took you two hours to snag the name? There's a good chance some one took it plain and simple. NEVER do a request when you're not going to snag it seconds later.

I talked to a GM about freeing up two names recently. He said one was already free and that'd he'd free up the second. I knew going in that it wasn't already free, but I took his word for it, and it still wasn't free. Point is they could easily make mistakes.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
charlequin said:
I honestly can't see any reason you'd be so confident about this. Redoing old quests once makes this more, not less, likely in the future because now Outland sticks out like a sore thumb between good quests on either side. Outland wouldn't require any geography changes like Cataclysm had (and it's significantly fewer total quests as well) so it'd be a significantly smaller project overall.
the fact that blizz has pretty much said you'll never be able to fly in BC starting zones leads me to believe they won't do anything about the questing in Outland.

But realistically I started outland now "at 62" (i.e. my character who was parked there since BC launch at 62 just started getting played again) and honestly I was in Outland for less than 7 calendar days of play time. Of reasonable playing time from 58-68 you can't be there for more than a week. That simply just isn't enough exposure time to justify redoing the whole continent.

As for those saying NR is too slow... I don't agree. I think the worst offense of NR is that it is crazy slow compared to vanilla and much slower than BC. But it's still a hell of a lot faster than Cata and yuo can still do a level a day with questing and more than a level a day if you can get good instance runs together. Oh, the other annoyance is that you are basically there for 12 levels. However flying (and epic flying) in NR from the beginning alleviates many of the problems.


DeathNote said:
It took you two hours to snag the name? There's a good chance some one took it plain and simple. NEVER do a request when you're not going to snag it seconds later.

I talked to a GM about freeing up two names recently. He said one was already free and that'd he'd free up the second. I knew going in that it wasn't already free, but I took his word for it, and it still wasn't free. Point is they could easily make mistakes.

no I put the request in the day before (ticket had an estimate of 1 day 4 hours), I had logged in 2 hours previous and it had not been responded to yet, when I logged in afterwards it was a gm message


borghe said:
the fact that blizz has pretty much said you'll never be able to fly in BC starting zones leads me to believe they won't do anything about the questing in Outland.
That makes no sense. When you get flying at 60 there's hardly any reason to go back. 60-70 is a big chunk of time required by everyone. Required is probably a strong word with BG and Instances, but no doubt it's very high traffic in comparison.


DeathNote said:
That makes no sense. When you get flying at 60 there's hardly any reason to go back. 60-70 is a big chunk of time required by everyone. Required is probably a strong word with BG and Instances, but no doubt it's very high traffic in comparison.
5 hours is hardly "big"


Reading through the new TOS you have to agree to when you log on...

It says

"Blizzard may suspend, terminate, modify, or delete any BNET account or WOW account for any reason or for no reason"

Naeblish said:
Lol what? People should be able to play the spec they most like, without having to sacrifice a huge amount of dps. Freaking game is from 2004, how the fuck have they not yet balanced this?

In 2004, most classes had somewhere between zero and one raidable specs, and there was almost no class flexibility on party comp for the vast majority of endgame content.

In 2011, we're complaining about some classes that have one unraidable spec which thereby makes them worse off than the other classes that have three.

In any overall sense, Blizzard's class balance efforts in WoW have been extremely effective.

borghe said:
I do like some things in outland though that's changed... I think quest hubs are mandatory, without question. and having one quest out in the middle of nowhere is bullshit. BUT, I do like those micro-quest hubs where it's like one NPC who has like 2-3 quests with a small toryline behind them.

Yep. There's a great one in Blade's Edge Mountains for Horde where there's a random troll head in the middle of nowhere who has a whole revenge chain against the local ogres. Nobody tells you to go find him but he is in the general area that other quests in the zone send you to. I always like that sort of thing.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Fularu said:
5 hours is hardly "big"

5 hours to go from 60-70?

Give me your super guide, i need it.

Because even if you are fully rested on XP for 10 lvls(is that even possible? think there is a cap) and have heirlooms, that's kinda hard to believe.


Fularu said:
5 hours is hardly "big"
The point is less about how much time it takes and more about how much traffic is involved compared to those non-flyable zones that get virtually none from people 60+.

Every alt adds to the time.


Bisnic said:
5 hours to go from 60-70?

Give me your super guide, i need it.

Because even if you are fully rested on XP for 10 lvls(is that even possible? think there is a cap) and have heirlooms, that's kinda hard to believe.
The rested cap should always be 150% of all the XP needed to fill your current XP bar if it were empty, unless they've changed that very recently.


Bisnic said:
5 hours to go from 60-70?

Give me your super guide, i need it.

Because even if you are fully rested on XP for 10 lvls(is that even possible? think there is a cap) and have heirlooms, that's kinda hard to believe.
That's about what it takes with the XP nerf to outland, the heirlooms and the guild exp bonus.

My paladin took 2 days from 1 to 85.(70 to 80 was about 15 hours, or 1 hour and a half per level)
Angry Grimace said:
Because the "problems" with Outland's quests have absolutely nothing on the original vanilla quests's problems. They aren't even comparable.

And the work to fix them has nothing on the work done to fix the vanilla quests. That's my point. Break instance quests off of chains and put them inside the instance, tweak all those 5% drop chance quests, move some dudes around, rewrite text on the 10% of quests that have time-dependent storyline content, change NPCs on the other 10% of quests that Garrosh or Saurfang the Younger or whoever give you, done. Blizzard has done random content tune-ups of this sort before (like when they reworked an entire zone with new quest hubs and flight points back in vanilla.)

borghe said:
the fact that blizz has pretty much said you'll never be able to fly in BC starting zones leads me to believe they won't do anything about the questing in Outland.

There is literally no difference between blue saying they won't revamp the BC starting zones now and blue saying they won't revamp the old world in 2009. It's like when reps at Nintendo say they don't have plans for a DS revision and then the DS Lite is announced five days later.

What it really comes down to is that Cataclysm represents a new approach to tending an older MMO -- instead of just constantly tacking on new leveling content to the top, they're fixing up the whole game to make it better for every future resubber and every new alt etc. etc. If they're serious about keeping WoW going until 2016 (and I don't know why they wouldn't be) then it makes sense to continually reinvest in old content, even if some parts (Outland) don't really make sense for more than relatively minor touch-ups.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
charlequin said:
And the work to fix them has nothing on the work done to fix the vanilla quests. That's my point. Break instance quests off of chains and put them inside the instance, tweak all those 5% drop chance quests, move some dudes around, rewrite text on the 10% of quests that have time-dependent storyline content, change NPCs on the other 10% of quests that Garrosh or Saurfang the Younger or whoever give you, done. Blizzard has done random content tune-ups of this sort before (like when they reworked an entire zone with new quest hubs and flight points back in vanilla.)
I don't think this is a solid premise because changing the quests to reflect Cataclsym quest goals involves the same amount of work regardless of what the original quest was because you have to scrap the original quest and rewrite a new one.

The kind of work you're suggesting isn't what was being suggested: what I believe we were talking about when we brought up the idea of Outland being updated was making quests to be the same as the new-oldworld and Cataclysm in terms of design and quest flow.

I'm struggling to think of where there's anything particularly "wrong" with Outland. What really sucked about the original game was that quests were randomly strewn about and half of them required you to go to different continents or zones to complete one quest (i.e.: get my rum from Aerie Peak and bring it to me in Booty Bay). The quests in Outland are already brought together into hubs.

There is literally no difference between blue saying they won't revamp the BC starting zones now and blue saying they won't revamp the old world in 2009. It's like when reps at Nintendo say they don't have plans for a DS revision and then the DS Lite is announced five days later.

What it really comes down to is that Cataclysm represents a new approach to tending an older MMO -- instead of just constantly tacking on new leveling content to the top, they're fixing up the whole game to make it better for every future resubber and every new alt etc. etc. If they're serious about keeping WoW going until 2016 (and I don't know why they wouldn't be) then it makes sense to continually reinvest in old content, even if some parts (Outland) don't really make sense for more than relatively minor touch-ups.
Again, I simply don't buy that Outland is some kind of massive stumbling block for the new player the way Vanilla was. In Vanilla, you had the problem that players never got to the expansion content which was inarguably better simply because players had no option but to trudge through punishing content. I don't think that problem exists at all right now. The problem with Outland is kind of the same as at launch of TBC; it's a relatively random destination that serves no legitimate purpose within the game other than gaining some levels.

Making Outland make sense would require rewriting the old raids as 5-mans so that the storylines and zones could actually be completed, but I can't foresee that.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Outlands is nowhere near as bad as what the original classic quests were, that is true... but i just wish they could change some quests like that one asking me for 30 Naga claws in Zangarmash and that other one asking me for 30 zeppelin parts in Hellfire or the one asking me to kill 30 ogres in Blade Edge Mountain.

Fuck those quests. Cut those numbers in half like they did with the Nagrand animal quests.
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