funkmastergeneral said:Hahaha, Blizzard is reskinning one of the coolest and rarest mounts in the game to be the "dark phoenix"
Lazy fucks can't leave anything cool alone.
It's laughable at best anymore. Blizzard will say something like "We wanted more people to be able to enjoy this item, or so-and-so raid", and the lemmings will eat it up. This company gets away with murder due to the brainwashed fans, and due to the fact that to others it's the "best gameplay" in a MMO. The gameplay and friends are the only reasons I continue to play this game. I don't expect Blizzard to ever go out of their way for anything anymore. Their recycling, cheaping out the customers (no other way to explain it), is getting more and more out of hand.
TBH, the only reason I believe they changed the loot tables so 10/25mans are the same is because they got so lazy they didn't feel like coming up with new names for items, and it became too much trouble to them to recolor items even.
They really went to shit when they started taking what's supposed to be special and unique by their descriptions, the Tier armor sets, and making the models be the same as off pieces that fall. Like seeing a Hunter running around with the cool effect Rogue T8 shoulders. That right there was a real shit on the classes "uniqueness" in the game, a real "lol@players" moment.
They're just running on a bare-bones team right now, just getting enough content out there to keep people playing so they can make their new games. Great business model for them, sure, but shitty deal for the paying players.
I've just come to expect it now. Still gets me mad seeing it, but it's not shockingly disgusting to me anymore. Though I will admit seeing that CE pet being a reskinned whelpling/frostwyrm whelping using the same animations I was disgusted. They gave people with the SC2 CE a better WoW pet than the CE pet for the actual game. :lol
Naxx was cool because at least all the models were unique in 10/25 man as far as weapons went.
Magnus said:Typical retarded elitist jerk responses.
Re-read what I said. I wasn't solely discussing the overall difficulty of the Lich King fight. I was talking about every aspect of the encounter: the leadup and resolution, the epic scale of the fight, the visual design, the encounter mechanics, and so much more. I personally found it tragically underwhelming.
It is indeed very common for most of these people to act that way. They do it to make themselves seem and feel better than others. Some though are still nice, and very realistic when talking about this stuff.
People saying HMLK is the real encounter don't seem to grasp that the encounter should have been epic even on normal. The defile/valk timer glitch that would happen would be the only thing that stunted people from clearing it. That doesn't happen anymore thankfully, and it just comes down to people having an acceptable latency with commonsense skill.
I mean, it's the LK, it was supposed to be the most epic raid of this xpac, and it's nothing of the sort. Even the hardmodes are just stupid in ICC. After we blitzed through a few, then got a little more gear (as they're just gear checks) and blew through some more, myself along with other guildmates just talked to each other and some said that's it, I don't feel like doing these anymore as they're not that cool, nor special. Unlike Ulduar, which was the pinnacle of raiding this xpac, where we enjoyed doing the hardmodes, we enjoyed doing HM-Mim.
The fights in ICC were just mainly blah, the coolest was doing gunship the first one or two times, as it was just fun, then became "lootship" soon after a few runs as the novelty wore off. LK should have been a little more special. But I remember reading somewhere (either online or in a mag, I have to look) basically that the remaining Blizzard "A-team" worked on Ulduar and after that basically most were shifted to development of their new MMO. And I believe it looking at ToC and LK.
My expectations for Cata are dramatically lower, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised when I get to see the raids.