I just wish Demonology was more competitive with its two counterparts. It's better than it was, obviously. Perhaps the excuse has always been that it shouldn't be top dps of the 3 trees, b/c it's more a buff provider, but then you have the destro and affliction locks getting even higher dps numbers from that buff, essentially leaving demo locks behind in the dust.
And it's aggrevating knowing that the demonology rotation just went quantum physics on everyone, while destruction basically remained the same easy immolate>conflag>chaos bolt>incinerate spam rotation. I was working my butt off tonight for each boss in ICC, and while the results were much better than before the patch, it was depressing to see my numbers no where close to destruction.
metamorphosis > shadowbolt (for ISB) > immolate > hand of gul'dan > corruption > soulburn+ soulfire >bane of doom > charge >immolation aura > shadowflame > shadowbolt > incinerate x3 when MC procs > soul fire under 30%... rinse and repeat :lol holy ball sack! + summon a demon on CD
Demonology really feels like affliction at times (having to keep all dots and effects up), excpept it requires you to be able to get into melee range for the full benefit on top of that. On fights like saurfang i took a sizeable dps loss from having to back off for adds. And then when it's all said and done conflagerate/incinerate wins hands down. I shouldn't be complaining b/c the melee dps got nerfed pretty badly. Poor feral druids got ripped. But I imagine it will get buffed up again and demo will be sitting toward the bottom half of the dps again in the near future.
Quick question to any locks out there, at what point do you stop sacrificing intellect/spellpower for haste? I've switched out all my gems, i've reforged all my gear, so that I'm just at 17% hit cap, everything else was turned into haste except for pieces with haste already on it, which were turned into mastery. Should I even switch my enchants out for haste? For instance, would black magic be worth using? I haven't seen any specific answers about when to stop. I'm very close to 1400 haste currently, maybe just over that even. Should I keep going?