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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish i had 170k gold. :( The most i can have is 15k before spending half of it on a 264 epic for some alt. :lol


I have 4 80's and about 1.5k Gold between them :lol

Need to start hoarding for Cata though, wanna go in with about 20k.


I'm just around 20k gold. I can never get myself to farm more. I had at one point a hell of a lot more, but I figured it was useless and spent it on various riding and gear for alts.


Has problems recognising girls
Artificial timesink!

I figured if I was ever going to resort to pile masses upon masses of gold, I would only force myself to spend 5 mins per day on it.
I made all my money by having 3 transmute spec alchemists. There was a shit ton of money to be made on a daily basis with no time investment.

Also 2 battered hilts


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah, transmuting stuff is simply easy money. Having 3 characters pump them out would make ridiculous gain per day - easily 500g+ on my server.


speedpop said:
Yeah, transmuting stuff is simply easy money. Having 3 characters pump them out would make ridiculous gain per day - easily 500g+ on my server.
I also calculated it out if you run dungeons and get at least two crusader orbs (depending on value) and dailies (doing all argent tournament ones) you will gain 500+ a day as well.

I'm actually considering this considering how easy it is get (and you could even double/triple the amount by selling 9 (9? eight?) frost badges for a primordial saronite, that's if you didn't want tier 10 gear).
OK any ideas. I've been playing on a character all day just fine. I shut dow to eat dinner and now when I try to log into that character, it literally knocks my 2wire modem/router off the network.

Other characters log in fine, but as soon as the BUMP noise that you hear when this specific character logs in (you know the one) I can actually watch my router's lights go flashing red.

I am running zero mods.


EDIT: Holy crap. According to the WOW forums the only workaround is to set the router from b/g to just b and lo and behold it worked. Strange stuff.



This is my favorite youtube channel for Cataclysm beta stuff. The guy puts up good videos of stuff, and is kind of american wacky funny instead of dry british funny like TotalBiscuit, but he just has more content up than what I've seen from TotalBiscuit.

Plus you can watch entire quest chains (if you want to spoil them) as he plays using his premade 80 (I think? maybe his shaman is just that good by default).


My favourite part about the Cataclysm version of Stormwind Stockades (besides the fact that all the quest givers are now inside the entrance and cross-faction):



I plan on rolling a worgen druid and a warrior come cataclysm, I haven't decided which one first yet. I'm gonna alternate between leveling up one of those and my main. I'm in absolutely no rush to hit 85. The way I look at it, the sooner you hit 85 and do the endgame content, the sooner you'll be back in the same situation we're all in now. I mean christ, I still haven't gone back and done some of the Burning Crusade raids that I always wanted to see.


Maxrpg said:
I also calculated it out if you run dungeons and get at least two crusader orbs (depending on value) and dailies (doing all argent tournament ones) you will gain 500+ a day as well.

I'm actually considering this considering how easy it is get (and you could even double/triple the amount by selling 9 (9? eight?) frost badges for a primordial saronite, that's if you didn't want tier 10 gear).

Saronites are 23 badges.


DeathNote said:
I wonder how many people will re-roll. I hate the feeling of being left behind at end game.

Levelling is very very very fast.

If you have heirlooms, you can make from 1 to 20 in one day. Also from 20 to 60 in one week if you are very slow.

From 60 to 70 its like 2 days, and from 70 to 80 its nother week. The from 80 to 85 its another week yeah... but You wont get "behind" since mostly the first tier last longer than others, months and months.


I can't decide between rerolling my goblin hunter (or orc/troll warlock) right away or waiting until my shaman is 85. Even with all the cool shit happening to paladins, I think I'm just tired of the class's flavor and don't want to play it in Cataclysm. I'm hoping that healing becomes a more wanted job in Cata than it is in WotLK, since it's not going to be braindead easy/stupid.


firex said:
I can't decide between rerolling my goblin hunter (or orc/troll warlock) right away or waiting until my shaman is 85. Even with all the cool shit happening to paladins, I think I'm just tired of the class's flavor and don't want to play it in Cataclysm. I'm hoping that healing becomes a more wanted job in Cata than it is in WotLK, since it's not going to be braindead easy/stupid.
I don't know what I want to do at all. I have a 40 warrior, 80 death knight, 80 priest, 70 mage, 70 rogue. Honestly, I suck at pvp and hot keys. So, really, any class could be a good candidate to latch onto and l2p. A big part is my PC being laggy during pvp. Hope to have a new one by 85.


I know I want a pure dps class alt, despite having 3 80s already (shaman, paladin, warrior) because while I kind of like warrior, I don't like paladin, and I like shaman but it's one of the worst-off classes in terms of design/balance, even going by cata beta so far. Plus hunter/warlock redesigns make them way more appealing to me by taking away their stupid inventory crap with ammo/shards, and for hunters, going away from mana is the other thing I like about them.

I also kind of think maybe playing a dps class and playing it well will be an easier way for me to play the game casually compared to playing some other role.


not sure what my plans will be if i continue to play into cata, i have 3 geared out 80s, a male orc prot ms or fury os warrior, a fem orc mm hunter, and a fem belf frost or unholy dps dk

i also have full heirloom gear sets ready for an enhancement shaman, a cloth caster healer or dps, a plate dps set ready for a retardin, and a rogue set, i have a 22 rogue and 20 warlock chilling once cata hits, i see no point in leveling them further, i have the best name reserved for a paladin though, hagiasophia, i just cant imagine leveling or playing one, unless they get some interesting mechanics come xpac

if i do any sort of reroll with a goblin it will be either a shaman or mage
I get the feeling that Mage will just continue to be one of those fast snappy and enjoyable Classes. I also think Roques will get a renassance. Maybe not due to power or new features, but I think the new pvp focus and war element, will simply make Rogues more viable and fun... Because lets face it, they are build for ganking and thats where the class really really works!

I am not a Roque myself though, but it makes sense to play one... I truly think there will be millions of chances to kill all the rerollers.


I think rogue will be more popular in cata just because of the buffs they get for soloing. They go from lower tier solo class to one of the best with recuperate and the whole talent revamp makes leveling as assassin/sub way better.


Junior Member
Coming back after those nine months, I have to say I love the dungeon finder addition. For someone who's getting back into the game at a casual level and isn't interested in the community aspects anymore, the anonimity of it is great.

I've done about a dozen randoms, and only come across two asshats, which is surprising. One of them was actually legit in his complaints (sorry man, I haven't done Oculus in almost two years, yes I forgot how to DPS on a bronze drake).
So what are your strategies for making good money? I almost have my second character up to 80 and I'd like to spend my time getting both of them epic flying training and stock up for Cata.

One of them is 450 mining, 375 Tailoring. I thank the hackers for the mining skill. (Not like my enchanting was that high anyway, at least they didn't erase my tailoring) My other lvl 80 really didn't get far with any trade skills. They have about 4500g between the 2 of them.


TomServo said:
Coming back after those nine months, I have to say I love the dungeon finder addition. For someone who's getting back into the game at a casual level and isn't interested in the community aspects anymore, the anonimity of it is great.

I've done about a dozen randoms, and only come across two asshats, which is surprising. One of them was actually legit in his complaints (sorry man, I haven't done Oculus in almost two years, yes I forgot how to DPS on a bronze drake).

All of my bad experiences have come from tanks wanting to PUG achievements. The other day, the tank wanted the achievement in UP for killing the abomination. DoTs killed both of the hulks before the boss dropped the sword on it. The tank's reaction was to pull the next room and port out so the group wiped.


Confused101 said:
So what are your strategies for making good money? I almost have my second character up to 80 and I'd like to spend my time getting both of them epic flying training and stock up for Cata.

One of them is 450 mining, 375 Tailoring. I thank the hackers for the mining skill. (Not like my enchanting was that high anyway, at least they didn't erase my tailoring) My other lvl 80 really didn't get far with any trade skills. They have about 4500g between the 2 of them.
for a leveling character I like to go herb/mining and just gather as I level. herbs and minerals sell for a ton, specifically herbs sell for a ton as you get to higher levels and minerals sell for a ton at lower levels (not sure why, I just know copper and tin are lucrative as hell). That pretty much finances epic + cold weather flying all by itself on an alt for me.

At max level the best thing to do for money is either 1) invest some of your cash into playing the AH (the safest bet is to sell trade goods, they are always in demand) or 2) do something like enchanting/alchemy and sell transmute results or enchants. Enchanting is tougher to build up, but if you get the right formulas, it can make you a goldmine because you'll be able to sell enchants to pretty much everyone: alts for their heirlooms (or boe epics they will be keeping for 15-20 levels), max levels for their new gear (cheap enchants for people who don't have bis gear yet, the best of the best for people who have gear they can't replace until ICC or are actually wearing bis). You can do dailies for extra gold if you want, and I kind of think the Argent Tournament grind is good for gold (and novelty stuff) if you want to go for it, but I wouldn't call it the best way to earn money. It's more like a good way to earn money while killing time.

And if you are going to sell enchants, sell them in Orgrimmar/Stormwind if you are horde/alliance. Anyone that really wants your enchants can buy mats right there at the AH, and they're crowded but less laggy than Dalaran.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I like Jewelcrafting for making money. I can sell the Dragon eye i get once a day for like 70-100g. And that's with a very easy daily quest! Not to mention the 13g you get just by completing it.

Then i can make some meta gem like the tanking one with stamina that sells for 100g, when i can buy the Earthsiege Diamond for like 30g in the AH. :lol

The fishing daily in Dalaran can sometime give you some greys that can sell for 15-20g or even 100g. With the rare chance for an epic gem.

Mining & tailoring arent that great for money. A stack of saronite ores doesn't sell for very much, and tailoring... well maybe the frostweave bags once you can make them, but even then you need to buy infinite dusts and gather a lot of frostweave cloths. And those bags are only worth something like 50g these days.


yeah I forgot that JC is good for money. I just hate the grind to unlock gem cuts, and hope that shit goes away in cataclysm. I would much rather not have JC dailies and instead have forms on fucking rep vendors like in TBC, because there is nothing more obnoxious than doing JC dailies for the 80th day so you can get another gem cut. And if you are like me and want to learn as many forms as possible, you literally have to do JC dailies for over a year to get enough tokens to learn all the blue + epic + meta cuts.


I plan on leveling another rogue at some point in cataclsym to experience the new changes while leveling up. That and so I can have a dedicated assassin specced rogue. I definitely agree that there will almost definitely be a shitload more rogues now mostly becuase of the addition of recuperate. I'm glad that they have a talent like reinforced leather also in the combat tree to further improve the leveling experience. THe only thing I think that would make leveling perfect is either learning fan of knives sooner or adding a low level AOE ability for those times where CC just isn't going to work that effectively.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, but i didnt waste my time buying the patterns for blue gems or ilvl 200 epic rings/necklace. I only bought the epic gem patterns that i wanted for myself and for my alts, and maybe some very popular ones. There's no point in doing the daily for 4 days only to get an epic gem that gives attack power & mp5, or some shitty blue gem i will never be using. :lol
Area 52 alliance side is sooooooo dead, I have a level 56 hunter I was leveling stuck there that I was going to play with my friend with, and he's since faction changed :/

It's way too expensive to transfer characters.
Ah, just noticed we have a new thread :lol

Getting back into the grind of things. Joined a new, upstart guild and we started ICC 10 last week. 10/12 so far, continuing tonight. I was surprised at some of our wipes, mainly on easier fights like Dreamwalker. The other tank (dk) struggled with the adds

Kinda expected everything to go smoothly with the 30% raid buff. I completed 10 bosses with my old guild before the buff lol. But I think once everyone gets familiar with each other things will go smoothly.

I was told I'd be MT but they've made me OT. Not upset about it, we have two great tanks (myself and the MT, another warrior) and the dk, who's a bit shaky with adds.

I realized I was officially "back" after I spent more than 1k gold on gems/mats and immediately wanted to start dailies and farming to balance my loss. :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ok, any servers that doesn't fail on ICC pugs? Tired of this crap.


Bisnic said:
Yeah, but i didnt waste my time buying the patterns for blue gems or ilvl 200 epic rings/necklace. I only bought the epic gem patterns that i wanted for myself and for my alts, and maybe some very popular ones. There's no point in doing the daily for 4 days only to get an epic gem that gives attack power & mp5, or some shitty blue gem i will never be using. :lol
I did JC dailies forever before epic gems, and then I got so pissed at having to do 4 dailies for the new epic gems that I quit after like 3 of them. I didn't buy all the blues either. It's just the principle of the thing to me. I'd honestly rather take a gold disadvantage from dailies and buy the forms off rep vendors or whatever instead of having to do the terrible dailies 4 days in a row for a new gem.


So, out of my 80 DK, Pally, War, Rogue, Lock, Mage, and Priest (I told you guys I play a lot lol), I'm leaning towards my Paladin atm. They're just looking so good from the videos. My DK was my main though, but talking and watching some gameplay with them boy did Blizzard really mess them up. The rune system wasn't broken, why try to fix it? All because you had to pay attention and be responsive? DK's were hurting DPS wise (aoe doesn't count) in end game compared to other classes, but this plan wasn't the way to fix it. It wasn't player error in rotation holding back the DPS, it was the consistent nerfing that did it, especially crippling ScS.


PhoenixDark said:
Getting back into the grind of things. Joined a new, upstart guild and we started ICC 10 last week. 10/12 so far, continuing tonight. I was surprised at some of our wipes, mainly on easier fights like Dreamwalker. The other tank (dk) struggled with the adds

Two tanks on Dreamwalker-10? Isn't that slight overkill?

Admittedly, this is talking from a standpoint of a guild that's generally had problems with DPS, so we've compensated by getting pretty good at working with reduced numbers of healers and tanks.
mclem said:
Two tanks on Dreamwalker-10? Isn't that slight overkill?

Admittedly, this is talking from a standpoint of a guild that's generally had problems with DPS, so we've compensated by getting pretty good at working with reduced numbers of healers and tanks.

Never done it with one tank, but it definitely sounds like it could make the fight far more interesting.

One of the worst things about ICC is the lack of challenge for tanks in most fights


Our guild did Dreamwalker normal with just one tank, but we needed two for the Heroic mode.

PhoenixDark said:
One of the worst things about ICC is the lack of challenge for tanks in most fights
Tell me about it. Basically Sindi and Putricide Abom tank are the only ones really require movement.

Yoshichan said:
Ok, any servers that doesn't fail on ICC pugs? Tired of this crap.
Area 52 has some fantastic PUGs if you are Horde.


notworksafe said:
Tell me about it. Basically Sindi and Putricide Abom tank are the only ones really require movement.

Deathwhisper 25 HC is pretty difficult from a tank perspective, at least it was pretty difficult.
Wow, I got the schematic for Jeeves off a random in Halls of Stone. Now, first of all I gotta get up to 450 engineering, and then it's going to cost me dearly...


Sebulon3k said:
Deathwhisper 25 HC is pretty difficult from a tank perspective, at least it was pretty difficult.
I couldn't comment on that. I got so burned out on Ulduar 25H that I'm never going back to another 25 again. :lol

funkmastergeneral said:
Area 52 alliance side is sooooooo dead, I have a level 56 hunter I was leveling stuck there that I was going to play with my friend with, and he's since faction changed :/

It's way too expensive to transfer characters.
My guild is on A52 if you're looking for people to play with, Horde side of course. We're <In Defense of the Genre>. We do a little bit of everything: ICC normal and heroic, battlegrounds, arena. Just toss me a PM if you decide to switch over.

And yeah Alliance is hilariously dead on A52. I think they have a total of like 12 Wintergrasp victories according to the little placard. The only time I've seen it Alliance controlled is like 4AM. :lol


J-Rzez said:
So, out of my 80 DK, Pally, War, Rogue, Lock, Mage, and Priest (I told you guys I play a lot lol), I'm leaning towards my Paladin atm. They're just looking so good from the videos. My DK was my main though, but talking and watching some gameplay with them boy did Blizzard really mess them up. The rune system wasn't broken, why try to fix it? All because you had to pay attention and be responsive? DK's were hurting DPS wise (aoe doesn't count) in end game compared to other classes, but this plan wasn't the way to fix it. It wasn't player error in rotation holding back the DPS, it was the consistent nerfing that did it, especially crippling ScS.
What's the best place to look at videos?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Sebulon3k said:
Mal'Ganis transfer! Go Go Go
I thought they sucked at PvE and rocked PvP?


notworksafe said:
Our guild did Dreamwalker normal with just one tank, but we needed two for the Heroic mode.

We stuck with just me tanking for Heroic (10), too, although I'll admit I'd have probably been less stressed with someone else helping out!
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