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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nice to hear that they patched the challenge mission reward and rep for command center world quests. But I can't understand why these things are going live so obviously broken in the first place.

more content quicker monkey paw

less itme to test


Lmao. Man the first time I'll be able to fly up to those world quests in Highmountain or over water to a world boss will be holy moments.

Also been wondering, will my 101 demon hunter be able to fly? Or does a character have to be 110 to unlock it?

Account wide. So that should mean all alts regardless of level.


I was finally able to do in invasion. I don't think it was bad, but without legionfall rep it's basically useless, won't do it again unless there is like a weekly invasion quest with some decent rep.

Daniel R

Was unsure if you could fly on the broken shore itself, but you can.

Of course my happiness was shortlived when the login servers went down.
Darn I had got stuck at 63% on one of the invasion missions so turned off WoW completely to restart it and now I cant get online again -.-' Trying to get my warlock up and the xp from the quests is great it better come up soon.


more content quicker monkey paw

less itme to test

It is kinda funny to see people's reactions from WoD to now. Back in WoD it was all "content isn't coming fast enough" and now everyone is screaming "too many bugs how was this not tested properly?". There are two options with content, either it is thoroughly tested and takes a long time to come out, or it is released quickly and there are some bugs/unfinished ideas that are iterated on after release. You have to pick one. I do think they skewed a little too far to the "fast content full of bugs" end, but at least they are iterating and patching quickly. And please no one say they should hire people to test their game, I hate that argument so much. Most bugs only show up when a critical mass of players are doing content, you want them to hire 100,000 testers to stress test the game?

Similarly, I hate the argument "what is the PTR for if the patch released buggy anywway!" because invariably the people making that argument did not log on PTR and did not test anything. PTR testing is pretty thankless, and it isn't a surprise that people don't go on to test stuff, but at the same time you can't be surprised if patch is buggy when you didn't go on PTR to test it. Only people on the PTR are hardcore raiding guilds who want a head start on the next raid tier, youtubers getting footage for upcoming patch content, and people logging on for ~15 minutes to check out class changes. I think blizz should consider some incentives to PTR testing, but I'm not sure what they could be.

I was finally able to do in invasion. I don't think it was bad, but without legionfall rep it's basically useless, won't do it again unless there is like a weekly invasion quest with some decent rep.

I've been saying this a lot to people, but Legionfall rep as rewards for content is a very short term useful thing. If they added rep to the invasions, it would be useful until exactly when you hit revered, then invasions would be completely useless again (so around 2-3 weeks of the patch). The problem with invasions is the rewards aren't good enough in general, they need to be good enough to stand on their own once everyone is already Revered and flying since they will be happening for a while.

Personally, I think the nether shards should be buffed so that completing all WQs and the scenario get you just over 5k shards, so that you can buy one piece per invasion. The 5k shard items are useful to everyone, since even the most hardcore raiders can use them to try for OP trinkets or target legendaries, and they are great for non raiders since you can get tier and raiding trinkets with them. I also think the final scenario should reward ~4-5 million AP, or around 2.5x what it does now. Finishing one takes MUCH longer than killing one elite for 1.1m AP, you should feel a nice chunky reward for doing so.
Sorry bro, but WoD and Legion aren't even remotely comparable. There was shit for content when it came to WoD and then they abadoned the game for 14 months. That's not the same as releasing what you've hyped up to be the "biggest patch evaaaar!" only to have it filled with time gating and bullshit that the player base has rejected many times before. You can put out content and not have it buggy, this really just seems to be shitty QA by Blizzard.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I've been saying this a lot to people, but Legionfall rep as rewards for content is a very short term useful thing. If they added rep to the invasions, it would be useful until exactly when you hit revered, then invasions would be completely useless again (so around 2-3 weeks of the patch). The problem with invasions is the rewards aren't good enough in general, they need to be good enough to stand on their own once everyone is already Revered and flying since they will be happening for a while.

Eh....Invasions as they stand now don't seem to be intended as anything other than a 'flavor' segment of lore to accompany the rest of 7.2. Especially with the recent one in Val'sharah, where almost all the rewards for clearing the invasion WQs were gold instead of AP.

I can understand why Blizz didn't put rep rewards in for them for Legionfall what with the whole 'keep you on the treadmill' aspect Legion has to it (ESPECIALLY considering how poorly the rollout was with the limited time during the middle of the morning for EU and such), but that doesn't change the fact that the broken shore WQ 'emissary' is pretty underwhelming, and Sentinax farming is pretty boring long-term.

(Even if there is the counterpoint that invasions still give rep for the 'base' reputations, so why they couldn't apply to both is beyond me.....)

That being said, I agree that rewards for invasions need to be more substantial. However....

Personally, I think the nether shards should be buffed so that completing all WQs and the scenario get you just over 5k shards, so that you can buy one piece per invasion. The 5k shard items are useful to everyone, since even the most hardcore raiders can use them to try for OP trinkets or target legendaries, and they are great for non raiders since you can get tier and raiding trinkets with them. I also think the final scenario should reward ~4-5 million AP, or around 2.5x what it does now. Finishing one takes MUCH longer than killing one elite for 1.1m AP, you should feel a nice chunky reward for doing so.

I would put good money on this not happening until after Tomb launches, if at all.

Blizz's whole schtick with Legion world content seems to be that you don't 'need' to do any one specific thing - if they buffed the invasion rewards to the level you're describing, that would make them almost necessary for raiders (for trinket/legendary chances), and far more AP than any non raid-clear event would give.

As of right now, for all 6-8 world quests in an area, you get ~1400-1800 shards. I don't see Blizz increasing that for a good long while, if at all.


I've been saying this a lot to people, but Legionfall rep as rewards for content is a very short term useful thing. If they added rep to the invasions, it would be useful until exactly when you hit revered, then invasions would be completely useless again (so around 2-3 weeks of the patch). The problem with invasions is the rewards aren't good enough in general, they need to be good enough to stand on their own once everyone is already Revered and flying since they will be happening for a while.
Don't the class mounts require you to be exalted with the new rep? So that would help also.

Man...getting all the way to exalted just through time-gated world quests is going to really suck. And on alts? Yikes.


Don't the class mounts require you to be exalted with the new rep? So that would help also.

Man...getting all the way to exalted just through time-gated world quests is going to really suck. And on alts? Yikes.

Once the initial 11 week cycle runs, it should speed up to daily. I think that's how Insurrection worked.


I just don't get why they made all this so complicated. Back in the day I could kill a dude for 5 rep. And then another for another 5 rep. And then another and another, until I got what I needed. Don't see any reason they had to change that.


Sorry bro, but WoD and Legion aren't even remotely comparable. There was shit for content when it came to WoD and then they abadoned the game for 14 months. That's not the same as releasing what you've hyped up to be the "biggest patch evaaaar!" only to have it filled with time gating and bullshit that the player base has rejected many times before. You can put out content and not have it buggy, this really just seems to be shitty QA by Blizzard.

Hey man I'm not saying 7.2 is the greatest patch ever released, but the entirety of Legion's content release schedule is a reaction to people saying content was too slow in WoD, and the clear consequence of faster patches is more bugs/unfinished ideas, this isn't a complicated idea to grasp. Should blizzard release more complete stuff with less bugs? Obviously yes, how could anyone even argue against that. But again, more testing means slower releases (which wouldn't have been that bad here, this patch came out a little too quick in my mind), and blizzard is scared to have content draught so they are pushing less complete patches more often. I'm the first to say they swung too far the other way and are now releasing content too quickly resulting in too many bugs/incomplete aspects, I'm just saying it is clear WHY there are these bugs now.

And its an MMO, literally everything in an MMO (at least WoW style MMOs) has been "time gated bullshit". Raiding and gearing from raids is time gated bullshit. The entire business model of a subscription game is time gated bullshit and constant incremental progression. Again, not saying this is super fun awesome times, but it isn't surprising. Does everyone want to log in on patch day, poop-sock for 48 hours and be done with all the content?

Anyway, I also don't get how anyone made this patch out to be the "biggest patch ever" as you put it. From all I read, they treated it as a regular ass patch that is adding some stuff that could be cool, it is more the community that seems to have decided 7.2 was supposed to be huge. It is the same shit that happened with the selfie cam patch, that had to be a huge patch because it only had one decimal point! Maybe blizzard should've just called this one 7.1.8 and people would calm down a bit.

TO BE CLEAR, I don't think any of this is good and I'm not defending it, I'm just saying I understand why all these things are how they are and wasn't surprised by them. Thinking things are crappy and need improvement is one thing, but being taken by surprise is another.

I just don't get why they made all this so complicated. Back in the day I could kill a dude for 5 rep. And then another for another 5 rep. And then another and another, until I got what I needed. Don't see any reason they had to change that.

Because they went back to that for WoD and everyone hated it and didn't do the reps. So they changed it to this way, which everyone hates also. Basically everyone just hates everything that isn't WotLK/Cata style tabards in dungeons (but people would probably hate that today too, they'd say "why is blizz forcing me to run dungeons for my rep!"


Because they went back to that for WoD and everyone hated it and didn't do the reps. So they changed it to this way, which everyone hates also. Basically everyone just hates everything that isn't WotLK/Cata style tabards in dungeons (but people would probably hate that today too, they'd say "why is blizz forcing me to run dungeons for my rep!"
Catering to those people seems like a bad idea. Penalizing those of us who want to put in extra work in favor of lazy people who just abandoned reputations? I don't get it.

I dunno, maybe I'm out of touch. And you're not wrong that someone will always be upset no matter what, but time-gating is just the worst imo. It takes control away from the player and only rewards a certain type of playing habit.


That being said, I agree that rewards for invasions need to be more substantial. However....

I would put good money on this not happening until after Tomb launches, if at all.

Blizz's whole schtick with Legion world content seems to be that you don't 'need' to do any one specific thing - if they buffed the invasion rewards to the level you're describing, that would make them almost necessary for raiders (for trinket/legendary chances), and far more AP than any non raid-clear event would give.

As of right now, for all 6-8 world quests in an area, you get ~1400-1800 shards. I don't see Blizz increasing that for a good long while, if at all.

I dunno, even if the reward for the invasion scenario was 4m AP, it takes about as long as flying to 4 different WQs that each award 1m AP and doing those, and no one is saying those are mandatory. Similarly, 5k nethershards for 6 WQs is only slightly higher than what you'd earn the same amount of time spent farming Sentinax portals (which some raiders do find mandatory I guess but still). I don't think it would be that crazy to make invasions very slightly the most efficient way to get resources when they're up, I don't think that would break things as much as you're suggesting.

But I could be wrong. I'd settle for less of a buff than I mentioned. It just makes me sad that invasions are such an ineffective method of getting everything they give, because they are 100x more fun than grinding the Sentinax (now that is a bungled implementation if I've ever seen one) and slightly more fun than doing normal WQs (I quite like the 3 player scenarios at the end).

Catering to those people seems like a bad idea. Penalizing those of us who want to put in extra work in favor of lazy people who just abandoned reputations? I don't get it.

I dunno, maybe I'm out of touch. And you're not wrong that someone will always be upset no matter what, but time-gating is just the worst imo. It takes control away from the player and only rewards a certain type of playing habit.

Hey, I don't disagree, I personally liked vanilla (and WoD) style reps. But the people that don't like something are generally the most vocal, and blizzard sees them complain and thinks things need to be changed, so I'm not surprised they changed it. I doubt many people in WoD were rushing to write feedback to blizz about how they liked the rep changes, probably just thought to themselves "cool" and went about their days. One of the issues with the vocal minority. Though time gating has always been present in some form, even since vanilla when the only way to progress was via raiding, and you got 2 pieces of loot per boss for a 40 man raid. Or when you had to PvP 14 hours a day for a week to rank up and the amount you could rank up was capped. It's just annoying that it is spreading to some things that don't really need it.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Because they went back to that for WoD and everyone hated it and didn't do the reps. So they changed it to this way, which everyone hates also. Basically everyone just hates everything that isn't WotLK/Cata style tabards in dungeons (but people would probably hate that today too, they'd say "why is blizz forcing me to run dungeons for my rep!
At the time, tabards were great, because running dungeon content for justice badges remained at least somewhat relevant with new dungeons and better gear - that, and once people were geared, they could absolutely blow through the dungeons quickly.

They weren't necessarily optimal for people coming in late to the Xpac, but they were still at least viable, because you could PICK the reputation you wanted to champion, no matter what dungeon you got.

The issue with tabards now would be that unless mythic+ gave rep, everyone would be annoyed at having to go through heroics/Mythic 0 for gear they don't need, especially when the AP rewards aren't as good as Mythic+ on the whole.

Honestly, if Blizz was really actually sticking to the 'you can get stronger in the ways you want' angle, there should be multiple repeatable ways to gain rep aside from just doing WQ turn-ins (that are basically just an extremely limited series of dailies) and the rare occasional rep token turn in from mob drops or the mission board - be that tabards, cathedreal-specific rep (with a limit per day), invasions, or even other things.

Even if there was a limit to how much you could gain daily, bringing back the tabard/dungeon rep system would provide another option for people.

But Blizz can't do that now, as they've tied the rep to the 3 towers that constantly get destroyed, and those WQs are essentially the only sure-fire way to get legionfall supplies.

But I could be wrong. I'd settle for less of a buff than I mentioned. It just makes me sad that invasions are such an ineffective method of getting everything they give, because they are 100x more fun than grinding the Sentinax (now that is a bungled implementation if I've ever seen one) and slightly more fun than doing normal WQs (I quite like the 3 player scenarios at the end).

Yeah, I agree that invasions are (on some level) still enjoyable as-is - I'm just saying I don't expect Blizz to actually 'up' the rewards now, especially after the hullabaloo about invasion timing and people missing out on them.


At the time, tabards were great, because running dungeon content for justice badges remained at least somewhat relevant with new dungeons and better gear - that, and once people were geared, they could absolutely blow through the dungeons quickly.

They weren't necessarily optimal for people coming in late to the Xpac, but they were still at least viable, because you could PICK the reputation you wanted to champion, no matter what dungeon you got.

The issue with tabards now would be that unless mythic+ gave rep, everyone would be annoyed at having to go through heroics/Mythic 0 for gear they don't need, especially when the AP rewards aren't as good as Mythic+ on the whole.

Honestly, if Blizz was really actually sticking to the 'you can get stronger in the ways you want' angle, there should be multiple repeatable ways to gain rep aside from just doing WQ turn-ins (that are basically just an extremely limited series of dailies) and the rare occasional rep token turn in from mob drops or the mission board - be that tabards, cathedreal-specific rep (with a limit per day), invasions, or even other things.

Even if there was a limit to how much you could gain daily, bringing back the tabard/dungeon rep system would provide another option for people.

But Blizz can't do that now, as they've tied the rep to the 3 towers that constantly get destroyed, and those WQs are essentially the only sure-fire way to get legionfall supplies.

Yeah, I agree that invasions are (on some level) still enjoyable as-is - I'm just saying I don't expect Blizz to actually 'up' the rewards now, especially after the hullabaloo about invasion timing and people missing out on them.

I personally preferred the TBC model of "do dungeons in this zone for that zone's rep" since WotLK and Cata devolved into "put on a tabard and run HoL/Grim Batol over and over", but I totally agree with that point. I definitely feel like there should be multiple sources of rep and different ways to get it. WQs, dungeons, raids, grinding. Though they would likely have to add a cap because otherwise people who do multiple things get an "advantage" over those who only do one type of content, then we are back to the issue of "why are you capping my rep blizz, artificial time gating!". Kind of a tough issue for me to find a solution to that doesn't have its own problems, but I'd rather have more options than less. Doing a bunch of WQs for 75 rep each just feels so BAD.


Y'all bringing up some good points.

In all my complaining, I am still enjoying the game and I don't envy Blizzard's job because this shit is complicated and you can never please everyone.

Doing a bunch of WQs for 75 rep each just feels so BAD.
Yeah this is how I feel at the end of the day. And as someone who doesn't log in every day of the week it sucks knowing I simply missed a day and won't be able to make it up with extra time down the line.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I felt bad.

A dude in my guild who is the same class was like "I just can't ever seem to ever get any Tier gear!" Meanwhile, I got 3 Heroic pieces in a single run, where we killed three dudes who drop Tier gear.

Although, his DPS is way better than mine for reasons I don't understand. I'm not a perfect player but Frost DK isn't that fiddly.


I felt bad.

A dude in my guild who is the same class was like "I just can't ever seem to ever get any Tier gear!" Meanwhile, I got 3 Heroic pieces in a single run, where we killed three dudes who drop Tier gear.

Although, his DPS is way better than mine for reasons I don't understand. I'm not a perfect player but Frost DK isn't that fiddly.
Hey, what are your frost talents if you don't mind me asking?
Don't the class mounts require you to be exalted with the new rep? So that would help also.

Man...getting all the way to exalted just through time-gated world quests is going to really suck. And on alts? Yikes.
This was my understanding.

Maybe they'll make invasions less inconvenient and ads rep back to them by then, or maybe you get a crapload from the final portions of the chain.

Or more realistically they add some sort of catchup mechanic 6 months or more after they should have.
Holy shit did Blizz hire actual writers to do their quests after Cata? Pandaria was awesome but, Draenor is epic with actual good quests and cutscenes. It feels like an actual RPG sorta with this Garrison stuff too.


Holy shit did Blizz hire actual writers to do their quests after Cata? Pandaria was awesome but, Draenor is epic with actual good quests and cutscenes. It feels like an actual RPG sorta with this Garrison stuff too.
Questing has been great the last few expansions for sure.

Legion has some great ones also.


Multi-boxer in The Underbelly right now, how is input multiplication not banned in WoW? Oh right, that sweet, sweet multi-boxer sub money.

It has minimal impact on anything really. It's an amusing novelty and maybe has a minute impact in some BGs but otherwise you can't really argue it unbalances the game in any way.
It has minimal impact on anything really. It's an amusing novelty and maybe has a minute impact in some BGs but otherwise you can't really argue it unbalances the game in any way.
Maybe with gathering nodes bring able to be multi tapped but that can't be anything significant when botters control the economy.

edit: I've been able to participate in three invasions slots. All of them have been Azsuna :(


Suffering From Success
I gave up and boosted a new monk. Restoration is just too boring, I miss my easy AOE burst, I miss my chi torpedo of oh no healer just pulled again, I miss based mana tea. That class was just too fun. I guess the only thing I'll miss is combat res. And that I just spent 85 levels. Oh well I guess I can finish that druid later anyway.


Aszuna invasion is utter shit ass. I couldn't find how to get on the ship, douche bags killed the boss without me and by the time I got there, his body was gone. No loot no rep. Total waste of time.


Do the invasions happen at the same time on every server? Because if so, there is one up in EU in Storm with a total of 2m AP rewards at ak28.
Aszuna invasion is utter shit ass. I couldn't find how to get on the ship, douche bags killed the boss without me and by the time I got there, his body was gone. No loot no rep. Total waste of time.

Same thing happened to me. I fell off the ship while fighting the boss and got disconnected. Kept getting an error when I tried logging back in, So when i was finally able to log back in, I just flew back up there to the ship by myself. Wasn't able to loot the boss but I got on one of the dragons on the ship and it completed the scenario for me. Then the loot showed up in the mail.


Same thing happened to me. I fell off the ship while fighting the boss and got disconnected. Kept getting an error when I tried logging back in, So when i was finally able to log back in, I just flew back up there to the ship by myself. Wasn't able to loot the boss but I got on one of the dragons on the ship and it completed the scenario for me. Then the loot showed up in the mail.

The loot didn't show up in the mail for me. I was able to finish the scenario, but I got no rep. Just an AP item for turning in the zone quest.


Got flying just before shutdown. I'm pretty sure we'll get another 1500 rep quest, but felt good to have it.

Gearing up alts with flying for WQs is a game changer.

So is the mod World Quest Group Finder (WQGF). If you do ANY WQs, this mod is amazing for automagically joining and creating groups. Makes WQs go in a fraction of the time it used too.


Is this real life?

Ugh, what I mean is if you didn't go on PTR to test it, you shouldn't expect that anyone else did either. And as I said, internal testing can't simulate live loads and player numbers, so will miss any bugs that only show up when large numbers of players are doing content. There are lots of things blizzard should test better, but also lots that they could never catch with internal testing unless they hired like 100,000 testers. And there's no incentive to PTR testing, so no one does it, so nothing gets tested, so there are bugs on live. This isn't GOOD but it also isn't surprising, is all I meant by that.

Speaking of live loads and things being fucked, how about these class order quests? Does anyone else have one where your entire class is sent to kill one named mob in one area, leading to a big fuckpile of people trying to tag shit? Yea this is fun. Surprisingly didn't take too long, but still kinda funny. If anything should've been a single player scenario this stuff should've been. Nothing screams class fantasy like 1000 Thisalee Crows shouting "lets get stabby!"

Got flying just before shutdown. I'm pretty sure we'll get another 1500 rep quest, but felt good to have it.

Gearing up alts with flying for WQs is a game changer.

So is the mod World Quest Group Finder (WQGF). If you do ANY WQs, this mod is amazing for automagically joining and creating groups. Makes WQs go in a fraction of the time it used too.

Every expansion there's that one mod that just changes the game and basically becomes mandatory for me. It was MasterPlan in WoD, and it is WQGF in Legion. Especially playing on a PvP server with more of the other faction, this addon is a godsend. Honestly, it is how world quests should work baseline, just put you into groups automatically.


Man why does the new follower start at 850 ilvl and like no gear slots unlocked? C'mon, you just had me to a big quest for them, at least open them at epic level so they'd be inline with my other followers.
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