Any fresh leather wearers horde NA here should group with me lol. I keep getting and gifting away gears that are same level with my existing armor.
BTW what is the correct affinity for Guardian and Resto druids? Currently feral and guardian respectively.
Blizz nerfed thick hide to 6%, so I'm considering the feral movement.Guardian for resto as the 10% dmg reduction far outweighs the 5 yard increase I imagine.
Feral for the movement speed for bear I guess?
Blizz nerfed thick hide to 6%, so I'm considering the feral movement.
It's a giant Boomkin in a cage.
Look very closely at what's inside the pavilion.
Any fresh leather wearers horde NA here should group with me lol. I keep getting and gifting away gears that are same level with my existing armor.
BTW what is the correct affinity for Guardian and Resto druids? Currently feral and guardian respectively.
I've used Grid forever but thought I'd give the default raid frames a go and they're actually really nice, think I'll go with them from now on. I've been trying to cut back on my addon bloat lately.
suddenly switches gears and becomes about endlessly running dungeons (or somehow getting into high Mythics
Thanks friend, will switch to resto affinity.I would highly recommend resto affinity for Guardian. Last Mythic+ run, Ysera's Gift accounted for 34% of my total healing, doing ~14 million over the run, or ~20% of the healing our Holy pal did. It seems to be either bugged currently or the tooltip is wrong, as it heals more than the 1.5% the tooltip says. Also, there are many situations where being able to pop out and heal is both viable and also very helpful. Intermission phases on Helya, AoE on last boss of CoS, etc. My swiftmend alone heals for 660k, which is a massive single heal that can be amazing in the right situations, and is very useable even with it shifting you out of Bear.
Thanks friend, will switch to resto affinity.
Has the Thick Hide nerf affected you so far?
The nerf only toned us down..didn't break us guys.
So we finally did it, my Mythic+ group mass transferred our mains and alts to a PvE server. Now, as I've said before, I will defend to my death the right of people on PvP servers to freely gank and kill people wherever and whenever is allowed by Blizzard. But at the same time, there are several things that they changed in Legion that makes it so that a PvP server is 1000x more annoying than it ever was in the past.
First of all, the lack of faction specific quest hubs makes things pretty irritating, since if you are levelling a fresh 100 and someone is doing the same quests at 108, you will be moving from area to area with them and they can gank you the whole damn time. And speaking of, the "chose your zone" idea was fine in theory (though honestly adds nothing when you just have to do all the zones to level anyway) but leads to ~100-105 being a miserable experience on PvP servers. Then there are the world quests. There is plenty of incentive for 110 well geared players to occupy the same areas as lowbies levelling, and so many of them just kill you as you walk by. Which leads to the most egregious error, why do I get penalized for being repeatedly killed? Why am I the one with a 2 minute rez timer because someone is camping me? The rez timer REALLY should not apply to PvP kills against honorless targets...
But there is really one massive failing that I think causes all sorts of problems. WHY are the guards so damn weak now? It used to be that if you attacked someone near a flight master or in a city, the guards would make quick work of you, as punishment for what you did. But while levelling an alt recently, I would get instantly killed when landing at every single flight path, only to watch the guards attack my assailant and do ~1% damage to them per hit, as they easily got away. Back in my day, guards saw through stealth, kept hitting you when you would FD, and would kill you within 10 seconds if you were ballsy enough to attack in a town. Why don't they do that now?
I personally think world PvP is dumb and ganking is idiotic, but again I will defend to the end everyone's right to do so on a PvP server. But my god did Legion make this WAY worse than it has ever been before, to the point where I swapped servers just so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
My realm is 65/35 so far.
While horde is more numerous and takes advantage with random disorganized ganks, alliance when provoked will hit horde hard with tightly organized gank squads and our balls will shrink for a week.
Snowfeather wants to win 3 WQ battles.
Only 2 spawned for me today.
Well, got the Stormfists today, so Blizzard can fix that alternate color bug as far as I'm concerned! (Still need the Mistweaver skin though)
I guess that also means I'm done with the withered training. Fox mount seems too rare to slog through the scenario.
Jubei'Thos plus xrealmsLOL, what realm is this?
Take a look at the Trial of the Crusader raid for an example of how players do not know what they actually want at all, and why a boss rush dungeon/raid is a terrible idea. People think they want it then they realize it is actually awful when they get it.
So yea, they changed something...
yeah I finally got my Blood hidden appearance and I'm done with that place. I would really like to see them add a hard mode though.
Out of curiosity how many points did you have? I was doing 400-450 every time it came up for a while, but after reading that many people only got it at higher levels I started full clearing. Got mine after clearing with 670.
So yea, they changed something...
>:O Goddamnit, doing 5 quests for a smattering of gold and a piece of 825 gear is not fucking cool, Blizzard!
Nothing has changed. It always shows 5 quests when you have no emissaries up.
I think I ended up with 550. Usually start with 8 withered and just clear the whole thing, ignoring only the first door to the right.
Also I just love the look of the fists on my Gnome Monk. Clipping everywhere, but so damn funny/badass.
Finally got myself attuned for Karazhan. Is this dungeon in the premade dungeon finder? I wasn't able to see any entries for the dungeon when trying to find/create a group.
So yea, they changed something...
Oh shit, I got a good legendary!
Mythic only.
I'm turning into a broken record but: anyone know the NA mythic+ affixes for this week?
teeming necrotic
Really wanted to try a Nightbane run, we'll definitely tackle that this week if we get something impossible for our group like teeming/necrotic.