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Worst Puzzle in a game! *Warning could contain spoilers, which would ruin your life*


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
What is the puzzle in a game that you hate the most?

For me hands down it has to be the stupid sinking block puzzle in Wild Arms 3... Talk about wanting to kick the crap out of your PS2....


Im talking about the one in OOT. But im not sure if it's really a bad puzzle, maybe just a hard, I have no fuckin clue what to do puzzle. Could be that I'm stupid/suck though.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
bogg said:
Im talking about the one in OOT. But im not sure if it's really a bad puzzle, maybe just a hard, I have no fuckin clue what to do puzzle. Could be that I'm stupid/suck though.

Ohhh THE water temple... hahah that one is hard... but just one puzzle... that is so hard/badly done... it makes you want to cry.... color blocks in Wild Arms 3 still makes me and Baby Jesus sad


that water temple is really hard IMO. I hated it, and I still hate it. I think the tricky part is that it both is quite a hard puzzle, plust it is in three dimensions. E.g. you manipulate the world and access different parts of the puzzle in three dimensions. Makes it really hard to keep track of everything.


I had no problem with the water temple at all...

I had more trouble trying to time the bomb to stop the rolling Goron.


I remember this puzzle on Metal Gear Solid on the GBC which envolved travelling on an endless succession of conveyors in the correct coloured box. Almost made me stop playing the game right there.


Eh, I liked the Water Temple.

I could probably list hundreds of annoying puzzles in all of the adventure games I've played, but I can't think of any that really stand out at the moment.


any of the various puzzles in Alundra that basically gave you no damn clue as to what you should be doing to move on. I don't enjoy throwing a torch at 20 random lights for an hour and seeing which ones make a sound in the right order.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think noone has business posting in this thread if he/she hasn't played Silent Hill 3 on Hard riddle mode. In my many years of playing adventure games (and by that, I mean actual adventure games, like those made by LucasArts, etc) I have never encountered anything even remotely as ridiculous and impossibly, illogically stupid, and difficult as puzzles in SH3/Hard. The kind of puzzles, I'd imagine, you would get if you give an extremly stupid person a tome of Encyclopedia, and ask him to come up with some clever puzzles.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Lufia II. Speifically one where you had to take pots to certain switches, but the trick was that you could only walk on each section of the floor twice....so many swears....


I remember older games having some brutal puzzles, if only because they gave you no hints or clues at all as to what you're supposed to do.

In Castlevania II, there was a point where you have to cross some water, in order to get across you're supposed to equip a certain item and kneel at the edge. How the hell am I supposed to know to do that? I only figured it out by accident. Shit like that really annoys me.


The Water Temple is easy. I'll vote for the WA3 block puzzle because, being color-blind, two of the block colors look EXACTLY THE SAME.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Swordian said:
The Water Temple is easy. I'll vote for the WA3 block puzzle because, being color-blind, two of the block colors look EXACTLY THE SAME.

and just flat out lame!!!


The Babel Fish puzzle in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure wins this hands down. Or any of the Infocom games that could be landed in unwinnable states.


If it counts as a puzzle, then dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in FFX to get LuLu's ultimate weapon is the shittiest thing EVER.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
AeroGod said:
If it counts as a puzzle, then dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in FFX to get LuLu's ultimate weapon is the shittiest thing EVER.

don't get me wrong... that sucked big time... but you didn't need it to beat the game... puzzles where you just get stuck and can't win.... those are the worst....
While we're at it, I would like to nominate two puzzles from Prince of Persia:

-The room with the beams jutting out into the walls and you had to turn them using the center platform.
-Room where the girl runs away and you have to go through the veils to find her. I didn't have the sound up very loud, thus I couldn't solve it.

What the hell was he/she thinking when making these puzzles?


Worst 3-D puzzle award goes to the Water Temple. I got OOT before i had a computer and internet and i didnt have money for a guide. I felt stupid after finding out taht i replayed the game 5 times all cause i missed something very early on in the temple. Its a great lvl now that look back at it. But very coveluted and just really freaking hard too.

But none the less it didnt get in the way of me having fun with OOT and in fact its my favorite game to date. One awsome game.
The Bishops in 7th Guest.

Not an original puzzle, but still took me forever to do as a kid.

I recreated it in OpenGL for my graphics class though, so now I'm really really good at it :).
Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.
Another one for MGS on the GBC:

There were these four doors and four buttons to manipulate them. There was some bizarre logic going into the way they worked. Spent so long trying to figure out the pattern I can't remember if I made it through them or not.
SolidSnakex said:
Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.

Nice one. Though I think lots of people are confusing bad puzzles with hard puzzles. I think we're just trying to find puzzles that are just badly designed. The piano puzzle, and I would argue the water temple as well, are well designed but just hard to figure out.

Things like the gear room in Prince of Persia was badly designed, not necessarily hard.


AeroGod said:
If it counts as a puzzle, then dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in FFX to get LuLu's ultimate weapon is the shittiest thing EVER.

It's easier if you time your reactions to the music or try to time when the flashes come, but yeah, that puzzle is stupid as hell.

But at least it's not as aggrivating as getting the powerup for Kimahri's last weapon in the forest. Ugh.


Kimarhi's weapon sucked...never did get that...and never got Wakka's either though I got Lulu's on the first try during all 3 of my runs through the game

none of those are puzzles, though

my vote:

Escape from monkey Island

Raft + Clock + Purfume = WTF? didn't even make sense using silly logic


JasoNsider said:
I think we're just trying to find puzzles that are just badly designed. The piano puzzle, and I would argue the water temple as well, are well designed but just hard to figure out.

Things like the gear room in Prince of Persia was badly designed, not necessarily hard.

Yeah--truly bad puzzles have traits like unwinnable states, or a huge trial-and-error element. Critical camera flaws can do in a puzzle in a 3D adventure, but I don't remember having that particular problem with the Water Temple.

On the whole, puzzle design has improved vastly since the late '80s. I remember when Lucasarts' Secret of Monkey Island came out, and the major selling point in the advertising and hype for the game was that its puzzles didn't have unwinnable states. Back then that kind of care in game design was revolutionary--now we take it for granted.


nubbe said:
You'r Beach Huse in WW... I hate that painting...

Fuck that thing. Seriously, I spent far too long on that before finding out it was only rupees, and then I seriously threw my controller.


I kind of had troubles with the water temple, but I really had trouble with that stupid puzzle in ffx, whee you had to move around on that hovering glyph. :(


The piano puzzle, and I would argue the water temple as well, are well designed but just hard to figure out.

You see, I never found the Water Temple to be that hard. I just thought it was annoying. Because if you messed up, you had to change the water level 3 friggin times. It was like they were punishing you for not doing everything in the proper sequence.


For some reason that lame "Overblood" game and "PPPPIIIIIPPPPPPOOOOOO" suddenly came to mind when I saw this topic title.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
-The room with the beams jutting out into the walls and you had to turn them using the center platform.
-Room where the girl runs away and you have to go through the veils to find her. I didn't have the sound up very loud, thus I couldn't solve it.

What the hell was he/she thinking when making these puzzles?
Huh? What was wrong with those puzzles? Those were neat. The sound puzzle could actually have been solved in two different ways (both involving sound, but one requiring surround sound equipment :p)

Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.
That's by no means a poorly designed puzzle, or all that difficult one, actually.

I guess some of you guys really haven't come across some of the nasty stuff gaming puzzle world has to offer if you think the stuff above is bad. As I've said - just go play SH3 on hard riddle difficulty. Then come here and talk...

There were these four doors and four buttons to manipulate them. There was some bizarre logic going into the way they worked. Spent so long trying to figure out the pattern I can't remember if I made it through them or not.
That puzzle, from what I can remember, was more trick than anything. I don't remember 100%, but I think the solution was something laughably simple, although it was impossible if you tried to solve it the way it seemed you are supposed to solve it. I think the solution was just to walk straight through all those doors, and they would open in front of you, or something to that effect.

Ranger X

Every gameplay catch is a puzzle here as i see...

Just wanted to comment on the Water Temple of OOT; it's one of the most intelligent designed dungeon ever!!! i don't remember any real puzzles in there. I don't want to insult you but you must be in the "stupid/suck" categorie like you suggested ;)

Anyhow, this post gave me the taste to play through OOT again! tks.
Silent Hill 3's first puzzle in the bookstore. Only on the hard puzzle mode though.

My God... it made no sense whatsoever.

I finally got a FAQ and did the puzzle. But instead of having the "OOOOOOOOOHHhhhh... now I get it!" reaction, I had the "WTF?!?! That didn't make any fucking sense, those dirty mother fuckers!!!" reaction.


works for Gamestop (lol)
SolidSnakex said:
Surprised no ones mentioned the piano puzzle in Silent Hill yet. I remember tons of people getting pissed at that game because of it.

The piano puzzle stumped me. I had to look for the solution in a faq. I don't think I even understand the solution, but that was years ago. It'd probably make sense now if I replayed it

Now that I think about it, Silent Hill had a bunch of puzzles that just didn't make sense to me. Compared to the other SH's, SH1 seemed like the hardest in the puzzle department


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
No mention of Onimusha? The water puzzle where what's her face drowns if you don't do it in like 60 seconds...Good God I hated that fucking shit. Worst puzzle ever. It made the Water Temple seem like cake. I never had that much trouble with a puzzle.


LittleTokyo said:
Silent Hill 3's first puzzle in the bookstore. Only on the hard puzzle mode though.

My God... it made no sense whatsoever.

I finally got a FAQ and did the puzzle. But instead of having the "OOOOOOOOOHHhhhh... now I get it!" reaction, I had the "WTF?!?! That didn't make any fucking sense, those dirty mother fuckers!!!" reaction.

Yeah I have to agree here, I figured out the rest of the puzzles myself, but this was just stupid.

I found the water temple very enjoyable, never saw it as a puzzle actually. Also the puzzles in Lufia 2 and Alundra can be pretty hard, especially the ice pillar shoving in alundra. I really felt good when I solved them though, those were very well constructed puzzles.
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