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Worst Puzzle in a game! *Warning could contain spoilers, which would ruin your life*


Crispy said:
Yeah I have to agree here, I figured out the rest of the puzzles myself, but this was just stupid.

I found the water temple very enjoyable, never saw it as a puzzle actually. Also the puzzles in Lufia 2 and Alundra can be pretty hard, especially the ice pillar shoving in alundra. I really felt good when I solved them though, those were very well constructed puzzles.


Kline's Dream and the mansions are INSANE


Water Temple is simply mindnumbing. I was able to beat it twice, but on the third go, I couldn't find the small key I needed. I swear Nintendo didn't put in a small key you needed to complete that Temple. Master Quest's version was a piece of cake though.
Surprised no one mentioned the "puzzle" at the end of PoP where you had to figure out the order of the 8 doors to go through not once, but twice.


ninvampire said:
Surprised no one mentioned the "puzzle" at the end of PoP where you had to figure out the order of the 8 doors to go through not once, but twice.

Heh, I was just about to mention that one.

Funny thing is, it's not like it's badly designed in and of itself. Heck, we've seen puzzles exactly like it in other games. For me, it was just so different from the rest of the game's puzzles that I completely blanked and had the toughest time figuring it out. I'm ashamed to admit that I actually had to look at a FAQ once I realized that there was a second level to the room.
ninvampire said:
Surprised no one mentioned the "puzzle" at the end of PoP where you had to figure out the order of the 8 doors to go through not once, but twice.

Are you referring to the door puzzle that was mentioned a couple times back in the thread? :p

Yeah, that puzzle was just plain ridiculous.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Silent Hill 3's first puzzle in the bookstore. Only on the hard puzzle mode though.

My God... it made no sense whatsoever.

I finally got a FAQ and did the puzzle. But instead of having the "OOOOOOOOOHHhhhh... now I get it!" reaction, I had the "WTF?!?! That didn't make any fucking sense, those dirty mother fuckers!!!" reaction.
Yes, that puzzle, together with the flash eating poem puzzle and the crematorium bodies puzzle, as you said, not only made no sense while solving it, but basically made even less sense after you figure out the answer (or read it from the explanation from the FAQ).


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Guess which customer in Escape from Monkey island is also pretty high on my list....


Hooker said:
I had no problem with the water temple at all...

I had more trouble trying to time the bomb to stop the rolling Goron.
Same here, stupid $@#%@#% Goron. :p

edit: oh god that face is horrible


Unconfirmed Member
All I know is that I have NEVER met, in my life, someone who played OoT and DID NOT stop playing it for AT LEAST several months (if not forever) upon reaching the Water Temple. As I said, it isn't that it was hard. It's that it was obnoxious and tedious. And that always sucks.


Prospero said:
The Babel Fish puzzle in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure wins this hands down. Or any of the Infocom games that could be landed in unwinnable states.


also the last puzzle in the bonus world of adv. of cookies and cream.


Has problems recognising girls
Glad to see that a few other people were stumped on Lufia II, not only was it a long RPG but it's puzzles were mind-numbing. Still I loved it for what it was worth - two games later and they still haven't surpassed it *sniffles*


works for Gamestop (lol)
MetatronM said:
All I know is that I have NEVER met, in my life, someone who played OoT and DID NOT stop playing it for AT LEAST several months (if not forever) upon reaching the Water Temple. As I said, it isn't that it was hard. It's that it was obnoxious and tedious. And that always sucks.

I hated the water temple too, but crazy as it sounds, it only took me one night to complete it. That comprised about 2-3 hours though, so yeah


(more a nerd than a geek)
I may receive flaming fireballs of hatred for this, but...

Two of my most hated puzzles are key to MGS / MGS:TTS...

Meryl's codec and the fight against Psycho Mantis.

I know, I know... both are nifty -ideas-... the problem is that using either of them completely destroys a a good chunk of the game's mythos and attempted atmosphere. It's like being at Disneyland and having Mickey Mouse remove his mask... you know that he isn't -really- Mickey Mouse, but to shameless flaunt it within the context of the illusion serves to remove the illusion itself.

I was stuck for a decent amount of time on the codec, simply because the notion of hiding critical story/game information as a blurb on the back of the box was so outside of good game design that it never occurred to me to look there. That's why I'm voting for it as a terrible puzzle.


The codec i agree with (especially since there's a thing called blockbuster) , but the first time i did the mantis fight was 'fun' in a way I can't say about other games


I hate the water filter pump thing puzzle in RE3.

Also the card heating/cooling thing in MGS1 just because it's SO boring to backtrack, return, backtrack then return again.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Gattsu25 said:
The codec i agree with (especially since there's a thing called blockbuster) , but the first time i did the mantis fight was 'fun' in a way I can't say about other games
Well, the mantis fight is something that bugs me as far as the game goes... in theory, MGS is trying to build up a "realistic" (cough cough) movie-style game... then it proceeds to smash away at that entire concept and practically scream "HEY, YOU'RE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME! LOOK AT THE CABLES IN FRONT OF YOU!"...

However, it wasn't -necessary-, so it wasn't as bad... and it was much more fun/clever in concept and playability.

I do want to throttle whoever came up with the codec idea... which is NOTHING at all like the Star Tropics code "puzzle", which was straightfoward and done in such a way as to make the game MORE immersive.
C'mon folks... the Water Temple (and MAYBE the forest temple) was the only challenging part of OOT, and it wasn't THAT hard. I thought it was one of the few dungeons that really took advantage of Zelda in a 3D environment.


The microscope puzzle in The 7th Guest puts any entries in this thread, before and after, to shame. Not only is the AI ruthless (especially considering when the game was released), but the damned thing mocks you.
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