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Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 265 50.1%
  • No

    Votes: 264 49.9%

  • Total voters


I saw this discussion on another forum and I want GAF's take on it too. If Sony starts to release games on PC day one going forward, will that make any difference to your ownership of PlayStation consoles? Why or why not?


Would you stop eating food if you become immortal? That is how I see this question.

You may not need to eat food as an immortal person, but you will love to have some taste of food from time to time. That is how I view PS day1 pc.

Its great to have those games on pc day1, but it wont replace the feelings of playing it on the couch and not having to worry about other stuff.
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Yes. I want one console/pc/box whatever we call it to play everything. But if Sony makes the best one of those I'll buy that, just like if Microsoft does, or the PC is the best option etc...


In the last 10 years, Bloodborne is the only game worth playing that hasn't come to PC. One game every 10 years is not worth the cost for me. I also find with games like Horizon, there is this hype around terrible games. I don't think anyone would be pretending Horizon was a good game if it were an Xbox exclusive.


What time is it?
With the exception of Grant Turismo, Sony's exclusives really aren't appealing to me anymore and I really don't care where people play games. I'll probably get the next PlayStation as it is a low cost device with reasonable performance and it's where my co-op friends like to play games.
Would only do so if I could somehow get a PC with PS5/PS6-equivalent or better specs & gaming performance at the same price. Which is likely impossible. So will stick with PS, until that day happens.


No. Tried to get back into PC gaming a couple of years ago. Didn't like it and sold the GPU just a few months after i bought it.
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While not identical factors, we saw the damage it caused Xbox by having an alternative with PC for day one. Unless those factors change in some way there's no way I see PS going that way minus some exceptions.
I stopped buying games for PS5 as soon as they revealed they're releasing their games on PC.

Now I have a 3080/5800X3d PC, a gpd win max 2, gpd win 4 and Steam Deck.

I can't see myself ever going back...

After nearly 30 years with playstation, I ended up with 248 games on PSN and ~500 more on PS+ (which I don't sub to anymore)
After 2 years, I've got over 500 Steam games, and 200+ games on Epic Store (All free). I still love PlayStation, but they are doomed IMO; they're a legacy brand at this point and I only keep them around for nostalgia reasons... crazy to say about a current-gen system. They must go full-force into PC because there is no half-measure here... they're digging their own grave by releasing their games on PC.
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Not sure, it would surely make it easier to skip playstation hw as I will always have a powerful pc of some kind. There's something to be said about ease of use and "experience" of a console - but yeah I think it would massively diminish the value of the hw if they released games day 1 on PC.
I believe it was Jack Tretton who stated publicly that they released PS4 Pro to stem the tide of people moving over to PC... I bought into it, delaying my investment into PC by a number of years.

I have to be brutally honest though... It wasn't exactly PS releasing their games on PC that forced me to switch, it was at the beginning of this gen when I bought an Xbox Series X + Series S and Elite 2 controller and I realised just how restrictive consoles were... XBox is just a PlayStation in a different suit. I had already purchased 3 years of Gamepass too, so I promptly sold both the Xboxes, got a PC to take advantage of the GamePass sub (Which I never used), and the rest is history.

Sorry PlayStation, not really your fault exactly, but you releasing games on PC was the final nail in the coffin.
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No. Nothing beats the PS controller going on 20+ years now, and no other system provides the perfect balance of most bang for the buck. Sony knows their hardware.
I still really love PlayStation... the DualSense is a technological wonder. There are still games I will only play on PS5 due to the controller, so they have their place, but they are no longer my primary, secondary or even tertiary place to play... very sad really.
For free online and a stronger machine, I'd make/buy a media pc to keep the console experience.
I want innovation pushed forward via custom hardware with closed systems and exclusives, so I wouldn't want this to happen.


You've seen countless of posts in this very forum about not needing a PS5 since all of the games will eventually come to PC later.

Now add fuel to the fire and release games on PC day one.

You don't need a PhD to know the results.
Yes because what would be the point in consoles then? I would rather have a specced out pc and that could run everything at native resolutions without upscaling smearing. Let Sony keep releasing their games closer to day 1 on pc, I would gladly switch over.
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No, because I prefer the ease of console over PC.

If PC had enough games exclusive to that platform that I really wanted to play, then I might change my mind. But I haven't seen that so far.


I wouldn't simply because I prefer console gaming. It's not a big deal for me to be honest but I guess it would be wise to keep them as atleast timed exclusives.

What the purple place is saying (similar topic). I'd be surprise if the results here are any different.

There's a 50/50 chance Sony actually announce this as their strategy later in the week. If so I wouldn't be surprised if they skip a Showcase and just let Summer Game Fest host all their stuff; they know the backlash from their core fanbase would overwhelm any strong reveals from a Showcase online.

Although, it partly also would depend on how Sony handled Day 1. If it were tied to their own storefront/launcher, a quality one with a lot of features and 3P games also available...while there would still be backlash, it wouldn't be nearly as much. Because whether it's the console or a storefront, SIE would still have full control and priority of the platform within their own ecosystem. It'd be up to them to make a launcher work out financially to offset any transfers from console to PC, but at least they'd have the full means of implementing it in a way that's best for them.

All of that goes out the window if 'Day 1' basically means Steam. There would be significantly more backlash among many core fans & owners of the console, for starters. There would be a heavier drop in all sales metrics console-side going forward too (hardware, software, MTX, subscriptions, peripherals). Sony would have significantly less authority in arranging the PC environment to best serve their revenue & profit needs, meaning less cash flow, ultimately meaning lower quality on the console side AND a drop in game quality (most likely), frequency, and scope. It'd also mean no more exclusives, both WRT 1P and 3P (why would a 3P make a timed PS5 exclusive if SIE's own 1P games were Day 1 on Steam?).

Again, either scenario isn't optimal, but tying Day 1 exclusivity to their own storefront/launcher and basically pretending stuff like Steam doesn't exist outside of the odd GAAS, would facilitate longer-term better integration and amplification of content and hardware across the board, than going 'Day 1' as a 3P on PC.

My main qualm with the PC storefront/launcher idea is that, it's simply too soon. I don't think Sony "need" PC that way for at least several more years. If anything they should be looking to bring features present on platforms like Steam, to PlayStation. The talk about a handheld is something they're going to need eventually as well, to keep PlayStation hardware competitive in the market, although for right now I think the PS Portal and any revisions tied to it are a good enough approach for the next 2-3 years. A native handheld to complement PS6 would be ideal to help start the 10th-gen.


If they do that they might as well drop the console business, I do love having both for different reasons but with how quality Nixxes ports are id stick with PC.


I would go 100% only PC if they did. I sold my PS5 after FF7 rebirth as no upcoming games this year I cant play PC or don't mind waiting for.
There still the odd franchise like Last of Us and God of War that if not day 1 PC i would have to play on PS. Depending on how its goes I will pick up a PS5 pro if it has exclusives I cant wait for on PC.
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