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WP: Why did Trump win? More whites — and fewer blacks — actually voted


One thing i'd love to see investigated is a more thorough look into the demographics of voters classified under "Hispanics". It was assumed Hispanics would vote en masse for Clinton and that was far from true (I remember the delight on here when the news of increased hispanic turnout broke).

I dont know if theres a sure answer as to how Trump got so much (relative) Hispanic support. A theory I agree with is that theres a growing number of Americans who identify as Hispanic due to a parent or grandparent, but are culturally "White" (think Cruz or Rubio).they are anti-immigration in a "fuck you, got mine" kind of way.This cohort is going to grow more and more in the future.

Republicans have their own Coalition. Sure, its all White people, but what counts as white is constantly changing (ask Irish and Italians) and I dont think Racial statistics hace caught up to that yet.
It's outrageous.

A disgustingly large number of white people vote for the racist who wants to take their healthcare, and that's expected. It's accounted for and forgiven.

But ohhhhh lordy, black folks don't come through with 90%+ margins and it's shame on us. The outcome of the election is on us.

So black people who chose not to vote (not those who could not due to suppression, I'm talking those who chose to sit home on election day) shouldn't be held to any account for choosing not to vote?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
its nice to analyze all of this information but at the end of the day there are a lot of things at play. White women voting majority for Trump is absurd. People not voting for Hillary because she wasn't bernie was ridiculous.

Its on every democrat or so called liberal that didnt vote but normally does vote. Or voted third party.


Unconfirmed Member
Of course, but everyone who didn't vote due to lack of "enthusiasm" or whatever needs to held accountable, white or black.

"Both sides"... amIright

How about holding people who voted for an unqualified, racist, sexist, xenophobic, pathological lying idiot accountable?


So black people who chose not to vote (not those who could not due to suppression, I'm talking those who chose to sit home on election day) shouldn't be held to any account for choosing not to vote?

Nobody is saying that.

But "black folk didn't vote in the same numbers that they did for the first Black President​" is not the headline.

"A shockingly large number of white people are ok with a racist dumbass being President." Is the headline.

The framing of this as "Whites voted, blacks didn't" is preposterous.
its nice to analyze all of this information but at the end of the day there are a lot of things at play. White women voting majority for Trump is absurd. People not voting for Hillary because she wasn't bernie was ridiculous.

Its on every democrat or so called liberal that didnt vote but normally does vote. Or voted third party.

Exactly. Definitely some defenses coming up because of race here, which I understand, but everyone on the left who volunteered to stay home is partially to blame.
So black people who chose not to vote (not those who could not due to suppression, I'm talking those who chose to sit home on election day) shouldn't be held to any account for choosing not to vote?

Black people's turn out rates were higher than every ethnicity besides white people, and Black people voted for Clinton more than every other ethnicity. So on the long list of whose accountable black people are on the bottom.
It's a supreme shame that a small amount of black voters nominated Hillary when the black base of Democrats overall didn't care for her in the same way. Very poor judgement by a lot of folks. More of these guys and gals need to make their voices heard during the primary or change the rules.
One thing i'd love to see investigated is a more thorough look into the demographics of voters classified under "Hispanics". It was assumed Hispanics would vote en masse for Clinton and that was far from true (I remember the delight on here when the news of increased hispanic turnout broke).

I dont know if theres a sure answer as to how Trump got so much (relative) Hispanic support. A theory I agree with is that theres a growing number of Americans who identify as Hispanic due to a parent or grandparent, but are culturally "White" (think Cruz or Rubio).they are anti-immigration in a "fuck you, got mine" kind of way.This cohort is going to grow more and more in the future.

Republicans have their own Coalition. Sure, its all White people, but what counts as white is constantly changing (ask Irish and Italians) and I dont think Racial statistics hace caught up to that yet.
Slavery and its cultural baggages reached S.America too. A lot of those people grew up considering themselves "White" back in their home countries, so they tend to be rightwingers.


Which is BS.

The POC vote was split by age, with the old status quo crew breaking for the Clinton name mostly (mainstream media was still very reluctantly covering Bernie as little as they could get away with):

Huge Split Between Older and Younger Blacks in the Democratic Primary


The "status quo crew" among black folk are still what? That's right: Black.

Hillary overwhelmingly won the black vote in the general election, which is what we're talking about.



Criticizing Clinton on her past statements is fine, but what isn't fair is the double standard people use for Clinton and Sanders when referencing that same crime bill. Clinton is continually punished and blamed for it and it's brought up out of context in threads like these as a justification to not have voted for her. And no, I don't find Bernie's statement so sympathetic considering he plainly knew what would happen and voted for it anyways.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's a supreme shame that a small amount of black voters nominated Hillary when the black base of Democrats overall didn't care for her in the same way. Very poor judgement by a lot of folks. More of these guys and gals need to make their voices heard during the primary or change the rules.

What on earth are you talking about?

You get more incomprehensible the longer you post here.

Criticizing Clinton on her past statements is fine, but what isn't fair is the double standard people use for Clinton and Sanders when referencing that same crime bill. Clinton is continually punished and blamed for it and it's brought up out of context in threads like these as a justification to not have voted for her.

Yep, Sanders voted for the same bill, and later campaigned on that vote.


Maybe the other side should have placed an option up that didnt refer to our kids as super predators?

Whats worse, having a candidate thats apologized for this and has 180'd on criminal justice policy or someone who pushes the tough on crime rhetoric that exemplified the super predator ideology? Cause the latter is what we got.
"Both sides"... amIright

How about holding people who voted for an unqualified, racist, sexist, xenophobic, pathological lying idiot accountable?

Lol, it's not even a both sides rhetoric. Nice try though, if you didn't read the article

Nobody is saying that.

But "black folk didn't vote in the same numbers that they did for the first Black President​" is not the headline.

"A shockingly large number of white people are ok with a racist dumbass being President." Is the headline.

The framing of this as "Whites voted, blacks didn't" is preposterous.

Your defenses are triggering, because ultimately, that's not the frame here I think


It's a supreme shame that a small amount of black voters nominated Hillary when the black base of Democrats overall didn't care for her in the same way. Very poor judgement by a lot of folks. More of these guys and gals need to make their voices heard during the primary or change the rules.

Not a word of this makes sense.

Hillary Clinton consistently posted high favorables among black voters, and that has always been the case.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not a word of this makes sense.

Hillary Clinton consistently posted high favorables among black voters, and that has always been the case.

Maybe he is trying to emulate the dementia Trump has.
Black people's turn out rates were higher than every ethnicity besides white people, and Black people voted for Clinton more than every other ethnicity. So on the long list of whose accountable black people are on the bottom.

But they are on the list, and I think that's all anyone is trying to say. I get the defensiveness though, I know it's easy to read into it as 'blaming the blacks,' but I really don't think this article or anyone here is doing that
Whats worse, having a candidate thats apologized for this and has 180'd on criminal justice policy or someone who pushes the tough on crime rhetoric that exemplified the super predator ideology? Cause the latter is what we got.
What 180? Homegirl was still taking private prison money until she was called out on it during her campaign. It's obvious Trump and friends are worse but folks shouldn't act like Democrats are honest when it comes to promises to minorities. For as much as Hillary said she'd do for Blacks, she had no problem looting the first Black republic (and got favorable media ignoring this).
Slavery and its cultural baggages reached S.America too. A lot of those people grew up considering themselves "White" back in their home countries, so they tend to be rightwingers.

This is not accurate. The are white people in Latinamerica. But most immigrants tend to be mestizo, and they definitely don't see themselves as "white". And they lean mostly left wing. Only case of Latinos being more right wing orientated is with Cuban exiles who didn't liked the Cuba change towards communism.


What 180? Homegirl was still taking private prison money until she was called out on it during her campaign. It's obvious Trump and friends are worse but folks shouldn't act like Democrats are honest when it comes to promises to minorities. For as much as Hillary said she'd do for Blacks, she had no problem looting the first Black republic (and got favorable media ignoring this).

But they are on the list, and I think that's all anyone is trying to say. I get the defensiveness though, I know it's easy to read into it as 'blaming the blacks,' but I really don't think this article or anyone here is doing that

Whether or not it was doing it that was the effect. Even in that comments section you have racists trying to pin the L on blacks. This isn't even the first article on the subject, It creates a very false narrative that blacks were responsible which a lot of people will believe because of articles like this even though blacks contributed to Hilary the most.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

It's nice you try, but remember we are still waiting on the receipts as to:

1.) How Hillary Clinton had the power to bomb countries.
2.) What country she bombed.
This is not accurate. The are white people in Latinamerica. But most immigrants tend to be mestizo, and they definitely don't see themselves as "white". And they lean mostly left wing. Only case of Latinos being more right wing orientated is with Cuban exiles who didn't liked the Cuba change towards communism.
My bad. I need to read up on Latin America in general.
No we don't. We (african Americans) have been propping this party up for decades, and even with this decline, Clinton's share of Black voters was still higher than any other ethnic group. It's everyone else who needs to do better.
I understand and respect this mindset. I just don't subscribe to it, because ultimately it relies on having faith in other demographics not fucking up (enough). And I don't have that faith. I drive and vote defensively, because the other people on the road are liable to be idiots. "These people should pay better attention to stop signs" is a platitude that won't matter when I'm sitting at an intersection with a totaled car. If there is a racist ass candidate, the assumption should be that he or she will garner significant portions of the white vote and, consequently, we're behooved to counter vote accordingly.

Because we have the most to lose.

So, I'm not going to lie about the fact that I have a particular bit of frustration with black people who sat this one out. It may not be rational; I don't know, I haven't processed this emotionally yet. Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, Greed. We absolutely have been propping up the Democratic party and it isn't fair. But it never has been, and complaining about that unfairness now when so many people before us were dealt even worse cards feels... fuck, I don't know, disrespectful. My grandmother's first and second houses were burnt to the ground in Alabama by the KKK. What the fuck would I look like if I whined about some silly ass superpredator comment and didn't get my ass out to vote against Trump? That oppression isn't unique to my family, but a shared heritage that I feel demands to be confronted at every opportunity no matter what.


What 180? Homegirl was still taking private prison money until she was called out on it during her campaign. It's obvious Trump and friends are worse but folks shouldn't act like Democrats are honest when it comes to promises to minorities. For as much as Hillary said she'd do for Blacks, she had no problem looting the first Black republic (and got favorable media ignoring this).

Of course and I wouldn't ever suggest that Dems are doing it for anything other than political points, but at the same time one side is absolutely pushing criminal justice reform and one is saying were weak on crime. I hate that it boils down to a lesser of two evils but...
Can't believe how the media continually keeps trying to pin this shit on black people when such a huge portion of fucked up bigoted ass white people voted Trump in.
I understand and respect this mindset. I just don't subscribe to it, because ultimately it relies on having faith in other demographics not fucking up (enough). And I don't have that faith. I drive and vote defensively, because the other people on the road are liable to be idiots. "These people should pay better attention to stop signs" is a platitude that won't matter when I'm sitting at an intersection with a totaled car. If there is a racist ass candidate, the assumption should be that he or she will garner significant portions of the white vote and, consequently, we're behooved to counter vote accordingly.

Because we have the most to lose.

So, I'm not going to lie about the fact that I have a particular bit of frustration with black people who sat this one out. It may not be rational; I don't know, I haven't processed this emotionally yet. Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, Greed. We absolutely have been propping up the Democratic party and it isn't fair. But it never has been, and complaining about that unfairness now when so many people before us were dealt even worse cards feels... fuck, I don't know, disrespectful. My grandmother's first and second houses were burnt to the ground in Alabama by the KKK. What the fuck would I look like if I whined about some silly ass superpredator comment and didn't get my ass out to vote against Trump? That oppression isn't unique to my family, but a shared heritage that I feel demands to be confronted at every opportunity no matter what.

Yeah but this isn't so much of a "black people didn't turn up", so much as it is a "no one turned up" situation. Turn out rates across all ethnicity were and have always been really bad. I personally am not mad at the black people who didn't turn out. I'm mad at everyone who didn't turn out. I can't get mad at the black people who didn't turn out specifically because even with the decline our turnout rates were second only to whites, and we still overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. We did our part.

Saying we should've done more reminds me of the "blacks have to try twice as hard to get the same results as whites". Looking at everything equally blacks did really well, compared to everyone else, asking for more is just putting all of the responsibility on us.


I understand and respect this mindset. I just don't subscribe to it, because ultimately it relies on having faith in other demographics not fucking up (enough). And I don't have that faith. I drive and vote defensively, because the other people on the road are liable to be idiots. "These people should pay better attention to stop signs" is a platitude that won't matter when I'm sitting at an intersection with a totaled car. If there is a racist ass candidate, the assumption should be that he or she will garner significant portions of the white vote and, consequently, we're behooved to counter vote accordingly.

Because we have the most to lose.

So, I'm not going to lie about the fact that I have a particular bit of frustration with black people who sat this one out. It may not be rational; I don't know, I haven't processed this emotionally yet. Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, Greed. We absolutely have been propping up the Democratic party and it isn't fair. But it never has been, and complaining about that unfairness now when so many people before us were dealt even worse cards feels... fuck, I don't know, disrespectful. My grandmother's first and second houses were burnt to the ground in Alabama by the KKK. What the fuck would I look like if I whined about some silly ass superpredator comment and didn't get my ass out to vote against Trump? That oppression isn't unique to my family, but a shared heritage that I feel demands to be confronted at every opportunity no matter what.

I spent a lot of last year working with the Democratic party on voter outreach, specifically here in urban Philadelphia. So I understand the sting. This is only motivation for me to work harder in 2018/20.

Still, the narrative will not be that blacks caused these election results.

The Truth about Bernie Sanders and the 1994 Crime Bill



From his 2006 Senate campaign.

Hillary Clinton needs to answer for her actions in Honduras and Haiti


The rabbit hole goes deep with the Clintons ravaging Haiti, but they went as far as pushing Martelly (the Donald Trump of Haiti) because he was cool with the Clintons, Carlos Slim, Frank Giustra and the rest of the crooks divvy up the country.

Here is a quick 2016 video you can watch:

Interesting to compare the drop in black voter turnout in PA to MA and WI. Because she campaigned harder and longer in PA vs. the other two? Because of voter suppression in WI vs. PA? (In which case, what happened in MI?)

I know that if I'm being poisoned by the water coming out of my faucets because of Republican negligence and incompetence, the last thing I would want to do is vote for a Democrat.

I would imagine many people didn't see it as Republican negligence but rather govt negligence. In that light, it's not hard to see someone affected becoming disillusioned with the whole process.


Hillary Clinton needs to answer for her actions in Honduras and Haiti


The rabbit hole goes deep with the Clintons ravaging Haiti, but they went as far as pushing Martelly (the Donald Trump of Haiti) because he was cool with the Clintons, Carlos Slim, Frank Giustra and the rest of the crooks divvy up the country.

Here is a quick 2016 video you can watch:


I know about the situation in Haiti.

What I need receipts for is evidence that the Clinton's acted maliciously or made money off Haiti, and not just trusted the wrong people to handle relief aid.

Just about everyone failed Haiti.
I like how figures in these discussions like yourself are quick to post links clarifying Sanders and his vote but suddenly become dense as fuck on the topic of contextualizing Clinton's past on the same issues.

Yawn, indeed.

We don't need to contextualize anything... the Clintons have disdain for black people... we already have her superpredators video harping on the mass incarceration aspect of the Crime Bill, but here is her in 2016... with open disdain for black people when confronted:

Black Lives Matter protesters confront Clinton at a fundraiser
I understand and respect this mindset. I just don't subscribe to it, because ultimately it relies on having faith in other demographics not fucking up (enough). And I don't have that faith. I drive and vote defensively, because the other people on the road are liable to be idiots. "These people should pay better attention to stop signs" is a platitude that won't matter when I'm sitting at an intersection with a totaled car. If there is a racist ass candidate, the assumption should be that he or she will garner significant portions of the white vote and, consequently, we're behooved to counter vote accordingly.

Because we have the most to lose.

So, I'm not going to lie about the fact that I have a particular bit of frustration with black people who sat this one out. It may not be rational; I don't know, I haven't processed this emotionally yet. Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, Greed. We absolutely have been propping up the Democratic party and it isn't fair. But it never has been, and complaining about that unfairness now when so many people before us were dealt even worse cards feels... fuck, I don't know, disrespectful. My grandmother's first and second houses were burnt to the ground in Alabama by the KKK. What the fuck would I look like if I whined about some silly ass superpredator comment and didn't get my ass out to vote against Trump? That oppression isn't unique to my family, but a shared heritage that I feel demands to be confronted at every opportunity no matter what.

This is it. This encapsulates what I believe.

And really, it's not even remotely close to just being blacks. It's that each group (of those who are liberal) independently could have done more. Especially youth, I still say that youth voters alone easily have the power to change everything, yet we're too apathetic to do so, it may be part race, but more than anything it's that we let entrenched older white voters decide the political future of everyone. Then we lay the blame outside ourselves when our peers had the power to do something about it.

I think I put it a little harsher directly after the election. As I said something close to this the night after.

If you were eligible and didn't vote in the election you have shirked you civic duties. I have less respect for people who didn't vote than I do for all those who made the effort. Regardless of their decision.
46% of eligible voters did not show up to vote.
Of those that did here's some rough exit polling by age group.
18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%
Democrats have more than enough power to win every election. But we don't show up when it counts, especially apathetic youth... My peers.
I continue to be endlessly frustrated by the apathy younger generations seem to have and have had towards the political process. Yet we are the ones to complain most loudly across as many outlets as possible.
If you didn't make action to change what you were frustrated about, even if it was just voting then you have no right to complain.


We don't need to contextualize anything... the Clintons have disdain for black people... we already have her superpredators video harping on the mass incarceration aspect of the Crime Bill, but here is her in 2016... with open disdain for black people when confronted:

Black Lives Matter protesters confront Clinton at a fundraiser

And of course you neglect the apology she released the very next morning.

You also neglect to mention that Sanders has yet to apologize for the two times he walked of his stage and ignored BLM, or when he had them removed from his rallies.

Your schtick is old.
I know about the situation in Haiti.

What I need receipts for is evidence that the Clinton's acted maliciously or made money off Haiti, and not just trusted the wrong people to handle relief aid.

Just about everyone failed Haiti.

Trusted the wrong people to handle relief aid?

Bill Clinton himself was put in charge to handle the relief aid... but hey... his friends made out like bandits!

'FOBs': How Hillary's State Dept. Gave Special Attention to 'Friends of Bill' After Haiti Quake


They are fancy well-polished scammers. It still shocks me that such a liberal crew here in GAF was so blind to all the Clinton shenanigans.


I know some of this was due to voter suppression, but man, I just can't imagine any black voter not looking at the situation and saying, 'Well, I'm not sure about that, but I sure as fuck will vote against the other option.' I don't really see how we didn't see record turnout from all minority groups to be honest.

lack of education, lack of information + a shitload of misinformation and propaganda
And of course you neglect the apology she released the very next morning.

You also neglect to mention that Sanders has yet to apologize for the two times he walked of his stage and ignored BLM, or when he had them removed from his rallies.

Your schtick is old.

Haha are you actually talking about the BLM protesters that he yielded the stage to so they could have a word?


On the other hand, Hillary is NOT GENUINE enough or human enough (hint: she cares for black people mostly for photo ops) to react in the moment. She needed her focus-grouped talking point of an apology the next day. It's part of the reason why her message always fell flat.
I was ridiculed on GAF for saying what this study basically illustrates. Blacks weren't as motivated to go vote for Hilary like they were Obama.


People were asking about Wisconsin and voter suppression, right?


It seemed a clear victory for voting rights advocates in July when a federal court invalidated much of Wisconsin's restrictive elections law, concluding that it discriminated against minorities by requiring voters to produce photo identification cards that blacks and Latinos too often lack. The remedy was straightforward: Henceforth, the state was to ”promptly issue a credential valid as a voting ID to any person" who applied for one.

But this month when Treasure Collins visited one of the Wisconsin motor vehicle offices that issue IDs, she found something entirely different.

”I brought everything my mom told me I would need: my school ID, a copy of my birth certificate, my Social Security number," said Ms. Collins, 18. ”But they told me I needed an original copy of my birth certificate. An original copy, all the way from Illinois."
And of course you neglect the apology she released the very next morning.

You also neglect to mention that Sanders has yet to apologize for the two times he walked of his stage and ignored BLM, or when he had them removed from his rallies.

Your schtick is old.

El_Tigure cares about NOTHING except attacking democrats, even if it involves him LITERALLY claiming that people who live in DC and NYC are not "real Americans".

Haha are you actually talking about the BLM protesters that he yielded the stage to so they could have a world?


On the other hand, Hillary is NOT GENUINE enough or human enough (hint: she cares for black people mostly for photo ops) to react in the moment. She needed her focus-grouped talking point of an apology the next day. It's part of the reason why her message always fell flat.

Oh but you care SO MUCH about black people when you say THIS:

El_Tiguere said:

Manhattan or the DC beltway are not what I jump to when I think of "real Americans", sorry. The small subset of people that actually benefited from our "recovery" are shielded from the day to day struggles that now afflict a majority of Americans. Would you like to go over some economic data on the hardships of millions and millions of Americans?
El_Tiguere, if the superpredator remark and your citations of HRC's actions vis a vis Haiti is definitive enough proof for you that the woman abhors black people, could one not surmise the same regarding Sanders and minorities due to his actions and continued personal profit from Sierra Blanca?
I was ridiculed on GAF for saying what this study basically illustrates. Blacks weren't as motivated to go vote for Hilary like they were Obama.
Someone ridiculed you for stating that black people were more excited to vote for the first black President than Clinton? I'm a little skeptical.
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