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WrestleMania 32 |OT| OHHH! Written in the Stars! A Million Miles Awaaaaaay........

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Who booked this shit, seriously? It's like they knew every single outcome that would make people unhappy and booked exactly those.

IC Title: Zack Ryder? What? I don't even remember the last time I saw him on TV. WTF? Owens retaining so that he could have a match with Zain later was the way to go, but just WTF kind of outcome was this?

Styles vs Jericho: This would have been a great push for Styles with a win, but nope.

New Day vs League of Losers: Why would you give the victory to the League of scrubs? Just why? If they were actually good heels then I'd understand, but these guys are legitimately terrible as a group.

Women's Championship: Charlotte retaining was okay but most would have loved to see Sasha finally win at the biggest stage. She is so over and absolutely deserves it.

Ambrose vs Lesnar: People may not have necessarily expected Ambrose to win, but he should have at least put up a resilient fight like a lunatic and not get pinned after one F5. This match made him look absolutely horrible and weak sauce, especially after the great match be had with HHH a few weeks back. That was a loss that didn't make him look bad.

Undertaker vs Shane: Decent match and even though most wanted Shane to win, I don't think anyone will be too unhappy with Taker winning either. Storyline wise Shane winning would have been far more interesting.

Roman vs HHH: What a shitshow. The one match where it ended the way we were expecting it to end and the one match where they should have given us an upset HHH win or interference. Nope. Reigns wins. No heel turn. Crowd unhappy and boos him throughout the match, then gets magically muted at the end. Just awful.

This will go down as one of the worst Manias in history. The only saving grace about this entire Wrestlemania season was the fact that NXT Takeover was simply amazing. The matches were amazing and every single booking was spot on and didn't leave you scratching your head in confusion. I think it really is time for HHH to take over RAW as well because whoever is booking it right now has no clue what they're doing.


I remember the aftermath of WM9 (being the old fuck that I am) and remember how I felt the day after that event.

This doesn't surpass WM9 in terms of shittiness. The ladder match alone is miles better than the best match on the WM9 card (Michaels vs Tatanka).

Fuck that noise. WM9 had Giant Gonzalez and Bret getting buried.


I like Zack Ryder, but how the fuck am I supposed to get behind the guy who had close to zero TV time going into this match and zero reason to deserve the match other than the authority randomly throwing him in at the last minute?

furthermore, we all know ryder is the kind of champ to lose every non title match match clean for the next 3 months, if he even has the belt for that long. then it's back to superstars.
Zack winning the IC title is like Eric Young winning the TNA World Title but on a larger scale

We'll see if it actually translates to a reign, but I don't see it lasting longer than a month or so.


I remember the aftermath of WM9 (being the old fuck that I am) and remember how I felt the day after that event.

This doesn't surpass WM9 in terms of shittiness. The ladder match alone is miles better than the best match on the WM9 card (Michaels vs Tatanka).

I'll take your word for it.

Worst wrestlemania since 9! that was 23 years ago today!


Yep. WM32 had the womens match as well - WM9 was just fucking awful. That fucking Hogan match..

I meant the complete opposite. WM9 >32 :)

At least you didn't have to sit through 5 straight hours of mediocre wrestling and terrible booking (minus that womens match)
Yup. Worst mania ever, especially for its time. Of course you can go back and watch Mania 9 today and judge it by today's standards and it's absolutely slow and shitty, but those older shows were passable for their time. Today, there's a certain expectation that goes with wrestlemania. there was not a single great match on the card tonight. I can't remember the last Mania where there wasn't a single great match on the card.

this show is irredeemable.

27 was way worse, a stupid main event with an overbooked finish, a series of lame tag team matches including fucking Snooki, Lawler and Cole got 14 minutes and they went with a reversed decision DQ, Edge and Alberto only got 11 minutes and Edge was the freaking Rumble WInner, an HHH vs Taker that while solid meant absolutely nothing and has no real memorable moment, and a decent CM Punk vs Orton match but it was during the garbage New Nexus so who gives a fuck.

You can say 32 wasn't great (I disagree I enjoyed it for what it was) but man 27 was horrendous..

The ladder match was solid, Taker vs Shane was better then it had any business being, the women's triple threat was legit one of the best women's matches in WWE history and probably the best in Mania history, Lesnar was an attraction, the Battle Royal had Shaq, a diamond cutter and Kane didn't win, AJ vs Y2J was the best PPV match they've put on so far and while AJ should have won it was still a great match, and the ME at least wasn't an overbooked mess and the crowd was hilarious during it.


I think this is proff that Vince won't put guys he didn't create over.

I mean Y2J should have gone over as the champ in 2000

The ONLY way this would have made sense is if this was Jericho's last Mania.

Otherwise the logic is baffling.

Puts over Fandango
Goes over AJ Styles


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
This "bury guys we didnt create" mentality will forever be baffling to me.

Imagine any other sport (yes I know wrestling isnt a sport) where a team spends millions on a player but then doesn't use him because "nope he played for Barça so now we'll just bench him at Madrid because fuck Barça"

I just dont get it from a business prespective. Same for sticking with your guns on storylines and refusing to change no matter how much its rejected. Cena heel turn always had the merch and make a wish excuse, but whats the excuse for Roman? They are letting egos mess with business and its just a crazy notion to me.
I know a lot of folks don't like Charlotte but I just rewatched the match, she was looking the best out of the 3 in-ring. That moonsault to the outside was perfect, 10/10

Match was so good, had a few botches but it's not surprising when they're not letting up for the full 15 (or whatever) minutes. Sasha's Eddie tributes were neat and not annoying like Ziggler trying to be HBK every match. Becky busted out mad suplexes. Also the Flair switcheroo for her dive to the outside was great.


27 was way worse, a stupid main event with an overbooked finish, a series of lame tag team matches including fucking Snooki, Lawler and Cole got 14 minutes and they went with a reversed decision DQ, Edge and Alberto only got 11 minutes and Edge was the freaking Rumble WInner, an HHH vs Taker that while solid meant absolutely nothing and has no real memorable moment, and a decent CM Punk vs Orton match but it was during the garbage New Nexus so who gives a fuck.

You can say 32 wasn't great (I disagree I enjoyed it for what it was) but man 27 was horrendous..

The ladder match was solid, Taker vs Shane was better then it had any business being, the women's triple threat was legit one of the best women's matches in WWE history and probably the best in Mania history, Lesnar was an attraction, the Battle Royal had Shaq, a diamond cutter and Kane didn't win, AJ vs Y2J was the best PPV match they've put on so far and while AJ should have won it was still a great match, and the ME at least wasn't an overbooked mess and the crowd was hilarious during it.

27 has lower lows but also higher highs (taker/hhh).

there were no highs for this mania. everything on this show will be forgotten by next year besides the shane stunt, roman winning and everyone hating it, and maybe the unveiling of the womens title.
27 has lower lows but also higher highs (taker/hhh).

there were no highs for this mania. everything on this show will be forgotten by next year besides the shane stunt, roman winning and everyone hating it, and maybe the unveiling of the womens title.

Taker vs HHH was the only thing that card had.

That's it.

Nothing else.

The Ladder match was great, the women's triple threat is an instant women's classic, the Shane match has that spot (which will be more remembered than anything that happened in HHH vs Taker),.

I'll fully admit when it comes to Lesnar all I want to see is Heyman talk for a bit and then Lesnar go nuts, I never get tired of it. I thought Ambrose looked pretty solid against him (and like fuck he should've kicked out of an F5 anyway) so I was happy there.

Y2J vs AJ might not have had the best finish but it was an all around solid match, again far better than anything from 27 except HHH vs Taker.

I'm fine with The League winning because it doesn't hurt The New Day and The League has some of my fav guys on it in Barrett and Rusev who need to at least look somewhat strong, plus it was fun seeing stunners, and The New Day are just enteraining anyway and had a great intro.

The ME's are comparable in quality but at least this one didn't have the shit finish that was ME 27 which basically killed The Miz despite him winning.

ANd there was no Snooki or Santino on this card.

Wm 27s lows were incredibly low and 32's didn't really have any honest to god lows, it was middle ground most of the way through, yes it lacked a HHH vs Taker but it did give us the best women's match in Mania history.
yeah i liked the ladder match (the ending was bizarre though) and the women's match (again...the ending sucked ass)

y2aj was good too...but the ending sucked.
Don't know why everyone feels sorry for Dean he's had nothing but below average or average matches. He needs a new gimmick. The whole reverse clotheline, running to the corner and hopping on the 2nd rope and running back to other corner and silly lunatic dive. His moveset needs to die. Or he should stay in midcard because thats what his character is really built for.
Yikes at the results, been watching since 92, this is the first Wrestlemania I'll be skipping over entirely, thought I'd at least want to track down a couple matches like last year but nope, zero interest.

At least this weekend got that NXT show though, most enjoyable thing I've watched since WM30, so a net positive overall.
Overall I thought it was a much more entertaining show than I thought it would be, especially coming from one of the worst build-ups in Mania history. I am left scratching my head at these booking decisions though. It doesn't feel like much got resolved and this is where these feuds should have some sense of finality.

Intercontinental Title: I still wish we would have got a one-on-one match but the performers made lemonade out of lemons here. It was very entertaining, but at the same time very dangerous. The biggest reactions came from Sami and KO's interactions, but the finish was a great unexpected surprise. I'm very happy for Ryder, and hope that he has a good run this time.

Jericho vs. Styles: It's the best match that they have had, but it wasn't great. I can understand Jericho's mindset with wanting to work with Styles. He really believes that he can elevate the guys he works with ala CM Punk, but he just doesn't have the skillset to follow through with that. As I said, I still think the match was good, it had a nice buildup and had some good spots, but it was also sloppy as fuck. I'm ok with Jericho going over, but it should have been done at Fastlane with Mania being the blow off match with Styles winning. I don't see the point in continuing this feud as there is nothing new that's going to come out of another match between them. I've been a Jerichoholic most of my life, but he's quite past his prime now. While he is still top notch in many ring aspects he's lost a step on speed and execution. He looked really blown up tonight as well. Hopefully we can be spared of another matchup and Styles can get put into the Intercontinental picture.

LON vs. New Day: New Day are insanely over, and it's a damn shame they became an afterthought tonight. I have to admit that I'm part of the problem because I marked the fuck out at a Stone Cold and an in-shape Shawn Michaels unexpectedly coming out. There should have been a better way to set that segment up than have New Day lose though. I mean, what's the point? How does this help LON or New Day? Oh fuck it, STUNNER, STUNNER, STUNNER!!!!!

Ambrose vs. Lesnar: A very tame no holds barred match. I like the story both guys were telling with Ambrose using whatever he can to try to win while Lesnar didn't need any weapons. I also liked the urgency of the ending with Heyman basically yelling, "Quit fucking around, F5 now!" It could have been built up a little more though as it seemed to be very rushed. It would be a decent match on RAW, but for Mania it needed to be more.

Women's three way: Probably my match of the night. It seemed that the performers were a little nervous, and as a result they weren't as crisp as they usually are. I would have liked Sasha or Becky to have gotten the win, but I'm fine with the ending as is. I'm not as big on Charlotte as I am the rest of the horse-women, but I think she's starting to piece it all together.

Taker vs. Shane: It's exactly what I expected. I was legit scared for Shane even though it was a cool looking spot. Despite it looking great, he shouldn't have done it. Taker was blown up big time, I'm not sure how many Mania's he's got left in him.

Andre Battle Royale: DDP! DDP! DDP! It was good breather type of match for the crowd. I'm glad to see Corbin get the win even though I've not come around on him yet.

Rock vs. Rowan: LOL

Roman vs. HHH: Roman bumped pretty good, but his offense is dreadful. Punch, samoan drop, punch, spear, punch, spear. He really needs to step his game up because he is a total bore. Trips did pretty well I thought, especially for his age. Stephanie looked fucking amazing as well, I mean, that's probably the best she's ever looked. I think I would have enjoyed the match more if the audio levels weren't completely ruined, it was bizarre with the in-ring mic's boosted and the crowd turned down. I'm pretty sure that by the time Roman won the crowd was turned completely off.

All in all, this Mania entertained more than I thought it would, but I feel it's going to be the main piece of evidence to show how out of touch Vince really is. He needs to step down.

Trojan X

Watched the Brock vs Ambrose match again. Gosh. Ambrose really hurt brock with that cheap shot to the groin. He was still feeling it when he was walking back to the locker room. For WM, something bigger should have been done for Brock.
I think why I can forgive the ME was that it was always going to be a shit show. They've decided Reigns is the man so he's gonna be the man. HHH was pretty good in this and hey Roman sold his arm that's an improvement....

Meanwhile I'm going to laugh and enjoy Reigns run as unintentional comedy as the crowds continue to shit on him, muting mics leading to silence is almost worse than the boos, it sounded like an empty arena when he won, it was hilarious.

I'm just looking forward to the unambiguous hate he'll receive for the next several months. Should be funny.
Not sure why people are whining about winning or losing. That doesn't matter according to Triple Hs pal Road Dogg. It's about character apparently.

Also yeah everything mysteriously will change once Vince goes. Like the Hollywood writers Stephanie has hired.

It's fun to blame Vince. But he's not the only culprit.
AJ Styles should not have lost. They just killed him. I'm glad he's getting paid, because he's going no where. It's all about security for his family
I am genuinely stunned that people still show up to these events and then have the audacity to act displeased. Like what the fuck did you expect? Did you genuinely think when you purchased that ticket that this is gonna be the time WWE gets it right?


I am genuinely stunned that people still show up to these events and then have the audacity to act displeased. Like what the fuck did you expect? Did you genuinely think when you purchased that ticket that this is gonna be the time WWE gets it right?

WWE got it right last year with Rollins taking the belt, Reigns dumpstered, and Brock unpinned.

Velcro Fly

Jericho kicking out of the Styles Clash is pretty much the worst part about that match too.

Fucking hate that AJ lost too but damn
WWE got it right last year with Rollins taking the belt, Reigns dumpstered, and Brock unpinned.

That show was still awful though and wow Rollins got to win the belt in the cheapest way possible, so basically he still doesn't look better than Reigns and Brock. Grand.

The actual match was a goddamn joke and Reigns does not deserve to be anywhere near the belt. People keep booing him but they keep showing up!
That show was still awful though and wow Rollins got to win the belt in the cheapest way possible, so basically he still doesn't look better than Reigns and Brock. Grand.

The actual match was a goddamn joke and Reigns does not deserve to be anywhere near the belt. People keep booing him but they keep showing up!

Actually it wasn't the cheapest way possible. He entered in the middle of the match at least.

And that was Reigns best solo run match.
Actually it wasn't the cheapest way possible. He entered in the middle of the match at least.

Boy there is some serious desperation in this thread.

He came in at the end expecting an easy win, shenanigans happened and he basically still lucked his way into an easy win.

Edit-If that was Reigns's best match (haven't watched since) then yeah he shouldn't even be anywhere remotely near the main event, good God. Dude does maybe 3 moves and has ZERO character.
Boy there is some serious desperation in this thread.

He came in at the end expecting an easy win, shenanigans happened and he basically still lucked his way into an easy win.

It just wasn't flat out the cheapest way. The cheapest way is how it's usually done. Guy completely waylayed and borderline unconscious. It wasn't RVD at ONS badasa but it was a step up from the norm.

Edit-If that was Reigns's best match (haven't watched since) then yeah he shouldn't even be anywhere remotely near the main event, good God. Dude does maybe 3 moves and has ZERO character.

You're not wrong there. It was Reigns' best match laregly because it was mostly Lesnar going Summerslam vs Cena on him.
It just wasn't flat out the cheapest way. The cheapest way is how it's usually done. Guy completely waylayed and borderline unconscious. It wasn't RVD at ONS badasa but it was a step up from the norm.

It kinda says a lot that you're focusing that much on if it was truly 100% the "cheapest way" and not really my actual point, which is that he didn't look good because WWE is so obsessed with certain guys LOOKIN STRONG even when the fans either give no reaction to them or boos which they try to mute. This has been going on for quite a while now yet somehow people still act surprised and try to give me some weak example from a match that shouldn't have been a thing to begin with that basically ends up proving my own point. It's super obvious how much they want to push Reigns and anyone still mad about that really has no business watching. If you're showing up, you're enabling this nonsense.
It kinda says a lot that you're focusing that much on if it was truly 100% the "cheapest way" and not really my actual point, which is that he didn't look good because WWE is so obsessed with certain guys LOOKIN STRONG even when the fans either give no reaction to them or boos which they try to mute. This has been going on for quite a while now yet somehow people still act surprised and try to give me some weak example from a match that shouldn't have been a thing to begin with that basically ends up proving my own point. It's super obvious how much they want to push Reigns and anyone still mad about that really has no business watching. If you're showing up, you're enabling this nonsense.

Huh? I was just defending Rollins.
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