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WrestleMania 32 |OT| OHHH! Written in the Stars! A Million Miles Awaaaaaay........

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We got our new one.


Also, I was shook at Reigns coming out like anyone else. They breaking the walls of my emotionality and familiarity with the scene right there. I was expecting that epic walk through the a huge crowd. I hope this was a one off.

I expect things back to normal next month when Reigns buries Jimmy once and for all.
If anything, I think tonight just showed the world that Dean Ambrose really is just a mid-card joke character, and that Wrestling GAF was very wrong when they insisted that he should be the next World Champion.

Yep. Nobody should realistically think Ambrose can hang with Lesnar. But people pay to see Lesnar. And they want to see him do all his ballistic throws and shit for more than the 2 minutes the match should logically take, so this was the only kind of match you can book.

I don't understand how anybody can really complain about what you got here. What did the marks expect?


Yep. Nobody should realistically think Ambrose can hang with Lesnar. But people pay to see Lesnar. And they want to see him do all his ballistic throws and shit for more than the 2 minutes the match should logically take, so this was the only kind of match you can book.

I don't understand how anybody can really complain about what you got here. What did the marks expect?

There is no logical reason why he couldn't hang with Lesnar. They brought up the Weapon vs. Anti-Weapon narrative in the actual match. They had a chance to do something special, but just didn't care to take the extra steps.

If Ambrose beat Lesnar, there would have been a clear point to why he could and others could not.


What was the point of having the announcers say "Can you imagine what Brock will do during a street fight?" when he just wrestled a normal except there was a pile of chairs during a couple suplexes?


There is no logical reason why he couldn't hang with Lesnar. They brought up the Weapon vs. Anti-Weapon narrative in the actual match. They had a chance to do something special, but just didn't care to take the extra steps.

If Ambrose beat Lesnar, there would have been a clear point to why he could and others could not.
Hold on a second there right quick. Ain't no Chris Angel Mindfreak, David Blane trapdoor horse shit jumping off here.

No one is beating Barack Lesnar except Roman Reigns.


Ambrose should have lost, which he did. But he should have went out looking like a psychopath, kicking out of numerous things and refusing to stay down until Lesnar had to basically kill him.

His entire character right now is basically 2016 Mick Foley, but unlike Mick he's only insane until the match actually starts and then he just loses after one finisher.
They low key buried Wade Barrett tonight as well. The dude taking finishers out there when he ain't even medically cleared yet.
Then again Cena was hitting finishers on Wyatt dudes. So what do I know
When does his contract expire again? Sad to see him go but he just got injured way too often.


That was a fun and stupid show with largely disappointing matchups and puzzling results. If the best segments are where you trotted out your old timers for some cheap pops, then you got a lot of fucking problems.

I didn't even stick around to watch the last half of the main event, but I doubt I missed anything.

It's like they forgot it was Wrestlemania, the place where you usually end your feuds and begin anew afterwards, and instead everything seems like it's gonna keep on trudging along till the next PPV. But who the fuck wants to keep watching Jericho and Styles for the fifth time or New Day and LON again!?

Raw better be good tomorrow or I'm gonna be tuning out for the foreseeable future, especially with Reigns at the top.


What was the point of having the announcers say "Can you imagine what Brock will do during a street fight?" when he just wrestled a normal except there was a pile of chairs during a couple suplexes?

HIAC was further up the card, can't have a hardcore match be more money than the money hardcore match.
They low key buried Wade Barrett tonight as well. The dude taking finishers out there when he ain't even medically cleared yet. When does his contract expire again? Sad to see him go but he just got injured way too often.

I promise you he loved the spotlight

It's not getting buried when you're taking finishers from 3 legends
Yep. Nobody should realistically think Ambrose can hang with Lesnar. But people pay to see Lesnar. And they want to see him do all his ballistic throws and shit for more than the 2 minutes the match should logically take, so this was the only kind of match you can book.

I don't understand how anybody can really complain about what you got here. What did the marks expect?

Dean Ambrose has been built up for years as a beating and punishment sponge, someone who not only can take a beating but kinda gets off on it because it means he gets to dish some back. The match should just have been longer, is all, with Dean heroically but foolishly kicking out of things that should have kept him down and earning Brock's respect in the process. That would have made for more interesting storytelling, would have made Ambrose look better and set him up for the coming year, and would just generally have been satisfying in a way that the short, boring squash match we got was not.


Hold on a second there right quick. Ain't no Chris Angel Mindfreak, David Blane trapdoor horse shit jumping off here.

No one is beating Barack Lesnar except Roman Reigns.

Because that is what you are trained to think.

I'm not saying Ambrose had to beat Lesnar. For argument sake, let's say Reigns and Cena are the only two that can actually beat Lesnar. You could do matches where Ambrose can beat Lesnar, but can't beat the other two and highlight why.

It is sort of what they have been doing with the Kalisto character and Del Rio.

Tom Nook

Sad to see Dean Ambrose being the jobber of the Shield. From the Shields debut, it looked like Dean is the leader and the one to the main events. Now Deans just loses while Seth and Roman are the ones getting WM wins.


A personal take on Mania from a guy who watches a full wrestling event twice a year (Rumble + Mania).

Ladder Match -

The match itself wasn't terrible but just felt drab compared to other ladder/mitb matches. Didn't feel particularly special and Ryder winning didn't do anything for me except make it worse. Maybe it's because I was never a fan of Ryder's terrible gimmick and mediocre in ring ability despite being from NYC myself but the match was really soured by his win for me. This is a guy who hasn't been relevant in quite some time (or at least I don't think he was?) and he goes over one of their best new guys in Owens? I thought he literally belonged in that garbage of a Battle Royal and maybe got a win there if anything. But then again the only credible winners they could have pulled off that I would have tolerated is Zayn/Owens/Ziggler.

Jericho/Styles - I was a huge fan of AJ in TNA. Never watched his Japan run which I hear was great so i didn't really know what to expect. The WWE tends to bury non-homegrown talent all the time but really didn't expect them to do it this time considering how over AJ was before debuting. I was expecting a great matchup from these 2 veterans instead we got two 40 year olds in a slow snoozefest. And to top it off, dadbod Jericho gets the W. Now this lame feud will go on even longer. Not that I'll be watching. I see AJ going down the Evan Bourne route before eventually going back to Japan.

New Day/LON - The DBZ armors were a nice little surprise. The match wasn't anything amazing but I wasn't paying attention a majority of the time anyway. Not sure why they have to bury the most over tag team in the company just to have a random cameo from a fat Austin/Foley/HBK. They could have done the same thing with a post match beatdown by LON. It was really random to see Austin getting beatdown in the corner alone by Rusev while HBK and Foley were clearing the ring. All in all it felt pointless to me and could have gone much better.

Lesnar/Ambrose - Meh. I am not a fan of Ambrose at all. I consider him a poor man's Pillman without the talent but Brock was pretty terrible here too. I am a huge fan of Brock ever since his debut and even enjoyed his shitty Goldberg match back at 20. But this was a shit show. Lesnar has been built up to be this mega superstar but they stick him in the ring with this jobber for no other reason than him being "crazy". I didn't follow anything leading up to this match but from what I'm reading, they made him out to be some indestructible figure that felt no pain. Then he goes down after a shitty match after a few suplexes and a F5. The fact that he got any offense at all, weapons or not just seemed silly to me. Another pointless match.

Women's match - Lol. The Women's championship has been around forever, canned and revived again. And they end it with a Flair finish after all that equality stuff. The match itself was good albeit filled with a few botches. It was definitely the best match of the night in terms of workrate and storytelling. How long till a women's match headlines a Mania?

Shane/Taker - Wow. What a shitshow. Starts off as some shitty faux MMA match. A 70 year old Taker overselling a 45 year olds non wrestler's terrible submission attempts. The fact that Shane got ANY offense is laughable. Getting Taker to foam at the mouth with laughable rear naked chokes and triangles. He then proceeds to kick out of the Last Ride, chokeslams on the steps and a bunch of other shit. Like what the fuck. It totally devalues the entire roster, Taker and his entire 20+ years of Manias. Then the hilarious bolt cutting and tool box fiasco. Him diving to his death just felt predictable and lame to me personally. The match itself as a whole just felt unnecessary and hastily put together to save this godawful card.

Rock/Cena/Wyatts - The amount of cheese of that Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and flamethrower was too much. Sitting through 20 minutes of that to only see him talk about some attendance record. Looked like it would be saved with Bray's great promo. Rock was great too. Especially when he ripped off his clothes to reveal his in ring gear. I was legit excited to see a surprise Bray/Rock matchup only to be interrupted by a noticeably roidless Cena. I was excited while Cena hinted a heel turn only to do their same old shit.

Battle Royal - Seriously wtf was that garbage. Baron who? Who thought it would be good to put 20 jobbers in the ring. The only highlight of this match was seeing Tatanka's fat ass.

HHH/Reigns - Exactly what I expected. Typical wrestling match with too many rest holds. The WWE muting the boos just made it worse making the match feel even more shitty than it was. I was at least hoping for some kind of surprise in the end but nope.. I just don't understand.

All in all... the worst mania in the modern era if not all time.

Yet I'm going to watch this trash again next year. FML.
I was disappointed they cut away from Brie as they were celebrating as well. If it is her last thing (which it looks like) they really could have shown her cheering for at least a little bit before cutting back to the ALL IMPORTANT Booker T waffling on about nothing spot.

She has been wrestling for them for like 10 years or something? Maybe show her farewell thing.

I guess they probably sold it to E! for Total Divas or something, so might actually see it in a years time when that airs.


lol verendus I am legit happy for you

Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now you're up in the big leagues.
I'm already in the big leagues friend. Roman Reigns joining me up here now. It's poetic.


Because that is what you are trained to think.

I'm not saying Ambrose had to beat Lesnar. For argument sake, let's say Reigns and Cena are the only two that can actually beat Lesnar. You could do matches where Ambrose can beat Lesnar, but can't beat the other two and highlight why.

It is sort of what they have been doing with the Kalisto character and Del Rio.
Ambrose has no business beating Barack. Reigns is the one man to do that, and it shall hopefully be done at Summerslam or Wrasslin'Mania 33.


They low key buried Wade Barrett tonight as well. The dude taking finishers out there when he ain't even medically cleared yet.
Then again Cena was hitting finishers on Wyatt dudes. So what do I know
When does his contract expire again? Sad to see him go but he just got injured way too often.

Barrett has been buried for a long time now. If the writing was on the wall, it was perfectly fine how they handled it.

The alternative is going out quietly without any fanfare. In this business, that probably suggests you did more to make yourself unwelcome in this organization.

Trojan X

Solid Wrasslin'Mania show.


I was surprised by how long this show was. I'm sure it has to be longest one ever. Even longer than Wrasslin'Mania 20. I'm just going to ignore the pre-show since I didn't pay attention. The biggest surprise was that the show consisted of little to no nonsense and plenty of time for the matches.

Time for the matches is true but the schedule line-up and pacing was awful.

Opening ladder match was solid. Nothing I haven't seen before, but still surprised by the random jobber winning. I was expecting KO to come out on top.

That was quality! It should have been a mid-card, not an opening. The opening should have been the Battle Royale.

Jericho and Styles was pretty good. I liked it a lot more than their last match at Fast Lane.
This was probably one of the best match of the entire event. It was great but the problem was that they fought a few times before and despite its good storytelling, AJ had much better matches and with all the non-stop selling from AJ, you can tell that Jericho cannot hang on AJ's true pace. In that and other things, I do not agree with AJ losing; that was a bad call.

New Day match was decent. Nothing particularly special. I feel like it needed some kind of gimmick to spice it up.
Best intro of the night next to seeing Stephanie but the match was dull, and the finish kills impressions from both sides.

Barack vs. Ambrose felt like wasted potential. It was decent enough, but it was almost like it was cut short. We should've got another eight minutes where Ambrose mounted a comeback before Lesnar put him down for good. It's like half a match as it stands.
It was bad......... It was a BAD booking, a bad angle, and a bad match. It was a waste of Brock and Ambrose's time. It should have never happen especially with the obvious lack of chemistry and this match shows it. As I said earlier, Ambrose did NOT had to win but the most important thing is how will Amrbose go down fighting. In this case, it was about bringing the beast to Ambrose backyard with iron-man esques and it failed miserably that made me feel sorry for both performers.

Triple threat for the women's title was decent. Sasha Banks has a great theme. Keep on failing Ambrose and Rollins though WWE.
Naw. This was definitely solid but Rick Flairs involvement killed the whole match. It was a stupid stupid decision. That idea really prove that Vince is out of touch and do not trust the performers enough despite their awe showing at NXT. Vince is sick to the head of messing with a wheel that is not broken and for that he will always hurt his own products. Heck, look at Tyler Breeze as a perfect example.

HellCell was ten minutes too long. It felt like it was half an hour, and that's just too much. The match itself wasn't bad, but paced poorly. I feel like if they did the same match but in twenty minutes, it would've been a lot better. But bah gawd at Shane jumping off the top of the HellCell. Grapefruits, friends. Grapefruits.
It wasn't 10 minutes too long. It was a match that should have never happen. It was a shit booking and it showed. The match was only worth it for Shane insanity spots. Again, I hope and pray he is ok for I am scared of his potential internal bleeding.

Didn't care for the Battle Royal. Bunch of no names and some jobber winning that I don't recognize.
Agree. However, I more so because that was sadly an obvious marketing ploy (Shaq) to get the newspapers talking about Wrestlemania. It should have been an opener or a preshow. However, I am very happy that Barren Corbin won in a decent victory despite the marketing ploy of the match.

The Rock segment was cool enough, but the wrong man came out at the end. It should not have been Joan Cena, but Big Daddy Dave Brotista if they wanted to make that moment special.
Disagree. That was a waste of air-time and they shafted the entire Wyatt family. Bad call..

The main event was completely different from what I expected. Watching the promo video, I was expecting Reigns and Jimmy to kill each other, but Jimmy went old school. I liked it, but the finish was a little sloppy.
Surprised because the match was everything that I expected and that is the ultimate problem with it. Glad Roman won but it's clear that both of them are bad choreographers and need a coach to help them make a better match together. Ok match but THIS IS WRESTLEMANIA so OK is NOT good enough. Highlight was stephanie both on intro and getting speared. Oh yes, the spear through the barricade was awesome too.

In hindsight, I think this Wrasslin'Mania could've been one of the greatest had they simply switched to Barack vs. Reigns for the title, and Haitch vs. Ambrose in the undercard. Reigns and Barack had one of the best main events the show has ever had last year, and Ambrose vs. Haitch would've had the crowd playing along with the old school match like at the previous PPV where they had a match. They let themselves down there, and I'm not sure why they went this route. Reigns vs. Jimmy feels like a step down for Reigns, and should've really happened at Royal Rumble and Fast Lane while we got Reigns vs. Barack here.

Kind of agree with you there. Of course, I wouldn't op for this if I had other options to play with.

As it stands, it was still a pretty solid show.

None of it matters anyway. The Roman Empire is finally upon us.

Balee dat.

Completely disagree. The show as a whole was shit compared to NXT Takeover Dallas. One match with American Alphas against the Revivals was better than everything in Wrestlemania. When you add Sami vs Nakamura, Asuka vs Bayley and Samoa Joe vs Balor, Wrestlemania doesn't even come close. Not ONE BIT. Vince and his team of creative are to blame.


I'm already in the big leagues friend. Roman Reigns joining me up here now. It's poetic.


Ambrose has no business beating Barack. Reigns is the one man to do that, and it shall hopefully be done at Summerslam or Wrasslin'Mania 33.

...but that is what I just explained. Just because he beats one individual, doesn't mean he is even on par or better than another. I feel like this has been a part of who the WWE has always been, but when they get sidetracked you get same old shit.
The story of the ladder match was Zayn and Owens' intense hate for each other took them out of the winning.


These guys are gonna feud again (for the first time on the main roster, for people who don't watch NXT) and that feud is gonna be so hot as hell, the belt isn't needed. The fact that each guy can blame the other guy for costing him the belt makes the feud mean even more. You can;t have that if one of those guys wins.



I watched up until the Lesnar/Ambrose match. Went to bed as I have an early morning work call in about an hour. Saw the rest of the results when I woke up.

What. A. Shitfest.

Proves that the only way the WWE follow the age old formula for success ("giving the people what they want") is in NXT.

Its a card, with a crowd, that should have been amazing. It turned out as bad as bad could be.

I hope the Raw crowd defecates on them tonight.


I was upset about this Mania but now I'm just kind of bummed.

Being a Bray Wyatt fan these days is rough. Tonight was like the cherry on the shit sundae.

He should bcome a face at this point. Explain he did his whole gimmick to scare people off of his farm. Hand out fresh fruits and veggies to the fans in the front row like Bret used to hand out his glasses.

It's gonna be great.


...but that is what I just explained. Just because he beats one individual, doesn't mean he is even on par or better than another. I feel like this has been a part of who the WWE has always been, but when they get sidetracked you get same old shit.
WWE has never been that complex. There has always been a pecking order. This whole beating one person but not being able to beat someone else is part of the reason why half the roster looks terrible in my eyes. There is no consistency where there needs to be.

Barack works right now because he's unbeatable. That's his thing. He doesn't need to lose to anyone. He shouldn't have even lost to Undertaker last year, even if Undertaker was bringing his A+ dick kicking game.
I was upset about this Mania but now I'm just kind of bummed.

Being a Bray Wyatt fan these days is rough. Tonight was like the cherry on the shit sundae.

If it makes you feel better, I've loved him since I saw his FCW work. :( I think he's great, and it bugs me hardcore the way they've squandered him on the main roster.

I feel your pain, friend.
I watched up until the Lesnar/Ambrose match. Went to bed as I have an early morning work call in about an hour. Saw the rest of the results when I woke up.

What. A. Shitfest.

Proves that the only way the WWE follow the age old formula for success ("giving the people what they want") is in NXT.

Its a card, with a crowd, that should have been amazing. It turned out as bad as bad could be.

I hope the Raw crowd defecates on them tonight.

They will just mute them...


Really. REALLY?

Jericho goes over AJ Styles after kicking out of the Styles Clash, a finisher that should be protected to hell and back because it looks difficult and brutal, in what should have been the culmination of their months long feud.

League of Nations goes over New Day, because the prime moment to rocket them to the stars is better spent putting over two guys who have been around forever and can't get over, one guy who's probably leaving soon, and one cool up and comer. Then all of these people get beat down by three people who haven't wrestled in years, one of them in over a decade, and who won't be on Raw tomorrow.

Ambrose/Lesnar after hyper amounts of hype with buildup across both shows is a short stinker with some sticks and chairs. Ambrose loses after one F5, making his ironman claims look dumb as fuck.

A new women's championship belt is unveiled, the time of real women wrestlers is finally here! Except the match was decided by a very old man who looks drunk all the time.

Shane o' Mac/Undertaker was a slow as molasses match with one really cool spot. And that one really cool spot was basically just "oops, I missed". The ending itself was ok, I guess? Nothing special though, just a regular Taker match ending.

Rock buried the Wyatts in six seconds.

Trips/Roman ends the same way literally every fucking Roman match ends, with a result that ends with Wrestlemania's 100 (actually 85) thousand strong crowd booing the biggest wrestling event ever.

It was fucking awful.

Jericho has kicked from the AJC before, its not the first time. Its clear that Aj will not use that move as a finisher anymore. His lost makes sense after all he is a "nobody" to the WWE universe going up against Jericho who just turned, their feud isn't over.

The new day aren't especially strong, they have won mostly of their matches by cheating and now lost a handicap match against 4 guys that used to main event not long ago. Also even if they lost they still got the biggest pop and WM moment, their win would have been useless and pointless.

I kinda agree on the Ambrose match, it was an ugly match but Lesnar winning makes sense, when was the last time he lost in a 1 vs 1? And against who? The match should have been a bit better and Lesnar should have been more damaged but they reserve him as a special case monster, just going on par with Lesnar is considered a win tbh.

Flair does that all the time, its why he stays there and why they are the bad guys, Charlotte deserved to be the first Woman champion and Flair's help takes nothing from it.

Again I kinda agree, the match could have been better but Taker at WM is like a special attraction now, you pay just to see him in the ring mostly, sadly the time that he used to do the best wm matches is gone. That spot was insane and its been all over the internet in the past hours so I guess the match captured what they wanted.

Buried what? They have been dead for months and shouldn't exist anymore tbh.

Eh this was a meh match, HHH rarely puts great performances from his opponents and Reigns is still a bit robotic on the ring. But we've seen worse ME in the last 5-10 years so yeah not much to say...
The Shane/Dickkicker match was what I expected so I'm fine on that front but I can't believe Vince didn't get involved at all. If there was any match that you'd expect crazy overbooked fuckery it was this one.
That was awful. Worse than Manía 27 and 29.

Only good thing was the Womens Triple Threat. I dont mind the Flair stuff, Charlotte is hateable by herself and even more with That. She is a heel, so its ok.

The problem is that this WM was having "ok" matches at best, and all of them with a disapointing finish. Minus Zack Ryder, not a single fan favorite, or someone that is a pleasant surprise in his case, won. It was supposed to be Reigns, but we all know the problem there.

So a good Match like the womens Match, would have been perfect with Sasha or Becky winning. But it finished like every ppv, like every Match ended like usual.

Anyway, even AJ match was boring. I've never felt this bad taste after a WM. Every year there is at least one thing that is satisfying, thst makes up for the shitty stuff. Not this year.

Fuck, I should def. Not watch anymore. Tomorrow RAW will be background noise. If nothing interesting happens, Im done with WWE, NxT is the only good thing in it.
Fair enough. I'm sorry. I'm just really depressed right now and need an outlet

(note, not just at WWE. Just in general)
I mean...I'm just one person. Go for it if you want, uce.
You should make it, friend. Make it a tribute to the dawn of a great age for wrestling. Highlight just how amazing this night was.

Joan Cena's time is up, Roman Reigns time is now.
Lol, nah man. It's too damn late for me.


Fair enough. I'm sorry. I'm just really depressed right now and need an outlet

(note, not just at WWE. Just in general)

Go for it man. You don't need anyones permission for something like that unless someone is dedicated to doing it every year and has been doing it for years.


Really. REALLY?

Jericho goes over AJ Styles after kicking out of the Styles Clash, a finisher that should be protected to hell and back because it looks difficult and brutal, in what should have been the culmination of their months long feud.

League of Nations goes over New Day, because the prime moment to rocket them to the stars is better spent putting over two guys who have been around forever and can't get over, one guy who's probably leaving soon, and one cool up and comer. Then all of these people get beat down by three people who haven't wrestled in years, one of them in over a decade, and who won't be on Raw tomorrow.

Ambrose/Lesnar after hyper amounts of hype with buildup across both shows is a short stinker with some sticks and chairs. Ambrose loses after one F5, making his ironman claims look dumb as fuck.

A new women's championship belt is unveiled, the time of real women wrestlers is finally here! Except the match was decided by a very old man who looks drunk all the time.

Shane o' Mac/Undertaker was a slow as molasses match with one really cool spot. And that one really cool spot was basically just "oops, I missed". The ending itself was ok, I guess? Nothing special though, just a regular Taker match ending.

Rock buried the Wyatts in six seconds.

Trips/Roman ends the same way literally every fucking Roman match ends, with a result that ends with Wrestlemania's 100 (actually 85) thousand strong crowd booing the biggest wrestling event ever.

It was fucking awful.

Yup. Worst mania ever, especially for its time. Of course you can go back and watch Mania 9 today and judge it by today's standards and it's absolutely slow and shitty, but those older shows were passable for their time. Today, there's a certain expectation that goes with wrestlemania. there was not a single great match on the card tonight. I can't remember the last Mania where there wasn't a single great match on the card.

this show is irredeemable.

Trojan X

Anybody mind if I make a Raw after Mania OT? I've got a good idea for one.

Call it:

"OP: WWE RAW (05.04.2016) - We gotta catch up to NXT Takeover Dallas..."

Or something along those lines.

If AJ and Jericho need to fight again then let them fight on RAW, let AJ win in awesomeness much better than Mania then let him MOVE THE FUCK ON. Jericho is too slow for AJ and really not on the same level. I like Jericho but I'm sorry... he is no AJ Styles who can fight and sell like crazy:



Yup. Worst mania ever, especially for its time. Of course you can go back and watch Mania 9 today and judge it by today's standards and it's absolutely slow and shitty, but those older shows were passable for their time. Today, there's a certain expectation that goes with wrestlemania. there was not a single great match on the card tonight. I can't remember the last Mania where there wasn't a single great match on the card.

this show is irredeemable.

I remember the aftermath of WM9 (being the old fuck that I am) and remember how I felt the day after that event.

This doesn't surpass WM9 in terms of shittiness. The ladder match alone is miles better than the best match on the WM9 card (Michaels vs Tatanka).
If anything, I think tonight just showed the world that Dean Ambrose really is just a mid-card joke character, and that Wrestling GAF was very wrong when they insisted that he should be the next World Champion.

Dean is definitely no good at wrestling. He's always had terribly unbelievable offense.

But Dean could have been somebody. He could have been the Shane McMahon character. He could have been the guy that takes crazy bumps and doesn't give a fuck.

But instead, they didn't let him do that. It's plain as shit that they didn't want people talking about Dean the way they want people talking about Shane. The awful commentary for Shane's big spot was blatantly forced to try and get over Shane's spot, but Dean had to have been snuffed for that to happen.

I don't even think they would have let Dean survive as long as Cena and Roman did. They don't want to give Dean shit.

I don't care for Ambrose, and he looks crappy when he wrestles, but if his thing is that he gets the shit beaten out of him, at least do that.
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