Violence Jack
He's winning the ARMBAR
I know people generally want floor seats but those ones on the left look awful. No chance you see anything without the screen.
WIth so much heat, she can be a great heel if she continues like this imo. Just need to learn some wrestling first.
There are rumors of some surprise during the Battle Royal?
Because I can't see with they're not putting that on the pre-show
Didn't watch WM 9?
I enjoyed 9
Last year's preshow:
I love 9. Throwback Mania's are always better.
WIth so much heat, she can be a great heel if she continues like this imo. Just need to learn some wrestling first.
No, we know she's leaving. She said a month and a half ago that she was retiring some time after WM, and we figured out a few weeks ago that that meant now.
"Here sits Roman Reigns lone adult fan"
I wonder what his username is.
Well, she was actually all right just now.
But being a terrible wrestler and getting all the opportunities is her heel gimmick.
We have a lot of homeowners at Mania tonight. Paige, Taker and Flo Rida.
Yeah. The preshow seems like the wrong place for such a big lita is gonna be the one to introduce the womens title? they shouldve waited for this
Ladder what's the first match gonna be? anyone know?
Yeah. The preshow seems like the wrong place for such a big announcement.
Fff my feed is about a minute behind USA