Imagine if bryan loses so much depressed people in one Arena it's going to be spectacular in such a emaculate depressing way.
The man is 47 and has a six pack.jesus christ I miss the real Kane, I feel like I'm staring at a photo of Andre the Giant
Has Rusev been confirmed yet?There are 3 slots left in the battle royal
HHH defeats Daniel Bryan clean, then goes on to win the championship in the triple threat. Three burials in one night. White-hot, vaporizing, nuclear heat.
You all know it must be done.
It would be so bad, it'd be amazing. I'd give up MY MAN BATISTA winning for that to happen to see exactly how people feel.
The man is 47 and has a six pack.
He's doing great.
It would be so bad, it'd be amazing. I'd give up MY MAN BATISTA winning for that to happen to see exactly how people feel.
He's actually spent the majority of his time as Kane unmasked, if you can believe it. I know people get hung up on Masked Kane, and I do to at times, but that character hit a brick wall and needed some refreshing. At least it's not Taker who comes out for a 10 minute entrance and can only be over if the full muscle of the WWE machine is behind him.No arguments there, it just still kinda feels weird for me to look at Kane in a suit and tie and realize it's the same ruthless man that was behind the Red Machine masks all them years ago.
Time flies, I guess.
Why is Linda inducting the Ultimate Warrior? Seems like an odd choice, but them again I can't think of anyone currently in the WWE that would make sense, hmm.
Looking forward to the show, it'll be my first Mania since 23
He's actually spent the majority of his time as Kane unmasked, if you can believe it. I know people get hung up on Masked Kane, and I do to at times, but that character hit a brick wall and needed some refreshing. At least it's not Taker who comes out for a 10 minute entrance and can only be over if the full muscle of the WWE machine is behind him.
With the exception of Taker at WM, beating or losing to anyone doesn't mean anything these days. Bryan beat Cena at SS, and got embarrassed for the next five months afterwards. Wins and losses don't mean anything because they usually don't lead to anything that actually lasts.Well, that's silly. Taker is the most over guy even though he shows up for one match a year and like 5 shows to build the match. He doesn't need the machine. He's way above the machine. But I am sick of the entrances. Those entrances work at WM. Not on Raw. 2003 Kane was pretty fun. There really isn't much for him to do. Going over Kane doesn't really mean much anymore, losing to Kane doesn't mean much anymore, and he's definitely not going to be near the title scene again. He's just that dude who has been around for forever and you're used to him. He's kind of like Crush in the 90s (although way better, I wouldn't bury Kane like that). But Crush was on TV for 7 years and beating him didn't really mean much, and losing to him didn't mean much. He was just that big guy who was around for a long time.
Except Kane has been on TV in one form or another for 19 straight years. Which is pretty crazy. But there is nothing left for him or his character. It's gone just about every possible way you could take it.
With the exception of Taker at WM, beating or losing to anyone doesn't mean anything these days. Bryan beat Cena at SS, and got embarrassed for the next five months afterwards. Wins and losses don't mean anything because they usually don't lead to anything that actually lasts.
And Taker relies completely on the machine. His WM feuds for the past five years have relied on nothing but promo videos, lighting effects, and promos from the other guy. Taker doesn't even show up for half the time to the buildup.
I'm sorry, but that's a terrible idea for a Taker feud. I hated ever since the WWE became self aware about the streak. Now it's just ???? vs. The Streak. Every feud is the same, and it's just lazy. Why watch?Personally, I think Taker shouldn't do ANYTHING in the build up. He shouldn't be involved at all. The streak is about someone trying to beat him. He doesn't need to do anything and he should ONLY show up at Wrestlemania.
But Kane...I mean, there is nothing left for him. He's had a great career. One that far, far exceeded expectations. He's been everything from a borderline jobber to the stars to top guy. Multiple times. He's been everything from full on comedy character to monster. Multiple times. There just isn't anything left for him. I'd like to see him get a nice send off and retire. I think Taker should have called it quits at WM28 as well.
I genuinely want reasons why Bryan shouldn't leave NOLA without the strap. Call me defensive but I'm getting legit heated by the opposition brehs. I can't handle this reasoning, after quality match after quality match this man has given us. I simply don't understand this at all!
No one cares about any of that stuff. His character has become annoying, and has been annoying since Hell No ended. He just comes out and yells, "Yes", while yelling and pandering to the crowd. HHH seems like the cool asshole, and everyone loves that.I genuinely want reasons why Bryan shouldn't leave NOLA without the strap. Call me defensive but I'm getting legit heated by the opposition brehs. I can't handle this reasoning, after quality match after quality match this man has given us. I simply don't understand this at all!
No one cares about any of that stuff. His character has become annoying, and has been annoying since Hell No ended. He just comes out and yells, "Yes", while yelling and pandering to the crowd. HHH seems like the cool asshole, and everyone loves that.
I'm sorry, but that's a terrible idea for a Taker feud. I hated ever since the WWE became self aware about the streak. Now it's just ???? vs. The Streak. Every feud is the same, and it's just lazy. Why watch?
And as long as Kane is semi-interesting and can still go (and he certainly still can), then he should be on the show as long as he wants. He's not taking up the spotlight. And I'd still rather watch a Kane match than another 10 minute Taker entrance. However, if it were up to me, both guys would be facing each other this year in their last match, and let that be the end of it.
If it were not for Steph and Trips, the storyline would be shit. Bryan can carry a match, but outside of that, he's not that great. Sounds completely insincere on the mic and does that stupid nod and smile when he should be sounding angry. His whole confrontation of Hunter in the garage just looked dumb...until Steph and HHH stepped it up on their end.
Once he's the champ, his underdog saga ends. There's no more #YESMovement. Think of all the merch they can sell without him being champ. You get your Yes buttons, your Yes stickers, your Yes shirts and so on.
Also, the belts don't mean shit. We're talking about a company that put the second most important belt in the industry around Big Fucking E. Seriously. Randy has been champ and no one noticed. Dean is never challenged for his belt. He's better without the belt.
If it were not for Steph and Trips, the storyline would be shit. Bryan can carry a match, but outside of that, he's not that great. Sounds completely insincere on the mic and does that stupid nod and smile when he should be sounding angry. His whole confrontation of Hunter in the garage just looked dumb...until Steph and HHH stepped it up on their end.
HHH defeats Daniel Bryan clean, then goes on to win the championship in the triple threat. Three burials in one night. White-hot, vaporizing, nuclear heat.
You all know it must be done.
Ok look I'm not gonna say he's absolutely perfect, cause he isn't. But seeing him perform in the ring and all his matches garnering the biggest connection with the crowd is inarguably his biggest asset he has with the company and is something the company desperately needs right now. People are acting like his shit's gonna get boring once he's the champ, but they seem to always forget what his matches actually look like.
Yes, his gimmick is one dimesnional, and yes his lines aren't the greatest, but I (and apparently many others) are willing to look past that stuff and actually enjoy the product quality that many others have to failed to achieve. It made me give a shit. I'm also not discrediting Hunter and Steph, but saying that they carried this angle is a joke to me.
HHH and Steph are COMPLETELY carrying the promo side of the feud, but they wouldn't be able to without Bryan to play off of. To think otherwise is being a full on mark.
The amount of heat they're getting is solely being carried by Bryan's presence. You give that to literally anyone else, it would be dead in the water. Maybe only Punk would gather that much heat. Maybe more. But I'm discrediting them, they are doing a GREAT job.
EDIT: Didn't read closely, promo side....i might give them the upper hand there. I can't blame Bryan still. I think they're flat out not letting him be the angry Bryan we love. His Backstage Pass promo was great btw. But yeah people will write that off also.
Yeah, I meant on the promo side only. What they do in the ring is only part of the feud. Are you kidding me with the "not letting him be the angry Bryan we love"? He's had many, many times to do that and it just came of dumb. I'm a Bryan fan and he's made me watch performers that I typically fast forward through, like Cena, Orton and Wyatt. I'm not just shitting on him, but I don't really see the point of him winning when he can get more fans on his side and hating Trips by losing.
I didn't see the Backstage Pass vid, but I'm sure it was just like Dolph's where he showed tremendous heart and courage. That's all good, but they never do that stuff when they need to in front of the televised cameras...when it counts.
It's like ya'll never seen a Bryan match before.
Ok look I'm not gonna say he's absolutely perfect, cause he isn't. But seeing him perform in the ring and all his matches garnering the biggest connection with the crowd is inarguably his biggest asset he has with the company and is something the company desperately needs right now. People are acting like his shit's gonna get boring once he's the champ, but they seem to always forget what his matches actually look like.
Yes, his gimmick is one dimesnional, and yes his lines aren't the greatest, but I (and apparently many others) are willing to look past that stuff and actually enjoy the product quality that many others have to failed to achieve. It made me give a shit. I'm also not discrediting Hunter and Steph, but saying that they carried this angle is a joke to me.
Taker's WM buildup is just fucking lazy, and has been for years.
Bryan is a great wrestler who was arguably shunned by Vince, and for that the IWC has adopted him... but with regards to his mic skills he is completely ordinary. IMO, the most interesting part of his whole feud the past few months is finding out just how good Steph is on the mic... I'm serious when I suggest she is almost on the same level as Heyman and Vince.
I love Stephanie. She's my dream woman.
Stuff gets way more scripted nowadays, as said by many others in the past. Bryan is just an unfortunate product of him having to follow said script at the satisfaction of the higher ups. He's not Punk. But to lead everything for him to not win the title is just BAD storytelling no matter how hard you spin it.
This shit ain't Game of Thrones and we joke about people leaving the product out of frustration but there will be alot of new eyeballs and to see the bad guys stand tall and have a shit show of an ending, will ultimately turn off said people. Now I can't speak for everyone but yeah fucked storytelling makes a fucked product.
She's not as good as her husband. Let alone Heyman.
Honestly the whole angle could have been done as effectively without her.
Bryan is a great wrestler who was arguably shunned by Vince, and for that the IWC has adopted him... but with regards to his mic skills he is completely ordinary. IMO, the most interesting part of his whole feud the past few months is finding out just how good Steph is on the mic... I'm serious when I suggest she is almost on the same level as Heyman and Vince.