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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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Randy dropping those beats.


I just want to say that, as much as I've been able to catch in this thread, you've had some hilarious posts that have been gone unsold. Just know I had good laughs, sir. :)

Even the MVP gets no sold sometimes. It's a fast moving thread.

It's funny. Even though this is such a memorable WM, every match except for HHH/Bryan has been trash.

Bray/Cena was good besides the bad finish. Battle royal was fun once it got down to 6 or so guys. I wasn't really paying any attention to the Divas match because I was peeing and then searching for gifs to make. Taker/Bork was garbage and the finish is the only thing that made it memorable. That shit was as bad as Taker/Giant Gonzalez and Taker/Bundy. Such a bummer to go out on such a bad match.


Good news it that the crowd is still reacting strong for Bryan, but only when he gets heat.

They should still get the big Yes chant at the end.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
No one in this ring looks cool or badass.

Between Batista's fake face, Orton's leather skin, and Daniel Bryan's manchild 'hair', it's just the worst. Commentary should make fun of them instead of fat people


The idea that Lesnar is a megastar is hilarious.

When he first returned after Wrestlemania 27, it took three weeks for the crowd to stop giving a shit. They give him Heyman and his crowd reactions are third or fourth at best.

Lesnar is the one guy who can have nuclear heat and not hurt the business IMO, and I suspect they have longer term plans with him.

Lesnar is only signed on until next year's WrestleMania. There are no long term plans with him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lol Bryan was too late on breaking up the pin so he just kind of slapped Dave on the back.


Uh hello, that's the problem. They have no stars because they haven't been able to create stars. What they did does nothing for them.

That's why they keep bringing back all these part timers (and less) because nobody gives a shit about anyone in the midcard except for Bryan, who even then I'm not convinced people really give a shit about.

I think they have a chance to build Cesaro up to something big if they do it correctly. The crowd is really beginning to respond to him, and I think the back respects the dude's ridiculous strength.


Uh hello, that's the problem. They have no stars because they haven't been able to create stars. What they did does nothing for them.

That's why they keep bringing back all these part timers (and less) because nobody gives a shit about anyone in the midcard except for Bryan, who even then I'm not convinced people really give a shit about.

That is why I'm nostalgic! I rather see people who can actually entertain a crowd than guys who can't fill a program.

Unfortunately, Jimmy Johns isn't one of them.


If this was just Orton vs Batista it would have been a fucking disaster crowd-wise...whenever Bryan's not involved the crowd is just dead.


Lesnar is only signed on until next year's WrestleMania. There are no long term plans with him.

One calender year is long term because WWE booking is centered around Mania season.

Watch him walk into Mania the champion, and because he won this match, whoever beats him gets a bigger rub.


I think this is ultimate Vince troll. You want Bryan to win? Fine, just have to do it after Brock breaks the streak.

[power struts out of creative meeting]

Haha, yeah. Appease the fans by letting Bryan win the title but ensure that it will forever be remembered as the WrestleMania when Taker lost.


Gold Member
Does anyone else think that Taker loss was a botch? Like even Brock looked shocked and the commentators went dead (waiting to be told what to say by vince) maybe Taker just ran out of steam and honestly couldn't kick out.


The way this crowd is reacting, if Bryan doesn't win, they better turn the winners theme up loud. I can see a "Fuck this shit" chant coming.


Does anyone else think that Taker loss was a botch? Like even Brock looked shocked and the commentators went dead (waiting to be told what to say by vince) maybe Taker just ran out of steam and honestly couldn't kick out.

They have ways of stopping the count in that case.


One calender year is long term because WWE booking is centered around Mania season.

Watch him walk into Mania the champion, and because he won this match, whoever beats him gets a bigger rub.

Pretty sure they're still planning Lesnar vs Rock for next year.

Smart money is on Lesnar beating Bryan at SummerSlam, and then Reigns beating Lesnar at Mania next year.
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