The only thing that really annoyed me about the opening was the announcing "WOW, WHAT A WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT... THIS IS A REAL WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT RIGHT HERE... PERHAPS THE GREATEST WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT OF ALL TIME!" It was absolutely insufferable and diminished what was happening. They need to stop trying to force feed that sort of thing and let the product speak for itself.
Wow. That kind of makes me think the finish was an audible by the Undertaker when he realized it was time to go. Odds are it isn't, but still.So what happened to Taker other than getting injured?
My friends who haven't watched wrestling in a long time loved that segment and kept anticipating more involvement from those 3. I tempered those expectations, but I think for a casual fan that was a great way to kick things off.
The only thing that really annoyed me about the opening was the announcing "WOW, WHAT A WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT... THIS IS A REAL WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT RIGHT HERE... PERHAPS THE GREATEST WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT OF ALL TIME!" It was absolutely insufferable and diminished what was happening. They need to stop trying to force feed that sort of thing and let the product speak for itself.
Oh god, I'm picturing Taker having something life threatening. Please let me be wrong.
Oh god yes. EVERYTHING was a Wrestlemania moment, and they were so keen to tell us what was a Wrestlemania Moment. Dammit.
What do you think happened. I called it from the start, they shoulda never put them in the ring because Brock isn't exactly delicate with people.
Wow. That kind of makes me think the finish was an audible by the Undertaker when he realized it was time to go. Odds are it isn't, but still.
Any word on what his condition is in the hospital?
The Silverdome even had a Wrestlemania moment and it wasn't even there.
cena/bray could of been a bit better. I think bray should have kicked out of an AA. Did he at one point? I don't recall. I don't think the finish was terrible though.
He did once.
I've heard he suffered a neck injury and concussion.
So great. Just another reason why this is the true main event... What a visual!
Too bad the crowd was shook as fuck for the final Bryan match![]()
ah okay
Actually, I think maybe erik or luke accidentally hitting bray with a chair and then cena capitalizing would have made for a better finish to the match. It was good but it really could have been better with a few tweaks. not to mention save some face for bray.
The reason for his trip to the hospital, where we were informed he will remain overnight, was to run tests to determine whether or not he suffered a concussion, as well as concerns that he suffered an apparent neck injury of some kind.
Undertaker’s injuries came during a spot early into the match where he took a bad fall off of a single-leg from Lesnar.
As far as the finish to the match is concerned, Undertaker’s potential injuries played no part in changing the originally designed outcome. The match went off as planned, with Lesnar scheduled to go over.
This is what over looks like.
Uhhhhhh, I haven't followed wrestling in years but I'm seeing quite a bit of this Undertaker streak thing on my FB feed and other places online. Help me understand what's the big deal here, GAF? It's all pre-fabricated anyway so the streak is ultimately meaningless?
Beautiful. Time to spread this around.
Disney would never.Imagine Luke Skywalker getting his head chopped off by a lightsaber in Star Wars Episode 7. That's what the equivalent of Undertaker losing the streak is the equivalent of to most wrestling fans.
So I learned last night that Cesaro is what WWE wished Roman Reigns was. If they could transplant Roman's hair to Cesaro, Vince would die of happiness.
So I learned last night that Cesaro is what WWE wished Roman Reigns was. If they could transplant Roman's hair to Cesaro, Vince would die of happiness.
I feel like Vince is still trying to come up with a manly first name to give Cesaro.
This is sad.
I love the Undertaker. He's been one of my favorites of all time, especially heel Badass Undertaker. But this is what happens when you keep a guy around longer than needed. Either one of two things happens, he dies(Mitsuharu Misawa) or the myth is exposed. The myth that an old body gets worked and has to give out eventually. There was no glory here. Undertaker should have been done a while ago. He shouldn't have felt compelled to do what the fans want in exchange for his health.
But sadly those same fans that will surely blame Brock for any injury will quickly beg and demand Undertaker to have another match. They will wear this poor man into the ground, and he will feel compelled to do it because they won't just let him leave.
I feel like Vince is still trying to come up with a manly first name to give Cesaro.
So I learned last night that Cesaro is what WWE wished Roman Reigns was. If they could transplant Roman's hair to Cesaro, Vince would die of happiness.
I really just wish the build up for it was better. Remember how after the 2nd HHH match how Taker wasn't able to leave the ring under his own power? If they would have shown Undertaker as weak and vulnerable going into the Brock match instead of booking him like early 90s unstoppable Undertaker, it would have been a better way for it to all go down.
I hope they transfer Reign's super mega push to Cesaro. Dude is a main eventer, it's fucking obvious. We know he can have a 5 star match with Bryan (and Cena!) too... can't say the same about Reigns.
Face Shield is a good thing that they need to keep going with. Cesaro singles era starts now. I think he will be the most over person tonight at Raw.
What I wanted was for Cena to at least cut Darth Vader's hand off instead of just being Jedi from start to finish.
Man I hope he is OK, this is getting weird now.So what happened to Taker other than getting injured?
"John Cesaro, now I like that! It's got a real ring to it... Goddamn it, get the factories working on that merch!" -Vince, soon following the Raw After Mania Cesaro pop.I feel like Vince is still trying to come up with a manly first name to give Cesaro.
This is sad.
I love the Undertaker. He's been one of my favorites of all time, especially heel Badass Undertaker. But this is what happens when you keep a guy around longer than needed. Either one of two things happens, he dies(Mitsuharu Misawa) or the myth is exposed. The myth that an old body gets worked and has to give out eventually. There was no glory here. Undertaker should have been done a while ago. He shouldn't have felt compelled to do what the fans want in exchange for his health.
But sadly those same fans that will surely blame Brock for any injury will quickly beg and demand Undertaker to have another match. They will wear this poor man into the ground, and he will feel compelled to do it because they won't just let him leave.
from pwinsiderThere were rumors among the talent backstage at WrestleMania XXX that The Undertaker was supposed to kick out or that the finish to his match with Brock Lesnar was botched but as we've noted, that's not the case. The finish was planned but was kept from people even very high up in WWE's marketing and production departments. WWE officials were very afraid of the finish leaking and it's said only a small circle of 4-6 people were aware.
Vince McMahon actually missed the WrestleMania main event and Daniel Bryan's big win because he left his post to ride with Taker to the hospital in the back of the ambulance. Vince left it up to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to run the rest of the show, all while playing a role in the main event as well.
So what happened to Taker other than getting injured?
They did that in the promos. Sadly, WWE doesn't know how to book a dominant monster heel anymore.
Vince McMahon actually missed the WrestleMania main event and Daniel Bryan's big win because he left his post to ride with Taker to the hospital in the back of the ambulance. Vince left it up to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to run the rest of the show, all while playing a role in the main event as well.
Well, it's a good thing Vince was already at the hospital when he found out a 5'10" hipster from Washington won the title.Vince McMahon gonna be like
Well, it's a good thing Vince was already at the hospital when he found out a 5'10" hipster from Washington won the title.
Well, it's a good thing Vince was already at the hospital when he found out a 5'10" hipster from Washington won the title.
Well, it's a good thing Vince was already at the hospital when he found out a 5'10" hipster from Washington won the title.
I meant it's an injury that can be recovered from, and less serious than the myriad of other rumored injuries that may have happened (such as a broken neck).Enfinit: no such thing as a "non-serious" concussion.
Touche.In the post Benoit world, every concussion is serious