Dark Ninja
Thank you CM Punk for saving us from having to watch a Shaemus match. Glad he got stuck in that battle royal
How was HBK breaking the streak going to be a historic moment that would WORK? There was ZERO reason that HBK should have won either of those matches. Him not being able to beat Taker was kind of the entire point of a 2 year angle. What's the point of having a retiring guy break the streak? It doesn't help him. It can't help anyone else. It's a big waste. And he and Taker are both old school dudes who go out putting people over when they leave the territory. That's how shit always worked. HBK's slow walk out at 26 was much bigger of a moment than if he had broken the streak.
Brock has no charisma? Are you fucking for real?
I guess it must have been a great Wrestlemania if the only thing I can really hate were the constant stupid plugs for Mountain Dew.
Where did I say Brock had no charisma? I said he is boring.
Top shelf guys WWE has:
Cody Rhodes
Good dudes:
Curtis Axel
Ryback (suck it, I think he's enjoyable)
El Matadors
Plus a number of women who can put on good matches when given the time. This isn't even taking NXT into consideration. I can't think of a time when WWE had so few guys that weren't any good. The problem right now is lack of engaging storylines and boring booking. The wrestling is at an extremely high level and is only going to get better.
Where did I say Brock had no charisma? I said he is boring.
If anything, I think deferring to Paul in promos works for and against him. He just looks rice-cake boring when he just stands there and lets Paul to all the talking, but at the same time, he's thrived far more during this comeback having Paul in his corner again.
To me, his real weakness is integrating all of this MMA-ish crap into his repertoire.
Not to mention Reigns is getting a push regardless of what we want. A ton of those guys are over as shit too.
I don't even know where to begin with this.Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
I don't even know where to begin with this.
To be fair Brock Lesnar's best promos there were when he threatened to make his opponents piss themselves. A God of promos in a world populated by dullards.Brock did his own promos in UFC, and he was fine. Having Paul there is probably just to keep Paul active and have him earn his check. Paul is the best at what he does tho, so it doesn't hurt anyone imo
To be fair Brock Lesnar's best promos there were when he threatened to make his opponents piss themselves. A God of promos in a world populated by dullards.
So now that the emotion has had a chance to settle, what's WrestleGAFs final verdict on Taker putting over Lesnar?
I still think it was a terrible decision. If you were going to give it to a part timer, at least give it to Rock. However if anyone ultimately deserved it, it was Michaels. It would've been the perfect ending to his career.
An underrated moment of the night was the fans singing the Real American's theme after the battle royal like they did with Fandanger's last year and also last night.
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
I still can't get behind this... especially because it's rooted in some xenophobic characters and a little more than borderline racist stuff.
I'm really surprised that people have latched onto this chant and are using it.
This is the most important wrestling of all time:
He didn't move since Undertaker lost. He is the Mega Mark.
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Sony Pony confirmed.In the opening match, Triple H tore the cover off the English announce table, sending the Mountain Dew bottles flying.
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
Oh, I'm sorry, you caught me drinking my delicious Mountain Dew. It's a good thing I had this delicious Mountain Dew after that match. Delicious Mountain Dew saved my voice!
He's not, dude just needs more moves. They should have kept him in a tag team with Rollins, but then again, I really like Rollins and Ambrose as a team.I think Reigns isn't half bad.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Sony Pony confirmed.
It's all about the games.
I think the most underrated moment of the night, after rewatching it, is the Wyatt entrance. So good.
Imagine thinking the aspirational Shooting Star Press is the Shooting Star Press of Billy Kidman.
At least Brock moved forward on his botched one.
There are a number of reasons and they are all pretty easy to understand.
1. People love to chant catch phrases
2. Zeb is hilariously of the top and cartoony with his racism. He's a caricature of super right wing nutballs and it is fun to watch
3. Cesaro is fucking dope
4. The music is fucking dope
Get it, and I know I'm overthinking it... but by chanting, aren't you identifying? Aren't you basically saying "I'm a cartoony racist" too?
Cesaro is fucking dope, Swagger is pretty good too, Zeb is a great character and the music is awesome. I like them... I just think that chanting is a weird identification thing... and by extension, you're taking on that role.
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, got the WWE network to watch some of the older PPVs that I remember from when I was a kid (like WrestleMania 12 and the shawn michaels zip line thing). I figure I'd watch this years Mania just because and while the first tag match was good the rest was bad. Like holy shit HHH with short hair, Cena over coming the odds (again), fucking Kane with hair and slacks getting squashed by the Big Boss man kids. Also fucking Taker looking like a lost old man in the supermarket getting beat clean as a sheet by the Billy Kidman wanna be Brock Lesnar. Fuck wrestling...
Steph is still super hot though...
Cesaro is Swiss. The entire gimmick since he joined the team is that they're enormous hypocrites.
Look at this shit. LOOK AT IT. It's glorious.